PossibleTo Remove Old Vista With T Upgrade

Oct 18, 2010

I have activated my Windows 7 which is on a separate disk drive from the old predecessor, Vista 64. Can I remove this older disk and repair the boot using the upgrade DVD? Do you need a full retail version to do that? Do I have to keep the Hard Drive that the old Vista was on forever ? And, can I use that Vista on another computer?

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Does 7 Upgrade Overwrite / Remove Vista ?

Oct 24, 2009

I just want to make sure that installing 7 as an upgrade 'over' Vista removes all of Vista's operating system, particularly the registry. Is this a correct assumption? I've got some registry entries for magicjack that I can't remove with Regedit due to permission problems and since my "7 upgrade" is due in a few days I don't want to mess with trying to remove them again.

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Remove Vista From Vista / Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Sep 13, 2012

I have two drives (C and D) with Vista on one and Win 7 on the other (not sure if they're actual drives or partitions of a single drive, how do I tell?). I am dual booting and never use Vista. Starting to need the disk space and want to delete Vista. Is this difficult in this scenario?

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Upgrade Path Problem - Win 7 RC To Vista To Win7 Upgrade

Nov 13, 2009

I installed Win 7 RC on a new build and purchased Vista Home Premium 64bit OEM with upgrade to Win 7 Home premium. The Win 7 upgrade disc has arrived. I understand that Vista must be installed and activated for the upgrade to work. Attempts to install Vista with Win 7 RC running or booting from the Vista disc lead to error code 0x80070103, insufficient free space. My HDD has > 450 Gb free space in 2 partitions. Do I need to reformat the HDD in order to install Vista over Win 7?

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PossibleTo Load XP Software Using Windows 7

Aug 5, 2010

I have a Belkin battery backup system (UPS) that has some software (Belkin Bulldog Plus Monitor) that monitors the computer and AC power, and, in the event of the loss of AC power, puts the system in hibernation. This worked really well under XP; alas, I've migrated to Windows 7/Pro (64-bit). Belkin has no Windows 7 support (indeed, they have withdrawn from the UPS market).Is there a way I can get the XP Mode to startup as part of the boot process, and, as part of it, get the Belkin software to load? If I were successful in that, would issuing the hibernation command be limited to hibernating the XP VM, or would it apply to the overall Windows 7 environment?

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PossibleTo Set Explorer Columns For Data Directory

Jan 22, 2012

As an example, The Itunes directory is in My Music. My Music is in a Music library, so the file details in explorer include album, #, etc. Within Itunes is the Apps directory and other data where "album name" doesn't make sense. I want it to display as a non-music directory. There doesn't seem to be any way to set the default columns displayed in a directory within a Music Library without changing how all the directories are displayed. Nor does there seem to be a way to remove a Music Library sub-directory from being considered as a Music Library member.

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Upgrade From Vista 32-bit To Windows 7 64-bit With The Upgrade Disk?

Aug 7, 2009

I ordered the 50$ Windows 7 upgrade disk. I realize that Windows 7 will need vista or XP already installed for the upgrade version of Windows 7. But if I want to upgrade my Vista 32-bit to Windows 7 64-bit, Will I be able to do it with this upgrade disk? after all I will need a fresh install (because 32 to 64) and this is the upgrade version...

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Do I Need To Reinstall Vista To Upgrade To 7 Using The Vista Key?

Oct 7, 2009

I have currently installed ONLY XP Pro. I used to have Vista Premium installed on a separate partition, But I uninstalled that. I purchased Windows 7 Upgrade disk.

Here's the question, Do I need to reinstall Vista to upgrade to 7 using the Vista key?

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Remove Pop Up Blocker On Vista?

Jun 30, 2012

How to disable pop up blocker on Vista/

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Remove Vista From Dual Boot

Nov 21, 2009

I recently did an install of Windows 7 (a clean install) and accidenlty selected to dual boot somehow (I chose to install 7 on the D drive instead of C, where Vista is installed)

I do not want Vista anymore. How can fix this?

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Dual Booting, Want To Remove Vista

Feb 28, 2009

I installed vista on my harddrive, and then made a partition and installed windows 7 on it.

I no longer want vista, and just want windows 7.

How would I go about deleting vista all together, and just have windows 7?

If I make the windows 7 partition active, it won't boot.

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How To Remove Windows Vista Files From Computer

Aug 23, 2010

My computer originally came with Vista. I began to have issues with navigating in "My Computer", as it would often freeze and make it nearly impossible to use at times. I received a free upgrade to Windows 7, which I had hoped would solve my issues. It did not, unfortunately. Is there any way that I could remove all the Vista files from my computer

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Remove Vista From Dual Boot System

Jul 6, 2009

I am dual booting Vista and Windows7 RC 7100. They are both on the same Hard Drive on different partitions. I have made the decision to stick with the new OS (Windows7) and give Vista the boot. So I want to get rid of the extra partition and revert to a single OS (Windows7).

I don't want to reformat the whole hard drive and completely re-install the windows7 operating system. I want to remove Vista from the dual boot menu and keep windows7. Then I want to format the Vista Partition. How can I do this and keep my present installation of Windows7 without having to reinstall Windows7?

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Vista Hack To Remove Folders Section Of NavPane?

Nov 15, 2012

I know I'm in Windows 7 Forum. But Vista Forums does not have a Customization Subforum. I'm just wondering, since you guys are into the shell internals, if anyone has come across a hack to get rid of the Folders section of the Navigation Pane in Vista??

I know I can drag it down to the bottom. But it won't stay there. I move to another location in Explorer and it insists on expanding that stupid Folders section cutting into the space for the Favorites.

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2nd Win7 Install, Now Vista Loading Screen After Remove

Jun 30, 2009

Some might remember I posted a few days ago about installing Windows 7 (64bit) separately on this same comp (different hard drive) to test what drivers worked for the devices I had, in particular the Canon scanner.

Anyway it worked, and I booted into Windows 7 64b fine - but I had a few issues getting back into 32-bit one (64bit one became the active boot. even after i used diskpart and bcdedit etc.

Anyway, I got the 32-bit install to again load as the default (and deleted the 64-bit partition). BUT, I keep getting the Vista booting screen - i.e. the small green loading bar instead of the elaborate "Starting Windows'. I then put in the Windows 7 dvd in and went to repair the install (to try & get the Windows 7 boot screen back), but it wouldnt even find the OS install to repair it.

So basically, its back to the 32bit Windows 7 install fine - but with the older Vista loading screen. Any ideas?

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Remove Recovery Drive Of Vista And Install Windows 7?

Sep 17, 2010

Recently i bought a windows7 Ultimate, and i want to install it on my laptop. , my laptop working with vista.My hard disk drive has two partitions. one is OS(C: ) and another is called Recovery(D: ).my question is: How can i remove Recovery driver (which is related to vista) and install a completely new Windows 7 on my laptop?

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Remove Vista So Dont Loose Any Data In Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2011

i am having vista in my drive D: and windows 7 in drive C: and i want to use only windows 7 only..so can you tel me a way to remove vista so that i dont loose any of my data in windows 7 and which is less complicated too.

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Upgrade From Vista 32 Bit To 7 64 Bit

Jun 25, 2009

So Im planning on preordering a copy of 7 tomorrow.

My laptop is running 7127 x64.

Im planning on going back to my original vista disk so I can purchase an "upgrade".

My question is can a buy a x64 upgrade? Or would I have to buy x86?

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Upgrade From Vista OEM

Jun 30, 2009

I'm currently running an OEM version of Windows Vista Home Premium, and I've placed my pre-order for Windows 7 Home Premium. Will I be able to do a clean install of 7 from my OEM version of Windows? I've heard that it somehow is dedicated to the motherboard, which could cause some issues...I don't know.

Will this work fine?

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Upgrade From Vista HP 64 To 7 Pro 64

Oct 25, 2009

I was to find that I couldn't do an in place upgrade from Vista Home Premium (64-bit) to 7 Professional (64-bit) after I'd already bought Professional. It seems that I can do an in place upgrade to either 7 HP or 7 Ultimate, but they skipped over Pro.

Is there some workaround for this, or failing that some way to reliably back up my applications and data?

I have already either upgraded the incompatible software, or uninstalled it, so I only have compatible software left on my Vista HP64 system.

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Vista X64 IE8 Upgrade To W7

Aug 21, 2009

I currently use both the IE8 x32 and x64 browsers on Vista.

I purchased the Windows 7 from Microsoft which I am supposed to receive by 22 Oct.

After I upgrade to Windows 7 will both the x32 & x64 browsers be included in the

update. I am in the USA.

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Where To Buy Upgrade From 64 Bit Vista To 64 Bit Win 7 ?

Jan 21, 2010

hello, I currently have a inspiron 531s motherboard with a OEM vista 32bit, I also have a license for vista 64 bit but its an upgrade version, is there any possible way that I can get a w7 upgrade license, I cant afford to buy the full version, I can only afford to get the upgrade version, I was wondering how much it is, a friend of mine purchased a upgrade license from his vista 64 bit to w7 for 50$ I was wondering if there is any way I can possibly do that, I prefer going from my vista 32 bit OEM to w7 64 bit that would be a lot easier but if that wont work I will install my 64 bit vista and go to w7 64 bit, I don't know where to buy the w7 upgrade.

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Upgrade From Vista

Nov 13, 2009

As long as I back everything up is it easy to upgrade from VISTA to WINDOWS 7?

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Upgrade Vista 32-bit To Windows 7 64-bit?

Jul 2, 2009

I must confess from the get-go that my knowledge of the finer points of computers in general is limited, but I've heard that 64-bit is the way to go. I bought my system from Dell about 12 months ago. Since I didn't build it, I can't tell you what mother board I've got (Dell refuses to easily divulge that bit of info and it's kind of a huge problem), but I do know:

Intel Q6600 @ 2.4 GhZ
4 GB DDR2 800
Radeon HD 3870 512 MB
W/ Vista Ultimate 32-bit

can I buy an upgrade kit to go from Vista 32 to Windows 7 64 or will I need to straight buy Windows 7 64 bit and install it? Will I need to update the BIOS? Is casual gaming, photo and video editing and HD video viewing even worth 64-bit? Again, since I don't know what mobo I have, all this may be for nothing because the board may not do 64-bit at all...

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Upgrade From Vista To Windows 7

Oct 10, 2010

is it worth it to upgrade from Vista to Windows 7? A lot of my friends say its the bomb but they do talk a lot lol so would like to hear from the pro's.

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Windows 7 Upgrade From Vista

Aug 26, 2011

I purchased the Windows 7 upgrade for multiple compluters. I accidentally loaded the 32 bit disc on my 64 bit laptop. There seem to be a lot of issues with windows 7 on this laptop. Can I install the 64 bit on top of the 32 or doesn't it matter between the two? I understand that it takes more memory to run the 64 bit. yes? Can you uninstall the 32 bit version. I understand that the W 7 upgrade builds on the vista platform.

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Upgrade From Vista To Windows 7?

Aug 27, 2011

I have an Aspire 5100 laptop. It is a 64 bit processor. It came with Vista. I have 2 GB or Ram. I bought the Win 7 upgrade. It came with 2 discs; a 32 bit and a 64 bit. I loaded the 32 bit by mistake. Is there as way to correct this or is it even necessary. I am having some difficulty with some of the programs, particularly Media player. someone mentioned that there may need to be additional drivers added to complete the upgrade.

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Upgrade To Windows 7 From Vista

Dec 24, 2012

I am wanting to upgrade to Windows 7 from Vista and do a clean install in the process. I plan to do this using a retail Windows 7 upgrade disk.

The machine is an older Acer Aspire running the 32 bit Vista OS.

My plan is to buy a new HD because I think the existing HD may be flaking out. Of course, the machine has gone through several iterations of software installs and unistalls in its 7 year life span. So, some of the problems being experienced could be related to those circumstances. That's why I want to do a clean OS install and reinstall of programs. Is this plan reasonable? What are the problems I might encounter?

Neither myself or the client is interested in doing something outside a lawful upgrade. Would a retail Win 7 Professional OS be better/easier to get the system running on Win 7 pro? EJ TLARbb has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Upgrade Vista To Windows 7?

Aug 23, 2011

HP pavilion dv6000 laptop running Vista. I'm currently running Vista but would like to upgrade to Windows 7. Would it be better to order a Windows 7 upgrade or can I just order a standard Windows 7 installation?

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Vista Upgrade To Windows 7 ?

Aug 23, 2011

HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop running Vista. I'm currently running Vista but I would like to upgrade to Windows 7. My question is should I purchase an upgrade from Vista to Windows 7 or should I purchase a standard Windows 7 license and what would the benefits/downside of the upgrade vs the benefits/downside to purchasing a standard Windows 7 license. Other than cost.

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Upgrade From Vista To Windows 7?

Jan 6, 2012

I have a Dell E520 that came with Vista. After a year or two, I had had enough with Vista and bought the Windows7 upgrade. However the upgrade didn't go well and I got on the phone with Microsoft. They walked me through doing a clean install using the upgrade version that I bought. Windows 7 has been and still is working fine. My question has to do with my "Recovery D" drive. I'm assuming that what is on there is a Vista recovery, unless the upgrade changed that drive too(?). Since I never want to go back to Vista, is it OK to use that drive space? How can I make it a recovery drive for Windows 7?

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