Networked Computers - Can't Save Files On Networked Computers

Mar 8, 2012

Three Computers on a home network. Desktop in Office (Windows 7) . Wife's Laptop (Windows 7). My laptop ( Vista unfortunately). Norton Security Suite and all three. I have a network setup and a Homegroup established.

Everything was setup and working so that I could share files between all three. My wife was able to open a desktop file make changes and save it back to the desktop computer.

All of that changed. Now we get a message when trying to save the file. "You do not have permission to save in this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission".

I have given the entire "MY Documents" sharing permission to everyone. I have checked everything. I have looked over all kinds of forums and nothing has worked.

I am to the point of doing a complete reinstall of Windows 7 on my Desktop.

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Can't Print From Networked Computers

Oct 29, 2009

I have 2 laptops and a desktop. All of them are now running Windows 7.

I am unable to print from either of the laptops. I have set up my Home Group and made sure each computer has the same password.

The HP printer I have is connected via USB port to the desktop. I can print from the desktop. When I try to print from either of the laptops it does not print.

Please help-is their a sequence of things I should check on each computer?

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No Access To Networked Xp Computers

May 10, 2009

I have upgraded my vista home premium to Win 7. I now cannot access the Xp computers on my home network but I can access my other Vista computers ok. I can ping all by ip and name ok. But file access just comes up with error 0x80070035 'the network path was not found'. All the computers can access the Windows 7 computer and read files ok.

All the computers are on the same workgroup, Nothing been changed on any other computer as it all worked before this upgrade! Tried disabling the firewall, set to Home network, no homegroup set. The original vista drive which I 'ghosted' before I upgraded to 7 still works with full access to all networked computers.

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Can't See Networked Computers After Windows Update

Jul 24, 2012

After windows recently updated on one of my win7 machines, i can no longer see the other 4 computers on my network. 2 win7 Pro machines & 3 XP, all in same workgroup. I can see the affected win7 machine from all the other computers and can even access its files, the affected machine can connect to the internet as well but i cannot see any of the others. Network discovery is on, but file and print sharing is not and when i click it on and say Save Changes, it does not hold the change; also under: my system settings-system properties-computer name the Network ID button is grayed out so i cannot change my workgroup name even if i wanted to. I am logged on as admin.

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Windows 7 Computer Can't See Other Networked Computers?

Jan 1, 2011

My Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine recently stopped being able to communicate with any other machines on the network.It can ping them by name, but can't browse to any shared folders or use any shared services.I do have one networked printer, but access was via http so it seems to work. The big problem is that I have some Windows XP machines that have shared folders and shared printers and I can not access them.Here are the details of my setup.

- Linksys WRT54G router drives the internet (updated to latest firmware)

- Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine plugged directly into WRT54G ethernet port

- Epson Workforce printer plugged into ethernet port

- 2 Windows XP machines connected via wireless

- 1 Windows 7 32-bit laptop connected via wireless

Since the Epson worked fine I thought may it is a wireless issue or maybe an issue connecting from Windows 7 to Windows XP.I went through hundreds of forum posts about people with issues connecting to XP with no luck (i.e. network discovery is on, file/print sharing is enabled, all machines on the same Workgroup, etc.).All of the various XP machines can see each other, ping each other, and browse each other's shared folders.In fact, all of said machines are capable of browsing the Windows 7 64-bit machine's shared folders, but it can't browse theirs.

From the Windows 7 machine I can ping all of the others by IP or even by hostname, but if I put "\hostname" in the run dialog, it can't make a connection.In the Network & Sharing Center I do see the other Windows 7 32-bit laptop in the network map, but I can't browse to it's shared folders.I can RDP this laptop by connecting to the IP address with remote desktop.I can ping the XP machines by IP or name, but they do not show up at all in the network map and I can't browse to them from the run dialog.A few months ago I could never access these machines by "\hostname" but if I put in "\IP_ADDRESS" it would pop up a username/password box and I could get in.This is now no longer working either.I've tried numerous things and from the firewall/network settings it seems like everything is set up to be able to discover other machines, but it still won't work. Something changed on my Windows 7 machine that has locked it from doing any outgoing connections.

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Cannot See Homegroup Computer And Connect To Networked Computers

Nov 15, 2011

i have 4 networked computers (all connected through ethernet cables) They used to talk to each other fine. Now one (Call it KPC) is able to access all of the computers but none can access it. Another computer (RPC) says that it does not have permission to access it, even though i have all my file sharing turned on.

It used to ask me for a password and even though i would enter the correct password (the same on all computers) it said "logon failed: wrong username or bad password".

Also I have added KPC to the RPC homegroup using the password and it just doesnt show up on the RPC homegroup page. I really NEED RPC to be able to access KPC's everything (documents, printers etc) the rest arent a big deal at all. What happened and why did it just stop working??

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Two Windows 7 Computers - One Can't Save Files Directly To C Drive?

May 21, 2011

I have two computers currently running Windows 7.
-On both computers, I use an account with administrator privileges
-On both computers UAC is set at the default level.

For some reason, on one computer I am capable of saving files on the C drive without having to run a program with UAC, but on the other computer this does not work. Similarly, if I right click on a program in my C drive and click "Create Shortcut" I receive the message "Windows can't create a shortcut here. Do you want the shortcut to be placed on the desktop instead?" What I'm trying to convey by point this out is this is not a problem that I have with a particular program, but an issue I'm experiencing with the operating system in general.

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Error With DVD Files On Networked Folders

Mar 19, 2009

Has anyone noticed a problem with ripped dvd files (ie VIDEO_TS) that are mounted from a networked folder? I get a video error message about missing files and if I press "d" for more info I get the cryptic error:


Files needed to display video are not installed or are not

working correctly.

This doesn't happen with dvd files on local disks, only networked folders. I'd like to know if someone has seen this or can reproduce this error. This is on build 7057, but I think it happens on the others as well.

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EXE Files Slow To Load From Networked (Windows 7 X64) Computer

Jan 9, 2012

I added a second machine to my home network, and want to share files back and forth between machine A and machine B. Both are Windows 7 x64 ultimate. I have a shortcut on B's desktop to a folder located on A called "sharedfolder". When using system B and I click in Asharedfolder, I can then click on a pdf, or an avi, or txt, or whatever, and it loads just as quickly as if the file were on B's hard drive. But if I click on an exe file, it take about 15-20 seconds to load. No prompt, no nothing, it just takes that long. It happens with or without no antivirus running.

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How To Add Networked Printer

Jan 31, 2013

I am a student worker and I am having a problem with a small project that I'm working on. I have a user that wants one of our computer labs to have his networked printer added into the list of available printers. The Printer is a Brother HL-5250DN, and I already have the .inf driver. I have written a script but it does not seem to work. I am replacing the printers IP address with a generic loopback.

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Unable To Add Networked HP 3330 MFP

Jan 6, 2009

I have an HP 3330 MFP on a computer running Vista. I am trying to add it as my printer on my laptop running Windows 7. I can see the printer listed on the Vista computer but when I try to make it my printer it just tries to connect forever. Any suggestions?

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Networked CD And Flash Drive?

May 20, 2011

I have a desktop running Windows Vista Home Premium and I connect to it via the built in vpn client with Windows 7 Home Premium. I can access shared files a folders but, I have it set up where I can access flash drives and CD drives over VPN. Just tonight this has stopped working. I have all the right permissions set up and it still says network resource not accessible. This morining, I did not log on to the server I just started it up. Could me not able to access shared flash drives and CD drives because I am not logged in on the server end? I will try to logon later tonight when I go back to the server.

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Can't Access Only One Networked Drive Out Of Four

Nov 11, 2011

I have two Windows 7-64 computers on ethernet. The other computer has four physical hard drives, one partition each, C, D, E & F, all shared, and with "Everyone" given full access on the Security settings.i can write files from my computer to that computer's drives C, E & F with no problem, but whenever I try to write a file to that computer's D drive, I get a popup window titled "Destination Folder Access Denied", with an error stating, "You need permission to perform this action". (I get analogous messages if I try to delete a folder, etc.)I can read from that drive fine, and I can transfer files to it using UltraVNC.I've gone through all the sharing and security properties of that drive, and I believe they're all identical to the other drives that cause no problems when I write to them.

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Still Not Able To Print On Networked Printer

May 9, 2009

Computer #1 - Dual boots with XP Pro SP3 and Windows 7 RC1 7100 with Konica Monolta 2400W printer attached via USB and shared.

Computer #2 - Windows XP Pro SP3.

Computer #2 Sucessfully installed networked printer and prints normally when Computer #1 is booted to XP. When computer #1 is booted to Windows 7 it automatically detects and installs networked printer once network was correctly setup but gets error message when trying to print.

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Cant Access All Networked Machines

May 11, 2009

I am running the 7100 RC Build and when I go to network it shows all my machines. One of these is a media streamer (HDX 1000). I can access all machines by double clicking on them however when I do that with the HDX it times out and says HDX is inaccessible.

I am using "home" network but not joined a homegroup. Network discovery is on. File sharing on. Contrlled by username and password NOT by homegroup.

I also think I have it set to send LT and NTLM ntlm v2 is applicable in the local security policies. The windows 7 machine has a static ip set.

I should also not I can ftp into the HDX and I can ping it and get replies. UNC path in explorer bar does not work either nor can I map any of the shared folders on it.

Any ideas?

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Both Machines Freeze When Networked

Aug 25, 2009

I am running XP home on one machine and Win 7 RC1 64bit on second. If I try to access the win 7 machine folders from the XP machine, both machines freeze. Any suggestions?

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User Unable To See Or Map To Networked Drives?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a user who is logged into my domain as admin and they are able to see all of my network, but they are not able to map or see a drive share that is on another Windows 7 machine. I have double checked permissions on both the users machine and also on the other two Windows 7 machines and they are set correctly.To make this even more bizarre, I can log into my domain name as them and I am able to both map and see the drives in question. The laptop that the user is logged into can see all of the network but when they try to access the drives in question, windows tells them that it can't find the drives.

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Networked Drives Don't Reconnect On Reboot

May 2, 2009

I have two XP machines as well as my dual-booted (XP Pro SP3/ Windows 7 RC 7100)

laptop - whenever I reboot my Windows 7 system it fails to reconnect the mapped network drives.

XP reconnects them without fail.

The only way I've found round it is to change the workgroup name, change it back and reboot - then it works.

This is VERY ANNOYING and such a basic problem - I've seen the problem all over the internet but no solutions.

Only MS could release an RC with such an obvious bug

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Why Does Networked Computer Slaves Run Slow

Oct 16, 2012

We installed a new slave computer and it is having trouble opening windows up in a point of sales program on the master. It opens it but it take a long period of time for it to open the sales window. 2 computers are running in Windows 7 and the 3rd is running in xp. How can I speed up the slaves to operate at a faster speed.

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Networked Printer Always Shows Up As Offline Have To Select Other

Oct 21, 2012

so I have a hp a910 printer connected directly via ethernet to my router. The printer shows up in my Devices & Printers, as a HP a910 network, and I have it set as my default printer. However if i go to print lets say from Word or really any application, and I print to my default it won't print, as the HP a910 shows up as offline. But if I select the "plain" HP a910 from the printer drop down menu, it will print. Why is this, and is there a way to have the "plain" HP a910 as my default printer?

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Login To My User Account From Any Networked Computer?

Sep 1, 2011

Here is what I'm trying to do, I have 3 computers running Windows 7 (1 hp & 2 ult) and I would like to be able to sit at any one of them and log-in to my Account Name and see my files,desktop,favs. ect.... And have them synced together... i.e. ... If I add a file to my default computer and then logoff and go to another computer on my network and login to my Account, the file would be there too. I hope this makes sense. I do already have them networked, file sharing, streaming.

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Networked PC Lost Connection Internet Connectivity?

Nov 1, 2011

I had my HTPC up and running last night, watched a movie, turned it off and went to bed. When I woke up this morning I found that I couldn't get any sound while playing videos through my web browsers, thinking it might be a video card issue I first checked some of my movies, but they also wouldn't play with sound so I deleted my nvidia files and reinstalled them. No luck, on one restart I lost my internet connection with my router. If I look inside the Buffalo's settings, I can see my HTPC's IP address (after running ipconfig /all on the htpc) I did a system restore but that didn't work. I even went so far as to do a clean install of Windows on the HTPC, but that also didn't work. I keep getting the yellow triangle and the message "unknown network" The HTPC tells me to check my router, which I have restarted a number of times unplugging the cable modem and the Buffalo. Turn on the cable modem get it online, then plug in the Buffalo, but nothing works. I have tried switching ethernet cables, ports, but no luck.

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Networked Printer Not Printing Unless Restart Spooling?

Aug 9, 2009

I have a Windows 7 x64 RC.7100 build installed and have configured my HP printer using Vista x64 drivers, it prints locally just fine. However I tried to setup printer sharing with my x32 Windows XP laptop and have an issue that is really a pain. Whenever I print from the XP machine I get the print job in the queue on the Win 7 machine, but it just says printing for an infinite amount of time. I have to either restart my Windows 7 machine or go into Services and Print Spooling and Restart Service for the print job to complete. I found a similar error/problem with Vista but all of the suggestions did not help. The only thing I can think of is that there is some driver incompatibility, but HP states on their website that they wont have "official drivers" for Windows 7 until Oct 22.

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Networked PC Lost Connection Internet Connectivity?

Nov 1, 2011

I had my HTPC up and running last night, watched a movie, turned it off and went to bed. When I woke up this morning I found that I couldn't get any sound while playing videos through my web browsers, thinking it might be a video card issue I first checked some of my movies, but they also wouldn't play with sound so I deleted my nvidia files and reinstalled them. No luck, on one restart I lost my internet connection with my router. If I look inside the Buffalo's settings, I can see my HTPC's IP address (after running ipconfig /all on the htpc) I did a system restore but that didn't work. I even went so far as to do a clean install of Windows on the HTPC, but that also didn't work. I keep getting the yellow triangle and the message "unknown network" The HTPC tells me to check my router, which I have restarted a number of times unplugging the cable modem and the Buffalo. Turn on the cable modem get it online, then plug in the Buffalo, but nothing works. I have tried switching ethernet cables, ports, but no luck.

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Windows 7 Backup Does Not List External USB Networked Drive?

Apr 17, 2011

I have a networked shared USB connected HD on PC 1 that works fine on PC 1. However when I tried to setup MS Backup for the first time on PC 2, it does not list the external HD called Drive "L". When I open COMPUTER on PC 2, the external drive is shown. Drive "L" is also set for ALL USERS, and shared label is indicated on PC 1. So the million dollar question is, why doesn't it show on the list of available drives to select for backup on PC 2? Also, there isn't any way in the backup setup screen to browse or search for any drives.

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Can't Access Networked Computer, Not Accepting Username Password

Jul 4, 2012

I have two computers both running Win 7, one in the bedroom and one in the living room and Id like to view files from the bedroom computer in the living room. They are connected via TPlink powerline adapters so a wired connection for both

I can access the living room PC from the bedroom PC via control panel/Network no problem

but when I try accessing the bedroom PC from the living room, I get the error message login failure: unknown username or bad password

I have tried the following:

-creating a new user account for the bedroom PC, and logging in using that account and password

-changing the advanced sharing settings in network and sharing centre to match exactly

Also, I can access when I Turn off password protected sharing but I am not sure of the security of having this setting off so I really want password protected sharing on

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BSOD Ntoskrnl.exe: When Browsing Folders Networked Through Ethernet PC-to-PC?

Apr 29, 2012

I am consistently getting a BSOD on my new system build (Win7x64SP1.) It happens only when I browse my network folders while connected to my other desktop (Win7x86SP1) though ethernet (no router.) In this configuration both computers have their own wifi adapters for Internet connectivity to the apartment building's router. I have also tried sharing the Internet connection with one and the same thing happens. Browsing either mapped drives or network shares produces the same result. I detached all other external hardware to test as well.The minidump refers to ntoskrnl.exe It doesn't happen right away. Sometimes it's within 5 minutes, sometimes after an hour or two. I get no other BSODs at all.If I network the two computers over a wifi adhoc, or through the landlord's router no BSOD happens. I can browse my home netowork, public network, mapped drives, whatever. It also does not happen when the ethernet NIC is connected to the router. I don't want to network through the loandlord's router for obvious reasons. Adhoc networking is a PITA and never retains the settings.I built this system on 3/24/12 so all drivers are the newest. My memtests come out fine. (BTW my ram modules in the attached screenshots are 4 identical modules, so the specs are the same for all.) See my profile for system details. The Bios settings are not OC'd, and are default as much as possible.The one thing I haven't tested yet is disabling both antivirus programs on the computers. The BSOD computer (the new one) has AVG 2012, and the other has Avast.I am using a different ethernet cable for the connection to the router than with the connection between the 2 computers (the one where no BSOD's happen is running outside so I really don't want to undo all the work.)

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Can't Access A Networked Computer Using The Network Name - Must Type Ip Address?

Oct 21, 2011

i have 3 computers - a laptop (vista wireless), a home theater pc (win 7 wireless) and my main computer (win 7 wired) with all my media files.i have a network setup and the laptop and the HTPC can connect to each other when i click their icons in network neighborhood. i can also connect to them from my main computer (QUAD-CORE) but if i try to hit the QUAD-CORE icon on the laptop or the HTPC i get - network path not found. if i type it connects perfectly (i can see all my shared files so i don't think there is a problem with the way i have shared the files) i think my problem is that when i click on the QUAD-CORE icon it is looking for the ip address but something is broken.

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Brother HL 5250DN Networked Printer Causes HP A6152N PC To Crash?

Apr 25, 2012

My Brother HL 5250DN networked printer causes HP A6152N PC to crash when anyone on my Home Network sends a print job to the printer, including me. No BSOD, screen goes blank and starts the reboot process. Original OS was Vista when problem started a year ago, upgraded to Win 7 Ultimate x86 but still having same problem.

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Connection To Networked Drives Causing 2+minute Delay On Startup?

Feb 17, 2012

I'm having a problem which seems to be network related as that's what I have narrowed it down to through forums ect. and now I need to know how to fix it! I always have good luck here and hoping to continue the trend.Problem: When Windows 7 is booting, it gets to what appears to be the Desktop but no icons are visible, only the solid background and the mouse cursor. It takes about 2 minutes for the loading process to complete from that point after taking only 18 seconds to get there. After trial and error in addition to reading other forums, I came to the conclusion that this is caused by my networked drives that are mapped to the computer. When I unplug them from the network, the entire loading process takes less than 30 seconds!Question: Is there any fix for this like possibly delaying the connection to the networked drives until I manually access them? Seems all the "answers" I found elsewhere result in editing the registry or something similar which I suppose if thats what it takes I'll do it. Just wanted to get a second opinion before I go in changing things that may or may not address the issue.

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How To Transfer Files Between 2 Computers

Apr 8, 2011

I got 1 old laptop and a new laptop. Is there any very fast and efficient way to transfer some of my old laptop files that i want to transfer to this new laptop?

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