Server Execution Failed When Trying To Launch A Game

May 5, 2012

I have been through and read the post on people having server execution failed messages, but they all seem to be for Windows Media Player etc. I have yet to find a post for someone having a hard time launching a game.

The game is The Sims 3 and I HAVE played it on my laptop before. In fact I was playing it less than a week ago and it launched just fine. I have made no changes to the game's settings, nor have I installed any new programs on my laptop. I am horribly confused as to why I am getting this error message when I have done nothing (to my knowledge) to change anything that would effect my game launching.

The only change that has been made since the last time I successfully played the game is a Mozilla Firefox update. I highly doubt that this would change a setting somewhere and make my game non-playable. I

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WMP Server Execution Failed?

Nov 13, 2012

So...I got a new computer and WMP was already kinda screwy since it was splitting up my albums and messing with the tracks. No matter how many 'scan now' things I ran, my computer didn't pick up anything wrong, so I just dealt with it. Now WMP isn't working at all and every time I try to play a song I get the message: server execution failed.I have a Window's 7 OS 64bit computer. I've tried scannow, I've tried FixWIN, I've tried FixWMP, I've gone through a three page thread with a similar problem, tried all of the manual fix-its and nothing worked. I absolutely do not want to re-download my entire OS just to fix one program.In fact, I'm done with trying to fix the program. If anyone out there can give me a compatible WMP, any version (old, new, experimentand for the next version of Windows please, please, please, don't make the WMP program indivisible from the OS. It's so much easier to uninstall and reinstall one faulty program than to reinstall your entire OS and deal with back up disks and things.

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WMP 12 Server Execution Failed?

Apr 24, 2011

Whenever i try to open Windows Media Player from Taskbar, nothing happens!!If i try to open any file, it says "server execution failed".

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Server Execution Failed / WMP

Nov 26, 2009

Whenever I try to play a .mp3 or .avi or anything of the sort with Windows Media Player, it hangs for about 15 seconds, then says "Server execution failed." Any fix for this OTHER than a clean install?

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Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed

May 19, 2009

I was fiddling with some My documents files I copied over from XP. Explorer no longer works, gives the error message:

server execution failed

how to recover from this? Or do I need to recover or re-install?

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'Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed'

Jul 27, 2011

I solved the date problem but now I have another problem. I was transferring files from my pendrive. After that, I tried to gain access to My Computer but then out of a sudden, i can't open My Computer and The Control Panel as well as Music, Pictures etc on the Start Menu.When I click My Computer something pops up as 'Explorer.exe Server Execution failed'.When I click The Control Panel it says '::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} Server Execution failed'.

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Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed?

Sep 25, 2011

So after rebooting after a virus scan, I keep getting the message "Explorer.exe server execution failed" whenever I try to open a document, game, internet browser, etc. I've tried everything I could find, and I still can't solve the problem.

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Cannot Use Personalize Option / System Hangs - Server Execution Failed

Feb 26, 2012

I recently had a really annoying virus which would not go away, after 7 days of fighting with it I decided the best course of action would be to format and reinstall win 7. However now my PC is super slow, I cannot open desktop items, without right clicking and selecting "Run as Admin" and even that is really slow. If I right click and select "Personalize" it hangs for ages then says "Server Execution Failed".

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Unable To Open Control Panel Options - Server Execution Failed

Jan 6, 2012

I am unable to open "Computer", "Control Panel", "Devices and Printers" or any of the other options when I click on the start icon in the task bar. I receive the error message "Server execution failed" I have Windows 7 operating system.

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Server Execution Failed And Windows Media Player Wont Open

Jun 3, 2011

I'm having errors with Windows media Player and Media Center. I get a message that says server execution failed and Windows media player wont open. Media Center will open but wont play audio files.

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Windows 7 Media Player Either Says Server Execution Failed Or Skips And Games Also Skip?

Aug 31, 2012

I'm having such a huge problem right now. I don't know what to do... I'm using windows 7 64 bit and when i play my games the game would litterally skip... kind of like having frame skip on the highest then playing a game.. Also, windows media player would either do one of the following:1. video skips and no audio plays2. Server execution failed3. The video will play for like 5 seconds then says it cant play the file..Also when i try to run the windows experience index it will get the video decoding and it will say that it can't complete it for some reason. I've tried reinstalling windows and it just kept happeningI've tried doing everything to repair WMP and then it would work until i reboot again. even when i dont repair it i have to reboot then it would be fine.

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"Server Execution Failed" WMP In Windows 7

May 30, 2012

I can't play any media file in WMP since I uninstalled Avast IS and installed MSE.If I start WMP from start menu programs. A window for a nano second appeared and disappeared.If I just double click on any media player. I get an error message instantly saying "Server Execution Failed" Now look what solutions I have already tried:. net local group "Administrators" "NT AuthorityLocal Service" /add 2. Clear WMP Database.3. Uninstall and install WMP from Windows Features. 4. regsvr32 jscript.dll and regsvr32 vbscript.dll command.5. Perform a Clean Boot.blem.

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Server Execution Failure?

Mar 23, 2012

m using Windows 7 on my Dell Studio PC and have encountered a Server Execution Failure when I try to use Windows Explorer or some other programs. My internet and mail server are working. The system was running smoothly until recently and I have tried chk dsk, scannow, registry optimizer and avast anti virus, to no avail. I have Hijack This but don't have enough experience to know what to look for. I have been reading google search items but still can't locate a fix.

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Cannot Open WMP And Internet Explorer. Server Execution Error

Mar 9, 2011

I am using windows 7 ultimate x64 on my hp laptop. Since a month, I cannot open wmplayer. if i go to mp3 song and hit play. it tell me server execution error. Also, I cannot start 32 bit or regular internet explorer. I can open x64 internet explorer. I already try to install and uninstall wmp by using control panel .but, it is not working.

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Flash.ocx Is Missing Game Wont Launch

May 21, 2012

The title pretty much sums everything up. I downloaded a game called R.O.D.E Online, its a free mmorpg I installed the game, everything went well.When I tried to launch the game nothing happens, after clicking on the launcher a few times I get an error message that says this: Program compatibility assistant, This program requires a missing windows component: "This program requires flash.ocx, which is no longer included in this version of Windows." I have browsed to the installation folder and directly clicked on the launcher file, the game launches but when I try to play it says I need to download the newest patches. Well the file that gives me the error is the launcher which downloads the patches. I have searched for answers for this error for about 2 hours.. It seems others have had this error for other programs but it wasn't essential to fix for the program to run.

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Windows 7 Won't Launch And System Restore Failed?

Aug 13, 2011

My computer shut down unexpectedly and when I tried to start it back up it wants to perform a launch repair which fails for some reason. I have tried system restore and keep getting the following error: system restore failed to replace the fileD:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\production\temp\wlidui_WLIDSVC\BUTTON.J I am not sure if this is some kind of virus and how to remove it. I also cannot start up in safe mode or at the command prompt. Nothing has been working.

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Screen Shuts Off And Computer Locks Up Whenever Launch A Game?

Apr 29, 2012

I was playing through the walking dead game fine no problems then I had to go eat dinner so I paused the game (hit the esc key) and my monitor shut off and said no signal whenever I turned it back on. My mouse and keyboard also started shutting off and on and nothing I pressed (alt+F4, ctrl+alt+delete, etc) nothing got any response. So I shut off my computer booted it back up tried to play the same game again got the same issue. Then I tried to play something else and I got the same problem so whenever I launch any game my screen shuts off and computer essentially crashes. When Windows boots back up it says that it has recovered from a serious error similar to when you encounter a BSOD but doesn't ask you to send a report to MS. Also whenever I come back from the error windows for some reason attempts and fails to re-install the wireless receiver for my 360 controller. However it works fine again once I unplug and plug it back in again.

1. Uninstalling the game that started this.

2. Re-installing my video drivers.

3. Wiping my video drivers with driver cleaner in safe mode then re-installing my drivers.

4. Re-installing direct x using a setup file from a random steam game.

5. Doing a system restore from as far back as I had (April 25th)

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Yahoo Server Can't Be Found Because DNS Look-up Failed

Sep 10, 2012

Am using manual IP in all the computers in my office. Some of the computer showing yellow symbols on the network button. When I try to load a site, it respond... The server Yahoo! can't be found because the DNS Look-Up failed. DNS is network service that translate a website's name to its internet address.

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Dependency Server Failed To Start?

Sep 25, 2012

I am getting the folllowing message and tried everything but nothing worked: Windows could not start the Check Point SSL Network Extender service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependancy service or group failed ton start

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Test Drive Unlimited - Can't Connect To The Game Server

Oct 24, 2009

I've got two retail copies of Test Drive Unlimited, first one is the old one and the second one is the one with car megapack.

Anyway, game works great, wheel also, the only thing that fails is multiplayer.

I can create an GS account but ALWAYS when i login i get an information about server being non available.

I have a router, i tried forwarding the ports but it was the same. I disabled my firewall, uninstalled any application that may have caused this, but it still doesn't work.

Im trying to connect since two months, im kinda desperate right now. Everything was working fine on Vista and XP.

Does anyone have similar problem? Is there any fix?

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Dell Register Server Failed 0x800070005 Error

Feb 15, 2011

had some virus problems which i mannaged to fix using Malewarebytes antimaleware.after the removal i tried to install and update a mcafee antivirus. while trying to update it i got an error message, for which the solution was supposed to be runing the following code:Regsvr32.exe %Windir%\System32\Ole32.dll but i got an error message saying something like (it's not in english originally) The module c:\Windows\System32\Ole32.dll was loaded but calling Dll Register Server failed with error code 0x800070005.

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Cannot Send Email In Windows Live - Connection To Server Failed

Apr 3, 2012

I just baught a HP Pavilion dv6 laptop with Windows 7 and am connected to the internet via my wireless remote. I can surf the net so I know I'm connected. I am supposed to have my email set up so that what I receive in my inbox on my desktop also shows up in my inbox on the laptop. I can send and receive fine on the desktop (Windows XP & Outlook Express), but when I try to send and receive mail in Windows Live on the laptop, I get this error messaage:

The connection to the server has failed.
Subject 'test'
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 425
Secure(SSL): Yes
Socket Error: 10060

I occasionally will receive messages, but I can never send.

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Game Crashes Failed Boots / Random Restarts Hard Hangs

May 30, 2011

[code] Now here is what has been going on since 26/05, While I was playing "World of Tanks" the game froze, sound was stuck and screen turned black with white stripes, I had to force a restart, the minidump was accusing a dll file of nvidia's which when I searched for on the internet it sounded like a random hiccup of Nvidia and it only happened once so I ignored it. But the game started crashing to the desktop since then but not very often, it never did that with my older pc, so I don't know if it's from the game side or my side.Yesterday around 8pm, I was about to transfer a 7gig folder from my main disk to the storage disk, as soon as I opened the partition that I was transfering to, I had a blue screen saying only "Unknown hard error", I force restarted and the MB resat the Bios and it restarted again and since then windows wouldn't boot, it kept asking for repair and during that repair it said "System was unable to boot" several times and after the many repair runs it kept saying it failed to fix the problem.Then I unplugged my storage HDDs and only left the system HDD, booted from windows 7 DVD and tried to repair but still said it couldn't fix the problem, in the report it said there was a problem with ci.dll, so I started "command" tried these commands (bootrec.exe /fixboot, bootrec.exe /fixmbr, bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd) after that I restarted and windows booted perfectly, right after that I shut down the computer, plugged in the 2 other HDDs, windows booted perfectly then all of the sudden, the keyboard wasn't responding (not even it's leds were working) same thing with my mouse, I looked at the HDD led and it wasn't doing anything at all, no small flickers or anything, so I force restarted, it booted like normal, I started to transfer a folder to 1 of my storage HDDs, opened up firefox, it was acting really slow, everything I was doing on it was lagging although nothing was draining the CPU or ram or anything, opened few pages, when the transfer was about to finish, the pc restarted.

After the restart, the event log says "kernal power" event id 41, category 63 and it didn't give me any minidumps. Anyway I went to sleep around 3AM, left my downloads running and was hopping nothing would happen but something sure happened, the event log says at 4:30 AM "The Windows Modules Installer service entered the stopped state." then no new events till 6:45 AM which was a warning saying "TCP/IP has chosen to restrict the scale factor due to a network condition. This could be related to a problem in a network device and will cause degraded throughput." No other events till I had waken up at 10:37 and found the monitor turned off not responding, HDD led completely off, no flickers, basically nothing was responding.So here I'm don't know what the hell am I supposed to do, I have a decent knowledge regarding windows problems, but this problem is too open and wide, is it 1 of my hard disks? is it the lonely GPU I have right now? is it the ram? is it the CPU? I need some guidance on how to eliminate each of them.before the MB resat the Bios, the CPU was overclocked to 4.2GHz and I tested it many times and it was very stable, so when the system hanged after the boot problem was fixed, there was no overclocking involved, there was no heating issue, temps were normal, I have a 1000w plus gold certified PSU.

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Play Atlantis 3 Game The Game Is Shut Down In Middle Of Game At A Certain Point?

Jun 21, 2012

when i play atlantis 3 game the game is shut down in middle of game at a certain point

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"Failed To Resolve Server Name"

Oct 29, 2012

we have a domain network and all pcs are connected through Forefront TMG. i was able to download mail through outlook and everything worked ok. but now i get following error in my tmg "Failed to resolve server name" and outlook is not working. i am using win 7 and forefront tmg version is 7.

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Hotkeyz Execution Of Cmd?

Dec 5, 2012

When I run my shortcut for cmd prompt in Hotkeyz, I am put at the "C:Program Files <x86>SkynergyHotKeyz" folder. how do i change this so it is automatically set to the default, or something like: "C:UsersUsername"?

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Execution Is Running To An Error Condition

Oct 30, 2012

I have win 7 and try to get the windows 8 to test the Oracle VM VirtualBox.I can not make it. Something goes wrong and I get (see below).VirtualBox Warning: The virtual machine execution may run into an error condition as described below. We suggest that you take an appropriate action to avert the error. Some audio devices (PCMJn) could not be opened.The virtual machine window is optimized to work in 32 bit color mode but the virtual display is currently set to 24 bit.

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Notice From Data Execution Prevention

Jun 14, 2012

I'm running IE 9.0.8112.16421 and today I saw something I've never seen before. The notice read:IE has closed this webpage to help protect your computer. A malfunctioning or malicious add-on has IE to close this webpage. What you can do is: Go to your homepage; Try to return to the page you were viewing; More Info.

I chose More Info and saw this: Data Execution Prevention detected an add-on trying to use system memory incorrectly. This can be caused by a malfunctioning or a malicious add-on.

I opened IE and checked the currently loaded add-ons.The list follows:

ShockwaveFlash Object.
Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper
ie Spell and Options
Lexmark Toolbar: Listed twice, once as the Toolbar and next as the helper
Java Plug-In SSV Helper
Java Plug-In 2SSV Helper
RoboForm Toolbar and Toolbar Helper
Simple Adblock Class
WOT (Web Of Trust) and it's Helper

Other than running IE wihout any add-ons and adding them back one at a time, is there a less tedious way of finding the guilty one? Could that notice have been a one-time occurrance? Has anyone ever seen the same notice?

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Standard User Program Execution Does Nothing?

Jan 22, 2012

I have a user set up as a standard user. When that user double clicks on most of the executable icons nothing happens- not even a prompt to run as administrator.Parental controls for the user are turned off. If the user right clicks on the shortcut and then clicks "run as administrator" the prompt for the administrator password will show and after password entry the program will launch.These are simple trusted programs installed by an administrator such as Picasa, Irfanview, etc Standard users should be able to run these programs without issue. How can I change this.

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Creating Scheduled Task With .bat File Delayed Execution?

Sep 14, 2012

I know how to create scheduled task from .bat file. But if the PC is turned off, i want it to run first time someone logs on. Code: SchTasks /Create /SC MONTHLY /D 15 /TN My Task /TR C:RunMe.bat /ST 14:00 what should i add to this code to make it run if the user opens his pc at 16:00?

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Preventing Windows 7 From Putting Game Shortcuts In Game Folder?

Jul 10, 2012

When I install a game in Windows 7 and Windows recognizes it it dumps the game's shortcut in the Game folder of the Start Menu. That wouldn't be a problem except Windows 7 prevents the game from creating the shortcuts it would have created had the operating system not been Windows 7- things like the game's Read Me, Uninstaller & Configuration options.

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