System Does Not Boots "Mark Partition As Active"

May 27, 2010

I have a HP dv3-2314tx laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit OS which has two disk drives(C,D). D for recovery. C drive contains OS and all my files. In Disk Management I marked C drive as "Mark Partition as Active". It was sowing some warning. But I pressed OK button. Now my laptop is not boots. What should I do? Should I reinstall my OS or any solution available?

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Partition - Mark As Active

Oct 11, 2010

How to Mark a Partition as Active in Windows 7 ?

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Delete Active System Partition?

Apr 23, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 on my D: drive. I have placed a NEW installation on my C: drive besides it.See the attached image.I ONLY use the W7 on the C: drive now, so I want to delete my D: partition completely (416GB).HOWEVER, I see that it is labeled: "System, Active, Primary Partition".Can I just format this drive and will my PC still boot or do I have to take particular steps?

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Cannot Delete An Active System Partition

Oct 12, 2010

I have always only used it to store data, so why is Windows 7 telling me it is a system partition? Did Windows put data on the drive and start using it without even asking me?At first I tried just unplugging the drive, but then Windows would not boot, so clearly it needs it for some reason.

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Possible To Set An Active Partition On USB Flash?

Nov 30, 2010

Just a quick one, i have a 2gb usb flash pen, bascially what i am tryng to do is create a small active partition on it so i can copy my Active Boot files over and boot from the drive. Really want to give this application a try heard good things about it. I just cant seem to find a way to set an active partition or if its even possible?

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Marking Partition As Active?

Oct 12, 2011

I have a single Hard disk drive in my laptop which is divided into two partitions and in one partition is Windows vista Starter installed when I bought it..So I decided to use Multi boot and I installed Windows 7 Ultimate in the other partition...Now my question is can I safely Mark my partition as Active where Windows 7 is installed?

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Win 7 Installation Boots Into Recovery Partition

Nov 3, 2009

My boot menu originally consists of Vista (C:) and recovery partition (D:). To install Windows 7, I shrank C and made a separate partition (W:)

Now I have 3 partitions: Vista (C:), New Simple Volume (W:), Recovery (D:).

I installed Windows 7 to the (W:), and it reboots a few times during installation. My situation goes as follows:

Initial installation---Reboot (1 of 3)---bypasses the boot menu and continues installation---Reboot (2 of 3)---boot menu shows up and I can choose to continue the installation of Windows 7, or go to Vista. When I choose Windows 7, it finishes installation---Reboot (3 of 3)---No boot menu is shown. Computer boots into recovery partition.

Why is this happening? Repairing Windows 7 or Vista using recovery partition doesn't help either. It basically just forms a loop by booting to the recovery every time.

Interestingly, the only way I can start Vista again is by reinstalling Windows 7 and wait until the boot menu screen show up after the reboot (2 of 3).

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Change Active Partition Disk 0?

Nov 1, 2011

On my computers' Disk 0 I have two main partitions. The computer is "Dual Boot".

Partition A - Windows 2003 server OS (System, Active, Primary Partition)
Partition B - Windows 7 OS (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)

I want to lose Partition A (Windows 2003 OS) and use if for something else or just simply reclaim the drive space. However I can't because ( as I understand it) it's the "Active Partition"I did a some research and I've read I can change the Active Partition using "Disk Management". When I right click on the Windows 7 partition I see the option "Mark Partition as Active".

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition - Installation Error

Dec 28, 2011

I have my HP Laptop which came with Windows Vista as the OS. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 so I bought Windows 7 from my local store.I entered the disc and did boot from CD. It reached to the page where it shows the disk partition. I deleted the partitions and created new one. However, whenever I create the partition, it creates a primary one and gives me error saying Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.

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Whenever System Boots It Asks To Choose Operating System

Nov 22, 2012

whenever i boot my pc i starts making sounds for like 15 secs and later asks me t choose my operating. this started wheni removed my battery for like 3 weeks and then inserted it back. am using acer mini.

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Windows 7 Boots Into Startup Repair After Moving Partition

Aug 28, 2012

My Windows 7 now refuses to boot properly and now only boots into startup repair. This started happening after I shrunk and moved the /dev/sda2 partition (on my computer, the C: drive), so I could install Ubuntu. I did notice that Windows failed to boot but I was stupid and didn't fix as soon as I realized. I installed Ubuntu (and with it, Grub) and now Windows just boots into Startup Repair which just says it can't do anything and then displays some HP software that gives me a few options (none of which has helped). It may be important to note that I have the option to go to the command prompt.

I have tried all the fixes I have found on the internet (such as the various bootrec.exe commands) to no avail and am becoming desperate!

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Set Blank Partition To Active Primary On Accident, Now Won't Boot?

Jun 7, 2012

I just bought a cheap laptop from Walmart yesterday with windows 7. I am not a fan of it so I wanted to see if I could dual boot windows xp. Luckly it is a IDE machine not sata. So I Downloaded a copy of windows xp (I have a license key for all the people who would shun me for it, it is paid for). Well when I was making a new partition to install windows xp on I set the new partition to active, rebooted and wala, my computer won't boot because I'm a bone head sometimes. I have access to another windows 7 comp that is Extremly slow and I put emphasis on Extremly

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Multiple Drives Cause 'no Active Partition Found' Error

Sep 18, 2012

I have had my system up and running with Windows 7 for at least four or five months. I have four drives in an mATX case. Yesterday, while it was idle, I saw it flash a BSOD and then rebooted. when it restated it displayed the following Error: "No active partition found. Reboot your computer." Which I did several times to no avail. Next, I used the install disk to try to "repair" the or ten times, no luck. Also, no drives were listed in the window at repair prompt. So, I pulled all the cables on all the drives but the one containing the system and voilas! here I am writing to you without issue and without three of my drives. I have two other sata drives in addition to my system sata drive. one IDE drive on the system.

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Lost Drive Letter On Healthy (Active, Recovery Partition)?

Oct 19, 2012

I am running Windows Ultimate 32 bit. I have 2 SATA Hard Drives (one with OS), 2 SATA DVD and Blu-Ray Drives and 1 IDE Hard Drive which is configured as a slave.Second - I needed to do some hard drive trouble shooting for another computer that had a (possibly) dead IDE Hard Drive. To do this I shut down my computer, and attached the (supposedly) dead IDE Hard Drive in its place.Now - all the trouble began.After booting into the Bios, I noticed the supposedly dead hard drive did not register even though it was spinning. I kept booting into the OS to see if it would be recognized in any case - it was not.I put my working IDE Hard Drive back in - after shutting down and removing the dead IDE Hard Drive.I booted back into the BIOS and noticed my good IDE Hard Drive wasn't being recognized either. I then went into advanced Bios settings and walla - it saw my hard drive but said I needed to reboot.After rebooting I noticed the same thing with the Bios, but this time proceeded to boot into the OS.After signing on, I noticed my Good Hard Drive was no longer recognized in Explorer. I went into Administrator and Computer Management and then into Disk Management.

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Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition

Aug 13, 2012

I have a copy of windows 7 from a friend. (USB, possibly enterprise)It runs well, is official and can be re installed and is verified through the Microsoft site, so the media doesn't seem to be a problem.I was able to install Win7 Ult x64 on my WinVista HomePrem x86, but I went back through to clean the hard drive (it was full, I didn't format before) and after low level formatting I cannot reinstall the OS. The harddrives are completely empty, and I get stuck at "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition," after hitting next when you are selecting the HD partition to install on. I tried a couple of things already:

-Installing on another harddrive
-Formatting using Hiren's bootcd
-Using a hard drive with XP installed to see if it is an upgrade and not a full version (no luck, still wouldn't install)
-diskpart > list disk > select disk 0 > list partition > active \ in cmd..I have three hard drives attached to the computer right now, they can't all be broken. T.T

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"Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition"

Jun 7, 2012

Recently my SSD failed so I tried installing windows 7 from DVD on my HDD but I always get an error message: "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition."I've tried everything I could find here: I gave boot priority to the HDD, I unplugged every other device but nothing seems to work.

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Move System Reserve Partition To System Partition C:

Jun 28, 2012

Through a series of shenanigans involving experiments with mirroring on Windows 7 64 bit using Disk Management, and then subsequently removing the mirror after having recurring errors/problems with the synching, My 100MB System Reserve partition has ended up on a separate partition than my system image. For instance: Disk 1 System C: Healthy (Boot, page...) Disk 0 Healthy (System Reserved...).

In addition, the System Reserved partition has been assigned a drive letter "G:" or "E:" and is now visible in explorer and it won't allow me to remove it and supress from explorer view.

I'd like to

1) move/create the System Reserve partition to Disk 1 (with System C: drive)

2) remove the System Reserve partition from Disk 0 to free it all up as a data drive

Do I use command below to create a System Reserve on Disk 1? bcdboot C:Windows How do I then delete the System Reserve partition on Disk 0. Also a byproduct of all of this, when I reboot now, I have a "Windows 7" option and a "Windows 7 Secondary Plex" option. The "Windows 7" option no longer boots (it's stops while the logo panes are flying in circles to form the logo and goes into a fix loop that never fixes it). I have a feeling it's looking for the old mirrored hardware configuration or something. However, "Window 7 Secondary Plex" option does boot just fine. Do I use MSCONFIG to remove the "Windows 7" boot entry so I don't get this annoying option at boot?

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System Boots To Black Screen With Mouse Pointer?

Dec 13, 2011

I tried a registry tweak to fix my home networking issues and came up with a major fail. Long story short, I changed the rpcedptmapper value and the system won't boot.I put the HDD in a cradle and it won't get recognized. HP in all their wisdom, sets the recovery disk to obliterate the entire HDD even if you created a separate boot partition

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System Immediately Boots To Startup Repair - No Access To F8

Jan 4, 2013

So lately my computer's firewall has decided to not work so I searched around and eventually concluded on doing a upgrade reinstall. As I didn't want to lose any of my files, drivers or programs. All seemed like it went well until the computer rebooted for the last time before it reaches the " Setting up for first use " dialog Though before this was able to happen the computer went into a reboot loop with bsod 0x0000001E

After a large amount of reluctant clicking The computer NOW only boots to the System Recovery Options window and the ONLY option is Startup Repair ; There is NO command prompt no diagnostics, nothing, Just Startup Repair, in which start up repair is unable to do anything and continues to loop itself with a Don't send dialog

I have tried inserting the installation disk and accessing the Repair Computer but it presents an incompatibility error.

I have no F8 menu at all, (no safe mode, which I can't access anyway because the computer can't set up for first use).

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HP Laptop No Operation System Found Boots Only With Installation Disc

Jun 28, 2011

I have a HP dv9920us. A month ago I upgraded to win7 from vista. Everything was working fine until a couple of days ago when returning from work I found a black screen and an error message " no operating system found". No attention paid since I thought that my hdd went bad. So got a new one installed it but got the same message. So went into BIOS and saw that no hdd was detected. My laptop has 2 sata ports so I changed port and to my relive BIOS recognized my hdd in this 2nd port leading me to believe that the first port had gone bad. I did a clean win7 install. Everything went fine. Installed drivers etc no problem. During the first boot after and right after the post message the laptop just suddenly shut down and rebooted and then shut down again just after the post message. This loop went on for a couple of times and finally ended to a black screen with the message " no operating system found". Checked the BIOS again and the hdd was there. Booted the machine with the installation dvd in the drive this time and after the same loop for a couple of times (boot-post message- shut down- reboot ) instead of going to the no "operating system found" it continued and loaded win7. I've performed every possible test that I know for checking memory, hdd etc and everything looks good. The bottom line is that now the only way that I can use my laptop is to boot it with the installation disc in and it loads and works perfectly. If I try to boot it without the disc I end up with the "no operating system found".

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Windows 7 Little Brother Damages System / Only Guests Accounts Remain Active

Jun 13, 2012

Ive been working on the administrator account for more than 2 years, left it as it was yesterday. When I came back my account was assigned with guest authorization instead of administrator's. While I was working on my administrator account I disabled Super Administrator account and therefore now I am unable to log into it. My little brother account is just another guest account. So as far as I know there are two guests accounts somehow, 0 administrator accounts, and 1 super administrator account which is disabled. How can I restore my account to its previous settings?

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Cannot Mirror System Boot Partition On Unallocated Partition

Dec 18, 2012

I have Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit installed on DELL desktop (Optiplex 990) i7 Core. I have two HDD: Disk 0 contains the operating system 500GB. and Disk 1 empty 1TB.

I want to make a partition on disk 1 to mirror the operating system partition and keep the remaining for data storage. I tried to do but I had the following error message: "All disks holding extents for a given volume must have the same sector size, and the sector size must be valid."

I tried to attach a screen shot but couldn't.

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The Partition Table Does Not Have A Valid System Partition

Jul 24, 2011

I wanted to resize a partition, so I backuped all important files and booted from a vista PE CD. The program used is called "Easeus". After the resizing a message appeared, which told me that the system information couldnt be updated. After a restart, it - well, it didnt restarted. I tryed to format my C:Windows partition, but Easus decided to randomly format my linux partitin, too. Yey. After that i just formated everything, so i can create one big partition so this never happens again :P. To put it in a nutshel, there is no way to boot besides from booting from a cd. The diagnostic tool of the fabricator is giving me the "error code: BIOHD-3 No bootable drives detected" message.I tried to fix it with a win7 repair disk (just realized, that the disk is for 64bit, i have a 32 bit os - i think it doesnt matter, because there isnt any os installed at all). I used pretty much every "bootrec" command, sucessful, but no change. The startup repair gave this message: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" diskpart - act isnt helping either: "The specified partition type is not valid for this operation."I dont know if i could install any os from a disk - i dont have a bootable installation cd/dvd. Because of that i would be happy if someone can tell me where i can find a free os and how i install it. From a os i can install my win 7.

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Change The System Partition From XP Partition To Windows 7?

Apr 10, 2012

I currently have a dual boot on my computer with Windows 7 and XP. Unfortunately as my computer is quite old my hard drive is not very big and with it being partitioned I am fast running out of disk space. So I tried to shrink the XP partition to allow me more disk space for Windows 7. Unfortunatley this would only let me shrink it by 83mb for some reason. I decided that since I barely use XP anymore that I would simply reformat the XP drive then try and merge them together. When I tried to format the partition it just gave the error "Windows was unable to complete the format". I then discovered in Disk Management that the Windows XP partition was the system partition which was causing the problem.

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Installation - Partition - Why A 100MB System Partition ?

Oct 22, 2009

I have started the installation process of windows 7 on a clean 1 TB hard drive. In order to ensure expediency of the read time of my primary drive, I choose the custom installation. When I did I partioned the drive as 250GB & 700GB. Hoever it also created a 100MB system partition on its own. It never did this in Vista. Is it suppose to do that?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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Way To Make A Partition NOT A System Partition?

Jul 2, 2010

I recently acquired a 60GB SSD and want to migrate my current system hard drive to the new drive. However, when I go to the Windows Backup manager to create a system image, it wants me to copy ALL of C partition and ALL of D, when it should only be C.D drive is full of a bunch of crap that I do not want included in the system image.If there even are system files on D, by no means is copying the entire partition necessary!Therefore, is there any way to make partition D NOT a system partition?

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"setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing Partition"

Jun 8, 2011

A friend has asked me to install Widows 7 on a friends laptop which has XP. The laptop doesn't have a DVD drive (no drive at all) so I've had to stick the installer on a USB stick from disc using a program.The USB boots up fine on the laptop, just like a disc. I formatted 2 partitions (same drive) and tried to install windows 7 but I get this error:"setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing partition"So now, I have someone else's laptop with no OS. The owner is a 70 year old computer illiterate man.i'm planning on trying to install Vista instead and if successful, upgrade to 7. I would have upgraded in the 1st place, but P can't be directly upgraded to 7.

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How To Mark Thread Closed

Aug 6, 2010

where is that green tick?

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Book Mark For Windows 7?

Jul 5, 2011

in the program of windows7 how do i locate the book mark site. so that i can book mark favorite web sites.

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Explanation Mark On PC Icon In Devices?

Oct 29, 2011

I have just had re-install WIndows 7 (32bit)on my PC something that I've done once before with no problems. This time however there's a yellow triangle showing next to the PC icon in devices and printers.Going into properties then hardware it says "The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)" on Intel(R) 82801GB/GR (ICH7 Family) LPC Interface Controller - 27B8.I've got a disk with drivers on it and updated the PC with those but I still have this problem.

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