Win 7 Installation Boots Into Recovery Partition

Nov 3, 2009

My boot menu originally consists of Vista (C:) and recovery partition (D:). To install Windows 7, I shrank C and made a separate partition (W:)

Now I have 3 partitions: Vista (C:), New Simple Volume (W:), Recovery (D:).

I installed Windows 7 to the (W:), and it reboots a few times during installation. My situation goes as follows:

Initial installation---Reboot (1 of 3)---bypasses the boot menu and continues installation---Reboot (2 of 3)---boot menu shows up and I can choose to continue the installation of Windows 7, or go to Vista. When I choose Windows 7, it finishes installation---Reboot (3 of 3)---No boot menu is shown. Computer boots into recovery partition.

Why is this happening? Repairing Windows 7 or Vista using recovery partition doesn't help either. It basically just forms a loop by booting to the recovery every time.

Interestingly, the only way I can start Vista again is by reinstalling Windows 7 and wait until the boot menu screen show up after the reboot (2 of 3).

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Create Recovery Partition On New Windows 7 Installation?

Apr 30, 2011

how to create the recoverypatition at the on new installation of windows 7

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Creating A Media Less Recovery / Installation Partition

Nov 2, 2009

After purchasing my new Student Version of Windows 7 Professional I was keen to do a full system format, and start fresh. I no longer had a need for the Dell Recovery Partition which contained Vista (and a decent amount of bloatware), so I removed all partitions from my disk to start with a blank 180GB HDD.

I thought to myself, if I am going to start fresh I might as well do things right and mimic Dell’s setup with a recovery partition of my own. Now to be fair, this isn’t an extremely wild idea as there are plenty of manufacturers and software companies who provide such solutions very simple and easy. Everyone knows that Norton Ghost is fantastic, and Acronis TrueImage is right there with them. Of course you can simply run-up Imagex along with WinPE and sysprep a WIM to re-image your HDD at anytime for a free solution.

However, all these solutions require that you have some sort of recovery media for boot time operation, and the Imagex solution isn’t for the faint of heart. Now I do a lot of travel, and I wanted a solution that didn’t require me to look after a bootable DVD or USB stick, and because I am working with a laptop I didn’t have second disk which I could boot from via BIOS settings. My recovery solution had to be a Primary Partition on my only HDD with boot time options (in case my system is completely rooted.)

This turned out to be quite the challenge, as Windows 7 / Vista no longer support the simple easy boot.ini file that allows you to manually adjust boot time parameters. Instead Windows 7 / Vista have moved onto some fancy form of bootsect / BCD (Boot Configuration Data) which is very difficult to edit manually. Thankfully all of my hard work paid off and I now have a self sufficient system with all the diagnostics and re-imaging tools I could ever need. And thanks to Windows 7’s new Backup and Restore options, I was also able to include a system image which contained all of my settings and applications so that I don’t have to sit through 10 hours of Windows Update again.

What I ended up with is a Primary partition on my HDD that is a full and complete bootable version of the Windows 7 installation media. When I choose this partition at boot time it is exactly as if I have inserted the Windows 7 Install DVD into my disk drive! I can utilise all of the tools in the Windows Recovery Console (which includes the option to restore from a previously created system image), or I can simply re-install Windows 7 from scratch - without affecting my restore partition or boot menu variables!

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Does Windows 7 Automatically Create Recovery Partition During Installation

Mar 12, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on a formerly Vista Business computer. Now I would like to know, does a clean installation of Windows 7 automatically create a recovery partition or backup? Or do I need to format the Recovery Drive D(from the Vista installation) and make a backup on that drive (D)?

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Make Installation Disk Of Windows 7 Recovery Partition?

Feb 15, 2013

No install disks, no manual just letter telling me to protect customer data entire drive was wiped clean including Recovery partition. Checked disk management it shows all 4 primary partitions used: 200mb (boot), 169gb (C drive), 281gb (D drive), 16.5gb Recovery partition. I tried F9 when booting (nothing) just boots into OS. This setup is completely useless to me. Called Asus ($50.) for install disk they said call Microsoft, call Microsoft ($99. new disk) they said call Asus, I've already paid for Win 7 once and i'll be damned if I pay for it again. Typical corporation bullshit.What I want to do is install Win 7 on 1st part, 2nd (shared NTFS part), Ubuntu on logical partitions.

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Moving Unallocated Space PAST Recovery Partition, OR Destroying Recovery All Together?

Dec 25, 2012

I have Unallocated space at the very end of my hard drive, even after the 25gb Recovery Partition, this is due to copying my old hard drive onto this new one via Clonezilla, and it automatically keeping the unallocated space at the end. Can I either move the unallocated space around the Recovery Partition, or delete the Recovery Partition altogether? Sorry if I am being a little unclear.

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Disc ASUS Recovery Error 1029, Cannot Boot Into That Recovery Partition

Jun 23, 2012

I've gotten to the point where I need to just reinstall windows completely on my Asus G74SX (too many problems, I want to start fresh.). I encounter an error 1029 with Asus's recovery disks that I made when I had windows working: it says it is recovering all the way to 100% then doesnt work. I am in the process of trying it again so I'll see if it actually managed to wipe my hard drive like it said it was doing, and maybe if it did actually work and reinstall windows.However, I'd like to be able to get into the recovery partition because I would prefer restoring it with Asus as they recommend me to. However, when I hit F9, their target to get there, it doesn't do anything and just reloads the boot screen, with the Asus logo on it. I don't have an actual Wndows recovery CD so that's not an option, and at this point since my hard drive has likely been wiped by these recovery DVDs, I don't think going into Ubuntu and fixing the MBR will do me much good anymore.It may be worth noting that before I last restarted, I marked the Windows partition as active because of a tutorial here, making it so that recovery partition isn't active anymore.

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Make An Installation DVD That Boots Without Setting The Setup?

Nov 27, 2011

I want to make a 100% automated Windows 7 installation. (Literally 100%, meaning you do not have to know anything to install it) You only need to put the DVD into the DVD Rom and restart the computer and it will automatically:

1- Boots the computer from the DVD (No need to set the DVD Rom to the first priority)

2- Formats the drive C:

3- Installs the windows and drivers and some software

I know how to do part 3, but I'm not sure about parts 1 and 2.

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Windows 7 Only Boots After Installation Disk Timeout?

Sep 16, 2012

I have a Z77 mobo with a new SDD and a HDD from the old PC. At first I installed Windows 7 to the SDD and I could only boot into it when I disconnected the HDD. When I started PC, the logo was shown for a second or so, and then it went into repair mode, the "preparing installation files" progress bar ran twice and the system booted into GRUB that was left on the HDD. I've tinkered in BIOS a lot trying to fix this, but to no avail.Now I've decided to also install Linux (OpenSUSE 12.2) to the SDD, and hoped that GRUB2 would solve my problems. Nope, it didn't detect my Windows 7 at all! (however, it did detect the two(?) old Windows 7 mount points from the HDD). I couldn't even get to boot it by forcing "Windows Boot Manager" from BIOS. I tried to fix this with DVD repair, at first I couldn't get it to work by launching the DVD in UEFI mode, the other one worked, but it only messed up my GRUB2 and I couldn't boot to either system. After some unsuccesful tinkering with bootrec, I found this thread and followed what OP and the best answer guy did, which sums up roughly to this:

Code: C:> bootsect /nt60 C: /force
C:> diskpart
DISKPART> select disk 1
DISKPART> select partition 3
DISKPART> active
DISKPART> extend filesystem
C:> bootrec /rebuildbcd

Then, Windows Repair detected my installation and said it fixed the problem. Now I still can't boot into my system normally (again, it reboots after "Windows is loading files"), however, I can get it to boot after the timeout ("Press any key to boot from DVD") from Windows 7 installation disk! I have no idea what's going on.Here is a screenshot from diskmgmt: The strange thing is the 128MB partition - I suppose this could have been MSR partition, while gparted shows it's a Linux partition! Is this possible, that OpenSUSE installer messed it up?

Also: Code: C:Windowssystem32>bcdedit /v

Windows Boot Manager
identifier {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}
device partition=C:
path ootmgr


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Windows 7 Boots Into Startup Repair After Moving Partition

Aug 28, 2012

My Windows 7 now refuses to boot properly and now only boots into startup repair. This started happening after I shrunk and moved the /dev/sda2 partition (on my computer, the C: drive), so I could install Ubuntu. I did notice that Windows failed to boot but I was stupid and didn't fix as soon as I realized. I installed Ubuntu (and with it, Grub) and now Windows just boots into Startup Repair which just says it can't do anything and then displays some HP software that gives me a few options (none of which has helped). It may be important to note that I have the option to go to the command prompt.

I have tried all the fixes I have found on the internet (such as the various bootrec.exe commands) to no avail and am becoming desperate!

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HP Recovery Manager Says That Recovery Partition Has Been Removed?

Jun 26, 2012

is not empty - it is almost 80% full but when i click on it there are no files. Tried - to the extent of my knowledge - to see if the files are hidden but didn't reach anywhere. Tried a restore point but that didnt work either.

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HP Laptop No Operation System Found Boots Only With Installation Disc

Jun 28, 2011

I have a HP dv9920us. A month ago I upgraded to win7 from vista. Everything was working fine until a couple of days ago when returning from work I found a black screen and an error message " no operating system found". No attention paid since I thought that my hdd went bad. So got a new one installed it but got the same message. So went into BIOS and saw that no hdd was detected. My laptop has 2 sata ports so I changed port and to my relive BIOS recognized my hdd in this 2nd port leading me to believe that the first port had gone bad. I did a clean win7 install. Everything went fine. Installed drivers etc no problem. During the first boot after and right after the post message the laptop just suddenly shut down and rebooted and then shut down again just after the post message. This loop went on for a couple of times and finally ended to a black screen with the message " no operating system found". Checked the BIOS again and the hdd was there. Booted the machine with the installation dvd in the drive this time and after the same loop for a couple of times (boot-post message- shut down- reboot ) instead of going to the no "operating system found" it continued and loaded win7. I've performed every possible test that I know for checking memory, hdd etc and everything looks good. The bottom line is that now the only way that I can use my laptop is to boot it with the installation disc in and it loads and works perfectly. If I try to boot it without the disc I end up with the "no operating system found".

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Windows 7 CD Boots / Files Loaded Then Stuck On Installation Screen

Apr 19, 2012

When I insert the disc and wait until the CD boots and the files loaded the installation screen appears and is just stuck. The mouse goes off and the keyboard is all so off. My configurations are Core i5 2400, 8GB ram

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Installation - Partition - Why A 100MB System Partition ?

Oct 22, 2009

I have started the installation process of windows 7 on a clean 1 TB hard drive. In order to ensure expediency of the read time of my primary drive, I choose the custom installation. When I did I partioned the drive as 250GB & 700GB. Hoever it also created a 100MB system partition on its own. It never did this in Vista. Is it suppose to do that?

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition - Installation Error

Dec 28, 2011

I have my HP Laptop which came with Windows Vista as the OS. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 so I bought Windows 7 from my local store.I entered the disc and did boot from CD. It reached to the page where it shows the disk partition. I deleted the partitions and created new one. However, whenever I create the partition, it creates a primary one and gives me error saying Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.

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System Does Not Boots "Mark Partition As Active"

May 27, 2010

I have a HP dv3-2314tx laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit OS which has two disk drives(C,D). D for recovery. C drive contains OS and all my files. In Disk Management I marked C drive as "Mark Partition as Active". It was sowing some warning. But I pressed OK button. Now my laptop is not boots. What should I do? Should I reinstall my OS or any solution available?

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Remove Drivers From Windows 7 Installation Before Windows Boots?

Dec 12, 2012

I've recently added a new mobo and a new CPU to a certain computer. this computer is now giving me BSOD's shortly after the windows 7 logo appears. booting in safe mode gives the same result.

already tried to set a restore point and did a chkdsk on the drive. imo the old drivers from the old mobo are acting up.

is there a way to remove old drivers from a windows 7 installation (using System Recovery or another pre-windows tool) after which windows 7 will boot 'vanilla' so i can install new drivers?

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How To Get Recovery Partition

Jan 23, 2013

My daughter has a Dell XPS with Windows 7 on it. It was having alot of issues so short verision after several house with Dell support they told me I would have to tell the computer to go back to the factory version. I followed the steps told to me and now nothing works. When I turn the computer on I do get the Windows word to start then a flash of something that could be an error message of some sort but its not there long enough for me to be sure. I then get something about I need to run a repair, which I do but the repair doesnt work. I tried putting the original install disk in the same thing happens. I have been told to try getting the recovery partition to open but I dont know how. Does this sound right? If so how do I do that and if not what should I do.

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Can't Use Recovery Partition

Jun 21, 2011

I have a Asus k52jc laptop with windows 7 home premium pre installed. Now I cant recover my windows installation using recovery partition.It does not appear in the boot menu. But i can see the partition is still there. I cant create a recovery disk either.

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Recovery Partition

Jan 2, 2010

just want to know if it is safe to delete the recovery partition so i can unlock more gb in my hp notebook. when i first bought it, it was with vista preinstalled. so the recovery partition is vista, but i did make a complete rescue disk of my computer the first time i turned it on with windows recovery. so my question is, is it ok and with no problem, that i can just format the recovery partition, since i actually never use vista, but windows 7. it wounldt mess my laptop??

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Windows 7 Recovery Disk In The CD Drive, Attempted To Boot Up, But The CD Drive Just Spins And Spins But Never Boots?

May 29, 2012

My HP laptop HD crashed, am trying to replace it with a Kingston HyperX 120GB SSD. I do not have Windows installation disks, only have Windows Recovery Disks. All installation instructions I have found for SSD's is for cloning, which I cannot do since the HD is deadI have installed the SSD, booted into BIOS, this simple BIOS version doesn't allow me to change anything on the HD, but it does recognize it and let me do a HD test, so it does recognize the SSD. I then put the Windows Recovery disk in the CD drive, attempted to boot up, but the CD drive just spins and spins but never boots up. I thought the CD drive might be bad, so I tried an external USB CD drive with the Recovery disk, but it does the same (just spins). I even got a new Windows 7 installation disk (from another PC) to see if it will boot from it, but get nothing but a spinning CD I have not done anything yet to the HyperX SSD, haved not formatted or partitioned it.I thought this would be done by Recovery on the OS installationThe BIOS is set up to first boot from the CD drive, so the boot order is not the issue.

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Re-get PQSERVICE (recovery) Partition?

May 14, 2011

Made the mistake of deleting this partition, and really regret it since it would of been handy to have if i install win 7 again. So feeling bad about that. Any way i could get a PQSERVICE (a recovery) partition back on there?

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Cannot Boot From Recovery Partition

Jun 20, 2012

My sister just got a new laptop with 7, then accidentally installed a friend's version of 7 on top of it, thinking it was Microsoft Office. I'm trying to restore to factory settings so she doesn't lose all the software that came with the computer.

I know the recovery partition is on the computer (I made it appear by assigning it a drive letter). But I cannot boot from it (or whatever I need to do to access it).

I have tried the following:

1) Advanced Boot Options -> Repair -> System Image Recovery: no system image
-> System Restore: no restore point

2) all possible F# keys at startup, including F10 which got me to Edit Boot Options, which seemed hopeful because it named the partition number, 3, but did not allow me to change it (the recovery partition is 2).

3) F2 -> setup (nothing there)

4) burning an iso of Windows 7 recovery disc, which just gave me the same repair tool as in the 1st attempt.

5) setting the recovery partition as "active" (in fact, I think it was already active).

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Creating A Recovery Partition On New SSD?

Oct 30, 2012

I recently upgraded my Acer 722 netbook to an 265GB SSD and installed Windows 7 on it. I was wondering if there was a way to create a partition for a recovery environment (just in case something happens). I have a system image of this pc saved, however I feel it would be best to also create a recovery partition.

Note: This does not have a CD drive.

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Take Backup By Using Recovery Partition

Dec 5, 2011

I am using dell insipiron 1464 model with preinstalled windows 7 home basic os.i have lost my installation how do i take backup of my os in separate dvd or usb drive with the help of recovery partition.

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Win 7 Delete Recovery Partition

Jul 1, 2009

I have a Presario Compaq CQ60 laptop

I've been to their chat they said if I install Windows7 It will erase/delete my recovery partition.. is there anyway i can avoid this? I'm making a recovery disks right now will that help?

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Formatting Recovery Partition

Jan 21, 2012

Ive got a dell xps 8300 that came with a recovery partition on the hard drive. Its taking up about 19 gigs of space and is not needed as I use recovery software on my machine. I want to format this partition and merge it with the rest of the C: drive. How do I go about this. I have tried right clicking on the partition but the format choice is greyed out

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Reinstall From Recovery Partition

Nov 1, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VPCEC4SOE I bought cheap - needs a new screen.After purchasing first thing I done was a Reinstall of windows using F10 on boot up and following instructions.However after all finished Task manager showed 90+ processes at idle and the amount of bloatware was more than I had ever seen included with any PC.So, Made up a Windows 7 Install disc as I wanted to go for a totally fresh install. Once installed it asked for product key - I checked underneath and half of the sticker is missing (I know I should have checked before hand!) Plus thinking about it after I really don't think the product key can be reused even if it is on the same machine (can someone confirm?)I now have a nice clean operating system, but no product key, that will self destruct in 27 days! So I would like to return to VAIO factory state. I have checked and recovery partition is still there and intact - 13gb, but how can I reinstall from this partition? F10 now does nowt on boot up.

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Windows XP Recovery Partition

Nov 1, 2009

I'm upgrading a Compaq Presario running XP that has a recovery partition installed by the manufacturer. It's my understanding that the recovery partition will be useless after the upgrade. Should the drive be reformatted and the partition deleted?

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Deleting The Recovery Partition

Nov 23, 2009

1.Can I delete my recovery partition after creating recovery discs.

2.Or Is there any advantage of keeping that partition than recovery discs.

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Delete HP Recovery Partition Ok ?

Dec 1, 2009

I have not backed up my system for 2 years, last time it was brand new with vista, now I have win 7. This partition is taking up a couple of gigs of hard drive space. So is it OK for me to wipe this partition clean? Does it auto-save stuff on it?

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