"Failed To Resolve Server Name"

Oct 29, 2012

we have a domain network and all pcs are connected through Forefront TMG. i was able to download mail through outlook and everything worked ok. but now i get following error in my tmg "Failed to resolve server name" and outlook is not working. i am using win 7 and forefront tmg version is 7.

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Updated Bios Failed How To Resolve

Dec 28, 2012

I tried updating the latest BIOS for Asus P8Z77-VLK under Bios EZ flash Utility, the CAp file is saved in a USB flash, after executint the CAP file, the computer restart and sound beeping from the computer inner speaker, screen blank, is it possible to recover it?Os = win7 64.

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Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable To Resolve The Server's DNS Address

Nov 6, 2012

My internet isn't working too well, it shows great signal strength and says its connected but won't let me access the internet. It works if I reset the router but I keep having to do this as it only works for a limited amount of time sometimes for 5 minutes sometimes for 5 seconds. I keep getting this message when I try to access the internet:Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address.

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Windows 7 Clients Intermittently Unable To Resolve Host Name Of Server

Feb 20, 2012

We have 2 x Server 2008 R2 domain controllers and 120+ Windows 7 x64 clients. We have a print server which runs Server 2008 R2.We have several other servers which also run Server 2008 R2. An issue occurs intermittently and apparently at random, whereby a client will be unable to resolve the host/computer name of the print server. When the issue occurs, we have confirmed the following: - The client has a valid IP address.The client DNS server addresses are correct. - The client can ping the IP address of the print server. - The client can resolve the IP address of the print server by using nslookup and the server�s FQDN. - The client cannot resolve the IP address of the print server by using nslookup and the host/computer name of the print server.The issue can occur regardless of which domain controller the client used to log on. - When the output of ipconfig /display is printed to a text file, many of the other servers in our domain are present in the DNS cache but the print server is not. After the ipconfig /flushdns command is executed, the client can resolve the host/computer name of the print server immediately.

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WMP Server Execution Failed?

Nov 13, 2012

So...I got a new computer and WMP was already kinda screwy since it was splitting up my albums and messing with the tracks. No matter how many 'scan now' things I ran, my computer didn't pick up anything wrong, so I just dealt with it. Now WMP isn't working at all and every time I try to play a song I get the message: server execution failed.I have a Window's 7 OS 64bit computer. I've tried scannow, I've tried FixWIN, I've tried FixWMP, I've gone through a three page thread with a similar problem, tried all of the manual fix-its and nothing worked. I absolutely do not want to re-download my entire OS just to fix one program.In fact, I'm done with trying to fix the program. If anyone out there can give me a compatible WMP, any version (old, new, experimentand for the next version of Windows please, please, please, don't make the WMP program indivisible from the OS. It's so much easier to uninstall and reinstall one faulty program than to reinstall your entire OS and deal with back up disks and things.

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WMP 12 Server Execution Failed?

Apr 24, 2011

Whenever i try to open Windows Media Player from Taskbar, nothing happens!!If i try to open any file, it says "server execution failed".

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Server Execution Failed / WMP

Nov 26, 2009

Whenever I try to play a .mp3 or .avi or anything of the sort with Windows Media Player, it hangs for about 15 seconds, then says "Server execution failed." Any fix for this OTHER than a clean install?

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Yahoo Server Can't Be Found Because DNS Look-up Failed

Sep 10, 2012

Am using manual IP in all the computers in my office. Some of the computer showing yellow symbols on the network button. When I try to load a site, it respond... The server Yahoo! can't be found because the DNS Look-Up failed. DNS is network service that translate a website's name to its internet address.

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Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed

May 19, 2009

I was fiddling with some My documents files I copied over from XP. Explorer no longer works, gives the error message:

server execution failed

how to recover from this? Or do I need to recover or re-install?

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'Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed'

Jul 27, 2011

I solved the date problem but now I have another problem. I was transferring files from my pendrive. After that, I tried to gain access to My Computer but then out of a sudden, i can't open My Computer and The Control Panel as well as Music, Pictures etc on the Start Menu.When I click My Computer something pops up as 'Explorer.exe Server Execution failed'.When I click The Control Panel it says '::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} Server Execution failed'.

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Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed?

Sep 25, 2011

So after rebooting after a virus scan, I keep getting the message "Explorer.exe server execution failed" whenever I try to open a document, game, internet browser, etc. I've tried everything I could find, and I still can't solve the problem.

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Dependency Server Failed To Start?

Sep 25, 2012

I am getting the folllowing message and tried everything but nothing worked: Windows could not start the Check Point SSL Network Extender service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependancy service or group failed ton start

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Server Execution Failed When Trying To Launch A Game

May 5, 2012

I have been through and read the post on people having server execution failed messages, but they all seem to be for Windows Media Player etc. I have yet to find a post for someone having a hard time launching a game.

The game is The Sims 3 and I HAVE played it on my laptop before. In fact I was playing it less than a week ago and it launched just fine. I have made no changes to the game's settings, nor have I installed any new programs on my laptop. I am horribly confused as to why I am getting this error message when I have done nothing (to my knowledge) to change anything that would effect my game launching.

The only change that has been made since the last time I successfully played the game is a Mozilla Firefox update. I highly doubt that this would change a setting somewhere and make my game non-playable. I

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Dell Register Server Failed 0x800070005 Error

Feb 15, 2011

had some virus problems which i mannaged to fix using Malewarebytes antimaleware.after the removal i tried to install and update a mcafee antivirus. while trying to update it i got an error message, for which the solution was supposed to be runing the following code:Regsvr32.exe %Windir%\System32\Ole32.dll but i got an error message saying something like (it's not in english originally) The module c:\Windows\System32\Ole32.dll was loaded but calling Dll Register Server failed with error code 0x800070005.

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Cannot Send Email In Windows Live - Connection To Server Failed

Apr 3, 2012

I just baught a HP Pavilion dv6 laptop with Windows 7 and am connected to the internet via my wireless remote. I can surf the net so I know I'm connected. I am supposed to have my email set up so that what I receive in my inbox on my desktop also shows up in my inbox on the laptop. I can send and receive fine on the desktop (Windows XP & Outlook Express), but when I try to send and receive mail in Windows Live on the laptop, I get this error messaage:

The connection to the server has failed.
Subject 'test'
Server: 'smtp.att.yahoo.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 425
Secure(SSL): Yes
Socket Error: 10060

I occasionally will receive messages, but I can never send.

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Cannot Use Personalize Option / System Hangs - Server Execution Failed

Feb 26, 2012

I recently had a really annoying virus which would not go away, after 7 days of fighting with it I decided the best course of action would be to format and reinstall win 7. However now my PC is super slow, I cannot open desktop items, without right clicking and selecting "Run as Admin" and even that is really slow. If I right click and select "Personalize" it hangs for ages then says "Server Execution Failed".

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Unable To Open Control Panel Options - Server Execution Failed

Jan 6, 2012

I am unable to open "Computer", "Control Panel", "Devices and Printers" or any of the other options when I click on the start icon in the task bar. I receive the error message "Server execution failed" I have Windows 7 operating system.

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Server Execution Failed And Windows Media Player Wont Open

Jun 3, 2011

I'm having errors with Windows media Player and Media Center. I get a message that says server execution failed and Windows media player wont open. Media Center will open but wont play audio files.

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Windows 7 Media Player Either Says Server Execution Failed Or Skips And Games Also Skip?

Aug 31, 2012

I'm having such a huge problem right now. I don't know what to do... I'm using windows 7 64 bit and when i play my games the game would litterally skip... kind of like having frame skip on the highest then playing a game.. Also, windows media player would either do one of the following:1. video skips and no audio plays2. Server execution failed3. The video will play for like 5 seconds then says it cant play the file..Also when i try to run the windows experience index it will get the video decoding and it will say that it can't complete it for some reason. I've tried reinstalling windows and it just kept happeningI've tried doing everything to repair WMP and then it would work until i reboot again. even when i dont repair it i have to reboot then it would be fine.

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How To Resolve BSOD

Sep 27, 2012

I have been repeatedly getting BSOD, it happens about 30 sec after I log in at start-up. I am uploading my msinfo32 file, could you take a look at it?

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Network Can't Seem To Resolve Address From Name?

May 18, 2012

So today I started having this weird error message that my network mapped drive to the server downstairs was no longer functioning. The gist of it is that this setup has been functioning for months without hiccup or problem. The only thing that has changed is I recently converted my routers over to DD-WRT (v17990 for WNDR3400). I'm reasonably certain that this is not the issue since I can still punch in the server's IP into the network browser as \ and it comes up (I can also ping it, and it shows up in the server browser for the game it hosts), but for whatever reason I can't use the server's actual machine name \mcs anymore as it gives me a connection timeout issue. So far this is what I've done:1.) Enabled NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

2.) Attempted to enable Network Discovery, but for some reason on Server 2008 R2 that option doesn't stay on, so I enabled Function Discovery Provider Host, Function Discovery Resource Publication, and SSDP Discovery in the services control panel. This caused the machine to show up in the browser, but it still can't be connected to.3.)Double checked the subnets just to be sure, they are the same.The server is attached to router 1 via ethernet. The desktop is attached to router 2 via ethernet, but the two routers connected over a wireless bridge (technically repeater bridge mode according DD-WRT).I also have a few wireless devices that are connected, but they seem relatively inconsequential. I realize this isn't really a significant problem, but its really kind of annoying

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"Server Execution Failed" WMP In Windows 7

May 30, 2012

I can't play any media file in WMP since I uninstalled Avast IS and installed MSE.If I start WMP from start menu programs. A window for a nano second appeared and disappeared.If I just double click on any media player. I get an error message instantly saying "Server Execution Failed" Now look what solutions I have already tried:. net local group "Administrators" "NT AuthorityLocal Service" /add 2. Clear WMP Database.3. Uninstall and install WMP from Windows Features. 4. regsvr32 jscript.dll and regsvr32 vbscript.dll command.5. Perform a Clean Boot.blem.

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"You May Be A Victim Of Software Counterfeiting. Go Online And Resolve Now"

Jun 9, 2012

I've followed the Tutorial found here in order to install windows 7 on my machine. It was a used machine I purchased that was running windows XP. I then installed linux on it for a while, then wanted to upgrade to windows 7 so I used the tutorial and everything was working great. After a month of regular use/updates, I know see the following error message: "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting. Go online and resolve now". After clicking the go online link, some "validation" occurs, then I'm taken to a page asking to buy some licenses, and on the top it gives the following message: Windows validation detected and repaired an activation exploit (used to prevent built-in Windows licensing components from operating properly). You must activate Windows in order to complete the repair process and be able to use the full functionality of Windows. Not to worry, we can help you with that.How can I proceed in light of this? When I purchased the computer used the outside didn't come in good shape so I can't find the usual sticker with the windows XP license.

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Setup A Home Server With Filezilla Server?

Dec 19, 2012

I am trying to set up a home server with filezilla server. I am following this site's tutorial to help secure the data flow: [URL]. After doing all of this, I get an error saying "Invalid IP address/range/mask".

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Windows 2008 Server Or Linux For Server

Oct 16, 2009

Have been a LONG LONG user of Linux as a server (hosting VM's XP / Windows 7 mix) and file / print sharing.

I used to avoid MS like the plague as far as SERVER environments are concerned - probably because my first experince was Windows NT (Windows NeanderThal or Windows No Thanks) which was SO HORRIBLE that it put me off Windows servers for ages.

(Note I'm using a server in a HOME environment where we have around 8 machines (most of which are actually mine for testing -- not a corporate environment which has other considerations).

The problem now with the latest Linux distros that they are trying to be "A Better Windows than Windows". You can of course customize them but I haven't got the time or patience to do this any more. To select what packages to install / leave out now is a 100% pain and if you do it wrong the chances are the system will give errors.

I've looked at the new SUSE 11.2 -- slick and polished - bit I don't NEED "an alternative Windows".

I've just been looking at Windows Server 2008 R2 (got it from Technet) and I'm REALLY IMPRESSED with it so far. I've installed the STANDARD version - you don't need datacenter or Enterprise version for a home server.

It runs vmware server on it just fine (although I might go the whole hog and use the Hyper-V virtualisation -- need to do a bit more research).

I'm quite happy letting MS do the updates than having to mess around with Kernel compiles etc.

Incidentally as a HOME server there are some considerations that you might want to do to make it more like a Desktop OS than a pure server for example add multi-media to it.

This guy does a great job at this .

Convert your Windows Server 2008 R2 to a Workstation! - Multiboot Installation

Windows 7 VM's run just fine on W2008 server (they should as there is a lot of common code).

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Missing Dns Server, Missing Rpc Server No Internet?

Jul 16, 2012

i have a 2006 acer laptop that just recently decided not to get onto the internet. it will connect to the network but no internet. i have looked at more forums than i can count but to no avail. i will try to list the problems/symptoms but i am not familiar with programming language and don't know exactly what all the command prompts are suppoed to achieve and the like.-isatap ipv6 adapter is not working (some people say it does'nt matter but???)-ip address starts with 169-ipconfig /release and release6 does not workbecause "an address has not yet been associated with the network endpoint"-ipconfig /flushdns does not work because "function failed during execution"-cannot displaydns because "dns cache is unavailable"-cannot registerdns because "rpc server is unavailable"-checked my services and found some dependant ones that i could not manually start ERROR1075: DNS client service, tcp/ip netbios helper, routing and remote access, internetconnection sharing (ics). all failed to start with the same error code 1075-ERROR 10022- netlogon service-tried "netsh int ip reset" but reset echo request failed. "access denied". i am the admin for this computer. it worked the first time i tried it with no errors. now i get the failed echo message.

-cannot setclassid "as know adapter is in a state permissable for this action"-i saw something about the dhcp-read on one forum that people were having trouble after deleting norton(symantc) programs. i have deleted norton programs and think i got all of them (how to be sure?)-netsh winsock reset successfully-tried regrepair, regseeker, and a few of those "free download" programs that say they will fix your problems after you register/purchase them. i figure if the computer can stop working so easily i can get it to start as easily. maybe that's naivety speaking.-i have scanned my cpu for viruses (naturally) with 3-4 different programs (maybe norton would have found something).clean-thought it might have something to do with the registery since i had a nasty virus everal months ago that i think changed it somehow.-of course my system restore points are dated after this problem occured.-i bought the computer at staples and it did not come with a windows startup disc.

i can't think of any more though i know i've tried more than is listed. the dns and rpc servers seem to be the main coulprits but how do i fix that? also possibly the norton issue? i've read so many forums i'm seeing triple and everyone seems to suggest the same things. i've tried them so many times (to no avail). i've even changed the network adapters ipv6 and ipv4 adresses to with the alternate. nothing. there has to be something i'm overlooking but what

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How To See Ip Server

Mar 25, 2011

some of my site was block,how can i see it

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Connecting To DNS Server?

Jul 30, 2011

I need to connect to a DNS Server over the internet. I have tried setting the DNS as the server IP but I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to this. The server is running Server 2008.

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DNS Server Not Responding?

Mar 6, 2011

Just wiped my computer with my Windows disc. It connects to our wifi and everything but it says the DNS is not responding, so no internet. I have a Linksys WUSB600N as an adapter that connects to our Linksys WRT320N. Manufacture: eMachines <--- Hate them!

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DNS Server Not Responding?

Aug 30, 2011

I am working on an Acer laptop running Windows7. Internet connectivity was fine, then just stopped. I have attempted to get on the internet with multiple access points, hotspots, pdanet, 2wire router. The connection is fine to the devices, when attempting access the internet, Internet Explorer cannot display webpage. Diagnostics message isDNS server isn't responding.

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DNS Server Not Responding?

Jan 6, 2012

I have a router which is connected to a desktop (not wireless) and a laptop which is connected wireless. On my laptop, i have internet, i have connections, i can browse the internet, but my computer says this :

Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.

when i connect to the wireless internet, my laptop seems to be connecting, but taking longer than usual.

i have flushed the dns cache, and disabled IPv6

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