Networked PC Lost Connection Internet Connectivity?

Nov 1, 2011

I had my HTPC up and running last night, watched a movie, turned it off and went to bed. When I woke up this morning I found that I couldn't get any sound while playing videos through my web browsers, thinking it might be a video card issue I first checked some of my movies, but they also wouldn't play with sound so I deleted my nvidia files and reinstalled them. No luck, on one restart I lost my internet connection with my router. If I look inside the Buffalo's settings, I can see my HTPC's IP address (after running ipconfig /all on the htpc) I did a system restore but that didn't work. I even went so far as to do a clean install of Windows on the HTPC, but that also didn't work. I keep getting the yellow triangle and the message "unknown network" The HTPC tells me to check my router, which I have restarted a number of times unplugging the cable modem and the Buffalo. Turn on the cable modem get it online, then plug in the Buffalo, but nothing works. I have tried switching ethernet cables, ports, but no luck.

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Networked PC Lost Connection Internet Connectivity?

Nov 1, 2011

I had my HTPC up and running last night, watched a movie, turned it off and went to bed. When I woke up this morning I found that I couldn't get any sound while playing videos through my web browsers, thinking it might be a video card issue I first checked some of my movies, but they also wouldn't play with sound so I deleted my nvidia files and reinstalled them. No luck, on one restart I lost my internet connection with my router. If I look inside the Buffalo's settings, I can see my HTPC's IP address (after running ipconfig /all on the htpc) I did a system restore but that didn't work. I even went so far as to do a clean install of Windows on the HTPC, but that also didn't work. I keep getting the yellow triangle and the message "unknown network" The HTPC tells me to check my router, which I have restarted a number of times unplugging the cable modem and the Buffalo. Turn on the cable modem get it online, then plug in the Buffalo, but nothing works. I have tried switching ethernet cables, ports, but no luck.

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Lost Info On Internet Speed Connectivity And Signal Strength

Feb 27, 2011

On the right hand side of the taskbar I have the icons for battery life, volume, internet connection, etc. When I used to put the mouse over the internet connection it would show me who I was connected too (SSID) , signal quality, and speed.I began having some issues so I had to remove my Netgear connection and then reconnect.Ever since I did this all that shows up now when I put the mouse over it is now only says: Netgear and Internet access.How do I get the information back. It shows up on my desktop, but not my laptop.

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Limited Internet Connectivity - Connection Unsuccessful (windows 7 Laptop)

Apr 6, 2011

I'm trying to fix my sisters laptop, which just wont connect to the Internet. I've checked everything I can find. Here's a description of the problem - When looking at the icon in the system tray that shows the connection bars, when I hover over it, it says "not connected - connections are available" . On the related pop-up window It does show my wireless connection. When trying to connect to that wireless network, it eventually says "the connection was unsuccessful - this computer has limited connectivity to "bthomehub.....".

At this point it gives an option to troubleshoot, when I select this it says - "problems found - there might be a problem with the driver for the wireless network connection adapter". If I look at the troubleshooting report from this window it says "windows couldn't automatically bind the IP protocol stack to the network adapter". In 'network and sharing centre' it shows the computer being connected to the homehub, but no connection from homehub to the Internet. Attempted to ping ebay, got this response - "ping request could not find host please check then name and try again."

Under wireless connection status it says -
"ipv4 connectivity - no Internet access"
"ipv6 connectivity - no network access"

From looking around on the internet I have tried the following -
- netsh winsock reset catalog
- netsh int ip reset reset.log
- reinstalled drivers for wireless network connection adapter
- checked that windows has no restore points
- tried ipconfig /release at command prompt, got the error "the operation failed as no adapter is in the - - state permissible for this operation"
- tried ipconfig /renew at command prompt, got the error "the operation failed as no adapter is in the - state permissible for this operation"

I tried removing various antivirus/system protection this point I then got a yellow icon over the connection bars in the system tray, and it now says im 'connected'. but it says 'no internet access'. Its a new laptop running windows 7, it did work fine for a while and then suddenly stopped working while connected to the internet.

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Lost Internet Connectivity; Connected To "Unidentified Network"

Feb 17, 2012

I had Windows 7 32-bit running on a Dell PC. About one week ago, I noticed Internet connectivity was gone and that there was "limited connectivity" as I was now connected to an "unidentified network". The other systems on the network are still connected and working perfect; the problem is isolated to this one system. The network uses a static IP scheme. "IPCONFIG /ALL" shows that the IP is assigned, is included on the correct subnet and has the correct gateway and DNS information. I've tried a host of solutions suggested on forums; from "route delete" to disabling my firewall to configuring for a dynamic IP. Nothing has worked. Reluctantly, I resorted to a fresh install as I began to worry that I may have picked something up. I completely wiped the hard drive and did a fresh Windows 7 32-bit installation all only to have the same problem. I assume that the NIC is functioning as it accepts all IP settings.

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Lost Internet Connection

Jan 20, 2011

, I lose the internet connection but the network diagnostic says everything appears to be set up properly. new windows 7 home premium.

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Error 651 - Internet Connection Is Lost

Sep 10, 2009

So i was browsing the internet casually, and all of a sudden my internet connection is lost ....OK, so i checked the modem connection, and all the available connections on my computer, and nothing, just error 651, I looked around and found its a bug, and someone said change the raspppoe.sys file to raspppoe_orig.sys and it will fix it, so i did, but still nothing. Please help, is there anyway around this?

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Gateway N53 Internet Connection Lost?

Aug 6, 2011

My computer worked fine for 3 months, but then lost the ability to connect to the internet with either exploer or google chrome. A more computer literate cowork got my internet working on explorer 64 bit so I can check email, but I can not download updates or update my virus scanner.

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Lost Secure Internet Connection?

Apr 15, 2012

My friend plugged his i pad into my laptop and my secure Internet connection became nu-secure why?

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Wireless Internet Connection Lost After A Few Seconds?

Jan 25, 2012

The laptop can see the wireless networks (there are two wireless networks since it's a 2.4GHz/5GHz dual band router) and even connect to any of the two networks.It also gets an IP address from the DHCP server and the Internet connection starts working for a very short period (5-10 seconds). Then the connection is lost and though it occasionally returns, the computer is unable to access Internet most of the time. Apparently, it doesn't even get to the gateway. If I ping to the router's IP address there's no response, except for during the first few seconds after establishing the connection:[CODE]This behavior is absolutely consistent and can be observed each time one connects to the Linksys router from this laptop. Nothing I have tr includes: rebooting the laptop, rebooting the router, disabling one of the two wireless networks on the router, trying out various encryption settings (open, wep, wpa2), changing channels, disabling/enabling b/g/n modes, disabling firewall on the laptop, disabling ESET antivirus, reinstalling the wireless adapter driver, ... I could go on. I've been struggling with this for three nights and I'm getting desperate.

There are three other laptops (one Mac, two Windows PCs) connecting to the router without any problems. Strangely enough, the laptop only has this problem with the new Linksys router. It can connect to Internet via our old Airport Express wifi router without any problems. It can also connect to Internet via the Linksys router with an ethernet cable.One thing I have discovered is that rebooting the laptop in a safe mode with network enabled FIXES THE PROBLEM! However, when I boot back to the normal mode (even when disabling all startup items and all services, except for those needed for networking), the problem is back.

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Lost Internet Connection On Laptop Windows 7?

May 23, 2012

I lost my wireless internet connection. I have windows 7. My basic view of network info reads. "unidentified network" My connection is strong but my "access type" reads No internet access.

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Suddenly Lost Printer Connection But Still Have Internet?

Jul 31, 2012

DV6700US seems to have lost the wireless network connection. A sudden failure to print gave me a printer offline message. My iMac printed fine, then I realized my iMac could not see the laptop and the laptop could not see the iMac nor printer, but still has internet connection on the laptop. I now nothing about Windows 7.

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Internet Connection Lost, Cannot Find Network.

Nov 25, 2009

My desktop has recently been upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate from XP. I set up a home group at another location, then returned the desktop to my normal connection. The wireless card I used was a D-Link that is XP compatible only, and I found this out after attempting to install, then I checked on it later. I deleted the driver, and tried a Netgear WT111G USB wireless card. Install failed, and I went online to look for a compatible driver.

I downloaded a driver, installed it, and the wireless card was detected, but could not connect to the internet. Uninstalled the driver, and tried plugging into Ethernet, and cannot find my home connection. Can only get into network settings (home,work,public).

Has any one here heard about this problem after creating a homegroup? Trying to troubleshoot, but it's a specific problem I'm not familiar with as of yet.

The faulty drivers are no longer on the PC, but it's still unable to find a direct wired connection.

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Lost Internet Connection After Windows 7 Update?

May 28, 2012

So my son was in the middle of one of his blood bowl league games this evening and a popup asked him if he wanted to install a Windows 7 update. He's only 12 and inexperienced enough that he didn't just tell the system to wait a few hours until he could finish his game, so he told it to go ahead and instal. The result was his near-instant loss of internet (as well as his game, as he was timed out and his opponent got the win).

Even more serious, after the update was finished and his computer was restarted, he still cannot get an internet connection. I've tried rebooting, complete shutdown and then reboot, and asking the computer's internet tools to diagnose/fix the problem, all to no avail.

I read about running a system restore (restoring to an earlier version of windows), but when I tried I learned that that aspect of his system had been shut off.

I know there must be SOME way to fix this problem, but I can't think of what it might be. Even if the problem is due to the new Windows version, he has no way to download a fix for it because he has no internet connection.

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Unidentified Public Network And Internet Connection Lost

Jul 22, 2011

I had problems with my computer not connecting to the network sometimes after restarting my computer. That was usually fixed by simply unplugging and replugging into my outlet. I have a hard wire connection and my ethernet cable gets plugged into the wall and connects to the modem/router (whichever it is) from there. After I reset my computer this morning though, my computer has absolutely refused to connect to the network. I've tried resetting the router/modem and unplugging and replugging in my Ethernet cable. I noticed however in the network center it showed me connected to Network 8 (my standard home connection) for a few seconds but then it changes to unidentified public network and breaks connection to the Internet. Wireless is working fine and I'm infact typing all this on my iPhone 4.

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Good Wireless Connection But Lost Internet Access?

Aug 24, 2012

All of a sudden my Windows 7 (64) machine lost internet connectivity. Nothing new was installed; no changes were made. It just lost connection. My Vista machine still connects fine. I'm scratching my head over this one. I reset the router and tried Windows troubleshooting services to no avail.

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Internet Connection - Lost And Requires Hard Shutdown

Sep 5, 2011

Every once in a while, my laptop loses connectivity and cannot be reconnected to the wireless signal unless I turn the computer off and restart.

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Acer Notebook Windows 7 Lost Internet Connection?

Nov 6, 2011

my 2007 acer aspire was taking a long time to open aurora i did a system restore with uniblue powersuite what i ended up with was no internet at all but internet sais its connected network sharing center indicates everything is running fine but my internet speed is 0 no internet connection local repair depot recommended a new windows install it could be a virus can i try a new driver can i download a driver on to a usb drive does anyone know a link treid but i found exe only need a driver in an envelope that i can store on usb need a download link would this be called a internet driver?

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Lost Internet Connection After Windows 7 Installed Updates?

Dec 1, 2012

Everytime windows does automatic updates and laptop finishes rebooting I can Not access internet.

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No Network Access - Internet Connection Lost On Dell Computer

Jan 12, 2012

I have a hp compaq laptop and am able to use the wireless internet connection..however I also have a Dell Inspiron notebook, a few days ago I lost internet connection on the dell but the HP was still connected. I have contacted my internet provider and they say there are no connection problems and all is fine. They think the problem is on the dell unit. I have tried disabling and enabling the Lan and wireless network connection. The system recognizes the wireless router but wont connect to it why and what can I do.

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Connectivity Lost After Windows Update?

Jan 22, 2013

I recently did a fresh install on my gf's computer as it was suddenly unable to establish an online connection. The error showed in the connection status as the small yellow warning icon at the top left of the connection status icon, not the big red X that appears when the machine isn't connected at all.

Here are the specs:

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Mobo: Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R Rev.1
CPU: Intel i7 950
RAM: 12GB Corsair Dominator GT 2000mhz
The system is also not overclocked.

After trying many things (reinstalling network drivers, flushing DNS, trying a different ethernet cable, restoring all network settings to default) I gave up and did a fresh installation.

After installation, I installed all the usual official drivers, then performed a Windows update, but only the important updates. The connection was back! I then decided to install some optional stability updates, and after reboot, the network problem was back.

I did a system restore to before I installed the optional updates, but the problem persists. I have no idea which optional update is causing this, or which one to remove first to avoid creating more errors.

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Wifi Connectivity Lost After Sleep Mode?

Dec 21, 2010

I have Windows 7 on a Dell Inspiron 1545. Most of the time when I put my laptop to sleep and restart it Wifi network connectivity is lost and I have to click the 'Wifi Signal' icon in the system taskbar and click on my network name and click connect to regain connectivity. I have gone to 'Power Management' tab and cleared 'Allow Windows to turn off this device to save power' option as suggested by most posts but it has done nothing to help me. But sometimes even after a long sleep the laptop immediately connects back to the network and sometimes even if I just close the lid and open it after a few seconds network connectivity is lost.

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Connection To Networked Drives Causing 2+minute Delay On Startup?

Feb 17, 2012

I'm having a problem which seems to be network related as that's what I have narrowed it down to through forums ect. and now I need to know how to fix it! I always have good luck here and hoping to continue the trend.Problem: When Windows 7 is booting, it gets to what appears to be the Desktop but no icons are visible, only the solid background and the mouse cursor. It takes about 2 minutes for the loading process to complete from that point after taking only 18 seconds to get there. After trial and error in addition to reading other forums, I came to the conclusion that this is caused by my networked drives that are mapped to the computer. When I unplug them from the network, the entire loading process takes less than 30 seconds!Question: Is there any fix for this like possibly delaying the connection to the networked drives until I manually access them? Seems all the "answers" I found elsewhere result in editing the registry or something similar which I suppose if thats what it takes I'll do it. Just wanted to get a second opinion before I go in changing things that may or may not address the issue.

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No Network Connection - Limited Or No Connectivity

Apr 13, 2009

Yesterday I updated to v. 2.2 Of Sun Virtualbox and have lost my connection to the Internet on Windows 7. The 'VirtualBox Host - Only Network Status' reports "limited or no connectivity". This is because "the Network did not assign a Network Address to the Computer". I have not been able to solve this problem, the icon in the sys. tray has a yellow marker against it.

I have normal connectivity on Windows XP.

I cannot wind back using System Restore as there are no restore points. I do have a drive image of my C; drive dated just prior to the update, would this work?. Is there an easier way?.

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Auto-Install SP1 & 2 And Now No Internet Connectivity

Jul 15, 2011

My grandfather called me yesterday and said the other day - his Dell Desktop automatically downloaded Sp1 and Sp2 and once it restarted - he could no longer connect to the internet. *Note - he is connected via a cable to the router* The computer shows he's connected to the router but it cannot connect to the internet.

He tried to use a "restore point" prior to the update, but they were all gone. There are 2 other computers connected to the internet and neither have any issues - one is connected via a cable and the other wireless.

I checked the settings on the router and modem and don't see any "stand-out" type issues. I'm not sure what else to do or check?

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Internet Connectivity Icons Got Mixed?

May 4, 2012

The Icon that shows my connection status is wrong. e.g: when I'm disconnected it shows I have wired internet connection, and when I have a wireless connection it shows that my internet adapter is off. How can I restore the the original icons' behavior?

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No Internet Connectivity At Some Wifi Locations?

Jul 11, 2012

I am having a problem with my Toshiba NB505 Netbook - running Windows 7 Starter. I can connect fine at home to wifi- and also at my local public library. However I was unable to connect at a motel I was at recently and had the same problem when I visited a different local library.To be more exact, I was able to connect ok at these 2 locations - but there was no internet access. From reading, I suspect a 'DNS' issue of some sort, but I don't know how to go about remedying it.

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No Internet Connectivity (ipv4/ipv6)

Sep 27, 2012

My wifi was working fine a few days ago but i think the windows update has messed up my wifi adapter or connection. I did do a system restore when this happened a few days ago but since the restore is more then 1month old it is no more.So far i have tried the following:restarting/rebooting router,updating/reinstalling drivers,and many other things but nothing seemed to work i dont understand why it is scanning for wifi but on the mapping it says adapter isnt connected.I have shown a few pics to help you:


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Network Connectivity But No Internet After Reboot

Nov 25, 2009

I'm running 7 Home Premium 64bit on an HP box we got about a month ago.

Lately, when I restart the system, I can't get any internet connection. I can access shares on my home network, so the nic is working and I'm getting an ip address from my router. If I disable and reenable the nic, the internet connection works again. I've tried disabling firewalls and things like that, but the only thing that fixes it is the disable/enable.

The network "troubleshooter" can't see anything wrong, and everything looks like it's configured properly, and nothing has been changes since the initial setup. It worked fine for a couple weeks and now doesn't.

Anyone seen this before? Hints? The disable/enable isn't a big deal but I know at some point I won't be home and my wife will have a problem and I'd rather not deal with that!

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Sudden Loss Of Internet Connectivity?

Jan 11, 2010

Two days ago I lost internet connectivity suddenly on my desktop (Dell XPS 630i, onboard Nvidia network controller, running windows 7 Home Premium 64bit) and have been unable to restore it. As my laptop (winXP sp3) can still connect to the internet and the router settings have not been changed (Dlink DGL4500), I'm making the assuption that my networking problem resides on my desktop alone. the network adapter gives me a 'limited connectivity' symbol and refuses to connect to my network, even though the router acknowledges the desktop's wired connection. The troubleshooting diagnostic sometimes finds nothing, sometimes finds that the computer is not obtaining a proper IP, and sometimes claims the problem is the router. I've also disabled windows firewall. Throughout this whole process I have been getting a 'Drive Power State Failure' BSOD during restarts (about once every four or five restarts, not consistently).

At first I was unable to replace the drivers or uninstall the adapter through device manager. After reinstalling the drivers using the Nforce 650SLI drivers on their website, I was able to do this, but this did not solve the problem. I also did a windows restore to before the problem occured, also with no luck. I've been through the event log and there are numerous code 5007 errors, which just tell me that the adapter timed out during an operation. I've also read through some forums online and tried several solutions including adding a DhcpConnBcastFlagToggle line into the registry: SOLVED: Network Icon Exclamation: No Internet

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Intermittent Network / Internet Connectivity

Nov 2, 2009

just upgraded my vista 64-bit install to win7 home prem 64-bit.

everything has been working great except for an internet/network issue. at random times, all of a sudden the icon in the tray gets that yellow exclamation point over it and says there's a network issue and no internet available. it's like that until i disable and re-enable the network adapter. there are other systems on the wired router and they're still working fine (vista and xp machines).

the strange thing is it *seems* to only do it when i start doing more than one thing at the same time. i.e. trying to watch Internet while playing an online game. or, downloading a pdf while streaming music. all of a sudden, all internet goes down (other computers still working fine though). once i reset the adapter, all is well.

any ideas here?

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