Setting Interdependence For Services And Programs On Logon / Logoff

Jan 30, 2010

I'm just setting up a new Win7 Professional system, and I want to encrypt a partition on the hard-disk with TrueCrypt to store certain stuff including the data directory for MySQL.

However, the MySQL service would probably start before I'm logged-in and therefore throw a fit if the data dir isn't mounted yet. Likewise, I can't be sure MySQL will stop before the Truecrypt volume is dismounted at logoff/shutdown.

Is there any way I can make MySQL wait for the Truecrypt volume to be mounted after logon, and then stop it at logoff before Truecrypt dismounts? It seems it might be possible using Group Policy, but as I come from XP Home I've no experience of this tool.

PS - Just to make things more complicated, I'll mostly be logging in as a Standard User, so the solution has to work whoever logs in.

Not asking much eh?

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Completely Removing Logon And Logoff Screens And Messages

Jan 15, 2012

I am trying to strip Windows 7 of every single screen and message before login... and before shutdown.

So we've got:
- Boot sequence
- Logon screen
- Preparation to Logon
- Preparation to Shutdown

Boot sequence was easy to completely black out, by using [URL](black background, all messages removed)

Logon screen can be skipped without hacks, just a matter of having no password.

Now I'm left with the Logon ("Preparing your desktop...", "Applying user preferences", "Welcome"... etc.) and the Shutdown ("Shutting down..." etc.) screens and messages.

Is there a way to completely disable both?

If there isn't, I am thinking of a hack: both are made by a background (which you can change with custom graphics by putting them into the OOBE folder and a couple registry keys). Then, there are text messages which are contained somewhere and can be emptied by using ResourceHacker (I found some of them but not all). Finally, somewhere within some exe or dll, there should be the "working" circle of light and the Windows 7 logo, which are superimposed to the custom background. I am attaching a picture for clarity.

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Why Does Windows 7 Logon And Logoff Sound Keep Playing Constantly

Jan 1, 2013

I don't know why this is happening but all of a sudden my windows 7 keeps playing the logon and logoff sounds back to back and constantly. I've rebooted my computer to no avail. I tried running a bunch of "Microsoft Fixit" tools and nothing works. Some recent changes to my system include the following:I recently cleared the CMOS RTC RAM data in order to reset the BIOS password.(Don't know if that could cause the type of problem I'm having now, but if it is, there's no indication of it in Action center and as I mentioned, trouble-shooting tools don't show any problems.)

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Must Be Granted Allow Logon To Computer Through Terminal Services

Jan 15, 2013

Logon to this computer you must be granted the allow logon through terminal services. I have setup a AD in my virtual box and install ts. i also have create a client pc in my virtual box. Whenever from my client pc I connect to the ts web access to get the apps from the server. I key in my id and password it will prompt me this message. But I have already assign the rights. I have already enable this option allow logon through terminal service, allow logon through terminal locally. I have added remote desktop user to permission to it. But it seems like it not working. How I can do it? Or is it the ts license without activating I cannot access?

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Limit A Programs Access To Computer Files And Services

Jun 16, 2011

how to limit access for a program to my computer. I play World of Warcraft and I am concerned about hackers attempting to access my Outlook or other sensitive files on my computer. I also want to limit the programs access to only files within the folder it is located in. In other words, I don't want the game to be able to access my computer's services, files, etc other than the files contained within the World of Warcraft folder on my hard drive.

I am concerned that I could be hacked and an attempt was already made to change my WoW password. I noticed my outlook window flashes when WoW is running at the same time. I use an authenticator on my Wow account so my account was not compromised other than the inconvenience of having to reset my password from within the account management website.

I use Norton Security Suite and Malwarebytes anti malware protection programs but I would feel much more secure if I could limit Wow to only access the WoW folder on my PC.

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Run Startup Programs At Logon Screen

Oct 20, 2009

so if there are multiple accounts and have some startup programs in all user the programs will be loaded first at logon screen and when someone logon the startup programs have started..

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Default Programs & Setting Associations

Dec 12, 2009

I have installed Xemacs for windows and I'm having a problem associating it as the default program for .txt files. I know the standard process, but that standard process doesn't work. I have "Windows 7 Home Premium installed on a 32 bit system. I go thru the standard process via Default Progams/Associate a file type/ process and then browse to the Xemacs application. When I select it, nothing happens. When I check the association, it's shown as "Unknown application". Note: I have a 64bit system that handles the assocation just fine.

Also, on the original system, the choices for default programs is very limited. It seems that programs I have installed some how are not being populated in the eligible "default programs" list?

Any ideas? Is there a brute force way to add programs to the Windows 7 default programs list?

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Setting Password To Install Programs In Windows 7?

Apr 7, 2011

In pretty much every Linux Distro you cant install anything without the administrator password. Is there any way to set up my windows 7 like that?

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Setting Up A SSD For Boot Drive And HDD For Programs And Games

Jun 9, 2012

I installed a 64gb Samsung SSD and a WD 500GB HDD and I am wanting to use the SSD for Windows OS and then use the HDD for programs like Steam and Microsoft office and store music and pictures on it. Is this setup up possible and if it is how do you do it.

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Guest Account Restrictions - Setting Programs And Folder Access Permissions

Oct 4, 2011

I have turned on the Guest account, and I need to set program and folder access permissions. I have google'ed the way to set file and folder permissions, but I am having some difficulty with some of the things that I need.

For instance I need to:
-deny access (just deny listing the directory structure; can read & write so apps can work) to C:* , Control Panel, and a few other locations

If I try to deny dir listing for Guest on root C: , it gives me a couple warnings and will not set permissions for "program files, program files x86, windows" folders even though I am the admin. After those initial issues, it continues to set the permissions for all the rest of the files. If I log into the guest now, goto Computer and double click on C: , it now says "access denied", which is good but if I type in the address bar up top "C:users", it will goto that location; not display the access denied message. I am using the Home Premium edition so I cannot use the Group Policy Editor..

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Remove Unchecked Services Completely (DELETING) From The Services Tab In Msconfig?

Dec 24, 2011

how to remove unchecked services completely (DELETING) from the services tab in msconfig? Like Google update service and so on.

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Services Utility To Toggle And Restore/enable Disable Services

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to sort out issues with my Windows 7 machine and want to disable/set to manual services that I know are not needed, but every time I have done this in the past (a while ago now) I invariably run into an issue where I've inadvertently disabled a service that was needed by something, and I end up scratching my head (as all of my hair falls out around this point) and enabling everything just to sort it..

Is there any utility that anyone is aware of that lets you toggle service status, with the option to reset to default or reset to last status, while showing a list of services that I've changed?

I can't seem to word it properly for a search engine to find relevant results, and find usually specific services and not something I'm hoping exists.

I wish the Services.msc mmc had a checkbox or some sort of flag to show altered services so you could sort them by that, which would help a lot, but it doesn't.

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Need To Log In Automatically X Minutes After Logoff

Sep 21, 2011

I have some workstations set up to log in automatically on startup. Users of these workstations might also want to log in using their own domain credentials.

I want users to be able to log off and log in using their own credentials. I would also like for the system to log in automatically after a set period of time following a logoff.

Is there some option in Windows that can set the system to log in automatically after a period of inactivity at the logon screen?

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Logoff / Sleep Freezes

Oct 23, 2009

I used the upgrade process in Windows 7 to go to Windows 7 from Vista. Everything works well except when I try to sleep (close the lid on laptop) or logoff. The system freezes sometimes and I have to force the system down with a power off.

It appears that the first attempt usually works. The next logoff/sleep is when the problem appears.

I have removed all third party software and the problem still occurs.

I updated to latest bios from Compaq for CQ70-134CA Laptop. No luck.

I changed the Power Plan to disable the sleep mode when the lid is closed. The system still freezes when the system goes into sleep mode after the set timeout.

I changed the Power Plan so that the hard drive does not go in power saving mode. Finally the system is stable but never goes into sleep mode.

Does anyone out there think that the hard disk going into Power Saving mode is the cause of this problem?

Any ideas out there?

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Restart When Clicking Logoff?

Jul 16, 2012

Currently when I add the restart.bat (shutdown -r -f -t 0) into gpedit.msc -> User Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Scripts -> Logoff, there is like a 20 seconds delay.So the student would click logoff and then it would show the login screen for ~20 seconds before restarting. The ~20 seconds is problematic when another student types in her account credentials and starts logging in, only to have the computer restart in the the middle of the profile loading.

These computer are Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit on windows domain environment. CPU is QuadCore, with no programs running. I have no control over the domain stuff, only able to bind computers to the domain.

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Logoff Script Run A Backup Application?

Mar 10, 2011

Just wondering if anyone has come across this part of our logoff script we run a backup application to backup users data to the network. In XP we never had a problem, in Windows 7 a few power users have come across a problem. If they have lots of data that's changed, when the script runs (runs an application called SyncbackSE), while it runs fine, if it gets to 10 minutes and it is still running, then windows (I'm presuming it's windows doing this) just stops it running and finishes the logging off of the user without finishing the back. Is there somewhere that this can checked/set?

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(waiting For) Explorer Exe Playing Logoff Sound?

Nov 24, 2011

(waiting for) explorer exe playing logoff sound?

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Computer Shows Force Logoff Window?

Feb 3, 2013

i was facing problem while shutting down my PC, since few days. it always shows the window of force log off. simultaneously i found in between my work system get hang and the task manager also become irresponsible.

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Logon Failure:this User Has Not Been Granted The Requested Logon Type At This Compute?

Jan 11, 2013

I accidently screwed up the administrator account and once, i tried to install a software and it came "You need a administrator password to proceed"so i typed it then it came the error"this user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer i tried a lot but its still not working and i cant install anythin.

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How To Create A User Profile Logon For Docked And Undocked Logon In Windows 7

Apr 18, 2011

I just want to know how to create a user profile logon for the docked and undocked logon in Windows 7?

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Printer Settings Are Lost After Logoff With Windows 7 Roaming Profile?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a user that has a problem with the printer settings being reset every time she logs in to one PC. She has a Win7 Roaming profile. Both PCs are running Win7. It works fine on her PC, but when she roams to the front desk the label printer always has the wrong paper type. We can change the paper type and it works fine the rest of that session, but the next time she logs into this PC it is the wrong paper type again. The label printers are identical and installed locally at each PC.

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No Logon Servers Available To Service The Logon Request

Jun 12, 2012

Every time I try to get administrative access, I type in the password and it says, "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request." I'm able to sign in as the administrator, it's just when I need to gain administrative access that this error pops-up.

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"There Are Currently No Logon Servers Available To Service The Logon Request"

Jan 29, 2012

We have just been sent a free computer for our office. A Windows 7 HP 32bit.We can login locally i think to a local user KB_SUF/User (where KB_SUF is the name of the computer)however whenever the UAC comes up when installing anything, we cannot proceed because it keeps saying "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request" The thing is they sent us the computer without removing it from the domain Now I cant install the programs i need to work and it doesnt seem like theres a local admin on this computer. I tried removing this computer from the domain but it requires going through UAC.Is there any way to make this computer a Local only PC?The company that sent us the computer is in another country and they say they can send someone over in 6 months which is longer than i can wait.

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Services Won't Run

Feb 16, 2011

I bought a usb wifi adapter for my desktop and it would not work. Saying the service for it was not running. Typing services.msc would only give me an error "One or more ActiveX controls could not be displayed because either: 1) settings prohibit ActiveX 2) blocked publisher. Event Viewer also stopped running, showing the error "Event Log service is unavailable. Verify that the service is running.

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Some Services Not Starting?

Jul 12, 2012

Today, my computer just finished installing updates, and was waiting for me at the user selection/log in screen when I checked on it. I powered it off by holding the power button down to change some BIOS settings. (In the end, I did not save any changes to the BIOS, so I can rule that out) After rebooting and logging in, MSE and avast both tell me that their respective services have been stopped, and WiFi is not working either (its stuck as connected, but has the small yellow triangle in the icon, it says its identifying, but its been stuck like that). Other services, such as Dropbox and RocketDock have also been stopped on my computer.I then rebooted into Safe Mode with Networking. WiFi is still not working, and now, audio service is also stopped. From here, I uninstalled all of the updates that had been installed today. I then rebooted normally.Finally, RocketDock and Audio Service are running again, avast!, MSE, Dropbox, and WiFi are not still. I'm using Malwarebytes' and avast! to scan for crap that might be doing stuff (Malwarebytes' has already picked up four positives, both scans are still underway).

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WZC Missing From Services?

Feb 7, 2011

when I look through services.msc Wireless Zero Configuration is missing, how do you go about reinstalling this service in Windows 7 or can't it be done.

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Different Services For Different Users?

Apr 17, 2012

I use my desktop as a recording studio PC some of the time, and those DAW programs need a LOT of resources. That's why most of them recommend you install them on a seperate partition, and stop most of Windows' services.I don't want to install it on a different partition, What I'm trying to do is install it on a different user, but then just have that specific user NOT run a few services and startup programs.I could find a way to disable startup programs for a specific user, but I couldn't find a way to disable SERVICES for only one specific user. Services like "Task Scheduler", "Indexer", iTunes, AVG, TeamViewer, and many more that I do NOT want running on my studio user - but I DO want running on my every day user.

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Svshost.exe Services Using Up CPU?

Aug 12, 2012

I just put together my first build and happy with the performance until yesterday. Normally in runs around 5% CPU with a temp around 30. Yesterday it jumped and remains at 30% CPU with a temp at 40 C. Used a program called Process Explorer to find out that the svchost.exe was using up 26%. It was broken up by the following services:


It seemed like all the services were safe and required for windows run. So I'm wondering why they were consuming all this CPU usage last week and the week before, and now the sudden change. What can I do to limit this?

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Some Services On Windows 7 Are Resetting Themselves

Jan 5, 2013

I was having an issue with my print spooler resetting itself to the stopped setting and manual after each reboot or shutdown. I apparently fixed that one (however, not entirely sure how I did it). But now all of a sudden, I have another service doing the same thing. My Acronis Backup Scheduler service is resetting itself to Manual from a setting of Automatic and started after each shutdown and restart. It never had an issue until yesterday. No updates to that product was done in the last few weeks. It is the most current updated software for the product.

Is there anyone that knows why and how these settings can begin doing this?

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Enable Services To Run For One User Not The Other?

Mar 21, 2011

Me and my girlfriend have a laptop we share, both accounts are Admin accounts how do I start services under her account and not global (both)I want Avira Anti-Virus to start under her credentials and not mine, now initially I searched online and found how to edit the service logon Tab so it started for her - which worked initially but meant I couldnt call on (start) the service without changing it back to global - after doing just that and changing back to her account it no longer worked - to get the program to work meant dropping the main tray app into startup folder for her and doing the afore mentioned tweak on service logon tab for two services related to the app, but that no longer works for some reason the services dont start - also i would like to be able to call on and start the service myself should I wish too (when I wish to use Avira Guard) - i even tried dropping shortcut to the exe files (that are the services) into her startup folder but this does not work...

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Missing System Services?

Apr 2, 2011

Don't have the specified path to Bluetooth Media Service and Bluetooth Device Monitor in system services...It appears the programs are missing. Any Ideas how or where to get them back?NEW Dell xps 15 laptopWindows 7 Home Ulitmate 64 bit

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