System Crashing While Playing Games?

Aug 31, 2012

well i am facing a very strange problem with my computer , my CPU is started crashing when i play games like Darksiders 2 , Max payne 3 or The Witcher -2 . it works sometime for hours and someting it crashes 5 times in 30 mins. , and when it crashes i see brown screen and the a sound like errr and then system restart. i took it to the service centre of ASUS and they checked my MB , GPU and RAM all is working fine . i tried almost 15 different RAM's but non helped problem remains same, i am telling my hardware specification: CPU: AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 black editionMB: ASUS M4A88T-MRAM: Corsair XMS3 4gb single chipPSU: Cooler Master ELITE 500 WATTS GPU: ATI RADEON HD 4850 Cabinet : Cooler Master ( with 2 120 mm inflow FAN's and 1 , 120 MM outflow) i also did all the bench mark tests for CPU ( using CPUZ) , GPU ( Fun Mark) and memory test all results are normal ) 

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Computer Crashing When Playing Games

Aug 18, 2011

When using my computer it will sometimes crash every now and then, it will however crash as soon as I start playing a game. For example when within World of Warcraft it will crash pretty much instantly, I have got a memory dump of which I have attached to this post. I have tried reinstalling the graphics drivers, using the latest drivers from the nVidia website. This started to happen after reinstalling Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

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IE Keep Crashing While Playing Games On Facebook

May 7, 2012

Every time I am playing a game,on fb, ie keeps popping up with secure site [ ] yes [ ] no & no matter which box I click it shuts my game down. even if i [x] out it shuts me down.

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Why Does IE Keep Crashing While Playing Games On Facebook

May 7, 2012

Every time I am playing a game, on fb, Ie keeps popping up with secure site [ ] yes [ ] no & no matter which box I click it shuts my game down. Even if I [x] out it shuts me down.

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Computer Crashing In About 10 Minutes While Playing Games

Feb 10, 2013

My computer keeps crashing about 10 minutes in game with windows 7 64bit but when i reinstalled with 32bit it works. I am playing fairly new games like bf3 and cod4. is there some form of driver error that has been going on lately?

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Routine Crashing With Buzzing Sound When Playing Video Games

May 23, 2012

I apologize in advance if my post is missing any information; I attempted to follow the directions for properly posting but while I'm am computer functional, I'm not overly computer literate. [code] The system constantly crashes when playing video games and games consistently lag. We have completely re-installed the OS and replaced all parts in the PC at least twice. When the system crashes the speakers buzz loudly, although sometimes it sounds like it's coming from the computer itself.We switched from Nvidia because everything has checked out and it was hoped that the problem was the hardware not playing nice to no avail. I'm still getting the same error/crash. [code] Read our privacy statement online: Windows 7 Privacy Statement - Microsoft Windows..If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windows system32en- USerofflps.txt.

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BSOD Crashing On Desktop/playing HL:S And On System Repair

Sep 13, 2012

I recently got my first crash(0x00000050) on my pretty new Asus G74SX-A1 laptop while playing Half-Life: Source and never had any other blue screens before that. After that, I restarted and went to desktop and it eventually crashed again but when it did I opened Steam(not sure if connected). After that second crash, I went and scanned my PC on safe mode and then restarted again and tried to do a system repair but right after it was done I got the second BSOD(0x0000001a).

I have not recently installed any new hardware or anything that could change my system in any way. The last time I updated my PC's hardware was when I updated my graphics card (Nvidia gtx 560m) to a beta client about 3-4 weeks ago and haven't had any problems.

I looked through some of the error dumps my self to see what was causing the problems and it says it was "ntoskrnl.exe+7f1c0" but I'm not too sure what to do.

I provided the dump files in the attachements(2 dump files zipped). Edit: I think I might have fixed it by updating my graphics card, performing hard drive error checking, and chkdsk /f. I am not totally sure if it is resolved yet and if it is not, I will post back with more information informing that it has not worked.

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System Crashes When Playing Games?

Dec 16, 2011

System crashes when playing games, the problem just recently started.Is Windows 7 . . .

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64

- the original installed OS on the system? yes

- an OEM or full retail version? full retail

- OEM = came pre-installed on system

- Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer

- What is the age of system (hardware)? 1 year

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 1 year

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Random Freezes / System Lock Ups When Playing Games Or Watching Videos?

May 3, 2012

The problem is that I will get a system lock up, or freeze when playing games like Portal 2 or FM2012. The freezes are very random however they occur the most when trying to play Co-op in Portal 2 (say about 80% of the time when trying to play it). However with the likes of FM2012 or other games, I can literally play for hours on end without a crash, but other times a crash could happen within about 5 mins.I also seem to randomly crash if I watch a HD video in full screen (1920x1080) however I cannot recall such a problem watching it minimized (using VLC). I also used to get random crashes while browsing the internet on certain websites, however I haven't had this issue since upgrading my RAM.

When the PC does crash, the monitor will just black out and if sound was playing at the time it will usually loop or repeat. The only thing I can do is a hard reboot and upon restarting the PC it will say about the unexpected shut down and to start windows normally however I don't seem to get any minidumps. I've had this problem now for quite awhile, and at first it was something I just overlooked as a random occurance but now its starting to drive me crazy! My system specs are as follows:[CODE]

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Games Crashing The PC?

Dec 11, 2011

I'm playing,Then my screen Goes blank, I Hear my Fan go Full speed, Then My computer reboots, But It's stuck at "Starting Windows". I decide that a system restore is my only option, So I go with that Right, So my Brand-Spanking New Copy Of Halo 2 Arrives. Boy am I excited, I suspect that after MS Shut down Original XBL, The PC Community will recive a much needed Boost. I don't activate my copy yet, I just want to play some campaign First. I load up the armory, And just as you get out of the tram-thing with johnson, I hear Lots of Sound Glitches, And the same thing as before. It does it a few more times. Then I played some DiRT 2 about 20 minute's ago, It it does the same thing.Now, I suspect It's only Games For Windows LIVE (GFWL) Games doing it, But then I remember that CoD4 did it. Now I'm afraid that if I play anymore games, And do this too much, That I will Seriously Screw My computer.

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Computer Crashing While Playing?

Jun 9, 2010

So, my computer is crashing while I play games like Left 4 Dead or Bad Company 2When it crashes, sound starts looping and I get a black screen and there might be somekind of corruption on the screen. Black screen stays there for some time (5-10 secs, not sure about the exact time) and then the computer reboots. After I boot back in to Windows, a window pops-up telling that Windows has recovered from bluescreen but I didn't see any bluescreen coming up. figured it might be something to do with heat but after I logged the temperatures, I'm not so sure about it anymore. At the moment of the crash, GPU was at 94�C and processor cores were at 66�C , 65�C , 67�C , 65�C so the temperatures seem to be fine.

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Games Keep Crashing Randomly?

Oct 22, 2012

All my games keep randomly crashing while I am playing them. It doesn't ever do it at a specific point or anything. I also posted at crash report of one of the games,

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My Games Keep Crashing Windows 7

May 8, 2011

I am really at a loss. I can't play any of my games on my PC. This started a little more than a month ago. About 5 - 10 minutes into gameplay, it just crashes. The screen goes black and the sound makes a repetitive clicking noise, and when I try to turn it on it says: Going into power off mode.

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PC Keeps Crashing When Playing BF2 The Game On Line?

Jun 24, 2012

My PC keeps crashing when im playing BF2 the game on line. Do you need any more info?

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.


Is Windows 7 . . . - x64 - It is an original installed OS on the system - Full retail version? - What is the age of system (hardware)? Hardware is less than 2 years old - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?)

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Blue Ray Playing In PowerDVD Causes Crashing?

Jun 5, 2009

I did a clean install of Windows 7 RC 1 on this computer that has a Blue Ray player in it. I've successfully played a Blue Ray DVD but partway through the movie the computer just completely restarts.I think I've narrowed it down to specifically either a Blue Ray problem or a PowerDVD issue. There is no error when the computer restarts, it just does. This has not happened on any other application that I have run on the computer either.

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Games Crashing Without Error Messages?

Sep 18, 2011

So I have been having troubles with my games recently I have no idea why it is happening but every time I try starting up my games such as Star Wars titles because they are on sale on steam so I picked them up, for Star Wars Battlefront 2 I get to the main menu pick new game and then it says play training I select it and it goes black and takes me to my desktop and there is no error message displayed, and for Star Wars Empire at War it gets passed the game logo's lucas arts ect.. and then it goes black and again no error message

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GTX 460 Card Crashing/freezing In Games

Aug 2, 2012

Basically what happens sometimes in-game is I get either a crash where the screen goes black and then a message saying the graphics driver recovered successfully, or I get freezing up with fps drops every few seconds until I quit the application.

I haven't had this issue before I OC'd my AMD Phenom II X6 1090T CPU from 3.2 to 3.6 GHz. The temperatures of the card are perfectly fine (it's usually around 62-67 degrees) and I also ran some stress tests through furmark, which gave me results consistent with my card's rating, and I had no errors.

I was under the impression that overclocking the CPU didn't affect the graphics card. Also, I'm 100% certain the card is getting enough power because I specifically bought a new power supply a few months back to make sure I would never worry about power issues. The GPU drivers are up to date (I even tried using beta drivers) and I've checked the card physically and got the dust out.

edit: just got another error in Starcraft 2 - "your computer has run out of paged pool memory". I have 12 gbs of ram and with starcraft 2 open i have about 8.5-9 gbs being used.

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Why Can't Windows 7 Play PC Games Without Crashing

Dec 26, 2009

I have windows 7 64 bit on an asus computer with a processor of intel core 2 quad and when i had windows vista, i could play my downloaded games with ease. However, every time I try to play it now, the screen either blacks out and restarts or the blue screen pops up.

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BSOD Atikmpag.sys / Crashing With Skyrim And Other Games

Nov 11, 2011

I've had a nightmare with my computer over the last week with various random crashes whilst play Rift. Now I am struggling to even get past the starting video for Skyrim as the game is freezing and crashing (with the dreaded BSOD). When I see the screen it mentions the atikmpag.sys error.

- Windows 7 x64
- Original OS installed on my PC.
- OEM version
- PC came pre-built and is 4 months old
- Intel Core i5 2500K Sandy Bridge Processor
- Asus P8P67 PRO Motherboard
- 4GB PC3-10666 DDR3 Memory
- Radeon HD 6870 1024MB Video Card

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Consistent Blue Screens And Games Crashing?

Jul 9, 2012

for the last week or so I've been getting consistent BSOD's. I have reinstalled windows, updated all my drivers, even bought a new graphics card, and I am still having problems. I was having problems with memory, although these got sorted out when I tweaked the numbers. The slightly confusing thing is that almost every time I get a BSOD, it's a new error. 64 bit windows 7 home premium - Hardware is less then one year old, except hard drive. - OS installed a few days ago

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Shockwave Player Keeps Crashing Mid Online Games?

Jul 5, 2012

when i'm playing games online the shockwaves player keeps crashing randomly .

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Games Crashing To Desktop Without Warning Or Hiccups?

Oct 12, 2012

This is a recently developed problem, as I've been playing Saints row the third and skyrim the game crashes after about 30 min. Not every time though. like 1 out of 3 times I play. The game will be working great (no lag or drop in frame rate) and it just up and closes to the desktop. No crash report or any other form of notification of what happened. I looked at the event viewer and I wasn't sure where to look in it but I looked in windows logs->applications and I found this error around the time of one of the crashes:Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.I'm new to this forum but I entered all of my pc info on my profile so I think you would be able to view it there.

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Yahoo Keeps Crashing And Facebooks Games Dont Work

May 24, 2011

I have a fairly new laptop. This week I try to play games on facebook and yahoo and The games won't display and weird flashing part of game.

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Which Is Better For Playing Games

Sep 11, 2011

windows 7 supports 64 bit if there is a supported cpu i wanted to know that is there a benifit of running the system in 64bit.

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BSOD While Playing Games

Nov 14, 2011

i getting random BSOD while playing games , they don't usually happen but sometimes it happens after like 15 minutes of play most of them happen while playing battlefield 3, i included my mem dumb also here's a screen grab from a bsod checker program.

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PC Shuts Down When Playing Games

Jul 24, 2012

So, everytime I'm in the middle of a game. For example I was playing DayZ and my PC just shuts down. It has been doing this for awhile. It does it on other games like Half-Life 2. I have a pretty powerful computer. It doesn't have this problem when video editing with 720p footage. I've tried the CHSDISK thing (i think thats how you spell it) and it still shuts down randomly during game. I've also tried turning off all the startup programs.

A - My PC shuts down immediately, it doesn't give me a warning or anything. Code: Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64 bit


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BSOD When Playing Games

Mar 24, 2011

I have had my computer for about over a year now. It has worked absolutely perfect until maybe a month ago. I got my first Blue Screen after playing World of Warcraft for some hours. Installed " BlueScreenView "

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BSOD When Playing Games

Jan 30, 2012

I never get the bluescreen doing anything but playing games and it's not often but it happens about twice a week. It crashes and WhoCrashed or Bluescreen view always points to ntoskrnl.exe or ntkrnlmp.exe or hal.dll it's always two of those 3. Other than games it runs fine. I did all the memory tests for 3 days and tried the best I could re-seat stuff. It's an alienware so they have it all secured in a way that makes it difficult to get around, and the case weighs around 105 lbs or something crazy.

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Sometimes Get BSOD When Playing Games?

Jul 13, 2011

I sometimes get BSOD when playing games.

here is my BSOD log
Dump File : 071311-41168-01.dmp
Crash Time : 7/13/2011 10:03:01 AM
Bug Check Code : 0x1000007e
Parameter 1 : ffffffff`c0000005
Parameter 2 : fffff880`04de4573


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5 Different BSoDs, Mostly While Playing Games?

Oct 10, 2011

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Full Retail. Age of system: 4 months of cpu/mobo/ram & 1/2 years graphic card.

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BSOD While Playing Some Games?

Mar 17, 2012

i'm getting Blue Screens when playing The Sims 3 and World of Warcraft, i have installed Windows 7 twice now and it still keeps going on, but i can play Skyrim and Mass Effect 3 without any problems.

Here are my components:

Motherboard: Elitegroup ESC H61H2-M2
CPU: Intel i5 2500k
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 ti
RAM: 1x Patriot DDR3 4 GB and 1x Patriot DDR3 2 GB
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate edition

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