System Not Playing Cds And Dvds

Apr 29, 2012

I have been running W7 on this box since W7 came out. I use the TV tuner, Dvdfab, play movies, rip cd's and to this point haven't really had any problems. About 2 weeks ago I was unable to open a movie to use DVDFab to copy it. DVDFab had expried. I did upgrade to the latest version, but that didnt help. Then I tried playing a CD. CD will not play. WMP just sits at the blue circle. Sometimes it will recognize the cd and songs, but no music.Only physical cds and dvds. Same problem if you try and play them from WMC.

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Playing DVDs On Starter Edition?

Nov 23, 2011

Windows 7 Starter Edition cannot be purchased--you have to get it on a netbook. Heh heh heh. Of course, some of us live in Mexico, where...never mind, the Federalies might be reading this.Anyway, you cannot play DVDs with Starter Edition. Just suppose someone in Mexico has a regular desktop with Starter Edition (and No, it isn't me).

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No Sound When Playing DVDs In Media Player

Dec 8, 2009

I've got full sound in everything else and the latest sound blaster drivers. I insert a DVD and play it in Windows Media Player or Center and I get no Audio (*shakes head).

I play the DVD in VLC and it plays and sounds fine, but the Quality of the DVD video in VLC blows.

What's the fix (and why does there need to be a fix) for Windows Media Player? You'd think Windows Media CENTER could at least play a DVD...

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BSOD When Playing DVDs On PC Running Windows 7 32bit

Dec 6, 2011

I have a strange problem when playing DVDs in my PC running Windows 7 (32-bit). The problem is that whenever I play any DVD in any player of my choice, the OS Crashes and shows a BSOD every time I try to play DVDs in my PC. My PC has got Intel i865G Chipset with the built-in Intel 82865G GPU. I can't live without watching DVDs! I do have a DVD Player to watch them on my TV, but watching them on my PC is better for me.

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ITunes / Windows Media Player Not Playing DVDs And CDs

Jul 4, 2012

All my defaults are set as far as being able to play my CDs and DVDs are concerned, but neither iTunes nor Windows media will play them.

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Media Center Not Playing DVDs Properly - Sound Issue

Dec 24, 2009

I have a problem with my Windows 7 Media Center. When I try playing a DVD on it (does for only some DVDs), it plays the background music and the video, just the voices are gone. I made sure it wasn't just the movie by enabling closed captioning and using a regular DVD player. On the regular DVD player, it ran with everything voices and all. Anyone know what could be wrong? I do have Home Premium so it shouldn't be the codecs I'd guess, but I'm new to this stuff.

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How Many DVDs It Takes To Set Up A System Image

Apr 12, 2012

Does anyone know how many DVDs it takes to set up a System Image


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System Crashes When Playing Games?

Dec 16, 2011

System crashes when playing games, the problem just recently started.Is Windows 7 . . .

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64

- the original installed OS on the system? yes

- an OEM or full retail version? full retail

- OEM = came pre-installed on system

- Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer

- What is the age of system (hardware)? 1 year

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 1 year

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System Freezing Randomly When Playing COD MW3

Feb 6, 2012

I've been getting random system freezes when playing COD MW3 and after I restart my PC I get a report for BSOD 124. What I've checked until now:

1.Non of my components is overheating or actually heating at all, since I have excellent custom cooling.
2. Checked my memory with a 10 hours memtest for windows 4 instances, each 1500MB.
3. Checked my PSU with a multimeter for 1 hour during load/idle. It's within specs.
4. Not overclocking.

My specs are.
Intel C2Q Q9550
2x4GB Kingston HyperX BLU DDR3 1600MHz CL9 @ 1333 MHz
Sapphire 4890 1gb
WD Caviar Black 1TB
CM Silent Pro 850W

I think these random freezes/lockups are related to some software conflict. I had a similar problem with some games running PB, and it appeared that PB has conflict with MSI Afterburner, so after I uninstalled afterburner I stopped getting it. The problem is that now my system freezes when I play Single PLayer/Spec Ops on MW3, which has nothing to do with PB.

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System Crashing While Playing Games?

Aug 31, 2012

well i am facing a very strange problem with my computer , my CPU is started crashing when i play games like Darksiders 2 , Max payne 3 or The Witcher -2 . it works sometime for hours and someting it crashes 5 times in 30 mins. , and when it crashes i see brown screen and the a sound like errr and then system restart. i took it to the service centre of ASUS and they checked my MB , GPU and RAM all is working fine . i tried almost 15 different RAM's but non helped problem remains same, i am telling my hardware specification: CPU: AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 black editionMB: ASUS M4A88T-MRAM: Corsair XMS3 4gb single chipPSU: Cooler Master ELITE 500 WATTS GPU: ATI RADEON HD 4850 Cabinet : Cooler Master ( with 2 120 mm inflow FAN's and 1 , 120 MM outflow) i also did all the bench mark tests for CPU ( using CPUZ) , GPU ( Fun Mark) and memory test all results are normal ) 

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System Restarts When Playing World Of Warcraft?

Nov 16, 2011

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Full Retail The hardware is maybe about a year old at this point.I've only installed the OS once.s a side note, this occurrence isn't consistent. Meaning that the system will run perfectly fine for days ( and even a week in some cases ) before restarting itself. The only thing I've been able to pin point is that it'll happen while I'm playing World of Warcraft most often.My video card drivers seem to be up to date ( Catalyst 11.10 ). I've re-installed the drivers a few times using the control panel ( Add / Remove ), and then manually deleting folders and registry information that happened to be remaining.As another side note, I should also mention that I've come across one other problem that I'm able to fix after booting up. I don't believe this issue is at all related to what's been happening lately, but every time the computer is booted up for the first time it will eventually lock up when ever I move the mouse or stroke a key.I'm able to fix this by using the hardware troubleshooting that Windows 7 has. Once I run that the problem is resolved indefinitely until the computer is restarted

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BSOD System Service Exception Mostly/while Playing BF3 And/or WoW

Jan 16, 2012

Since building a new computer a few months back, I have been having issues with BSOD's while playing certain games like Battlefield 3 or Wow. But Skyrim and others are fine. I've tried many different drivers for ati and I'm currently using 11.12, but crashes still happen. I don't believe its a overheating problem as the temps are all low. WhoCrashed suggests a driver issue and has singled out ati as the possible issue a few times.

AX6950 1bg
AMD Phenom II x 4 965
G.Skil 6b (3x2bg) RAM

Do these crash dumps show any type of noticeable pattern for the crashes?

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Random BSOD Playing WoW On AMD Quad Core System

Apr 29, 2012

I read the instructions and will attach my dump files and report as a zip file. I build my system myself, but the last few weeks I keep getting BSOD.

AMD quad core
Asus motherboard
8 gb Geil memory
Asus GPU

The dump file shows ntoskrnl is the driver causing the BSOD. Another dump file says ElRawDSK causes BSOD. Both offcourse are drivers.

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BSOD Crashing On Desktop/playing HL:S And On System Repair

Sep 13, 2012

I recently got my first crash(0x00000050) on my pretty new Asus G74SX-A1 laptop while playing Half-Life: Source and never had any other blue screens before that. After that, I restarted and went to desktop and it eventually crashed again but when it did I opened Steam(not sure if connected). After that second crash, I went and scanned my PC on safe mode and then restarted again and tried to do a system repair but right after it was done I got the second BSOD(0x0000001a).

I have not recently installed any new hardware or anything that could change my system in any way. The last time I updated my PC's hardware was when I updated my graphics card (Nvidia gtx 560m) to a beta client about 3-4 weeks ago and haven't had any problems.

I looked through some of the error dumps my self to see what was causing the problems and it says it was "ntoskrnl.exe+7f1c0" but I'm not too sure what to do.

I provided the dump files in the attachements(2 dump files zipped). Edit: I think I might have fixed it by updating my graphics card, performing hard drive error checking, and chkdsk /f. I am not totally sure if it is resolved yet and if it is not, I will post back with more information informing that it has not worked.

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System Playing Audio But No Sound Coming From Speakers

Jun 17, 2012

My computer was recently RMA'd due to a faulty PSU and video card. I just received it back and the speakers that I used before no longer work. I figured it was a driver issue and simply downloaded the RealTek drivers but it didn't fix the problem. The AMD card comes with its own drivers. I had problems in the past with their HD audio codecs and tried uninstalling them but that didn't seem to fix it either. I went into device manager and located that there were drivers installed and they checked out. I checked for hidden or disabled devices in "Playback devices" and didn't find any.

Things I've tried:
- Installing audio drivers.
- Uninstalling and reinstalling audio drivers.
- System restore.
- Checking proper connection of speakers.
- Verification that speakers work.

By just looking at the audio mixer, it would appear that the system is playing sounds because there is activity in the mixer when a song or other sounds are playing. The problem is there is nothing coming from the speakers. Is it possible that my audio ports on the motherboard could be faulty?

Related component brands;
Asus P67-M Mobo
HIS 6850
Windows 7 64 bit
Dell soundbar speakers

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System Restarts While Playing Media Player Classic?

Oct 12, 2012

i recently installed asus xonar dx sound card. after installing the drivers my system restarts as soon as i play any video on media player classic[K-lite codec 5.20] the videos are playing perfectly in vlc player, but when i play in media player classic my system shows blue screen and restarts.Iam using win7 x64 on quad core 8200 processor

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System Shuts Down Abruptly While Playing Ashes Cricket 2009?

Jan 6, 2012

Recently installed Ashes Cricket 2009 but system shuts down abruptly after 10 minutes of playing the game. I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit version, 3 GB RAM and NVIDIA GeForce 310M Graphics Card.

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Random Freezes / System Lock Ups When Playing Games Or Watching Videos?

May 3, 2012

The problem is that I will get a system lock up, or freeze when playing games like Portal 2 or FM2012. The freezes are very random however they occur the most when trying to play Co-op in Portal 2 (say about 80% of the time when trying to play it). However with the likes of FM2012 or other games, I can literally play for hours on end without a crash, but other times a crash could happen within about 5 mins.I also seem to randomly crash if I watch a HD video in full screen (1920x1080) however I cannot recall such a problem watching it minimized (using VLC). I also used to get random crashes while browsing the internet on certain websites, however I haven't had this issue since upgrading my RAM.

When the PC does crash, the monitor will just black out and if sound was playing at the time it will usually loop or repeat. The only thing I can do is a hard reboot and upon restarting the PC it will say about the unexpected shut down and to start windows normally however I don't seem to get any minidumps. I've had this problem now for quite awhile, and at first it was something I just overlooked as a random occurance but now its starting to drive me crazy! My system specs are as follows:[CODE]

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Laptop Playing Random Music And Ads - Uninstall Previous Security System

Jan 17, 2013

My laptop has been playing random ads and music, literally out of nowhere. I click out of everything turn off the wifi AND logout and it will still be playing. Its been doing that on and off for months. My other protection expired some months ago, so I got the update last week which was $89. But the 1st thing it said was to "Uninstall the previous security system". So i let it run, and it was "uninstalling" for 3 whole days and then it just stopped, So i tried to manually uninstall the other program, but again it would not. I am not sure what to do now.

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Dvds Are Not Working

Apr 16, 2012

my dvd drive will not play dvds or cds and will not even recognize them in the drive. i have reinstalled the drivers but it didn't help and it says on properties tab that this device is working properly. my laptop is an asus a54c and only 4 months old. my dvdrw properties are dvd a ds8a8sh dvd/cd-rom drive.

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DVDs Registering

Feb 28, 2009

I am having problems with my DVD's Registering can anyone help me it work initially now all of the sudden it doesn't work.

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Watching DVDs From PC To TV?

Dec 8, 2011

I know there is a way to connect my laptop to the TV to watch DVDs but do not have a clue what hardware and/or software is need it.The TV is a Panasonic HD 1080, 42".

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Burning Iso Dvds

May 16, 2009

it doesn't matter if I use a third party program or the W/7 burn image feature to burn an iso, I end up with a dvd that has written data that can't be seen in explorer. All I can see in explorer is "files ready to be written to the disc > desktop."

The desktop file is [.ShellClassInfo]


If I try to burn that file it says "no files [staged] to burn"

I've tried different dvd's including Vertbatim, but all have been +RW.

Verify disk confirms the data is burnt and closing the disk does not make any difference....the files can't been seen.

Optical drive = LG H20L (with latest firmware)

Edit....the files I'm burning should be visible, but in any case I've got "shown hidden files, folder & drives" selected in folder options.

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BSOD Playing While Playing WoW Or Watching Movies?

Jan 7, 2012

when i get the BSOD while playing WoW or Watching shows in my comouter.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033


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Restoring Back Up DVDS?

Feb 2, 2013

My problem is, I have recently installed Windows 7 X64. I had already backed up my files up about a month earlier using nero 7. Nero 7 installed but not properly and would not restore my files. I uninstalled Nero 7 and loaded trial version of Nero 12. It also would not restore my files. I would love to have all my files back but my main concern is my picture files.

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Installing Windows From 2 DVDs?

Mar 2, 2012

I have downloaded the Windows 8 ISO and its size is 2.52 GB But all the DVDs here in Egypt at the area where I live is crap, they sell PRINCO DVDs and it has 4.7 GB / 120 Min on it but when I insert it into the drive, it reads 1.31 GB. Very strange!!

In this case, can I split the ISO Image and make the Windows 8 into two 2 separate DVDs? If so, how will the installation look like when I install the Windows using 2 DVDs?

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DVD Drive Won't Read DVDs

Oct 31, 2011

Recently my DVD burner does not see any DVDs on my computer that I built a couple of months ago. It does not see Movies, Games(that are DVD), Blank DVD-R or DVD-R that I have written information to. I have put in a few different CDs(Game, Audio and Data) and they do get recognized by the drive. My problems all started when I was writing to a Blank DVD. While it was burning, the burn process failed about midway through. After that happened, my problems with the drive not recognizing the DVDs started.

I had done a system restore to an earlier restore point before I had the problems with the drive, but that did not help. So, I undid the system restore. I have also tried uninstalling the drive from the Device Manager and restarted, but that also did not work.

The computer is running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. The model of the DVD burner is a LiteOn iHAS524-T98 B. The Manufacture Date of the drive is April 2011, so it's not that old of a drive.

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My DVD Drive Is Not Reading Any CD / DVDs

Aug 8, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop with windows 7 and the DVD drive is not working at all. I have tried with brand new DVDs, music CDs and video games and none of them work.When I put in a disc there are a few wurring noises but nothing loads up. When I click on the drive in Computer the drive opens and tells me to insert a disc.In properties and Device Manager it says the device is working properly.I have tried reinstalling the drive, deleting upper and lower filters, and I have run the Windows Fixit program and nothing has worked so far. My drive is: TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L633C ATA Device.My computer is about a year old and is completely standard. I have hardly used the DVD driver at all since I purchased the computer so I have no idea how it could have broke.

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How To Repair Some Of Programs Without Use Of DVDs

Dec 11, 2010

what are the problems in my windows 7 ultimate? torrent files can not be downloaded. system says it, that it can not be downloaded due to some error. microsoft office can not be installed or uninstalled! even with the use of revo!!-uninstaller. my audio system is gone. i can not listen anything. if i open control panel, i can not click and open the subfolders! (it is high chance with other folder may be), but if i navigate from the search box, i can go to next level. how ever i can browse internet smoothly. i can watch Internet videos and other videos but i can not hear the sounds.

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Can't Read DVDs Made In XP X86 In W7 X64

Apr 11, 2009

I don't know whether the Windows 7 forums are the right place for this question, but I hope someone can redirect me.

I have about 150 DVDs which back up my photographs. They were burned between 2003 and early 2009 in Win XP Pro x86, using Nero v.5. They were burned as data discs, not photo discs. The files are almost all in TIF, PSD or Camera Raw format.

I can read them (i.e. open them in Photoshop) in my XP computer. I can read them in Windows 7 x86 in a VMWare virtual machine. But I can't read them in Windows 7 x64.

The drive is a Pioneer DVR-216DBK, and I've installed the latest firmware. It isn't malfunctioning: I can install programs from DVDs/CDs, and I can write DVDs/CDs.

Searching on-line I found a program named Iso Burner, from which I can slowly and laboriously 'run' individual files (i.e. open them in PS), but I need to be able to see the contents in Bridge.

Can I do this if I:

a) buy a DVD drive that supports older formats, or

b) move the DVD drive that wrote the discs to my Windows 7 machine, or

c) download drivers from....?, or

d) buy the latest version of Nero (which I hoped to avoid; I hardly use DVDs for backup any more)

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Crashes When Converting Dvds

Apr 30, 2009

Has anyone else experianced this problem of crashing when they are converting avi files to dvd? im using win avi converter version 8 and the latest convertX to dvd progam which i have just updated.

still getting to grips with windows 7 its the beta version im using i have to say i like it and everything else has been fine its just that sometimes i get these crashes when converting films? it only seems to happen on the 2nd or 3rd film the first one always converts and burns fine?

motherboard = gigabyte gak8nxpsli

cpu = amd 3800 + dual core

graphics card = nvidia 8800 gt

4gb ram

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