Task Host Window Message At Shutdown?

Nov 4, 2009

Windows 7 32-bit Why do I get the following message every time I shut down?

"(Waiting for) Task Host Window Task host is executing shutdown tasks, and stopping tasks that are already running"

There are NO tasks running. This has been going on for days now. What causes this crappy annoyance and how can I fix it?

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Unable To Shutdown / Waiting For Task Host Window?

Jan 19, 2013

From a couple of days, I've the problem that SOMETIMES (not always), when I shutdown the system, appear the message concerning the system is waiting the closing of Task Host process, but I'm forced to close manually from there, because the waiting is useless.The message should be this: "1 program still needs to close: (Waiting for) Task Host Window".It happen only from 7-10 days, and Revo Uninstaller report that in last days I only install some games and these programs:

DivX Pro 6.8.0 VFW
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
Microsft XNA Framework

Probably, all programs installed with some game.How can I do? I tried the exact version of hotfix here: http:(url) but it doesn't install because it's probably already installed (I have SP1).I want to avoid to restore an old statut with System Restore. I have Windows 7 x64 with SP1 and latest updates for everything.

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Console Window Host Error

Feb 10, 2013

console window host has stopped working, this message always pop up on laptop screen, please help me fixed this problem. im using window 7 ultimate os.

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Laptop During Shutdown Always Getting Force Shutdown Message?

Jan 26, 2013

i am always getting force shut down message whenever i processed shut down process.

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Task Manager No Shutdown?

Jul 22, 2011

My windows 7 dell laptop hung on an application, no responsive desktop, no hitting start menu - nothing. I went to task manager and found NO Shutdown Option tab - I'm use to xp which had options under Shutdown, like restart, etc. So how do you shut down windows safely? I had to hold the power button until it turned off. On restart of course I got the dos window "windows did not shut down properly. Do you want to start in safe mode, or hit enter for the highlighted start windows normally

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Windows 7 Task Scheduler To Shutdown PC?

May 28, 2011

I have some knowledge on setting up a task to shutdown the system at a specified time everyday using the Task Scheduler in Windows 7. However, I would like the option to have a "1 minute warning" that system is shutting down so that I can cancel it if I am currently using it. How would i go about this? For example: I have it scheduled at 10pm to turn off. However, I am still on the computer at 9:59. I would like some dialogue to come up and give me the option to cancel and I will just shutdown the computer when I'm done.

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Task Scheduler Worked One Time Shutdown?

Jan 15, 2013

I have Windows 7 ultimate installed. I used the Task scheduler one time to do a Shutdown of it set at 10pm it worked fine one night now when i set it for a different day it does not work anymore. i have the right trigger, time and date etc set correctly WTH.

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Taskeng.exe Suddenly Showing Up As Window When Run A Scheduled Task

Oct 14, 2012

Since I built this computer in 2010 I've had a scheduled task which runs a VBS script to remind me to take my tablets each morning. Until the last few days, only one element was visible from this task, the message box spawned by the VBS script.However, in the last few days, I also get a taskeng.exe window appearing at exactly the same time as the message box. The window is labelled taskeng.exe, has a VBS scripting host icon and the content of the window is pure black.If I terminate taskeng.exe in Task Manager or click OK in the VBS message box, both the VBS script and that black window disappear.I have no idea what might have caused taskeng.exe to only appear in this situation, because MSI AfterBurner also uses it to start the app during user login and it doesn't appear for that.

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Getting Task Validation Error Message

Feb 8, 2013

I never to into the Task Scheduler but today I did and got the following: "Task validation task: The task image is corrupt or has been tampered with" Seems to be a fairly common error from from what I can determine - and I have no experience with dealing with the registry and am reluctant to do so.

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Windows 7 - Phantom Shutdown Window Pops Up

Jan 22, 2011

I am using Windows 7. When I shut down my computer, I see this phantom transparent window pop up immediately and close within less than a half second. I have looked at my windows processes and even done searches to see if I can generate a shutdown log, but get no clear answer on how to identify what the window is from. My internet searches get me nowhere as becuase all I get it security functions of logging in and logging out of Windows.

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Window Has Recovered From An Unexpected Shutdown In Windows 7

Dec 28, 2011

I have Dell Laptop M1530...Just upgrade from Vista home premium to window 7 Home Premium couple weeks ago.

Now when I turn on my Laptop it suddenly shut down by it self and when re-started it up and it shutdown by itself again, and again, messege said : "window has recovered from an unexpected shutdown in window 7".

I attached a Minidump files.

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Getting Window Boot Manager Message

Oct 31, 2011

I have window 7 64 bits works on hp pavilion dv3 laptop The problem is that every time I push F2 or F4 or F4 or F6 .....F8 F10 .......etc I see the "window boot manager " screen it does not work like before whereas every single key takes you to a specific screen How to get rid of this problem ?

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Setting Custom Shutdown Message

Apr 1, 2012

I'm new to windows development work.and I've Windows 7 installed. Now, I want to set a custom shutdown message - a custom message that I want to appear for sometime after I click the Shutdown button. Actually, my prob is that I've a portable mouse and keyboard. I always forget to turn it off after shutting down. I think that doesn't matter. This is a good discussion if there are programmers here. I also tried scripting, compiling and using registry hackers but really it didn't help.

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Stop Command Line Window Message From Closing

Mar 29, 2010

I have a problem running a task with Task Scheduler. The task doesn't run. I have to debug it. When I try to make it run from the app a message appears on a command line message, but it appears and disappears so quickly that I can't read it. To fix the problem I need to read it to know what is going on.Can someone please tell me how to stop that command line window message from closing, please?

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Error Message:Windows 7 Has Recovered From An Unexpected Shutdown?

May 3, 2012

Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown. A problem has caused windows to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if a solution is available.This happens multiple times a day... generally in the background.What do you recommend? All my drivers seem to be OK in the Device Mgr.

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Automatic PC Restart With Windows Not Shutdown Correctly Message

Sep 22, 2010

Sometimes my PC automatic restart. I never click restart button. Why is that? How do I overcome this matter? When windows starting it show "Windows is not shutdown correctly. Start normal screen. *Windows never show "Error message" in this process.

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Computer Turned Off - Force Shutdown Message In Windows 7

Aug 22, 2011

When I turn off my laptop there is a message that tells "a programme is still running, do you want to have a forced shut down?" But there aren't any programmes running in start task manager.

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Task Windows 7 To Run Windows Backup On Shutdown?

Jun 25, 2012

Basically, my data isn't important enough to require anything more than a daily backups and I shut down my computer every day. At the same time, it's a severe annoyance to have Windows Backup come up and bog down my performance if I'm in the middle of something (gaming, usually). So why the heck can't I just schedule Windows Backup to run when I shut down my compute?For the life of me, I can't see why they make this difficult to do. Too many cooks at Microsoft?

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Windows 7 Cannot Format Memory Card Message Appear Window Was Unable To Format

Jun 25, 2012

Windows 7 cannot format memory card message appear window was unable to format

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"Preparing Security Options" Message After Attempted Shutdown?

Aug 26, 2012

I've never experienced this message before. I have not had a virus or malware be detected in a year. This came up when I tried to close KVIRC, an IRC client program and turn off my laptop via the power button.Was this a glitch or something? I'm really hoping it isn't a virus. I haven't experienced any performance issues so..I should add the laptop appeared to freeze. I powered down, rebooted, and everything seemed to run normally.UPDATE: Microsoft security essentials picked something up with a full system scan. Not sure if the 3 viruses were related.

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Creating A Task Scheduler Task To Move Files Over A Network?

Mar 31, 2011

i need to have a task run that will move the contents of a folder from one computer to another over my home LAN. Files get downloaded during the night on one computer and then need to be transfered to another. Usually I am doing this by hand, but then though maybe I could get the task scheduler to do it for me.I understand how to create a task, however I am having trouble with the action tab. I was thinking that I should start windows explorer (where is explorer located for win 7 x64 machines?) under the action tab, but once I do this I am not sure how to tell explorer to check the source folder, select all the files in it and then move it to the target folder.

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Game Runs From Task Manager With New Task Not From Shortcut Or Exe?

Sep 24, 2012

I have installed this game, Singularity. The game worked fine for a week then suddenly It would crash as soon as it was opened from the desktop shortcut. The game is patched to it's latest version, I have direct x all other runtimes and PhysX installed from the CD. The shortcut it set to run as Admin in compatibility. No matter if i try with the desktop shortcut or from the exe in the folder or from the shortcut in the start menu the game will crash asap. The only way this game runs is by pulling up task manager and selecting New Task then browsing to the games exe. Malwarebytes reports no viruses or any malware. Tried reinstalling, and it didn't help.

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Missing Task In Task Scheduler After Computer Name Change?

Apr 11, 2012

Setting up a new Windows 7 install and goofed up the computer name and didnt immediately notice. I had already setup a task to run upon logon when I noticed that the PC's name was all jacked. So I changed the pc's name and rebooted. After reboot the task disappeared from the task scheduler list but still runs. Is there anyway to remove this ghost task when it is no longer visible in the task scheduler?I thought about changing the name back temporarily to see if the task would show up but I have no idea what that name was, so that is not an option.

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Task Scheduler Error 2147944309 When I Change Task From

Oct 10, 2009

I have a simple task (cmd batch file). Whenever I try to change the settings I get a dialog box that reads as follows:"An error has occurred for task RemoteBk. Error message: The following error was reported: 2147944309".

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Kill A Task Using A Task Scheduler On Windows 7?

May 14, 2011

programme a task scheduler to kill a programme at a specific time on wwwin7 other that using softwares like kill task

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Task Scheduler Not Running Missed Task

Mar 2, 2011

When i set task scheduler to run a program it works. But if the pc is not on at the time it will not run unless task scheduler is opened.It is set to run as soon as poss after scheduled time and task scheduler itself starts and runs properly

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Adding 'open In New Window' To Search Results, & Opening In New Window?

Feb 16, 2012

Whenever I search in Windows 7, I want to have the ability to open found folders in a new window. If I r-click, that option is not there. Is there a way to add this to Windows 7?

Also: When I go to 'open file location', the file's folder opens in the same window - highly annoying. In Vista, it opens in a new window. Anyway to change this behvior in Windows 7 to act like Vista, so the file opens in a new window?

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Task Scheduler - Create New Task

Jul 16, 2009

How to Create a Automated Task that Runs at a Set Time in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 64bits Task Scheduler, The Selected Task "{0}" No Longer Exists

Oct 3, 2012

So I don't know when this: "the selected task "{0}" no longer exists. to see the current task, click refresh" error started but I don't know how to repair this.
When I start task scheduler I first get this error and than no matter what folder I click the error pops up again. After this 2nd error it doesn't pop up anymore but all the folders show up empty.

Tried fixes:

Emptying all task folders in C:WindowsSystem32Tasks Download Fix My Task Scheduler 1.0 Free - Repair all Task Scheduler errors - Softpedia
/sfc scannow
Programs believed to cause this issue:

Sadly I have both

it causes some programs to not boot correctly. Like MSIafterburner gives an error, so I have to go to the config settings of MSIafterburner because it tries to boot using the taskscheduler really weird I know :/

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Mouse Opens A Window, However Cannot Click Inside The Window

Aug 22, 2012

I am running into an issue where I can open a window/program with my mouse however once the window is open I cannot click inside of it. The window becomes inactive. I also have noticed I cannot right click on my desktop to bring up the properties. I can right click on the window in the task bar to close it but not in the window. Since this is happening I am limited to command prompt. I ran sfc /scannow with no errors. I tried with 3 different mice. I booted the computer into safe mode with command prompt and brought up the device manager to show devices not in use, and when the device manager window opened I could click inside it! since I could use the window I uninstalled all mouse drivers, and reinstalled my microsoft wireless usb mouse driver.. while in this safe mode I changed my mouse properties to system default as I read somewhere that can reset things. Next I booted the computer in safe mode (without command prompt) and still the same thing. I was trying to do a restore point as well however my Kaspersky antivirus 2012 is preventing that as i cannot find a way to kill the program through command prompt.

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SLOW Boot And Shutdown After Forced Shutdown During Windows 7 Upgrade?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a ASUS Laptop with Intel I3 processer and Windows 7 Home Premium. I recently had a forced shutdown during a Windows upgrade session. Ever since then the Boot and Shutdown times have increased to over 15 minutes. I have run the msconfig unticking all but the antivirus (Kaspersky) and it still takes >15 min to boot and Shutdown. Is there something I can do before I decide to reinstall Windows &. (I dont have a install disk.) The software came with the Computer and I have the OEM code (Bought at Best Buy)

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