Occasional Crash From TDI.SYS Try To Sleep

Nov 18, 2012

About 20% of the time, my Win7 Home Premium 32-bit laptop system BSD crashes when I'm trying to put it into Sleep mode; the rest of the time Sleep mode works perfectly. It always crashes in exactly the same place: In TDI.SYS caused at location TDI.SYS+50E0. The Bug Check string is: "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL", with a code of 0x0000000A. I can detect no pattern whatsoever as to when it crashes versus when it doesn't.

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Sleep Crash On Wake-up?

Jun 3, 2012

Just built my new computer, and everything, including sleep, worked perfectly. I then installed GRA4 off Steam, and now when the computer wakes up it does NOT blue screen-rather the monitor inverts color, pixelates heavily, and then freezes. I cannot, or the life of me,


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Crash And Reboot When Waking Up From Sleep

Aug 4, 2012

When attempting to wake up my wife's PC from sleep, the computer will hang for a few seconds at a black screen and then reboot. This is followed by the standard Windows has not shut down properly message asking if I want to launch into safe mode. This has been happening the past few weeks. It's Windows 7 64-bit. I've attached the results of the SF Diagnostic tool.

Stuff I've tried:

- Turning off hybrid sleep

- Uninstalling and reinstalling the Realtek USB WiFi adapter (network adapter problems came up on some google searches)

- Toggling USB suspend in power settings

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Why Does PC Crash/restart On Sleep Mode

Jan 6, 2010

i got a problem,everytime i put my pc to sleep,or it automatically sleeps..its crashes in one of the following ways:

1. it restarts,and a nlack screen comes p and ask if to start on safe mode or normal

2. it jus cuts off,all power,everything

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Windows Crash On Restart From The 'sleep' Option?

Sep 21, 2012

I have a new Lenovo machine with Windows 7 preloaded

I normally leave my machine in the 'sleep' option overnight. I then use the mouse to resume Windows 7. On a number of occassions I see a power saving box appear with a countdown and then the Lenovo logo appears on the screen with a Windows 7 recovery panel. I then have to re-boot the machine. I have used the help box that windows provides to 'find the cause' after the reboot, but it does not point the way to resolve the problem. I would guess that this fault appears nearly 30% of the time that I try and resume following the 'sleep' option.

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Recovering From Sleep With IPhone Connected Crash?

Dec 13, 2011

IPhone or iPod Touch connected w/iTunes running, system goes to sleep & upon waking get blue screen & Windows shutdown & reboot. Apple devices are iOS 5.0.1 & iTunes is

PC is Asus i5 Win 7 HP.

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No Response (crash) When Entering Sleep Mode Or Restarting

Oct 20, 2012

often, when I want to put computer into sleep mode or sometimes when I restart it, procedure doesn't finish, display usually turns off, but computer is still running. The only option is to turn it off manually by holding power button.

After restarting I have a lot of (15) errors in system log:

A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the XXXXXX service.

XXXXXX = iphlpsvc, Schedule, SENS, BITS, CertPropSvc, EapHost ... etc.

Several days ago I have updated my bios and some drivers, so I suspect that the reason may be some driver.

I have dell latitude e4310 notebook running Win7x64 SP1.

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Occasional Hard Crashes?

Jun 8, 2012

I fairly recently got a new computer, and started w/ windows 7. I have since had the very occasional unexplained hard crash. Most of them occur when I'm not present. I did try to install ProTools 8, which was a complete failure, and caused a few hard crashes, but that's the only thing I know of that's a direct cause. I've since given up on ProTools, both because I'm sick of it, and it seems there's no reliable driver for the Mbox (which is also fine with me). Obviously, hard crashes concern me, but I have no idea how to go about determining the source.I have:

Windows 7 Ultimate
AMD FX-4100 Quad Core

Gigabyte MB (and I can never seem to find a model number when I need it, but can keep digging if need be)
Nvidea Geoforce 9800 GTX+

I don't do a whole lot with it. Normal interneting and stuff, and some recording programs (audition mostly), all just via line ins and line outs. I'm kinda just stuck restarting when bad things happen. They've been rare enough that I've just shrugged and moved on, but repeated hard crashes probably shouldn't be ignored, so...

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Occasional BSOD During Shutdown?

Feb 11, 2012

Occasionally my computer will BSOD during shutdown. Before the BSOD, it will stay on the shutting down screen for a couple of minutes. This time I didn't even see the BSOD - after staying on the shutting down screen, the screen went blank and eventually I just did a hard shut down. When I logged in, I received a dialog stating that the computer had BSOD'd.zip file is attached-Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64-Not the original OS, from MSDNAA-Age of system varies: graphics card - 2 months, CPU/motherboard/RAM - 6 months, power supply - 1 year, hard drives/network adapter/cdrom drive - 5 years-Age of OS installation - less than 2 months, I had the issue on a previous installation of the same OS as well

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Occasional BSOD - CPU / RAM And GPU Overclocked

Sep 15, 2012

My desktop sometimes crashes when I'm playing a game. I have the latest drivers for everything but still crashed after updates. I have overclocked the cpu, ram, and gpu but I'm not sure if that's the source of the problem.

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BSODs, Occasional Freezes Even After Reinstall

Aug 11, 2011

SPECS: Code: System Manufacturer/Model Number Cyberpower Custom OS Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit CPU AMD Phenom II X6 T55 Motherboard ASUS M4 Memory 4GB DDR 3 - Corsair 1600mhz Graphics Card(s) Geforce GT 220 Sound Card Some Random Cheap Thing. Monitor(s) Displays 2, 1920x1080 and 1024x768 Screen Resolution N/A Hard Drives 500GB Basic Brand PSU 580W also a random brand Case --- Cooling Just Fans. Supplied case fans Ok guys this is going to be a long journey.

I had a virus about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Dunno where it came from, completly random as i did not download anything bad. Avg scanned it, reported nothing, so i deleted my account and it aparently fixed it. So everythings fine for a few more days, then i get random bsods. First a freese from playing portal 2 and after a reboot the keyboard wasn't happy with its current drivers and reinstalled them from windows. Then hell broke open and i was getting bsods everwhere. By the way it was a Cyborg Gaming Keyboard if that helps. So i reinstalled the drivers from the offical site wih a different keyboard and it fixed it for a day or 2. Now im still getting them, even after a Re-install which by the way, Windows PE itself bsods before installing. Then after a new desktop, everyting clean but still the bsods.

I am getting:


I have installed new memory and checked the old ones. They are both clean from faults. I have the dumps here. Which is all i can gather from a linux cd i used to get them. Which by the way dosn't get errors which means its windows based and to do with the hardware. One last thng is that i found some files missing from one of my games before i formatted so could it be bad sectors.

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Occasional BSOD After Bios Update?

Jan 25, 2012

Ever since I updated my bios after being advised to by a Ubisoft employee, my system occasionally crashes to a BSOD. Sometimes it happens twice a day, sometimes not for a week. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I'm rather bumped, because I love my current system. Attached you find my BSOD file (the health report is in Dutch, but hopefully you can manage).

My system specs:Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit; Full retail version installed this a half year ago.The original windows was Vista, 32 bit which in turn was updated to 7, 32 bit. After installing extra ram I switched to 64.

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Occasional BSOD, Firefox Always Open?

Jul 6, 2012

I've got a new system, and almost at random I get a BSOD on occasion. No excessive system load, and the only correlation I can see is that Firefox had been open each time. I've included CPUZ screen shots in addition to the dump files.

System:i5 3570k, Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H (F7 BIOS), Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 CAS9 2 x 4GB (Running XMP profile), EVGA GTX 480,SeaSonic Platinum 860w PSU, Cooler Master Hyper 612 PWM, Cooler Master HAF XM case with 2 extra 140mm side intake fans.

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Possible Video Error Causing Occasional BSoD

Nov 9, 2011

it'll say video error occured and driver reset. this only occured during the previous nvidia driver. once updated it didnt happen.however, i was playing battlefield 3 and had a Internet video running in the background and the sound stuttered as before and my screen black and my machine restarted saying thee was some hyper thing problem on restart. i started in safe mode to get all my dump files. the problem on the 10/28/2011 is before i updated the new driver.the text file is what part of the message said.

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Occasional BSOD On Dell Inspiron 6400?

May 25, 2012

Lately I have been getting BSOD on a old but reliable Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop. The BSOD message I get is "Driver Power State failure". It does not happen regularly or follow a pattern. It is random (but follows Murphy's law and happens when I have not saved an important document

Perfmon.html and Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2.zip file is attached as a single .zip package.

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Occasional High HDD Activity For No Apparent Reason?

Jan 15, 2013

I have recently upgraded my hard drive and cloned my old Win 7 partition to that. All seems to be o.k. but occasionally my hard disk starts to work intensively for less than a minute freezing everything.The hard drive that I have used for the migration of my OS was one that had a few large files on it. I have used easeus partition manager to shrink the partition with these files and made a new partition in front of it for the OS.I have checked the had drive for errors and bad tracks, and it looks that there are no such problems.A look at the event viewer shows the application experience and error reporting services starting and stopping all the time. Could it be the write caching of windows?

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BSOD And Occasional Screen Freeze (especially When Playing Games)?

Aug 1, 2012

i've been getting occasional screen freezes and more recently BSOD, mostly when playing gamesyou can offer from the files i have attached as i'm not able to read any of the crash dump files.

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Occasional Crackles When Realtek Audio Driver Installed

Sep 2, 2011

i built myself a new computer and it has an ASUS Rampage 3 Formula motherboard which has:SupremeFX X-Fi 2 built-in 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC

- Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking Audio Feature :
- X-Fi� Xtreme Fidelity™
- EAX� Advanced™ HD 5.0
- THX� TruStudio PRO™
- Creative ALchemy
- Blu-ray audio layer Content Protection
- Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel

I install the Realtek audio driver software and i get access to all my cool EAX advanced HD, THX truStudio etc.. things on that list BUT i get crackling noises every now and again when playing music/games whatever.
However i uninstall the audio driver software and i get no crackling sound when i listen to music or such, but i cannot access any of the features anymore.Whats going on here? its not the speakers or headphones i use, they have been tested on multiple devices, this only happens after the audio driver is installed and the audio features are activated.

My PC spec is:

CPU: Intel i7 980 3.33Ghz 12mb cache 6 core
GPU: 2x GTX 460 1GB
MB: Asus Rampage III Formula
RAM: A-Data Plus v2.0 XPG 2GB 1866Mhz 8-8-8-24 x3 in triple channel
SSD: OCZ agility ~400-500mb read&write
HDD: 1TB 7500RPM WD caviar black

this is all brand new, i just finished building it all a while ago, so there is like no crap running in the background like viruses or unneeded programs.my speakers are just small desktop 2W speakers, and i also use iPhone headphones, i have tried using the front jack on my pc & the rear jack (one that says "front" and is a light green colour) i get the noises nomatter if its headphones or speakers.

if i chage audio drive to nvidea from my graphics card and plug speakers into audio jack on my monitor which gets the HDMI audio from the GPU i get perfect sound.Uninstalling Realtek audio driver makes my pc use a microsoft audio driver it must have default, but it sounds fine.i just cant do ANY of the audio features available from the motherboard without it. and i worry its not HDMI/cinematic surround without this?

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Potential Virus - Occasional Startup Failure / BSOD

Jan 29, 2013

For sometime now I've been attempting to fix a laptop that I have that was used by my sister. The laptop is a Compaq Presario CQ61 running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I believe the computer has a virus but cannot actually find out for sure if it does or not. I have ran many virus scans with multiple virus protections and still I'm getting blue screens of death, major jamming, as well as occasional start up fails. The computer jams up so badly that I can't use it for even simple tasks. If I try to up the start menu or any folders the computer jams up for about a minute before it responds. If I try to get on the web nothing at all will load no matter what web browser I'm using. The computer will also freeze up completely at random times and the only way to get it to respond is to restart it.

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Computer Will Not Boot Up To The Login Screen, Occasional BSOD Flashes?

Dec 12, 2011

My computer is running on a Windows 7 Home Premium OS, it's about two years old, Lenovo brand. I won the computer a while back, and do not have a Windows 7 Op.disk. The problem is, a while back I got this virus called Wolfram Antivirus software, and tried to do everything I could to remove it. It was a pain. The thing is, I think I might have accidentally deleted something in RegEdit, and now my computer (on the ultra rare occasion that it gets to and past the login screen) will tell me that it has encountered a critical error, and will restart in 1 minute.When it does reboot, what will happen, is it will get to the picture of the swirling Windows symbol, but then reboot before making it to login screen. Then it will ask me to do a system repair or start up normally, because it shut down unusually

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Occasional BSOD During Hibernation - Driver Power State Failure

Jan 10, 2013

My laptop was working fine until I replaced the 4GB with 2 x 4GB about 2 months ago. I also installed iCloud the following day. I was getting numerous BSODs during the day and so uninstalled iCloud (using their uninstaller) but was still getting BSOD. I ran some memory tests and found one of the DIMMs to be faulty, got that replaced and now no more BSOD during the day. I do however get the occasional BSOD when I try to Hibernate manually or the laptop Hibernates itself and I am struggling to troubleshoot the cause.

BlueScreenView is telling me that there is a "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" from ntoskrnl.exe with "ntoskrnl.exe+1040b" in the Address in Stack. I've checked the event logs but maybe I'm not reading it properly but I really would like to know what the system is doing just before it tries to go into Hibernation. Personally, I think it may have to do with iCloud or some form of network syncage but I could be completely wrong.

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Windows 7 Laptop SLOW, Occasional Buzzing Sound, Blue-screen?

Jul 11, 2012

recently I found that my computer running Windows 7 Home Premium is becoming slower. And the annoying thing is that, when my computer plays music or video, the audio occasionally becomes the BUZZ sound, with the discrete "jumping" of mouse cursor if it's moving.Once when the issue was bad, a Bluescreen occured with an infinitely repeating noise (buzzing again and again), and the screenshot of the Bluescreen is uploaded.

Some specs:
Windows 7 Home Premium on Laptop Dell V130
2G RAM, (usually 85% is used);
CPU: i3 @ 1.30GHz
Processes: 81 (as currently - too many?)
Services started: ~80

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Windows 7 Explorer.exe Crash/restart/crash?

Jan 21, 2013

I read through a few threads with similar topics but the issues were either not quite the same and/or resolved comparatively easily. I am trying to repair a 1.5 year-old HP Pavilion running Windows 7 Home Premium 64. This machine is used as the main office computer in a small doctor's office. In spite of my warnings, anti-virus software was not installed until it was too lateThere was a major issue about seven months ago that required another company to repairThe problem is explorer.exe will not run. Double-clicking a shortcut on the desktop, clicking the text name of a program from the Start menu, and even in the cmd results in the same response, a dialog box pops up stating windows explorer has stopped working.

windows is checking for a solution to the problem. followed by another box stating windows explorer is restarting. But the requested application never starts. I have run the Ultimate Boot CD 4 Win, replaced the hard drive and cloned all data, run numerous registry scans, malware scans and antivirus scans. Initially removing over 1500 virus/malware hits and over 1400 registry errors. But the main problem persists, explorer.exe won't open programs.

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Receiving "no Signal" Upon Turning On Desktop And Occasional Screen-freezes?

Sep 19, 2012

i recently got a new dual-monitor desktop built by a friend and it worked fine for the first week or so. a few days ago it started getting hectic whenever i tried to turn it on, in that it would frequently do one of two things:

1) the screens would both go black and post "no signal"

2) both screens would freeze in place and it would recognize no actions aside from turning the desktop off the "no signal" issue only appears when attempting to log in or right after turning the computer on, whereas the screen-freezing would happen at any given time, whether it be logging onto the computer, checking facebook, or playing diablo iii. it currently takes me 3-4 attempts to get it running properly each day. everything in the computer is new, so it shouldn't be a problem with bad cables connecting the monitors to the tower or the ports that the cables are connected to. i've tried moving the cables to different ports on the tower, and it doesn't really seem to be affecting the problem. nothing is out of place or unscrewed inside the tower, so it's probably a software issue. the same friend that built the computer suggested that i get the latest nvidia drivers since the most recent ones were available on the 14th, whereas my current nvidia drivers are slightly older. i tried downloading the most recent one, but then i received the screen-freezing problem. whenever i attempt to download anything video-related online, the comp simply freezes up again. i can play Internet videos and diablo iii fine, just not download anything significant off the internet. my friend tried working with the comp as well, but he's at his wit's end and suggests that we get outside help in diagnosing the problem, so he recommended this site.

computer specs are as follows:

windows 7 ultimate (service pack 1)
intel core i7 cpu
64-bit os
x2 gtx460 video cards
12.0 gb of ram

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BSOD When Computer Goes To Sleep Or Press The Sleep Button?

Jun 21, 2012

Whenever I press the sleep button on my computer, or when I leave it idle and it goes to sleep by itself, I get a blue screen of death. I would really like to solve thiNow, this computer came with an AMD video card, but I uninstalled those drivers and took out the video card and installed a GTX 570 from EVGA. The drivers are up to date, so I am pretty sure the new hardware is installed correctly. Furthermore, it was not doing this for the first few months of having the video card installed. This is very recent, so I don't understand what it could be

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Sleep Doesn't Sleep Anymore - Just Goes To Login Screen

Jul 30, 2009

For some reason, my 'sleep' has stopped working - either from the sleep button, or on the Start button option.

Now it just goes to the user login screen.

Has always worked perefctly until today.

Weird. Any ideas?

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Won't Sleep From Start Menu But Sleep Timer Works?

Apr 1, 2012

I know there are a bunch of sleep problems out there but I couldn't fine one similar to this after doing a forum search. Running Windows 7 Ultimate. Sleep used to work ok but now when I choose sleep from the start menu, the screen blacks out but the computer doesn't actually go to sleep. The fans, activity lights, hdd lights are all still running. If I move the mouse the screen comes back. However, if I just wait for the sleep timer to kick in then the computer does go to sleep (all fans stop running and all lights go out). I'm not sure what caused this. I use my pc as an HTCP and now when I push the power button on the remote the pc does not go to sleep.

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Slow Resume From Sleep If Sleep For Long Time

Apr 21, 2011

I currently run Windows 7 ultimate 64bit, 8gig ram, intel i7-2600k cpu, and my OS runs on an OCZ SSD (all specs are in my profile)Sleep mode is set to S3 in BIOS, I have hibernation disabled (so no hibernation.sys file on my c drive)When I put my computer to sleep then immediately wake it up, the login screen shows instantly, I type in my pass and it loads in like 0.5 seconds.When I put my computer to sleep but wait for around 1-2 hrs before waking it, it shows the login screen instantly but after i hit login, it gives me the Welcome spinning circle thingy for like 20 seconds before I can see my desktop. That's like longer than my entire boot-up time excluding POST.Event viewer doesnt show any performance delay, and I dont think my OS drive (OCZ vertex 2) has a cache so I have it disabled. I'm sure all my mobo drivers and graphic drivers are up to date.

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Click Start And Sleep Computer / Monitor Will Go To Sleep But Computer Is Still Running

May 20, 2012

Sometimes when I click start and sleep on my computer (windows 7) the monitor will go to sleep but the computer is still running. I cannot wake my monitor up so there is nothing I can do to wake it up besides manually turning it off using the button on the computer case.

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Scheduled Task: Wake From Sleep, Run Task And Return To Sleep?

May 21, 2012

I have a Win7 Ultrabook. I'm using Areca backup software to backup my personal data.I created a Scheduled Task to run my backup weekly.I set it so that it would wake from sleep to run the task. But I'm having trouble finding a setting to tell it to return to sleep if it woke itself up. Is it possible to do so?In the alternative, is there something I can insert in my batch file (the scheduled task runs a bat file) to tell my book to enter sleep mode?

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[CRASH] Cannot Boot From A CD Nor A USB?

Mar 18, 2012

My computer is currently stuck on a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left hand corner. I tried rebooting from a bootable disk and from a bootable flash drive and neither one worked. My machine is an HP Pavilion Elite HPE-110f. I am running on the 64 bit version. Has anyone run into this problem before and if so, is there a solution I can try on my own or am I doomed to take it to a tech?

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