Possible To Lock Down Remote Access To Windows 7 Registry?

Oct 27, 2012

I was curious to know if it is possible to lock down remote access to windows 7 registry, and if so, is it recommended?

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Cannot Access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE With Registry Remote?

Apr 17, 2012

I want to use registry remote to edit registry of another computer in my network,But I can't access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE(It's say I have no permission )I use administrator (built_in) user,But i can't change permission by registry remote

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Remote Access Of Windows 2000?

Jan 29, 2011

I want to remotely access to my office another PC which is working on win2000. I have administrator rights of that PC and trying to connect as remotely but none. Kindly give me procedure for access. I am using win seven.

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No Access To Registry?

Mar 4, 2011

Whenever I log on I don't see my own background, but just a regular Windows 7 background.Also, a lot of my icons are gone and the menu is in English, though it used to be in Dutch.I found out that I sould go to registry (regedit.exe) and than go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Profilelist.The next step was to delete one of the keys and rename the one with the same name +.bak (get rid of the .bak).But when I try to do so, I get an error, it says: cannot delete <name of the key>: Error while deleting key. So, I've tried to get permission by allowing full control, but than I get another error saying: Unable to save permission changes on <name of the key>. Acces is denied.what can I do to get access to registry? Is there anything left to do or is it best to just start a new account?

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Dot Net App Cannot Access The Registry

Jun 9, 2011

I have a large application written in .net 1.1. this app needs to read and write to the registry. On windows XP this works flawlessly but on windows 7 it fails with no error message. simply, windows 7 will not let my dot net app read or write to the registry even if logged on as an administrator How can I set application security to allow my app to read and write to the registry regardless of the security level of the user.

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Windows 7 Ultimate - Unable To Access PC Via Remote Desktop?

Dec 30, 2011

Today is the first time I have had to access my work pc remotely so went out and bought Windows 7 Home. I accessed my works VPN network via the browser (have an icon in my taskbar called "network Connect" which tell me how long I have been connected for), I was able to ping my work PC but when I tried connect via Remote Desktop I was getting an error: Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons: 1)Remote Access to the server is not enabled 2) The remote computer is turned off 3) The remote computer is not available on the network Make sure the remote computer is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled."

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Disable IE's Access To The Registry?

Jul 30, 2012

Is it possible to switch on an option to limit or prevent IE from accessing the registry to read information.Or are there applications out there that can interfere with IE's ability to read the registry?

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Lock Access To Computer System Time?

Feb 13, 2012

There are now several ways of locking a computer to block things like internet surfing during a specific time period. I have unfortunately found a problem. All that one needs to do to defeat these programs is to change the system time. I use Kaspersky which allows blocking applications from operating. Is the system time controlled by an accessible software so that it could be blocked from being changed?

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Windows Live Remote Access To Home Server 2011?

Jul 8, 2012

I have two Windows 7 machines which both flawlessly access my Home Server 2011 via Remote Desktop.When I attempt to access the Hone Server via Live Live Mesh "Connect to this Computer" I receive a log in screen request for a Ctrl-Alt-Del. Clicking the Remote Desktop Window link to issue the request has no affect. No other action is available except to disconnect from the server.

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Unable To Run Task Manager Or Access The Registry Editor?

Jan 11, 2013

I've been meaning to look into the fact that I couldn't access my Task Manager anymore at all or even when I try to run regedit I get messages like "Registry editing has been disabled by your computer administrator" even though I am one of two of the only administrators for this machine.

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Connect To Another PC Using Remote Access?

Feb 7, 2011

How do you connect to another PC using remote access, I can connect to another computer at my house but I want to connect to my uncle's from Arizona to California. What IP adress do you write down because everyone has the same so if i put that it will connect to another one in my house. Is there some other IP adress that I can use. How can i connect to his PC.

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Remote Access To Desktop

Feb 16, 2012

Here is what i would like to try and do. I have two computers, a Desktop and a Laptop. My Desktop sits at home, while my laptop goes with me to school or anywhere else that i need it.Now, i would like to see how i can set up my computers (or network?) so that i can access my Desktop files via my laptop online.I want to try and carry as few files on the laptop as possible, such as if ever lost or stolen, i wont have my data or files compromised/stolen.I also plan to install a SSD on the laptop, in order to try and make my battery last longer, but SSD's are still too expensive (i have a 250 HDD right now), I'm thinking of getting a 64GB SSD and trying to carry as few files as possible. Getting a 250 GB SSD is just way too expensive right now.I have heard that Windows has a thing called Remote Desktop Connection, but i have tried to use it, but i never got it to work somehow. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Remote Access On Home LAN?

Aug 5, 2012

Just wanted some advice on remote connecting to my machines on my LAN. I have a desktop running Win 7 Home, a laptop running Win 7 Pro and my media machine running Win 7 Home. I would really like to access my media machine running Win 7 Home remotely on my LAN from my desktop machine also running Win 7 Home and i wanted to use RDP as it seems straight forward for what i need. I understand that it does not work when trying to remote access from a Home Premium machine to another one which is a real pain! I was wondering as i have full access with RDP on my Laptop running Win 7 Pro could i perhaps copy all the RDP files from the Pro version to my Home Premium version to allow full access to RDP on both my Home Premium machines?

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Remote Access Connection Manager

Dec 6, 2011

when i start making a connection using broadband 'error 711' occurs saying 'remote access connection manager could not start in time.

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Remote Shutdown Other Pc Access Denied?

Jan 17, 2011

I want to shutdown other computer in our network so in CMD i type 'Net View'I see my other pc so i do 'Shutdown -i' i type pc name shutdown and then get access denied!

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Remote Shutdown Access Denied (5)

Apr 15, 2012

I have an asministrator account on both computers with the same password. I have tried to shut it down with the command itself and the GUI. It always returns with the same error: "DESKTOP-PC: Access is denied.(5)". I have downloaded psshutdown, but I don't really know how to use it.

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Remote Access Works Using The Network IP But Not The Regular IP

Jul 26, 2011

I'm trying to remote access my laptop on the same network (and potentially from a different network) but I can only do so when I use its 192.168.X.XX IP. When I try its up from What Is My IP Address - Shows Your IP Address I get the "Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons

1) Remote Access to the computer is not enabled

2) The Remote Computer is Turned Off

3) The Remote Computer is not available on the network" I've also forwarded port 3389 on my Linkysys WRT54GSV4 router. Solved the issue. I'm just worried now because the laptop will move to a different network with my little cousins who won't know how to change the router's port settings for their router.

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Remote Desktop Connection Can't Access PC 1, But PC 1 RDPs PC 2?

Feb 24, 2012

I can remote desktop from PC1 to PC2, however I cannot remote desktop from PC2 to PC1? I turned off Windows Firewall on PC1 and PC2 still couldn't remote desktop PC1.
The ports are forwarded on both PCs.

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Access Remote Computer's Internet Using Putty?

Mar 25, 2012

I've college internet with 20MB per download limit which I feel is very low..On the same network, there are lab computers with unlimited d/l limit(obviously some firewall will prevent access).I want to access lab's internet using SSH tunneling so my PC has unlimited d/l coz i've heard many people have done it in our clg.Also there is something called "squid" on our college's network which prevents access to most sites.Please tell me the steps.

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Remote Comms External Disk Access

Apr 6, 2012

The Remote Comms External Disk Access somehow showed up on my system and everytime I uninstall it I loose access to one of my external hard drives. If I revert to the restore point I created before the uninstall my external drive is back. When I go to the PLX directory in the Program Files (x86) there are no executeables. I am running Windows 7 64 at the latest level.

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Any Program That Allow Remote Desktop Control Access?

Aug 22, 2012

I am trying to have my computer the most secure as possible. I have a firewall, antivirus, anti-malware, etc. But I was wondering is it possible to have on your computer even with an anti-virus, a malicious program that allow Remote Desktop Control access (something like ProRat trojan or teamviewer)? Because I am suspecting that someone I know could had install/changed something on my computer. I know those suspicion might not be founded but in anyway I would like to understand how it work.

1. Is there any malicious application that allow Remote Desktop access that cannot be found by anti-virus? (I know it could be put in the list of exception on the anti-virus).
2. What can I do to be 100% sure that absolutely no one could access my computer (or just see my screen from their computer).

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Does Windows Xp-Windows 7 Dual-boot Block VPN And Remote Access

Feb 10, 2012

I have two SATA hard disks on my Dell Precision 690. I had Windows XP (x64) pre-installed in first disk. Recently I installed Windows 7 in the other disk. The Windows 7 works well and I get options to log into either Windows at startup. But I curiously observe that I cannot VPN to my employer from that Windows 7 installation.Also, I installed LogMein and that too is blocked. I have installed VMWare on the Windows 7 and I could perfectly run VPN and LogMein from that VMWare installation. I have tried hundreds of advises and settings in the Services section to no avail. I even cleaned the Windows 7 install and started afresh; still cannot log to VPN

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Error 711 - Cannot Load Remote Access Connection Manager

Sep 21, 2009

An error message has been bugging my lately, rather since I started using programs which use the remote access connection manager. One of them is songbird (the fire-foxy media player) which cannot listen to shared music, and SecondLife which uses it to make http calls, both of which make up pretty major parts of my day to day.

The actual error reads: "Network Connections
Cannot load the remote access connection manager service.
Error 711: the operation could not finish because it could not start the remote access connection manager service in time. Please try the operation again."

I found this weblink on microsoft support which explains that windows is stupid and I should load the following dependent services manually.
Remote Access Connection Manager
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

Telephony on my computer is already running, the Remote Access Auto Connection Manager depends on Remote Access Connection Manager, when I try to start the Remote Access Connection Manager service I get the error message: "Services Windows could not start the remote access connection manager service on local computer.
Error 1068: The dependancy Service or group failed to start."

The Remote Access Connection Manager depends on Telephony (already running) and Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service. When I try to manually start the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service I get the following informative message: "Services
The Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs."

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Network And Remote Access For Home Photography Business

Mar 20, 2012

My wife has a home based photography business. Her studio is located on our property. Currently her network consists of her PC, a Motorola DSL Modem/Router from ATT and an external USB HD.

She would like to be able to access her photos that are at her studio from home, say on a laptop but I am unsure the best method for this. She needs to be able to access these images in such a way that she can post-process them in program such as Photoshop at home, and then save the image so that it updates that file in her studio when shes completed the post editing. So, basically it's like being able to edit images in 2 places while keeping the original files and the saved processed images in one central location.

I don't know if this means NAS, something in the cloud, or simply remote accessing the PC through Windows. Or perhaps some other method that I don't know about.

I consider myself to be decently informed when it comes to computer stuff but I want to get this right the first time around so I figured it best to gain insight from those who are more skilled than I before moving forward.

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Remote Desktop Access With Plug-and-play Drivers

Oct 24, 2009

I am currently running a tablet netbook with Windows 7 pro x32. It's not powerful enough to run photoshop very well, and my license wouldn't let me put it on there anyway. However, this netbook is a tablet. I'd like to use it for graphics, as it has a Wacom digitizer.

What I'm interested in doing is running a VNC to access my desktop (running Windows 7 pro x64) and be able to control photoshop from my tablet.

Currently, I've tried Windows Remote Desktop, and while it works fairly well, two things are wrong:

1) Mouse/Tablet input seems to be compressed. This turns my curves into straight lines unless I go reeeeally slowly. Is there any way to change this?

2) There seems to be an option for plug-and-play drivers to be transferred, is there *any* way to make pressure sensitivity work?

I have looked into other solutions, such as TightVNC, UltraVNC, and LogMeIn Free, but VNC isn't very secure (and I don't want to deal with SSH tunneling) and LogMeIn Pro is expensive, while LogMeIn Free is limited.

On that note, I haven't been able to find out *anything* relating to the security of Windows Remote Desktop. Is it encrypted, or what? Security is important to me, as I am running both the desktop and the netbook on networks that I have no control over, and are inherently insecure.

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Error 711: Cant Load Remote Access Service Connection

Nov 24, 2009

when i try to connect on the network i found this message in front of me

''error 711 (cant load Remote Access Service Connection Manager)''

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Registry After Windows Update And Registry Optimization Tool

Jun 16, 2012

While windows was uploading some updates yesterday, I cleaned my registry using Iolo's system mechanic tool and that's where the problems started. (I already read and understood your message: don't use those tools and stay out of your registry. A lesson I learned too late, unfortunately.)My computer rebooted and after a couple of minutes I noticed the message: " failure configuring windows features reverting changes ". I managed to bypass this loop by running in safe mode and recover my computer to a restore point in the past. This only worked partially: I get windows to run in normal mode but I get this message: "system failed while restoring the registry from the restore point. Restore point damaged or was deleted during restore". So it didn't restore but I can get into my windows now.So I don't get the 'reverting change loop' anymore, so I can access my computer but what's the mess? Well my computer is slow as hell.Like mentioned above, I already looked around on this forum and wrote down what I already tried. [code] My computer is terrible slow because of a registry defrag/optimization of a registry tool (in combination with windows update) --> I need to find a way to get back my old registry files but system recovery ain't working.

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Error 711 - Cant Load Remote Access Service Connection Manager

May 15, 2009

I have used Windows 7 build 7057. But in that I was having problem that it keeps giving error 711 (cant load Remote Access Service Connection Manager) whose soln provided on net doesnt work as 'secure socket tunneling protocol' service starts and stops automatically and other services are dependent on it. So the only soln is to reinstall windows. So I switched to XP again and this problem doesnot occur in it.

Now I wasnt to ask that was that some build related problem or other coz i want to install Windows 7 RC now. If anyone have soln to that problem than plz provide it.

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Apple, Alienware / Dell For Laptop To Access Remote Server

Nov 30, 2009

If I wanted to keep my current home computer as my main server & be able to access it remotely via laptop any where in the world if I'm away for whatever reason.

What kind of laptop would be best?

My business is websites, so I almost automatically jump to an apple since its pushed more for the graphics/artists

But I also like the dells & alienwares.

I'd also like them to talk wirelessly/via bluetooth while they are in the same room together to "sync" up.

I'm just not sure which way to go.

I wont be gaming, just heaving internet surfing & web design/work.

I run Windows 7 64 & Ubuntu 64 (though I havent used it as much since Windows 7 64 came out)

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Cannot Start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot Find The Specified File)

May 30, 2012

I had a small problem with my laptop a few days back ,but it was fixed when I removed and inserted the battery. But the F drive was renamed to D drive automatically. I think this was the cause of the following errors, which i noticed when I tried to use my Reliance Netconnect+ datacard and Error 711 (Cannot load the Remote Access Connection Manager Service) showed up.I tried system restore but i noticed it was disabled and so there were no restore points.A little research showed that Now I have the following errors: I cannot start Remote Access Connection Manager (Error 2:Cannot find the specified file) and cant start Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (Error 1068: The dependency or group failed to start). Both services are set to manual.(Target file is svchost.exe -k netsvcs).

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External Hard Disk Is Lock And Lock Recovery Key Lost

Nov 7, 2011

my external hard disk is lock and lock recovery key lost?

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