Execution Is Running To An Error Condition

Oct 30, 2012

I have win 7 and try to get the windows 8 to test the Oracle VM VirtualBox.I can not make it. Something goes wrong and I get (see below).VirtualBox Warning: The virtual machine execution may run into an error condition as described below. We suggest that you take an appropriate action to avert the error. Some audio devices (PCMJn) could not be opened.The virtual machine window is optimized to work in 32 bit color mode but the virtual display is currently set to 24 bit.

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Cannot Open WMP And Internet Explorer. Server Execution Error

Mar 9, 2011

I am using windows 7 ultimate x64 on my hp laptop. Since a month, I cannot open wmplayer. if i go to mp3 song and hit play. it tell me server execution error. Also, I cannot start 32 bit or regular internet explorer. I can open x64 internet explorer. I already try to install and uninstall wmp by using control panel .but, it is not working.

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The "Fatal Error During The Execution Of Sysprep" Error Witch Unattend?

Sep 18, 2012

I have Windows 7 SP1 64-bit in Audit mode and I put the Unattend.xml file[CODE]

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HP G62 - How To Restore To Factory Condition

Jul 15, 2011

I had trojan virus in my G62 hp and windows corrupted and it doesn't start and just goes to windows error recovery and it shows "Launch Startup Repair, Start Windows Normally" but it doesn't start anywhere so what shall I do now?

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Install Computer To Factory Condition?

Dec 7, 2012

I had to reinstall my computer to Factory condition. Every thing went alright. Then after installing all the updates,is when I started having trouble. Now every time I boot up,I get a message saying installing Windows,do not turn off machine. It does it every time I Boot Up.Then it will work alright.

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Odd Partitions After Restore To Factory Condition?

May 8, 2012

HP Compaq Presario CQ57, Windows 7 Home Premium SP-1 64 bit A month ago I bought an HP Compaq Presario CQ57 notebook (laptop), which comes installed with 2 x 1GB RAM modules. It functioned fine. A couple of weeks ago, I upgraded the RAM by replacing one of the 1GB modules with a 4GB one. When I restarted Windows, yes, it did blue screen momentarily, but recovered with another start and then things went well for a week.Then, upon attempting to reboot, it failed. On the Windows Welcome screen, it flickers briefly before it fails and goes to a blue screen.Using the HP Recovery Console, after trying a recovery that didn�t work, I tried the option of restoring to factory condition. Then, it still produced blue screens, giving error messages like IRQL less than equal and Page fault in non-page area.

I replaced the new RAM with the original 2 x 1GB RAM and tried a restore to factory condition option again. This time it worked. However, the hard drive partitions are odd.Disc Management As you can see, Disk 0 is divided into System 199 MB, C 75GB, not labled 133.34 GB, Recovery D 19.38, HP TOOLS E 3.97 GB.Ignore the CD ROM below.Isn�t System supposed to be on C? And the 133.34 GB unallocated space isn�t supposed to be there either.I ran the restore to factory again and it produced the same disk partitioning. I consulted HP customer service, and they sent me a Windows disk and wants me to try restoring from that rather than from the Recovery provided on the hard drive.

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Can't Get Recovery Drive (D) To Restore Pc To Original Condition

Oct 27, 2012

I can't get into pc recovery drive (D) to restore pc to original condition in two pcs. I think it is because I reinstalled Windows 7 into drive (C), which prevents pc recovery from drive (D) [because it's not the original software.I can see the recovery drive (D).Also, I used SpotMau to get the windows 7 Ultimate product key, but the lable on the pc shows that Windows7 Pro is installed.The product keys are different.

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Wipe Windows 7 To Original Setup Condition?

Dec 3, 2010

I am going to sell my laptop (with windows 7 ultimate x64) and I am trying to completely wipe everything I have done to it other than tho OS.

Is there a way I can do this without reinstalling the OS? My windows seven disc is a one license and has been used up...

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Any Way To Reset Laptop To Factory / Brand New Condition?

Jul 10, 2012

Any way I can reset my alienware Mx18 laptop back to factory condition? I am not looking to set it from a earlier back up, I want to re set it back to brand new.

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Restore The Toshiba Canvio To Its Original Condition?

Dec 22, 2012

how can I restore the Toshiba Canvio to its original condition?

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Unable To Restore HP Probook 4520s To Factory Condition

May 19, 2012

i have a HP Probook 4520s (now out of warranty) and i want to bring the same to factory condition bcoz of virus issues. Now, on various forums i read there is an option of F11 for recovery manager, which is not working in my case.

1) In Disk management I can see my recovery partition (15 gb) but with no option of making it active.

2) My recovery partion is more like a folder in C: HP_RECOVERY_mountHPSF

What can be the best way to restore to the factory condition. This is a legitimate Windows 7 copy and therefore i do not want to install some other copy, also there could be issues with drivers and all.

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Show Keyboard / Mouse Battery Condition In Taskbar?

Feb 20, 2011

my battery condition levels for mouse and keyboard have vanished from my taskbar.running win7 home premium on desktop?

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Windows 7 Disc To Return Computer To Factory Condition?

Oct 14, 2012

i need to restore my Acer to factory settings, what i need to know is simple, If i select "Restore Your Computer To Factory Condition", do i need to have a windows 7 disc to finish it???? or to reinstall the OS? or does it do that all on its own? because the laptop came with it pre-installed.

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Backing Up Files And Setting Laptop Back To Factory Condition

Jan 2, 2012

I have taken many computers back to factory condition and never had any problems. This time, after backing up all my files to disc (15), in total, I have taken this HP laptop back to factory condition. There is no problem there. The restore is fine but I cant seem to load the discs I created. I have turned off the laptop completely, as directed and started it again with the alt f10 keys, which should automatically load my back up but nothing is happening and if I try to open the discs on their own, I get an error message saying that the path isn't there. I have already re-installed my various purchased software but it is the photos and personal files that I particularly want to get back. I have my own photos safely in a box but these photos belonged to someone else

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Hotkeyz Execution Of Cmd?

Dec 5, 2012

When I run my shortcut for cmd prompt in Hotkeyz, I am put at the "C:Program Files <x86>SkynergyHotKeyz" folder. how do i change this so it is automatically set to the default, or something like: "C:UsersUsername"?

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Server Execution Failure?

Mar 23, 2012

m using Windows 7 on my Dell Studio PC and have encountered a Server Execution Failure when I try to use Windows Explorer or some other programs. My internet and mail server are working. The system was running smoothly until recently and I have tried chk dsk, scannow, registry optimizer and avast anti virus, to no avail. I have Hijack This but don't have enough experience to know what to look for. I have been reading google search items but still can't locate a fix.

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WMP Server Execution Failed?

Nov 13, 2012

So...I got a new computer and WMP was already kinda screwy since it was splitting up my albums and messing with the tracks. No matter how many 'scan now' things I ran, my computer didn't pick up anything wrong, so I just dealt with it. Now WMP isn't working at all and every time I try to play a song I get the message: server execution failed.I have a Window's 7 OS 64bit computer. I've tried scannow, I've tried FixWIN, I've tried FixWMP, I've gone through a three page thread with a similar problem, tried all of the manual fix-its and nothing worked. I absolutely do not want to re-download my entire OS just to fix one program.In fact, I'm done with trying to fix the program. If anyone out there can give me a compatible WMP, any version (old, new, experimentand for the next version of Windows please, please, please, don't make the WMP program indivisible from the OS. It's so much easier to uninstall and reinstall one faulty program than to reinstall your entire OS and deal with back up disks and things.

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WMP 12 Server Execution Failed?

Apr 24, 2011

Whenever i try to open Windows Media Player from Taskbar, nothing happens!!If i try to open any file, it says "server execution failed".

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Server Execution Failed / WMP

Nov 26, 2009

Whenever I try to play a .mp3 or .avi or anything of the sort with Windows Media Player, it hangs for about 15 seconds, then says "Server execution failed." Any fix for this OTHER than a clean install?

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Notice From Data Execution Prevention

Jun 14, 2012

I'm running IE 9.0.8112.16421 and today I saw something I've never seen before. The notice read:IE has closed this webpage to help protect your computer. A malfunctioning or malicious add-on has IE to close this webpage. What you can do is: Go to your homepage; Try to return to the page you were viewing; More Info.

I chose More Info and saw this: Data Execution Prevention detected an add-on trying to use system memory incorrectly. This can be caused by a malfunctioning or a malicious add-on.

I opened IE and checked the currently loaded add-ons.The list follows:

ShockwaveFlash Object.
Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper
ie Spell and Options
Lexmark Toolbar: Listed twice, once as the Toolbar and next as the helper
Java Plug-In SSV Helper
Java Plug-In 2SSV Helper
RoboForm Toolbar and Toolbar Helper
Simple Adblock Class
WOT (Web Of Trust) and it's Helper

Other than running IE wihout any add-ons and adding them back one at a time, is there a less tedious way of finding the guilty one? Could that notice have been a one-time occurrance? Has anyone ever seen the same notice?

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Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed

May 19, 2009

I was fiddling with some My documents files I copied over from XP. Explorer no longer works, gives the error message:

server execution failed

how to recover from this? Or do I need to recover or re-install?

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'Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed'

Jul 27, 2011

I solved the date problem but now I have another problem. I was transferring files from my pendrive. After that, I tried to gain access to My Computer but then out of a sudden, i can't open My Computer and The Control Panel as well as Music, Pictures etc on the Start Menu.When I click My Computer something pops up as 'Explorer.exe Server Execution failed'.When I click The Control Panel it says '::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} Server Execution failed'.

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Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed?

Sep 25, 2011

So after rebooting after a virus scan, I keep getting the message "Explorer.exe server execution failed" whenever I try to open a document, game, internet browser, etc. I've tried everything I could find, and I still can't solve the problem.

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Standard User Program Execution Does Nothing?

Jan 22, 2012

I have a user set up as a standard user. When that user double clicks on most of the executable icons nothing happens- not even a prompt to run as administrator.Parental controls for the user are turned off. If the user right clicks on the shortcut and then clicks "run as administrator" the prompt for the administrator password will show and after password entry the program will launch.These are simple trusted programs installed by an administrator such as Picasa, Irfanview, etc Standard users should be able to run these programs without issue. How can I change this.

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Server Execution Failed When Trying To Launch A Game

May 5, 2012

I have been through and read the post on people having server execution failed messages, but they all seem to be for Windows Media Player etc. I have yet to find a post for someone having a hard time launching a game.

The game is The Sims 3 and I HAVE played it on my laptop before. In fact I was playing it less than a week ago and it launched just fine. I have made no changes to the game's settings, nor have I installed any new programs on my laptop. I am horribly confused as to why I am getting this error message when I have done nothing (to my knowledge) to change anything that would effect my game launching.

The only change that has been made since the last time I successfully played the game is a Mozilla Firefox update. I highly doubt that this would change a setting somewhere and make my game non-playable. I

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Creating Scheduled Task With .bat File Delayed Execution?

Sep 14, 2012

I know how to create scheduled task from .bat file. But if the PC is turned off, i want it to run first time someone logs on. Code: SchTasks /Create /SC MONTHLY /D 15 /TN My Task /TR C:RunMe.bat /ST 14:00 what should i add to this code to make it run if the user opens his pc at 16:00?

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Cannot Use Personalize Option / System Hangs - Server Execution Failed

Feb 26, 2012

I recently had a really annoying virus which would not go away, after 7 days of fighting with it I decided the best course of action would be to format and reinstall win 7. However now my PC is super slow, I cannot open desktop items, without right clicking and selecting "Run as Admin" and even that is really slow. If I right click and select "Personalize" it hangs for ages then says "Server Execution Failed".

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Getting Error Cryptographic Service Not Running

Jun 28, 2011

Iam using windows 7, Core I5! X64 based notebook pc! Today i downloaded IE9, when i run the setup, i get a error ' cryptographic service not running, please check events log.' But cryptographic is running.

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MW2 - Fatal Error Steam Must Be Running

Aug 24, 2011

I have bought mw2 from dick smith and installed it on my computer however whenever I try to go onto the single player or multiplayer it comes up with the error "Fatal Error steam must be running" and then exits to the desktop.

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Unable To Open Control Panel Options - Server Execution Failed

Jan 6, 2012

I am unable to open "Computer", "Control Panel", "Devices and Printers" or any of the other options when I click on the start icon in the task bar. I receive the error message "Server execution failed" I have Windows 7 operating system.

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Server Execution Failed And Windows Media Player Wont Open

Jun 3, 2011

I'm having errors with Windows media Player and Media Center. I get a message that says server execution failed and Windows media player wont open. Media Center will open but wont play audio files.

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