Lost Secure Internet Connection?

Apr 15, 2012

My friend plugged his i pad into my laptop and my secure Internet connection became nu-secure why?

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Lost Internet Connection

Jan 20, 2011

, I lose the internet connection but the network diagnostic says everything appears to be set up properly. new windows 7 home premium.

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Error 651 - Internet Connection Is Lost

Sep 10, 2009

So i was browsing the internet casually, and all of a sudden my internet connection is lost ....OK, so i checked the modem connection, and all the available connections on my computer, and nothing, just error 651, I looked around and found its a bug, and someone said change the raspppoe.sys file to raspppoe_orig.sys and it will fix it, so i did, but still nothing. Please help, is there anyway around this?

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Gateway N53 Internet Connection Lost?

Aug 6, 2011

My computer worked fine for 3 months, but then lost the ability to connect to the internet with either exploer or google chrome. A more computer literate cowork got my internet working on explorer 64 bit so I can check email, but I can not download updates or update my virus scanner.

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Networked PC Lost Connection Internet Connectivity?

Nov 1, 2011

I had my HTPC up and running last night, watched a movie, turned it off and went to bed. When I woke up this morning I found that I couldn't get any sound while playing videos through my web browsers, thinking it might be a video card issue I first checked some of my movies, but they also wouldn't play with sound so I deleted my nvidia files and reinstalled them. No luck, on one restart I lost my internet connection with my router. If I look inside the Buffalo's settings, I can see my HTPC's IP address (after running ipconfig /all on the htpc) I did a system restore but that didn't work. I even went so far as to do a clean install of Windows on the HTPC, but that also didn't work. I keep getting the yellow triangle and the message "unknown network" The HTPC tells me to check my router, which I have restarted a number of times unplugging the cable modem and the Buffalo. Turn on the cable modem get it online, then plug in the Buffalo, but nothing works. I have tried switching ethernet cables, ports, but no luck.

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Wireless Internet Connection Lost After A Few Seconds?

Jan 25, 2012

The laptop can see the wireless networks (there are two wireless networks since it's a 2.4GHz/5GHz dual band router) and even connect to any of the two networks.It also gets an IP address from the DHCP server and the Internet connection starts working for a very short period (5-10 seconds). Then the connection is lost and though it occasionally returns, the computer is unable to access Internet most of the time. Apparently, it doesn't even get to the gateway. If I ping to the router's IP address there's no response, except for during the first few seconds after establishing the connection:[CODE]This behavior is absolutely consistent and can be observed each time one connects to the Linksys router from this laptop. Nothing I have tr includes: rebooting the laptop, rebooting the router, disabling one of the two wireless networks on the router, trying out various encryption settings (open, wep, wpa2), changing channels, disabling/enabling b/g/n modes, disabling firewall on the laptop, disabling ESET antivirus, reinstalling the wireless adapter driver, ... I could go on. I've been struggling with this for three nights and I'm getting desperate.

There are three other laptops (one Mac, two Windows PCs) connecting to the router without any problems. Strangely enough, the laptop only has this problem with the new Linksys router. It can connect to Internet via our old Airport Express wifi router without any problems. It can also connect to Internet via the Linksys router with an ethernet cable.One thing I have discovered is that rebooting the laptop in a safe mode with network enabled FIXES THE PROBLEM! However, when I boot back to the normal mode (even when disabling all startup items and all services, except for those needed for networking), the problem is back.

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Lost Internet Connection On Laptop Windows 7?

May 23, 2012

I lost my wireless internet connection. I have windows 7. My basic view of network info reads. "unidentified network" My connection is strong but my "access type" reads No internet access.

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Suddenly Lost Printer Connection But Still Have Internet?

Jul 31, 2012

DV6700US seems to have lost the wireless network connection. A sudden failure to print gave me a printer offline message. My iMac printed fine, then I realized my iMac could not see the laptop and the laptop could not see the iMac nor printer, but still has internet connection on the laptop. I now nothing about Windows 7.

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Internet Connection Lost, Cannot Find Network.

Nov 25, 2009

My desktop has recently been upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate from XP. I set up a home group at another location, then returned the desktop to my normal connection. The wireless card I used was a D-Link that is XP compatible only, and I found this out after attempting to install, then I checked on it later. I deleted the driver, and tried a Netgear WT111G USB wireless card. Install failed, and I went online to look for a compatible driver.

I downloaded a driver, installed it, and the wireless card was detected, but could not connect to the internet. Uninstalled the driver, and tried plugging into Ethernet, and cannot find my home connection. Can only get into network settings (home,work,public).

Has any one here heard about this problem after creating a homegroup? Trying to troubleshoot, but it's a specific problem I'm not familiar with as of yet.

The faulty drivers are no longer on the PC, but it's still unable to find a direct wired connection.

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Networked PC Lost Connection Internet Connectivity?

Nov 1, 2011

I had my HTPC up and running last night, watched a movie, turned it off and went to bed. When I woke up this morning I found that I couldn't get any sound while playing videos through my web browsers, thinking it might be a video card issue I first checked some of my movies, but they also wouldn't play with sound so I deleted my nvidia files and reinstalled them. No luck, on one restart I lost my internet connection with my router. If I look inside the Buffalo's settings, I can see my HTPC's IP address (after running ipconfig /all on the htpc) I did a system restore but that didn't work. I even went so far as to do a clean install of Windows on the HTPC, but that also didn't work. I keep getting the yellow triangle and the message "unknown network" The HTPC tells me to check my router, which I have restarted a number of times unplugging the cable modem and the Buffalo. Turn on the cable modem get it online, then plug in the Buffalo, but nothing works. I have tried switching ethernet cables, ports, but no luck.

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Lost Internet Connection After Windows 7 Update?

May 28, 2012

So my son was in the middle of one of his blood bowl league games this evening and a popup asked him if he wanted to install a Windows 7 update. He's only 12 and inexperienced enough that he didn't just tell the system to wait a few hours until he could finish his game, so he told it to go ahead and instal. The result was his near-instant loss of internet (as well as his game, as he was timed out and his opponent got the win).

Even more serious, after the update was finished and his computer was restarted, he still cannot get an internet connection. I've tried rebooting, complete shutdown and then reboot, and asking the computer's internet tools to diagnose/fix the problem, all to no avail.

I read about running a system restore (restoring to an earlier version of windows), but when I tried I learned that that aspect of his system had been shut off.

I know there must be SOME way to fix this problem, but I can't think of what it might be. Even if the problem is due to the new Windows version, he has no way to download a fix for it because he has no internet connection.

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Unidentified Public Network And Internet Connection Lost

Jul 22, 2011

I had problems with my computer not connecting to the network sometimes after restarting my computer. That was usually fixed by simply unplugging and replugging into my outlet. I have a hard wire connection and my ethernet cable gets plugged into the wall and connects to the modem/router (whichever it is) from there. After I reset my computer this morning though, my computer has absolutely refused to connect to the network. I've tried resetting the router/modem and unplugging and replugging in my Ethernet cable. I noticed however in the network center it showed me connected to Network 8 (my standard home connection) for a few seconds but then it changes to unidentified public network and breaks connection to the Internet. Wireless is working fine and I'm infact typing all this on my iPhone 4.

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Good Wireless Connection But Lost Internet Access?

Aug 24, 2012

All of a sudden my Windows 7 (64) machine lost internet connectivity. Nothing new was installed; no changes were made. It just lost connection. My Vista machine still connects fine. I'm scratching my head over this one. I reset the router and tried Windows troubleshooting services to no avail.

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Internet Connection - Lost And Requires Hard Shutdown

Sep 5, 2011

Every once in a while, my laptop loses connectivity and cannot be reconnected to the wireless signal unless I turn the computer off and restart.

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Acer Notebook Windows 7 Lost Internet Connection?

Nov 6, 2011

my 2007 acer aspire was taking a long time to open aurora i did a system restore with uniblue powersuite what i ended up with was no internet at all but internet sais its connected network sharing center indicates everything is running fine but my internet speed is 0 no internet connection local repair depot recommended a new windows install it could be a virus can i try a new driver can i download a driver on to a usb drive does anyone know a link treid but i found exe only need a driver in an envelope that i can store on usb need a download link would this be called a internet driver?

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Lost Internet Connection After Windows 7 Installed Updates?

Dec 1, 2012

Everytime windows does automatic updates and laptop finishes rebooting I can Not access internet.

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No Network Access - Internet Connection Lost On Dell Computer

Jan 12, 2012

I have a hp compaq laptop and am able to use the wireless internet connection..however I also have a Dell Inspiron notebook, a few days ago I lost internet connection on the dell but the HP was still connected. I have contacted my internet provider and they say there are no connection problems and all is fine. They think the problem is on the dell unit. I have tried disabling and enabling the Lan and wireless network connection. The system recognizes the wireless router but wont connect to it why and what can I do.

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Lost Software For Linksys WRT54G But Want To Secure Wireless With WPA2

Dec 5, 2011

lost my software, download wrt54gv5 software

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How To Create A Secure Wireless Connection

Mar 11, 2012

How do I create a secure wireless connection

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Create A Secure Wireless Connection?

Mar 11, 2012

create a secure wireless connection?

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Can't Display Content While Viewing Facebook Over Secure Connection

May 26, 2011

My operating system is windows 7 and my problem is with the http.I used to have just plan HTTP but i click a button that said yes I want a secure connection and ever since then I have had nothing but problems. Every time I go to Facebook or Yahoo and click on an app I get an error message that says. Switch to regular connection (http)?We can't display this content while you're viewing Facebook over a secure connection (https).
Would you like to temporarily switch to a regular connection (http) to use this app?You will have a secure connection upon your next login.How do i change it back to a regular connection

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How Secure Is Remote Desktop Over The Internet

May 12, 2011

I am connected to the Internet through a router and I just learned how to properly configure Remote Desktop and port forwarding so that I can access my computer from outside over IP. However, and since I have a small home network, this causes me some doubts in what concerns both the security of the information being transmited over the Internet and the internal security of my LAN. Is it really safe to use Remote Desktop through IP? What encryption protocols/algorithms are used? And how much are other computers in my LAN protected?

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Unable To Get Internet Options For Secure Tab

Jan 29, 2012


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Internet Connection Over An Electrical Powerline Instead Of A Wireless Connection?

Mar 23, 2011

Internet connection over an electrical Powerline instead of a wireless connection?is it easy to setup, reliable, fast,..?More in particular a D-Link device:DHP-307AV PowerLine Homeplug AV Kit

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Make VPN Connection Over Multiple Internet Connection?

Oct 29, 2011

is it possible to make a VPN connection over multiple internet connection ? if this is possible then you can make multiple connection transparent to other applications running on ur pc.

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Nokia E66 Connection Internet Connection Problems

Dec 1, 2009

I am using a nokia E66 to connect to the internet at home. My pc at home is running windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I am currently using nokia pc suite All the software installed without any problems. The problem that I am having is that after I connect to the internet, I can only roughly download / upload about 5MB of data and the connection will time out. I do not get any error messages that is did timeout. The only way I know this is that I stop seeing data being transferred in Network properties.

I then open my e-mail client to see If I can connect with a POP account and then I get an error saying it could not connect to the e-mail account. I then have to disconnect and reconnect and try again. This does not seem to affect web browsing though, only when I am downloading files. Like Steam will start update and stop, windows updates will start download and stop and so on.

I initially thought it was a problem with the network operator, but when I boot back in xp (my pc is set up to dual boot between xp and 7) every thing works fine. No download time outs. Is it the nokia software that is not supporting 7 100% yet or am I missing something else?

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Lost Wireless Connection To Printer

Jan 21, 2011

My Partner is a professor at a major university and conducts a consulting business from home. We have 2 old desktops and a new HP Pavilion notebook on our home wireless network. The new notebook was set up by a University tech person 12/10 and was functioning properly. All the computers are linked to our older hp Laser Jet 1300 PCL 6 printer. One day the notebook froze and when rebooted it had lost its connection to the printer. I have done everything I know and followed numerous "geek" instructions to reconnect. So far I have succeeded only in losing my own printer access on my old Dell Dimension 2400 desktop. Prior to that, however, both old desktops were printing, even as the new notebook did not. Connection to the Internet is fine and the signal strength from the new Belkin router is "Excellent".

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HDMI Connection Lost When 7MC Closes

May 11, 2011

My problem is that I my HTPC drops the HDMI connection when I exit media center.

When I am in 7MC I can play all my ripped DVDs, Blu-rays, and music. But when Media Center closes (or in window mode) the HDMI connection drops off. I can see the "No Signal" messeage in the Onkyo display as soon as 7MC closes, and it reconnects again when 7MC opens. I need the connection to say active so I can have sound with NetFlix (apparently it runs outside of media Center even though I launch it in 7MC).

why my HDMI connection is dependant on 7MC running?

Windows 7 x64
ASROCK H67M-ITX/i3-2100T connected via HDMI to Onkyo TX-SR705 receiver

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Connection Lost After Restarting HP Laptop

Sep 14, 2012

Because everytime i restart or open my hp laptop the wifi connection always failed. But after i restart my router and run the troubleshoot option of my laptop it will go back to normal.. Do i need to install something? My os is windows 7 starter edition and it is fully updated.

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Lost Connection After Closing Browsers?

Sep 9, 2011

I have an interesting problem happens to my new build recently. It's getting more frequent since last week, and I'm not sure whether this is coming from my 5 years old modem or my PC.whenever I completely close my web browser,my rig will drop internet connection to "no internet access".Then I have to restart my modem by unplugging them and restart my PC.It will not work only by restarting my PC or modem along. I have to restart both to back on internet.I have also ran through "my own" trouble shooting thing, and I only restart modem/PC along, the system always give "identifying network dot dot dot,no network access".

Motherboard: Gigabyte P67A-UD4-B3

P.S. AT&T internet was outage in my area for about half day last week. Even then, the problem started couple days before the outage.I have also switched to my new Ethernet cable in case of cable issues.

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Local Aria Connection Had Lost?

Aug 27, 2012

my local aria connection had lost i need lan driver for windows 7my laptop is lenovo 3000 n200  i didnt find any file

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