Marking Partition As Active?

Oct 12, 2011

I have a single Hard disk drive in my laptop which is divided into two partitions and in one partition is Windows vista Starter installed when I bought it..So I decided to use Multi boot and I installed Windows 7 Ultimate in the other partition...Now my question is can I safely Mark my partition as Active where Windows 7 is installed?

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Possible To Set An Active Partition On USB Flash?

Nov 30, 2010

Just a quick one, i have a 2gb usb flash pen, bascially what i am tryng to do is create a small active partition on it so i can copy my Active Boot files over and boot from the drive. Really want to give this application a try heard good things about it. I just cant seem to find a way to set an active partition or if its even possible?

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Partition - Mark As Active

Oct 11, 2010

How to Mark a Partition as Active in Windows 7 ?

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Delete Active System Partition?

Apr 23, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 on my D: drive. I have placed a NEW installation on my C: drive besides it.See the attached image.I ONLY use the W7 on the C: drive now, so I want to delete my D: partition completely (416GB).HOWEVER, I see that it is labeled: "System, Active, Primary Partition".Can I just format this drive and will my PC still boot or do I have to take particular steps?

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Cannot Delete An Active System Partition

Oct 12, 2010

I have always only used it to store data, so why is Windows 7 telling me it is a system partition? Did Windows put data on the drive and start using it without even asking me?At first I tried just unplugging the drive, but then Windows would not boot, so clearly it needs it for some reason.

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Change Active Partition Disk 0?

Nov 1, 2011

On my computers' Disk 0 I have two main partitions. The computer is "Dual Boot".

Partition A - Windows 2003 server OS (System, Active, Primary Partition)
Partition B - Windows 7 OS (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)

I want to lose Partition A (Windows 2003 OS) and use if for something else or just simply reclaim the drive space. However I can't because ( as I understand it) it's the "Active Partition"I did a some research and I've read I can change the Active Partition using "Disk Management". When I right click on the Windows 7 partition I see the option "Mark Partition as Active".

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Set Blank Partition To Active Primary On Accident, Now Won't Boot?

Jun 7, 2012

I just bought a cheap laptop from Walmart yesterday with windows 7. I am not a fan of it so I wanted to see if I could dual boot windows xp. Luckly it is a IDE machine not sata. So I Downloaded a copy of windows xp (I have a license key for all the people who would shun me for it, it is paid for). Well when I was making a new partition to install windows xp on I set the new partition to active, rebooted and wala, my computer won't boot because I'm a bone head sometimes. I have access to another windows 7 comp that is Extremly slow and I put emphasis on Extremly

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Multiple Drives Cause 'no Active Partition Found' Error

Sep 18, 2012

I have had my system up and running with Windows 7 for at least four or five months. I have four drives in an mATX case. Yesterday, while it was idle, I saw it flash a BSOD and then rebooted. when it restated it displayed the following Error: "No active partition found. Reboot your computer." Which I did several times to no avail. Next, I used the install disk to try to "repair" the or ten times, no luck. Also, no drives were listed in the window at repair prompt. So, I pulled all the cables on all the drives but the one containing the system and voilas! here I am writing to you without issue and without three of my drives. I have two other sata drives in addition to my system sata drive. one IDE drive on the system.

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Lost Drive Letter On Healthy (Active, Recovery Partition)?

Oct 19, 2012

I am running Windows Ultimate 32 bit. I have 2 SATA Hard Drives (one with OS), 2 SATA DVD and Blu-Ray Drives and 1 IDE Hard Drive which is configured as a slave.Second - I needed to do some hard drive trouble shooting for another computer that had a (possibly) dead IDE Hard Drive. To do this I shut down my computer, and attached the (supposedly) dead IDE Hard Drive in its place.Now - all the trouble began.After booting into the Bios, I noticed the supposedly dead hard drive did not register even though it was spinning. I kept booting into the OS to see if it would be recognized in any case - it was not.I put my working IDE Hard Drive back in - after shutting down and removing the dead IDE Hard Drive.I booted back into the BIOS and noticed my good IDE Hard Drive wasn't being recognized either. I then went into advanced Bios settings and walla - it saw my hard drive but said I needed to reboot.After rebooting I noticed the same thing with the Bios, but this time proceeded to boot into the OS.After signing on, I noticed my Good Hard Drive was no longer recognized in Explorer. I went into Administrator and Computer Management and then into Disk Management.

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Marking / Selecting Text In Windows 7 X64

Aug 19, 2010

I had no problems with windows or anything,everything was fine, until this morning when i started computer and in Google Chrome marking text became nightmare, either it isnt marked at all, or it just mark last couple of letters on last word...sometimes even pressing back or forward button isnt recognized, or any other button on browser btw when i booted win this mornin' i got updated flash player.And then i tried to mark text in windows= SAME THING.

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System Does Not Boots "Mark Partition As Active"

May 27, 2010

I have a HP dv3-2314tx laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit OS which has two disk drives(C,D). D for recovery. C drive contains OS and all my files. In Disk Management I marked C drive as "Mark Partition as Active". It was sowing some warning. But I pressed OK button. Now my laptop is not boots. What should I do? Should I reinstall my OS or any solution available?

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Free Partition Manager For Make Partition From Free Space Of Existing Partition?

Jan 23, 2013

I install Windows 7 64 bit in a 60 gb partition of my HDD (C drive). I have about 200 GB free space in D drive. Now I want to make a 60 GB partition from the free space of D drive.

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Goes To Sleep While Active?

Aug 26, 2010

new machine (Home Premium x64). It seems to go to sleep based entirely on how long it's been since I touched the mouse or keyboard. If there's a program running, like a virus scan or a download in progress, it goes to sleep right in the middle of it. That's incredibly stupid! How do I make it stay awake when it's in the middle of doing something, even if it's not receiving input from me?

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Key FN Is Active By Default?

Dec 23, 2012

Is there any way to disactive FN Key by default? To close some folder I need to press FN + Alt + F4 This is a new Toshiba LapTop. It is not a Windows problem.

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HDMI On Gts 250 Not Active?

Sep 17, 2011

HDMI on my gts 250 not active

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HDMI On Gts 250 Not Active?

Sep 17, 2011

HDMI on my gts 250 not active

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How To Have 2 Active Windows 7

Aug 24, 2012

Not sure if this topic goes here anyway I am trying to use two active windows in windows 7.What I'm trying to do is allow 2 people on 1 pc and do 2 separate tasks, I know you can have 2 separate monitors and I worked out how to have 2 separate cursors controlled by their own mouse but Windows only allows 2 active windows at the same time

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Can't Keep Internet Connection Active

Feb 22, 2012

i have a very small but very nagging problem concerning my internet connection. Sometimes the connection turns itself off, to counter this on the connection properties menu of Windows (this screen, it's in portuguese but i think you know what i'm talking about))

i simply turned on the option to reconnect when the connection goes down, every 10 seconds in this case and i make it so it does NOT have to ask for the phone number. The whole purpose is so that it reconnects itself when i'm not at the computer. It works, the problem is that every time i make a new connection, every time the computer starts, for instance, all these options turn back to default! I have to do it all over again every time i make a new connection! Wich is all the time!

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Inactive Windows Pop Up Over Active One

Apr 5, 2011

I have both a windows vista and win 7 laptop, while using the computer if more then one window is open. The inactive windows will pop up over the foreground window. Maybe part of a new windows feature? I don't think its a malware issue its present on both laptops one being brand new. It makes working on the computers rather hard ...

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Resource Monitor Has One Of Hdd Always At 100% Active

Nov 12, 2011

I keep putting the drive offline because im wary of having it always active. It may have something to do with avast antivirus because thats the image thats listed next to the files in those drives. I checked with avast and it doesnt appear to be running any scans and theres no way I can find to have it skip that drive. Also when I put the drive back online the activity is at 0 but eventually goes back to 100% and I can hear the drive activity.

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Active X File Not Downloading?

Dec 17, 2011

I am trying to down load an active x program but windows says it is not a registered valid file and wont download it. I have another computer that it works on and have made the settings similar but it wont work. the other computer is running Vista. how do I over ride active x controls

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DVD / Cd Not Active Device Manager?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a new Dell all in one PC with Windows 7The PC cannot see the DVD/CD driveNot seeen in device managerI have done a google search on this topic and I am a newbie and I am not ok making registery changes that are recommended in the google searc

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Can't Download Active X Control For SSL VPN?

May 4, 2010

Basically, once I've connected to my SSL VPN, and go to Activate SSL VPN Tunnel Mode it comes up with the below problem:-FAiled to start SSL VPN Tunnel client. Please check if it is installed properly. You need administrator priviliges on your pc to install or update the Tunnel Client.My IT department at work are clueless but tell me I should be asked at that point to download the Active X Control. But its not. And I am the Administrator on thi

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Active Window To Front

May 12, 2009

in vista if I used my media keyboard to open a program it would open but now, whilst browsing with firefox and im listening to media monkey and its on the taskbar in vista I could press the media player button on my keyboard and it would bring media monkey to the front, same if i press calc button now all they do is flash on the taskbar till I hover and click them

can I bring this back somehow is this meant to be happening?

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Can't Active Webcam With DEVCON

Aug 19, 2012

I've disable my webcam with the follow comand:


But, now I'm trying to turn-on this device, but I can't.I've tried:


But i received the following message:"No Matching devices found"

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How To Terminate An Active Installation

Apr 11, 2012

I have tried to install Plex Server which during install called for Bonjour to be installed. When I accepted it tried to install Bonjour but failed. I have no idea why. I then tried to install the newest Version of I tunes because I thought it comes with Bonjour. Now Itunes fails with "the installer encountered errors before iTunes could be configured"I have tried to clear out the %Appdata% Temp directory and searched the registry for Apple and Bonjour and couldn't find any entries. When I look at the error Log that is created by the iTunes installer it says it errored out because of Installer Error 1618 which obviously means "Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install". Does anyone know how I could find that installer process and terminate it so I could install Bonjour or Itunes. I am out of luck of finding anything on the web.

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Volume Control Not Active?

Mar 13, 2012

The volume control in the right corner of the taskbar has gone haywire. I tried activating it in the 'customize' settings, but it tells me that it is not activated. How do I activate it, and more specifically, what is the registry fix for this?

Note: I did try rebooting the PC, but no luck.

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Windows 7 And Active Xp Not Work

Oct 15, 2011

I have used MapObjects2 in VB application as reference for map interface in Windows XP environment very well. But when I tried the same in Windows 7 Ultimate environment. It did not work. It did not or could not link to have the reference to MO20.ocx files.

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Active Sync For Windows 7 64 Bit?

Oct 30, 2011

free download active sync for windows 7 64bit address

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Active Sync For Windows 7 32 Bit?

Jun 23, 2012

i need active sync for window 7

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Goes To Sleep While Active Won't Wake Up?

Jul 14, 2012

my gateway pc it seems to go to sleep while im working on it and wont wake up without a hard start I have set the sleep and monitor settings to never and this has not helped is there any other settings I need to change or something I can do to stop it from sleeping. when the screens go black the fans and lights seem to still be on but solid in color not flashing

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