SkyDrive Mapped To Windows Explorer?

Mar 26, 2011

I connected skydrive to my Windows Explorer following this instructions How-to: Connect Your SkyDrive In Windows Explorer | mynetx And I did it,but it shows me wrong information. It says 136gb free of 277gb but it should be 24.99 gb free of 25 gb. Here is a Screenshot.

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Can't See Mapped Drives In Explorer?

Feb 26, 2010

On my Win 7 system, I have mapped 4 drives to a XP system using the "net use" command. They are mapped correctly as p,q,s,t on the Windows 7 system. They show up in the "Power Desk" app which is a file manager utility program. The mapped drives work correctly in that program.However, they don't show up in explorer on the windows 7 system. All other drives are shown, but not the mapped drives. Also, if I bring up the file open dialog box from an app like notepad, they don't show up either.On another Win 7 system, I can map the drives exactly the same way and they do show up in explorer. It must be a setting that is different on the Win 7 system that does not work.

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Downgrade Windows Live Or Remove Skydrive?

Nov 9, 2010

I have recently upgraded windows live mail to the 2011 version. Sending a simple photo email is a mission now. I dont want skydrive and all that added rubbish. How do I downgrade?

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Skydrive / Windows Live Mesh Queries?

Feb 19, 2012

*Will you be able to upload folders to Skydrive? I want to create a PHOTOS folder in Skydrive, then upload my 160 individual photo folders to it.

*What is Windows Live Mesh?

*I'd like to make it so any photos or docs I add to my hard drive, automastically go to Skydrive.Is that part of the functionality?what is: SkyDrive Wave 5 M3 (version 16.3)?

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Skydrive Publishing From Windows Live Gallery

May 7, 2012

Now, I understand that once you install the Skydrive PC program, you get a folder on the desktop. Whatever is in that desktop folder, however the contents are organized--that's what gets synched up to the SkyDrive Interwebs.which means that my entire photo collection, all 13GB of it, needs to be copied into the desktop SkyDrive folder.Now, I also have a Windows Live Photo Gallery on here- never used. But I see on there,that there is a thing that says 'publish to SkyDrive.' Does that mean if I hit the button, they are automatically copied there? So I don't have to dupe my collection? I pushed the 'Publish to SkyDrive' button, and it appears grayed out.

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Skydrive Help

Apr 19, 2009

im trying to upload some icons ive zipped the file which is 13.40 mb and uploaded it to my skydrive i have set permissions to "everyone public" but what do i do now how do i post the link to it,i have never used skydrive before so am a bit stuck.

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Is It Possible To Download SkyDrive On PC

Feb 19, 2012

Is it possible to download SkyDrive on my PC?

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Skydrive - How To Sync Folders

Oct 31, 2012

I have Skydrive for Windows installed. Copied a folder to the Skydrive location, shows up as a Skydrive sub-folder. All the files in the folder were immediately uploaded to Skydrive, but new files are not being uploaded.

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Skydrive File Date

Oct 1, 2009

Anyone knows how to save a file to skydrive with the original file date? My problem is that the file date is the same as the day in which the file was saved to skydrive.

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Sync Toy Versus SkyDrive

Jan 15, 2013

sync files between my desktop and notebook, and using other devices. I have been using SyncToy for quite a while, with fairly good results. Sometimes though I seem to get edits (deletions and overwrites) that I really do not want. Is there a better solution for syncing large amounts of files? I am starting to try out using SkyDrive, but I�m not totally comfortable with putting sensitive documents online, also I often use my notebook without any internet access and I would like to be able to have a local copy available. Optimally I would like to be able to have a master drive that both desktop and notebook sync their local versions to.

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Share Files Using SkyDrive With A Link?

Nov 11, 2012

I want to share a file using SkyDrive by using a public LinkOn the Web Interface I can only send Links to people (these need to be logged in) or I can generate a html-code for a iFrame to publish the file on a website.But I want to get a Link that directly points to the file,

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Skydrive App Multiple Users Same Machine?

Feb 1, 2013

I want to use the skydrive app for users on the domain. They would all share this drive in the notification area but log in and out of the drive with each accessing their own files on a windows 7 machine.this will be for clients logging in with an active directory account. Is this possible? use it as secure online storage obviously they would all need a hotmail address.This would be for multiple domain users on the same physical computer? or is there any free alternative that can accomplish the same

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How To Disable Skydrive And Photo Album In WLM 2011

Oct 31, 2010

All i want is my ability to send pictures via windows explorer with the right click feature, then to resize them and then send them. Now when it gets ready to send it says some stuff about Skydrive, about some photo album and wants me to log in somewhere. I don't want any of that. I want the old tried and true method I had under plain jane Windows Mail before. How do I make WLM 2011 behave like the old WM? I just want to select, resize and send the way it used to work under WM!!!!!

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Can't Get Fetch To Work To Sync Files With SkyDrive

Sep 16, 2012

I have SkyDrive on Windows 7 but I have no icon in my toolbar (at the bottom right hand side) just one on my desktop screen. I might have deleted it somehow. But now I notice that my files are not updating when I go to my iPad and launch Windows Live. I go back to make sure fetch is turned on on my desktop SkyDrive, but without an icon, I can't find it or settings, the furthest I get is something about a Group policy might not be allowing it and to see my administrator. I am on a wireless router.

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Any Online Services To Connect To My Photos On Skydrive?

Apr 25, 2012

What online services will connect to my photos on my Skydrive? For example, when I make a new post on Blogger and I want to insert a photo I can select the photo or photo album from Picasa. Unfortunately I cannot select a photo from my Skydrive. Is there anything besides the Windows Live Essentials that will connect to my photos? Either a program or online service?

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Is There A File Size Limit In Skydrive For IPad

May 7, 2012

Is there a file size limit in Skydrive for iPad? Not the upload size but the 'view' size.I have uploaded a few pdf's from my 7pc and the ones that are reasonably small display in iOS SkyDrive just lovely. However I have a magazine or two that are over 100megs and the app says they are unavailable.

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Why Do Folders Synced With SkyDrive On Live Mesh Not Appear Online

Oct 16, 2011

This probably isn't an error, but a problem all the same. I've synced my documents to SkyDrive using Windows Live Mesh without a problem. However, to access these files with a web browser I have to go to 'devices', not the more prominent 'SkyDrive' tab in Hotmail. Why is this? Why are there two different SkyDrives and is there any way to get them in the same place?

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SkyDrive Organization - How To Get All Images Inside Photo Folder

Feb 28, 2012

On the left, you see:
Recent Docs

I look in Files, and I see a list of everything, including photos. So when I look inside'photos,'. All I have is a folder for..'Video.' How can I get the photos inside the photo folder?

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Office 2003 On Windows 7 - Disconnected Mapped Drives?

Feb 14, 2011

Windows 7 Prof 32 bit, with Office 2003 SP3 on a Dell laptop. Everything works fine when on the network and connected. If the user takes the laptop offsite without shutting it down first and still has mapped drives when he tries to save a document the drop down menu will hang any Office app.To explain a bit more... in the Save As dialog box, the drop down menu to change locations it was freezes it up. After about 30 seconds or so the menu will finally appear and the application will be happy again. The user doesn't have that kind of patience though.This isn't a new issue, I've found its due to the mapped network drives being unreachable. I do not have this problem in XP, only Windows 7. This is very annoying to the user. Short of removing the mapped drives with a script that the users has to run when they leave the office what can I do? I've looked around the web a lot and can't find much more than "disconnect the mapped drives" and I dont think of that as a solution so much as a work around.

The user is the CEO of the company I work for and he often uses his laptop at home, then gets in the car and uses it on his way to the office (obviously he isn't driving himself) and then gets into the office and wants his drives to just magically workAlso, trying to change how he uses the laptop won't work either. This is not a tech savvy user. This user also resist change (obviously, still using Office 2003)

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Windows 7 Home Premium - Can't Delete Mapped Drive

Jan 10, 2013

Windows 7 Home Premium - fully updated. I mapped a drive Z: and disconnected it but it still appears. Nothing I have tried works. I have tried net use many times (with everything else closed down) as follows:

net use z: /delete
net use \sharenameUsers
net use z: \sharenameUsers /delete
net use z: \sharenameUsers * /delete ( ie.I passworded the map)
net use z: \sharenameUsers myactualpassword /delete

Yes I rebooted after net use. Yes I used the actual sharename not \sharenameUsers. Is my net use syntax correct for a passworded map?

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Mapped Drives Hidden On Server During Remote Desktop Only In Windows 7

Jun 20, 2012

Server - Windows Server 2003 (Small Business Server, if it matters but I think its a Win 7 setting at fault myself)

Client - Windows 7

F: on client mapped to \serverusersmickeymouse

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Windows 7 Pro X64 Group Policy Error - Mapped Drives Not Connectable After A While

Apr 6, 2012

Our domain controller is a Win Server 2003 R3, and we recently replaced several workstations with newer hardware running Win 7 Pro x64. For the most part, every thing runs smoothly. We have a shared folder on the 2003 machine that everyone uses to store their data. Everyone logs on to the domain, not the local machine. The problem happens when a machine is left on for more than one day. I don't know if it is on a regular interval, but I haven't noticed it as such. Eventually there is an error when trying to connect to the mapped drive: "U:\ is not accessible. An unexpected network error occurred."

When trying to browse the server from the Network in the Start Menu I get this: "Windows cannot access \\servername Check the spelling of the name... Error code 0x80070035 the network path was not found." I get a positive response when I ping the server's name and IP address from the client computer, and vice versa. I checked that the following services were running on both machines: workstation, server, tcp/ip netbios helper, DHCP client, DNS Client. The client computer's Ethernet adapter settings uses the server as the Preferred DNS Server in the IPv4 properties [it is set manually].

I tried ipconfig /flushdns on the client, then ran gpupdate in an administrator cmd window, still got an error. I ran gpresult /h gpreport.html and will attach that file for inspection. There are some errors in the system event log with GroupPolicy as the source and 1030 as the Event ID. Sometimes there is an error in the log with NETLOGON as the source and 5719 as the Event ID. What really makes it aggravating is that it only happens when the client computers are left on for more than a work day. If they are rebooted, it works fine.

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Windows 7 Mapped Drive Latency With Slow Green Progress Bar And Red X

Dec 13, 2010

We are having ongoing problems with Windows 7 and mapped drive latency on our network. Our environment is as follows:Multiple servers running Windows 2008 & 2008 R2, some VMware servers (including our file server). Windows 7 x64 came preloaded on a brand new Lenovo think-pad, 4gb memory. This occurs on 4 different laptops. This problem ALSO occurs in exactly the same way on an HP Compaq x64 desktop running Windows 7 32. All systems are fully patched & up to date on SP's. Running IP 4 & 6 on all servers & Windows 7 machines Connected to GB Cisco switch.We run login scripts via GPOs that map drives (with net use commands) to 3 shares on our file-server, drives G, H and S.A fourth mapped drive to an IBM I-series does NOT experience these issues.

In Windows Explorer, mapped drives may or may not appear with red X's, but when clicked on they hang with a spinner and the green bar at the top of Explorer begins to run. This occurs randomly, but usually not right after boot up. It can take over a minute to complete. Also, in Word, which has references to these drives in file locations, file opening and saves can be very slow as it attempts to access these shares.This issue has delayed our roll out of Windows 7.Its unacceptably slow and cannot be used in a production environment.We have tried every suggestion we can find on the Internet:Turned off auto-tuning, indexing, thumbnails, set auto-disconnect to the max (both 99999 and ffffffff). Server & clients. No luck. Changed properties on the mapped drives to optimize for change.Changes setting on the network cards to disable flow control, set static link speed & duplex. Network drivers have been updated. Even tried using our wireless network and disabling wired change.All bios and hardware updates are change.Turned on and off network change.
Disabled SMB2 on servers & change.Disabled firewalls, and unloaded antivirus (Trend) change.Safe boot with networking & clean boot with no services other than change.

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Microsoft Updating Skydrive, No Longer Can Sync User-defined Folders?

Apr 26, 2012

The beauty of Live Mesh, though, is that you can sync any folder anywhere on your hard drive without having to move or copy it to a specific location. You simply tell Live Mesh which folders to keep in sync on each PC, and it does the rest.The new SkyDrive will sync your files. But unlike Live Mesh, it won't sync specific folders from anywhere on your PC.Instead, it creates a folder on your PC called SkyDrive. Any subfolder or file you wish to sync has to be moved to that specific location. So what was once an automated process now becomes a manual and laborious task. It also can easily create problems for applications that want to store content in your Documents folder, for example.I just switched to Skydrive for this! It was a royal pain figuring out how to junction my documents folder on my second drive into my Dropbox folder. Is there any way to avoid upgrading?

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No Thumbnails For MAPPED Drive

Dec 14, 2011

When I upgraded from XP (a long time ago) I deleted all the thumbs.db files. I can see thumbnails on my local C: drive. If I browse my network drive I can see thumbnails.

But I have also mapped my network drive as Z:. If I browse the mapped drive I can't see thumbnails.

Can anybody confirm that they can/cannot see thumbnails on mapped drives that don't contain thumbs.db.

Folders don't initially incorporate Folder.jpg into their thumbnail. If I browse into the folder I can see the thumbnail for Folder.jpg only. If I then return to the parent folder the folder now incorporates Folder.jpg into it's thumbnail.

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Pin A Network Mapped Shorcut

Sep 24, 2009

I found many tutorials explaining how to pin custom things to the Windows 7 "super-bar"

maybe i read wrong but i didn't found anything about pinning a shortcut from a virtual mapped drive..

so, saying my virtual drive (mapped using net use ..) is R:,

what i want, is to have in my super-bar a shortcut to R:fooar.exe

is this possible ?

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Mapped Drives Not Connecting

Nov 8, 2009

I've set up a dual boot with XP and 7. My mapped drives work fine under XP but on 7 they fail to reconnect at startup. I have made sure I ticked "Reconnect at startup" and I have switched on "Always wait for network at computer start up and logon" in Group Policies but still no good. Any suggestions?

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Problem With Mapped Drive

Dec 14, 2009

I run a small network in my business. The software I use is perfectly adapted to my use, but it is written in DOS Basic. This limits my access to network devices.

Until now using windows XP, I solved this problem by choosing one hard drive (C) as my server drive and mapping a (Z) virtual drive in every computer to that (C) drive.

I can access and update info in the server (C) drive from any computer, once I have shared and established permission levels. I share the root of the (C) drive, so everything is accessible.

Now I try this with Windows 7 and I cannot access the server (C) drive from the virtual (Z) drive from my programs, although I can see the (C) drive when I open the (Z) drive.

I have tried every possible level of permission settings, and still no luck. My question is this I missing something here, or is it just impossible to do this in Windows 7?

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Mapped Network Drive On Same PC Not Writable?

May 19, 2012

I run some CAD and compiler software that (unfortunately!) uses absolute path names in project files, so I need to access all my files with exactly the same path for my PC and my laptop. Enventually I want to put all files on an external NAS drive, but only have the PC at the moment.So my first thought was create a folder on my PC, say C:X_Drive, map it as a network drive, say X:, and share the folder as X: on the laptop. Then I'd always access files through the mapped drive, and all paths would be consistent, and moving to an external drive should be trivial.

This sort of works. I've set up the Security tab to give everyone full access. I can read and write the folder itself, but cannot write to the mapped drive version on the same PC, I'm warned I don't have permission. I'm an administrator and the only user on the system. I've tried UNC addressing and direct fixed IP addressing when mapping, no joy. Subst doesn't work properly either (drive comes up as disconnected in explorer, but I believe that's a known Windows bug).

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Disappearing Mapped Network Drives?

Jun 13, 2011

We have this recurring issue where some mapped network drives disappear from 'my computer'. They usually appear after 1 or 2 reboots, but having to go through this each time is a bit annoying.Right now all our client computers are running windows 7 pro on a 2008 domain server. We've been having this issue from when we had the 2003 server and its still happening every now and then

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Recycle Bin Does Not Recognize A Mapped Drive

Oct 28, 2009

I use the subst command to map my d:downloads to A:

In windows XP recycle bin moved any deleted files from A: to the bin, but in windows 7 it doesn't. I can drag the files from the a: to the destop or another drive, then delete them from there to be stored in RB (just in case i need to restore them) but anything deleted from the A: is just deleted.

any ideas how to make the RB recognise a mapped (virtual) drive?

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