Stopping Defragmentation On SSD Drive

Dec 21, 2009

I'm running Win 7 Ultimate x64 on a desktop with the OS loaded on an Intel 160GB G2 SSD as C:. I've noticed that Defrag is happening on the SSD drive. I've confirmed this in two ways: First, looking at the Last Run date in the Disk Defragmenter UI. The date associated with the SSD drive C: continues to move forward. Second, I've looked in the event log and have confirmed that there are messages stating the successful defragmentation on the C: drive.

I have 3 drives in my system. The SSD drive is C:. I have 2 WD 750GB drives as D: and E:. If I look at the Defragmentation Schedule UI, only drive D: and E: appear. Just to be safe I turned off Scheduled Defragmentation and Defragmentation has stopped on D: and E: but continues on C:.

Looking at the event log, there seems to be no discernable pattern as to when the defrag happens on the SSD:

I can't find any place to stop Defragmentation from happening on C:. Any suggestions?

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Defragmentation Made My Hard Drive Actually Lose Space

Oct 21, 2009

Did I miss something? I always thought defrags made more space on your computer by organizing files and making programs run faster

But when I did a defrag, using Defraggler

I went from 83 gigs free space to 79 gigs free space

I even restarted, and nothing changed

I think that's kinda weird .

Or maybe I don't know something about defragging, and its suppose to do that.

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What To Do If Defragmentation Is Stopped In Between

Feb 4, 2013

actually while i was defragmentting there was power cut and so after some time defragmentation stopped so wat next.?

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Computer Updated During Defragmentation - Any Precautions?

Jan 24, 2013

Last night I set my computer to defragment my hard drive, forgetting that earlier that day I had enabled automatic updates due to a university policy that forces you to enable automatic updates to access the internet. Needless to say, my computer rebooted to update in the middle of defragmentation. Everything seems to be in working order so far, but is there any precaution I should be taking before attempting to defragment again, such as checking for any disk errors? If so, how would I do that? And of course I'll disable automatic updates this time. The program I was using for defragmenting was Defraggler.

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Home Premium - Defragmentation Takes Forever?

Sep 14, 2011

I am using 32-bit Windows 7 Home Premium on my laptop, found it was a bit slow.Goto Disk Defragmenter to analyse, 5 % fragmented.But I still go ahead.It had gone 5 passes, relocate...etc.Then looks like stop at Pass 5: 0% consolidatedIt's been 40 minutes unchanged up to now, still 0% consolidated.

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Disk Defragmentation Cannot Start - Task Scheduler Not Running

May 29, 2011

When I try to run Disk Defrag I get this error message, "Disk Defragmentation cannot start because the Task Scheduler service is not running. Start the Task Scheduler service and try again." How can I correct this problem?

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Stopping W7's RAM Cache

Nov 8, 2009

I'm doing some audio work, editing drums, which involves taking a few audio files (7 or 8) and splitting them into hundreds, one for each drum beat.

My problem is that when I do this, my computer completely locks up. I've noticed that as soon as I do this, Windows 7's RAM Cache jumps up to 1.7gb. And I've only got 2gb of RAM, so it leaves only 300mb for my audio program to run, and I think this is the problem.

Is there a way to temporarily or permanently disable Windows 7's ability to cache your RAM? Because it doesn't seem to be disabling when I want it to.

I'm running the Windows 7 RC Build 7100 atm, with an Intel Core2Duo (2ghz) and 2GB of ram.

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Printer Spooler Keeps Stopping?

Mar 26, 2012

I was having trouble with the printer spooler stopping, finally got it fixed after 4 stressful days, went to Administrative tools, print management and deleted the print jobs that were waiting to be printed and it worked. you may have to go to services and restart your printer spooler first before it will recognize your printer.

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CD/DVD Driver Stopping My Whole Process

May 29, 2009

I am trying to install Windows 7 RC into to different machines. Both are self built machines. Both are running Win XP w/ sp2.

On one machine I have tried everything to get past a CD/DVD Driver request. The first DVD driver is a NEC ND-2500A. I found what I thought were the drivers, but whenever I get to the point of selecting the drive (with the drivers in it) they don't appear within the DVD drive.

I even went as far as to load the driver onto the HDD I am installing Win& to. After may attempts, with no luck, I installed a plug and play CD/DVD player. Now, I have never had driver's for this unit, but it still wants drivers for it.

What am I missing here? Why won't it get past this point. I have even gone as far as disconnecting C drive and tried loading directly to D drive (second HDD drive).

On the second computer it mentions something about an I/O shield problem and wont even let me get into the setup stage.

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Print Spooler Keeps Stopping?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a laptop running Win 7 32-bit. I configured a network printer, which is an HP Deskjet 720 that is connected to an XP machine and shared. That worked fine. But I just purchased a new 64-bit desktop, and I can't print to that network printer. I can install the printer, and the status shows it's available/ready. But when I try to print a test page, nothing happens. When I check the document status, I get a message saying that the print spooler needs to be started. I've restarted it several times, but it still doesn't work. I've searched the forum and Googled this problem. Lots of users seem to have this same issue. I've tried all suggestions, but nothing works. The spooler is set to automatically start, and the restart time after error is zero. I decided that I'd try replacing the printer driver. But when I go into Control Panel and look at printer properties, the Advanced tab where I should be able to update the drive is all grayed out. So I'm stuck.

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Can't Access Email Without It Stopping?

Jan 15, 2012

Verizon will not let me log in. When I type in user name and password, it comes up that I have used a wrong procedure. I'm typing the correct items in their boxes.

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Windows Stopping And Restarting?

Aug 20, 2012

Am using Hp Probook 4720s with window 7 32bit OS. A couple of days ago i shut the cover of my laptop while updates are being installed and since i cant get to start the window. it keep stopping and starting in circles. I have done system recovery several times and sometimes it gives an access denied to message "c:windowssystem32configsystemprofileDesktop is not accessible" messgaes. i can not access my files to do any work.

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Stopping Print Size From Changing?

Dec 31, 2011

how to stop the print size from changing when I click on a link within a web page? At the moment I have a 150% print size but that changes to a very small 100% when I open a new link. This happens nearly every time I click on a link or open a new webpage. How can I prevent this from happening at all?

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Windows Stopping At Random Points

Feb 11, 2012

the comp stops at random points it happens in all os's xp, vista and 7 i have tryed everything i can think off the on;y stange thing is that when in safe mode it works perfectly fine but as soon go onto the normal mode it hangs for 2 to 20 mins at a time. there is no mouse or keyborad movement and no movement on the screen at all. no networked devices or drives. brand new instalation on the os's, full delete, partition and format.

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Windows 7 System Time Keeps Stopping?

Oct 4, 2012

I am having an issue with my system time. After reboot it reverts back a few hours. During the day it will also stop and freeze on a curtain time. If I install a third party time sync program it works ok. I have checked the Internet time server and it is turned on. I also set the net time server to automatic instead of manual.

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Stopping Automatic Driver Install?

May 14, 2009

I'm trying to install the new windows 7 nvidia drivers from nvidia but every time I uninstall the 181.72 drivers it automatically installs it every time I start windows. I have "No, Never install driver software from windows update" selected in the device installation settings in the advanced system window, so why does it keep installing? How do I disable this automatic install of the drivers?

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HDD Stopping And Starting After BIOS Flash?

Apr 7, 2011

I flashed my BIOS to try and fix a problem I was having with my computer not POSTing after a cold boot. Ever since, my secondary hard drive will start to spin-up and spin-down repeatedly, once Windows loads. It doesn't do that during POST, or if I'm in the BIOS, or anything; just when Windows is running, which makes me think it's a software, rather than a hardware problem.

I'd installed Windows in AHCI mode, and it had always worked, but now, the above problem goes away if I set my SATA controller to IDE rather than AHCI, in the BIOS.

So I think it might have something to do with Windows not being entirely happy with AHCI after the BIOS update.

System Details:
Mobo: ASUS M4A79T Deluxe
BIOS Updated To: Version 3303
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965
RAM: 8 GiB DDR3 PC16000
PSU: 850 Watt something or other (can't remember, but it was expensive)
HDD: Primary is 160 GB Western Digital. Secondary is 200 GB Western Digital (can't remember exact details, but they're both 7,200 RPM).
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1, 64-bit

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Downloads Stopping On Monitor Sleep

Oct 1, 2009

Downloads in Flashget stop when windows 7 puts my monitor to sleep. I can line up downloads in Flashget and they work fine while I'm using the PC. However as soon as the monitor is put to sleep by Windows, the downloads stop. Moving the mouse brings the monitor to life and the downloads resume - however, the usually speed drops considerably (from 800kps to around 100kps) and does not improve unless I restart.

Originally I thought this was related to scheduled downloads. I set up a scheduled, off-peak download overnight and when I got up I'd find that the downloads had failed. However, I noticed the issue was happening whenever I downloaded and left the computer for a period of time.

Power settings are all on high. Harddrive/computer sleep is off. Monitor sleep is the only thing on (15 minutes). Ethernet controller has been set to not allow the computer to turn off (unchecked).

I'm using KIS2010 which may be blocking network access somehow. But disabling KIS and setting Flashget as trusted has no effect.

Is it possible that the ethernet is being powered down somehow when the monitor sleeps? Any additional settings under the Ethernet controller/power settings I can try?

Ethernet is onboard Marvell Yukon. Latest driver from Marvell installed.

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Display Driver Keeps Stopping And Then Restarting?

Aug 19, 2012

Every time I do something graphic heavy on my desktop the screen goes black then comes back on with a message in the corner aying the display driver had stopped working and needed to restart, most of the times if I am playing a game this will freeze the game too

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Internet Explorer 9 Keeps Stopping, Will Not Display Page?

Sep 26, 2012

I have Windows 7 Home Premium, and every time I go to Facebook it freezes. Now it has spread, it froze twice when I came to CNET. Only had this for 4 weeks, not a computer genius.

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Stopping Programs From Changing My Default Application

Aug 16, 2009

I am a big fan of user account controls in Vista and Windows 7.

I would like to know how I can stop any and all newly installed programs from being able to change or affect my default programs.

I build and maintain computers and once I have installed and set up a new system I don't want any program to change my default programs. Not even win media player or Internet explorer if they update themselves.

Does that make sense.

I use GOM as the default media player and firefox as the default browser. But sometimes if there is a system update for media player, internet explorer or even iTunes and quicktime these programs sometimes after the update change my default programs.

Once I have finalized my install and set up my preferences how can I lock down the default programs permanently?

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Windows 7 Aero Theme Keeps Stopping After Few Seconds

Sep 27, 2012

Windows 7 Aero Theme Service keeps Stopping after a few seconds, i have already done :

Right click desk top>personalize>Trouble shoot problems with aero

It AlwaYS COMES up with the error Themes service isnt running :fixed

but after a few seconds it shuts off again.. It makes it to where i cannot see firefox close button,expand,minimize etc.. and completely makes the bottom task bar solid white and square with old buttons (like win 95) and various other windows including the volume button scroll etc..

I have completely reinstalled windows 7 ---does same thing.I have completely formatted the partition and reinstalled--does same thing

I have reinstalled all drivers from dells website--same thing I have downloaded and used Driver programs that find missing software such as easy driver pro--Does not work still I have gone into the manager-its set to automatic..Step 1 restart program, step two restart program..step 3 do nothing

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Windows 7 Installation Stopping At License Agreement

Jul 29, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite L305-A5934 with Windows 7 Pro 32bit that decided to suddenly stop working and tried to run System Repair. The System Repair wouldn't work and I tried to re-install windows using my Windows 7 CD that I've used several times in the past. When the installation got to the License Agreement page, I couldn't click on anything. The cursor moved around the screen just fine but I couldn't click on anything.

I removed the hard drive and put it in a different model Toshiba Satellite and it allowed me to install the windows 7 cd without any problems. I mentioned my problem to a co-worker and he said that he had had the same problem with his computer. He said that he bought a new hard drive for the computer and all was well. So I bought a new hard drive and put it in the L305-A5934 and tried to install windows again but again, when I got to the license agreement, I couldn't click on anything.

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Flash Player Starting And Stopping When Maximized

Jan 23, 2011

When I maximize the flash player when we are watching a video the screen stops and starts every 3-4 minutes. If I minimize the screen this doesnt happen. I have re-installed flash and this happens across all browsers.

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Microsoft Mouse 6000 Keeps Stopping My Screensaver From Loading

Jan 15, 2012

When I deleted my Microsoft Mouse driver, the screensaver came back on. when I installed it, the screensaver turned off after a while. It may also be stopping me from hibernating my computer as when I click on hibernate, it blacks the screen and then locks the computer

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LG HBS-250 Bluetooth Audio Headphones Problem - Constant Stopping

Sep 15, 2009

I'm using Windows 7 RC, and I just bought LG HBS-250 stereo Bluetooth headset. And I'm using kensington bluetooth dongle with windows 7 basic driver. My bluetooth hasn't given me any problem with syncing to my BlackBerry.

Now I want to use my headset to listen to music through audio streaming from my PC. First of all, the headset works perfectly with my BlackBerry.

But when I try to listen to music from PC, the music constantly stops just like I'm listening to streaming music with bad connection. (Buffering)

Funny thing is, when the headset is connected to BOTH BlackBerry and PC, then the music from PC plays flawlessly.

What should I do to correct this problem? I don't want to keep my BlackBerry's bluetooth on just for this .

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Stopping Folder Navigation Pane Auto Scroll Down?

Oct 3, 2009

Sometimes when I open (click or double click) a folder on the navigation pane (folder browser on the left pane of windows explorer), somehow the folder will automatically scrolled down to the bottom. Not always, but sometimes. Is there anyway to stop it from scrolling down unintentionally?

Here is the screen cast: [URL]

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Sound Keeps Stopping And Going When Play Any Kind Of A Video Or Anything With Music

Jan 13, 2012

My sound keeps stopping and going when I play any kind of a video or anything with music

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Fix Catalyst Control Center Monitoring Program From Stopping?

Aug 17, 2012

I suddenly have a message come up saing my Catalyst control center has stopped working

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Computer Booting Slowly And Stopping Responding Upon Application Open

Nov 12, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite C650-17Z laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I came across a problem today with the computer taking 2-3 minutes on the "Starting Windows" boot screen alone, but since it has finally gotten past that process applications are taking absolutely ages to load up, and stop responding when they finally do load up.

I attempted a Startup Repair and Memory Diagnostic - the Memory Diagnostic came out fine, but the Startup Repair explained that this could be a problem with a recently installed driver.

I recently uninstalled some MSXML and SQL Server bits and bobs which I thought were unnecessary

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Can't Install Java Windows 7 X64 NT Kernel & System Is Stopping Install

May 28, 2012

NT Kernel & System rises to top of list in task manager and then just totally stops installs from proceeding. I have fought NT Kernel & System on 3 computers running Win 7 x64 ever since Win 7 has been out. No one yet that I know of has been able to solve the issue. I now need to install Java and can't because of NT Kernel & System stops it. I have tried everything on every forum and sites l find with Google searches. Nothing has worked yet.

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