Why Do Folders Synced With SkyDrive On Live Mesh Not Appear Online

Oct 16, 2011

This probably isn't an error, but a problem all the same. I've synced my documents to SkyDrive using Windows Live Mesh without a problem. However, to access these files with a web browser I have to go to 'devices', not the more prominent 'SkyDrive' tab in Hotmail. Why is this? Why are there two different SkyDrives and is there any way to get them in the same place?

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Skydrive / Windows Live Mesh Queries?

Feb 19, 2012

*Will you be able to upload folders to Skydrive? I want to create a PHOTOS folder in Skydrive, then upload my 160 individual photo folders to it.

*What is Windows Live Mesh?

*I'd like to make it so any photos or docs I add to my hard drive, automastically go to Skydrive.Is that part of the functionality?what is: SkyDrive Wave 5 M3 (version 16.3)?

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Discontinue Of Windows Live - Live Mesh?

May 27, 2012

Just read on Lifehacker MS internal blog report that Windows Live will be put to pasture. Anyone know if it's just the brand or the brand and ALL associated parts including great ones such as Live Mesh?

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Any Online Services To Connect To My Photos On Skydrive?

Apr 25, 2012

What online services will connect to my photos on my Skydrive? For example, when I make a new post on Blogger and I want to insert a photo I can select the photo or photo album from Picasa. Unfortunately I cannot select a photo from my Skydrive. Is there anything besides the Windows Live Essentials that will connect to my photos? Either a program or online service?

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High CPU Usage In Live Mesh?

Jul 5, 2011

I used dropbox, but from they privacy policy changes I switch to Live Mesh.I install it, configure folder to sync and I have problem with high cpu usage during sending/downloading (syncing) files:Is it normal? In Dropbox cpu time after few hours was smaller than 00:10:00, in Live Mesh I have more than 3x of it in only 10-15 minutes.

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Live Mesh To Connect To A Friend's Computer?

Feb 26, 2011

Simple question: If I want to use Live Mesh to connect to a friend's computer when he's having issues, I have to give him my LiveID login and password to do it?Not really inclined to give away my login credentials to anyone.

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Disconnect From Remote Desktop Session Via Live Mesh Without Locking?

Apr 23, 2012

Whenever I use Live Mesh, it locks the computerand quits Windows Media Center. Is there anyway of setting it so that I can log out with WMC running and the computer unlocked?

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Skydrive - How To Sync Folders

Oct 31, 2012

I have Skydrive for Windows installed. Copied a folder to the Skydrive location, shows up as a Skydrive sub-folder. All the files in the folder were immediately uploaded to Skydrive, but new files are not being uploaded.

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Downgrade Windows Live Or Remove Skydrive?

Nov 9, 2010

I have recently upgraded windows live mail to the 2011 version. Sending a simple photo email is a mission now. I dont want skydrive and all that added rubbish. How do I downgrade?

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Skydrive Publishing From Windows Live Gallery

May 7, 2012

Now, I understand that once you install the Skydrive PC program, you get a folder on the desktop. Whatever is in that desktop folder, however the contents are organized--that's what gets synched up to the SkyDrive Interwebs.which means that my entire photo collection, all 13GB of it, needs to be copied into the desktop SkyDrive folder.Now, I also have a Windows Live Photo Gallery on here- never used. But I see on there,that there is a thing that says 'publish to SkyDrive.' Does that mean if I hit the button, they are automatically copied there? So I don't have to dupe my collection? I pushed the 'Publish to SkyDrive' button, and it appears grayed out.

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Microsoft Updating Skydrive, No Longer Can Sync User-defined Folders?

Apr 26, 2012

The beauty of Live Mesh, though, is that you can sync any folder anywhere on your hard drive without having to move or copy it to a specific location. You simply tell Live Mesh which folders to keep in sync on each PC, and it does the rest.The new SkyDrive will sync your files. But unlike Live Mesh, it won't sync specific folders from anywhere on your PC.Instead, it creates a folder on your PC called SkyDrive. Any subfolder or file you wish to sync has to be moved to that specific location. So what was once an automated process now becomes a manual and laborious task. It also can easily create problems for applications that want to store content in your Documents folder, for example.I just switched to Skydrive for this! It was a royal pain figuring out how to junction my documents folder on my second drive into my Dropbox folder. Is there any way to avoid upgrading?

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Calendar Not Updating With Windows Live Mail Online

Dec 10, 2011

I'm almost positive that once I completed an event on the Windows Live Mail Calendar on my desktop that it would update the calendar online. I just checked and it hasn't. I did reformat my pc in Oct. Is there something that I'm missing? I looked for "import" or something similiar online, but cannot find it.

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Sync 2 Laptops With Live Mail Online But Then Delete-laptop?

Oct 27, 2011

I have live mail on my office pc. I press update all, it syncs online & my web browser based (live) hotmail gets all the new messages, folders etc. I want to go on holiday with my netbook. 1. When on holiday, I have live mail on my netbook. If I press sync, will it then download/update my netbook with all the browser based hotmail messages/folders etc.? So my netbook Live mail will look just like the office PC Live mail, will it? 2. When I get back off holiday, on my office pc, I press update, this I presume will then get all the new messages/folders from the browser on Live mail, will it? 3. But then now I am back, I want to delete all the messages/folders off my netbook for security, If I press or it accidentally, or I go away again & press update all on the netbook, will the browser Live mail then update the folders, deleting lots of them, as it is using the netbook as the latest update that it thinks I want? So to summarise, is there a setting on my netbook live mail, that says �delete these folders/messages, but don�t delete/sync online�?

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Online Live Webcam Site Is Not Updating Every 6 Seconds Windows 7?

Dec 8, 2011

The webcam at HIAA (airport) is supposed to update every 6 seconds but it doesnt do it. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit. It updates okay using other computer running Linux.

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Keeping Two Windows 7 Computers Synced Up?

Sep 12, 2011

I make my entire living on a computer but am not an IT person and really don't know enough about PC's. I recently fought with a computer to clean it up then finally reinstalled Windows 7. I am wondering of keeping two computers for business make sense. I use the same laptop in two locations at home. I do most of my work at a desk with a docking station and two monitors, I use it like a desktop at my main desk. When I fill orders I carry the computer and use it alone in a room I call my clean room. I do sometimes take the computer other places to work. I am thinking about getting two more docking stations and two more identical computers.

Two for work and one for non-work related activities. If I had a second computer that was maybe a week behind on being synched up I would have had no problems. Is there a easy way to keep to identical laptops synched up maybe 1 week apart from each other? I think it would make life much easier for me as I would have less downtime even with things on an external hard drive. I guess what I want to do is have two computers set up identically but synched up weekly as well as an external hard drive also synched up weekly.

I could keep one computer at my main desk, one in my clean room to process orders and if anything goes wrong the second computer could move back and forth until I am up and running again. I am thinking my non-work computer could be the same so I can also use the docking stations. Is this a good strategy to avoid downtime? Is synching up laptops a fast and easy thing to do? Will the synch up go both directions? I am worried about the both direction things. Lets say I put something on one computer and then later put something on the other computer and synch them up?

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De-synced With The Users\username\Desktop Folder?

Jan 2, 2012

Alright, recently I've had a weird problem. My desktop has apparently.. de-synced with the Users\username\Desktop folder. It's a mild annoyance at the moment, because I'm playing with modding a few games I have, but sooner or later I'll actually need my desktop back.I can't actually move anything from the desktop itself, almost like the files aren't even on the screen. It's also not updated with the files I've added to the username\Desktop\ folder, nor with the ones I've deleted.I've tried system restore, but it didn't do anything.

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Getting Sticky Notes Synced With Multiple Computers

Mar 2, 2011

I searched for this query and got 0 responses from search. I'm looking to keep my sticky notes synced between multiple computers.Windows 7 - How to sync notes created from Sticky Notes so as to reuse them among different PCs?

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Where To Put Folders In Windows Live Mail

Jan 26, 2012

Anyways I use YAHOO MAIL PLUS.. And I have all of my email stored under the YAHOO ACCOUNT TITLE .. But Ive noticed it doesnt BACK UP all of the emails... When importing its just a blank folders.....what's going on? I do NOT see a space that says STORAGE... So where does the folders Truly belong?

Also is there a limit of how much mail WLM can hold? I thunderbird ( which I hate ) only has folder sizes up to 2 gigs..

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Losing Folders In Windows 7 Live Mail?

Jan 11, 2012

I have Windows Live Mail on Windows 7.I can open it and receive emails with no problem but I cannot reply, forward or compose a new email.The screen remains on the opened email.However, when I close the application, I get new screens popping up with whatever command I used whilst in the programme.I have also tried using the control keys (with N or R) to get it to work but that doesn't happen either.

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Windows Live Mail And Its Storage Folders

Jun 3, 2011

On my employers computer last night his storage folders began to randomly delete themselves from his windows live mail every time he shut to program down. Over the course of shutting down and reopening the program 4-5 times a total of nearly 60GB's of email was deleted from his Windows Live mail. I used a data recover program to scan the hard drive and recover the deleted items. The inbox and sent folder remains untouched and and new folders created at the same root level as sent and inbox appear to be unaffected as well. Some of the recovered email is corrupted and is just gibberish and random text strings and symbols. Have no idea what it causing this and not sure if a reinstall of the Live mail client would correct this issue. The system is a Windows 7 32-bit, IE 9.0, all adobe items up to date, java up to date, mcafee antivirus, and windows fully up to date prior to this starting last night.

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Losing Folders In Windows 7 Live Mail

Jun 20, 2011

I keep losing most of my folders in windows live mail - sometimes they return but the management of them is a complete mystery e.g what purpose do the arrow heads on the left of the screen perform

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Empty Folders In Windows Live Mail?

Jul 11, 2011

I have been using my laptop for over 1 year and I have not changed anything recently.
My problem is that when I go into my email program all the folders are empty. This has happened twice within the last 2 weeks. They were not empty when I closed the program. They were no where near full. My server is BTinternet. I do not leave messages on the server. I am using windows live mail. I also use Mailwasher, but have done so since I started the account.

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Windows 7 Live Mail Storage Folders?

Aug 25, 2011

I've done well setting up a new computer with Windows 7 and Windows Live Mail and transferring everything from my Windows XP computer with Windows Live Mail.I run a small business and desperately want to keep everything in my Storage Folder with many client sub-folders on my XP computer.I have read and read and read for 2 days how to export/import these messages but nothing is workingI can easily find the file with all my folders in it on the XP but there is nothing within the folders.The messages do exist as they are still there on the Windows Live Mail screen. When I export and try to import on Windows 7 it says the file is empty which of course it is.

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In Windows Live Photo Gallery Folders Can't Be Found

Feb 23, 2013

Using Windows Live Photo Gallery, I find that if I wanted to 'Send' photos to my external drive, a message appears stating " Cannot find folders - they might have been deleted.....etc. True, I have sent some photos to my external drive, but why are the photos stll showing when I first bring up Windows Live Photo Gallery?

( I am trying to send ALL of my photos to external storage)

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Deleting Storage Folders In Windows 7 Live Mail?

Sep 3, 2011

This seems to be hard going. I understand it may be possible to do this if I uninstall/reinstall the program but that seems like overkill.Also I imagine if I go into the programs folders on the C-drive I should be able to pick them outut why can't I seem to do this easily from within the program?

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Folders In Live Mail Address Book - Windows 7

Jan 8, 2012

Would very much like to have folders like in Outlook Express. I would like to hit the "To:" button and select a folder and pick and choose recipients and then tap another folder and select from it. I need to have my contacts segregated in to groupings like above.As is when I drag and drop into a "catagory" and hit the "To:" button I get everybody in that category.

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Recreate The Complete Set Of Windows Live Mail Folders?

Nov 15, 2012

A friend of mine has a problem with his Windows Live Mail client. He's running Win 7 HP 64 bit with the Windows Live Mail client and a Hotmail ID. His problem is that he sometimes sees emails mysteriously multiplying emails in his folders - this includes his deleted mail folder!

We have tried asking questions in the official Microsoft Mail forums but have received no response. What I would like to do is to delete his Mail.MSMessageStore database in both the Windows Live Mail folder and the Backup folder. I believe doing this will cause Windows Live Mail to recreate the Mail.MSMessageStore database. However I would like to be sure, before I do this, that he will continue to have access to all his (offline) Storage Folders, as well as his normal mail folders, after doing this. Does anyone know whether deleting the MSMessageStore database will cause any data loss or is it a totally harmless step?

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How To Alphabetize Folders In Windows Live Mail 2011

May 31, 2011

[MS Windows 7 Home; Windows Live Mail 2011; Firefox]I created quite a few folders in my Windows Live Mail 2011, at the left side column, and have tried many different ways to alphabetize them without success.Additionally, when I open a new folder it doesn't get automatically alphabetized either.

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How To Alphabetize-folders In Windows Live Mail 2011

Apr 12, 2012

How do I alphabetize my contacts?How do I add categories to my contact list?

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Windows Live Mail - How To Get Contacts And Storage Folders From Backup

Aug 15, 2010

Before uninstalling the operating system all data files were backed up into a separate directory on C. After the o.s. was reloaded I downloaded Windows Live Mail and started to use it. I want to recover the backed up storage folders and the contacts folder and instal them into the new Live Mail. Since I am using the most recent installation, is this creating a problem that will not allow the backed up folders etc. to write into the new folders.

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Windows 7 Live Mail Message Rules, Folders Not Showing?

Mar 1, 2010

I am trying to create a message rule in Windows Live Mail Desktop. For example, I want a rule to automatically place any email from Pay Pal, to a folder I created named Pay Pal. But when I chose the option "specified folder", only the Outbox shows up as a list of folder options to move this to.

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