Network Load Balancing - NOT Increasing Speed?

Aug 29, 2011

I know there are heaps of topics out there, but they all seem to saying things which I dont understand and dont apply to me. All I need to do is to enable certain applications use connection 1 and the rest use connection 2. How do i do that?

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Network Load Balancing For Windows 7?

Jul 15, 2012

is there anyone to use network load balancing on windows 7 without using expensive NLB modem. People told me to use VMware with Kerio but is there anyway to use it on win 7 w/o the 2 above and work with IDM + utorrent, since i got 2 fibre internet connection?


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Windows 7 Pro Load Balancing To Different Programs?

Aug 11, 2011

I know there are plenty of posts regarding load balancing, but I read all of them and couldn't find the answer for me. What everybody wants is to sum their internet links, what I want is kinda different...I have two Internet links here, one 10Mbit cable and other 4Mbit ADSL.What I want is a way to make some programs use the 10Mbit and others use the 4Mbit.For example, force all the games to use the 4Mbit link, uTorrent and Firefox to 10Mbit link.

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Load Balancing On 2 Wifi Connection On Windows 7 Pro?

Nov 3, 2009

is it possible to do a load balancing on 2 wifi connection on win 7 pro?

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Setup Network Balancing

Oct 6, 2009

I have Windows 7 RC 7100 64-bit and my motherboard had dual gigabit lan (Two onboard nic cards). How can I setup network load balancing so when I do local file transfers it won't effect my download speed? Is it possible or does it do it automatic.

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Very Slow Down Load Speed?

Mar 12, 2012

a few days ago my down load speed dropped from 3mb/s to about 30kb/s same with upload. Service provider has done diagnostic and all is well plus the line speed is fine when checked with another PC. Full scan with MS security essentials checks all is well. Have about 120 open ports in netstat which I'm told is fare to many.

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Upgraded Internet Speed Now Most Pages Don't Load Correctly

Dec 5, 2011

I've had my standard DSL 6mbps (actually got 5.3mbps) service for a year, no real issues with it. Pages loaded as usual, always been using Google Chrome.2 weeks ago I switched over to U-Verse and "doubled" the speed to 12mbps (getting 10.5mbps). Now everytime i go to any website, doesnt matter if it's yahoo, google, youtue, tomshardware... it either fails to load completely and chrome says it can not find the site, or it will find the site but not load any images as all. Instead I have to keep hitting refresh 2-5 times until everything loads correctly.I tried this on my other PC too, and it does the same thing... i cleared out the cache and downloads so everything would run fresh but it didnt help. I then tried using IE, and still get the same thing.

Running Win 7 64bit SP1

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Will Adding A 2nd Network Card Improve Local Network Transfer Speed

Jan 23, 2013

This sounds really noobie of me but is it possible to improve local network transfer speed by adding a 2nd network card. I was planning to connect one exclusively for lan transfers and another one hooked to a separate wireless router.

Right now only a maximum of 3 users can stream SD videos off the PC before it gets a little choppy.

The pc in question runs on windows 7 and it's board has built in gigabit, I happen to have a spare gigabit card.

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Improve Network Speed

Dec 24, 2009

I'm not too terrible familiar with all the ins and outs of networking, but I have some "basic" questions as I am looking into improving my network speed.

I'll begin with what I have on the network.

2 PCs, PS3, Xbox 360 (all wired) and a Wii (wireless).

I have a WRT54GS router currently. I'm considering getting the D-Link DGL-4500 as an upgrade. My question is, would this be a significant upgrade? One of my PCs has a gigabit Ethernet card and one does not. Will this router supply the fastest speed to each device or would it provide the speed that the weakest device was capable of to all devices on the network?

Secondly, my Internet provider offers 3 packages.

7 Mbps X 512 Kbps

9 Mbps X 768 Kbps

11 Mbps X 1 Mbps

I currently have the 1st package (7 X 512), so how dramatic would the change from the 1st to 3rd package be?

I'm primarily looking to A) Get constant good speeds when gaming B) Get significant increased speeds when streaming video etc.

Again, I'm quite new to the networking side of things, so I don't know if these questions even make complete sense, but I thought I'd ask before I try the spend and trial/error approach, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Not Able To Run Network At Full Speed

Feb 13, 2010

I've recently bought a new computer which I had quite some trouble with. First of all the games that keep crashing (think it's a windows 7 issue so I'm just going to wait for the MS solution). Secondly I have (and this is the issue) my network that isn't able to run at maximum speed.

At the moment my Internet only works when I put network speed to 10mbps Half Duplex instead of 100mpbs Full Duplex. This means I only have a max speed on my network of 1mb per second and the same applies for the Internet. This computer is linked to a network of 3 other computers (who don't have a single problem) and is directly attached to a switch and then to a modem.

We tried many things to get it to work again, there was only one thing that actually worked. The thing that worked was attaching my computer directly to the modem. The problem is however that that means that all the other people don't have Internet.

My question is, is it the switch that causes this problems (it's updated with the latest firmware and was the newest version 1.5 years ago)? Or is it my computer that causes it for some reason (windows 7)?

I've updated every single driver, windows, updated bios etc. etc. I run windows 7 ultimate 64bits. ps. If you need more information, I'll be happy to give it to you. (thought I'd keep it as short as possible for now)

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Wireless Network Speed Fluctuating?

Oct 10, 2011

I have a toshiba satellite L655-S5117 laptop . My Wireless network speed is fluctuating from 130 Mbps to 11 Mbps . In my hostel most of my friends are getting 130 Mbps . Due to the fluctuation I am getting slower browsing speed . And sometimes its getting disconnected also . Is that because of the drivers?

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Network Speed Slow - 450 Kbps

Jun 10, 2009

I have 2 home computers joined through windows 7 home network:

1 is a desktop connected to the d link draft n router via a cable. The other is a laptop with an Atheros wireless n adapter.

Both computers get good internet speeds (20-25mps desktop, 10-20 mps laptop) but the file transfer speeds over the network are usually around 450kbs, once it made it to 1.3mps. Is this a normal speed. Not sure if my settings are off.

Desktop set to auto negotiation for speed / duplex, wireless set to N (40 bgn)

Any tips to speed this up?

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LAN Speed Very Slow And Network Drives

Mar 15, 2011

I have speed issues when working with files on the LAN network. They open and save much much slower than XP. On the other hand the ADSL internet connection is fine and running at full speed. What is the problem? The computer is brand new and with fresh install of Windows 7 x64.My other problem is with mapped network drives. On the second computer, which is running fresh install of Windows 7 too, we have mapped network drives which are accessable on the whole network. The problem is that every time we start that PC with the mapped network drives Windows says "Could not reconnect all network drives" and all computers on the network show them with red "x" on the icons. I want them to automatically open at startup.

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Slow Transfer Speed Over Network

Dec 26, 2009

Here is my problem. In this case, I am trying to transfer pictures from one of my XP systems to my Windows 7 Home Premium system over my wired network. Between the XP systems, things run fairly quick. But not with 7 involved. When I go to transfer the 47 pictures that I want, it tells me that it will take 18 minutes. And this is for only 66.7MB of data. Tell me this can get better. Being new to 7, I have no idea where to look for the problem. I tried searching Microsoft's site and the help files on my system. I just can't find a solution.

Here is some more info, and maybe some you don't need. On the Windows 7 system, I can access all the shared folders on my other systems (all XP SP3). If I go to the network map, my other systems are marked as "The following discovered devices can not be placed in the map.". I don't know if that is a problem or not. The reason I did that is because I was reading through the Microsoft site on file sharing and that was mentioned. It also mentions a program called LLTD, which may be needed on 32-bit XP systems. I tried installing that on my XP system, but it said I didn't need it.

As far as the file transfer, while sitting at my XP system, access is denied when I try to access the shared folder (for my pictures) on Windows 7. Now if I transfer them to the Users/Public/Pictures folder, it will transfer them in just over 5 minutes. Still a little slow, in my opinion, and not where I want them. Why can I transfer there and not into the folder I want them? And why is quicker to transfer while sitting at my XP system?

I have made sure that all the systems have the same workgroup name. I have also tried disconnecting the power from my modem, router, and all systems then powering each one up one at a time. That was suggested to me before. It didn't change anything.

One last thing. While starting my Windows 7 system, as soon as it was at the desktop, I tried to transfer the pictures again and the transfer took off. Almost immediately, it said that there was 20 seconds left. It was flying like I thought it should. Less then a minute into the transfer, it hit a wall and changed to about 20 minutes. Go figure. I checked my settings for the folders I want to transfer to and they are set as shared. Maybe at that point, a security program started up. I don't know. I do have a trial version of Norton's Internet Security installed. It came preloaded with the system. I was thinking of removing that and going with Avast free. I have checked any firewalls and did disable them. No difference.

I tried to list everything I've tried. Hopefully, some helpful info in there. I find it strange that I can access the shared folders but not transfer from them. Any thoughts on what to do? Is there a setting in Windows 7 that needs to be changed?

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Reduce The Speed Of 1Gbps Network Card?

Jun 7, 2011

I would like to reduce the speed of my 1Gbps network card but cannot change auto negotiation. There are no speed & duplex options other than "auto negotiation." How can I enable the normal options in the "speed & duplex" field?

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Wired Network Speed Slow On Some Machines

Mar 22, 2011

I have a simple home network running several machines with Windows 7.

My "server" is running Windows 7 Pro x32. This machine is connected via wired internet directly to my wireless router. When I run a java speed-test web app, I am seeing speeds between 1 and 4 Mb/sec. (My connection is ~20Mb).

I have a Windows 7 Pro x32 laptop connected via wireless. This laptop gets 17Mb/sec speeds.

When I connect the laptop via a wire to the router, it's still upwards of 15Mb/sec.

This was not always the case with this hardware. I have tried shutting down any non-essential services. I have tried running the speed test in Safe Mode +Networking. I ran a live linux CD and got fast speeds.

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Do Inactive Devices Slow Network Speed

Feb 12, 2012

i have a custom built pc running windows 7 home premium, an i5 2500k, and 16gb of 1600mhz ram, and i'm occasionally experiencing lag while watching Internet videos in firefox. i scan regularly for viruses with malwarebytes and superantispyware, so i know thats not the problem, i run ccleaner about once a month thus keeping browser bloat to a minimum. but we do have 4 devices that are connected to the wifi, 3 phones and an ipod touch. can these devices slow the network even if they are not being used?

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Extremely Slow Copying Speed Over The Network

Dec 10, 2009

I have 32 bit Windows 7 enterprise edition installed on DELL Inspiron 1525 with 4 GB RAM.

I am facing the issue of extremely slow copying speeds. The copying speed hovers around 4-5 Kbps.

Other XP machines are able to do this real fast. I updated from Vista, believing this problem would've been solved in Windows 7... but this is a big disappointment. for all the hype created.

Is there a solution to this..

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Mapped Network Drive Speed Drops After Some Time

Jul 25, 2012

I have a problem with the speed of my mapped network drive. At first al is wel and file loading is as fast as to be expected. But after some time the transfer speed drops dramaticaly and it becomes very slow. I tested it primaraly with loading of image sequences, but it affects all file loading the same. If I logoff and login to windows again the speed is back to its full potential. And then after some time again it drops. I have seached the internet for similar ploblems, but could not find this kind of problem, only the dropping of the connection entirely, but thats not the case here.

All user PC's that have the network drive mapped are windows7 Pro PC's with gigabit lan. The server PC is also windows7 with quad gigabit lan, teamed to 1 connection. A 4 ssd raid setup via a MSI megaRaid controller provides the drive for mapping. The switch is a HP proCurve 1810G-24. Jumbo frames is disabled on all devices. Because i have no domain, the password protection for file sharing on the server is disabled, so al user PC's can connect to the mapped network drive with their own username.

Is there some sort of idle timer on the mapped network drive that could be responsible or something?

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Latest Wireless Network Driver SLOWED Internet Speed

May 17, 2011

I am having a confusing time trying to figure out why my internet went from 10+ Mbps down to <1 Mbps after simply downloading a wireless card driver.From the beginning: My wireless download speed was 10+Mbps, and I was using the Dell Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card. This information is found in the Device Manager, under "Network".The driver for the card was 5.30.x.y (I can't remember the specific version number, but I do remember it was 5.30.something.something). Upon navigating to the Dell webpage, I wanted to see if there were any drivers for the same wireless card that were more updated, to perhaps increase performance.I navigated to the page for my computer (Dell Latitude D830), here. That page is for my model laptop. You'll notice that, in the drop down for "Operating System", there is no option to select Windows 7.Regardless, I navigated to the driver under "Network", the Dell Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card, and downloaded it. It was version, from 11/9/2009. This is where my problem began. After installing the driver and rebooting, my internet speed instantly went to below 1 Mbps. I have no clue why installing a later wireless card driver would mess up my speed.

My only hypothesis is that the driver I downloaded is only compatible with Vista. Do I just re-download driver version 5.30.x.y or something to get it back? Why did it get so slow? How do I get my computer back to the download speed it was/should be?

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Network And Sharing Center Will Not Load

Dec 6, 2009

In Control Panel, when I click Network & Sharing Center, it freezes and does not recover. I am logged in as Administrator. I have no Internet connection; the taskbar icon for Wireless is greyed out.

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Network Problem - Page Load Error

Jun 13, 2009

I have Win 7 on two of my machines, one is 32bit and the one I am using at the moment is 64bit. I have a rather unusual problem in that I can access my Router in FF on the 32bit machine (IE as well) but on the 64bit, Nothing

When I enter the IP address for my Router it just sits there and then comes up with a Page Load Error? this happens also in IE8. I have turned OFF the firewall, all the settings are the same in both machines, except the IP adress of course .

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High CPU Load When Copying Files Over Network

Jul 20, 2009

I've just installed the Windows 7 RC on my lab-pc. It's a 2,4GHz Celeron, 1GB DDR-RAM, everything installed on some old 160GB PATA-HDD. Two hi-speed USB Keys are used for ReadyBoost (love that feature).

Everything works like a charm, except the file transfer from my WXP machine.

I mount the SMB share (which is on my WXP) from the Windows 7 machine and start to copy some big files. Transfer speed is ~1MB/sec on 10MBit, ~5MB/sec on 100MBit and ~11MB/sec on 1GBit. When I start file transfer the CPU load pops up to 50% while 10MBit is active, for 100 and 1000MBit it jumps to 100% and stays there until the transfer is over.

Since I read about IRQ issues I tried some NICs. An onboard SiS-900, an RTL8139 based PCI card and an Intel Pro 1000/MT Desktop adapter. I thought that - at last - the Intel NIC should stop my problems as it comes with IRQ moderation and TCP/UDP checksum offload.

None of these 3 NICs solved my problem.

All these NICs run on the driver Windows 7 has found for them. None of the vendors had a special driver for me.

What I tried to do in addition:

- disable Windows 7 firewall

- disable IPv6

- disable QoS

- tried another CAT5e cable

- restart the switch (Netgear GS108)

- hit the whole machine

Note of the above worked.

I just hope you just have an idea left for me. Just ask if I missed out some details.

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Network Doesn't Work Fine After A Load?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a problem on my iMac 2011 (20go ram) under windows7.Whan I start my computer all is fine. The network is fluid, I can go on the internet, on my server...After loading two 3dsmax sessions, one photoshop sessions and transfert some large files (near 1go) -> my network goes wrong.The browse/save/open/transfert operation on any application takes a loooooooong time to start (maybe 20-30s)

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Windows 7 Won't Load Drivers For Network Adapters

May 30, 2012

Anyways my problem is that my vaio is running Windows 7 64bit and suddenly one morning NONE of the network adapters were working. No WiFi, no ethernet, no nothing. I figured something just happened to the drivers (happened before) so i'd just reinstall them...except this time I'm hit with:

Code :This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)

I have tried everything short of a full restore. I tried downloading the drivers straight from Sony, just the driver files for Atheros, I can't do a restore point since I don't have any from before the problem. I have searched everywhere for a working solution but haven't found anything yet. I would like to avoid sending it's still under warranty but I don't have a Sony store near me and I'm gonna be going out of town in a couple weeks..

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How To Control Fan Speed Without Speed-Fan OR Hardware Controller

Dec 29, 2011

I just want to be able to increase the speed of my fans beyond their spec, and have complete manual control over their RPMs without a care about the temps. I have a liquid cooling setup and the fans on my radiator as they are right now simply aren't cutting it. I have them hooked up to the motherboard in hopes of finding something to just boost their speed via software, but SpeedFan is the only thing I could find and it simply sucks for that purpose.

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Pc Long Load After Logon (network Freeze For Some Time)

Dec 17, 2009

so after logon on windows 7 , my networking freeze for some time it looks that: , and other apps in autostart can't load until this icon will be clear without this ring inside.

I have PC connect to router and installed the newest realtek driver for win 7 on motherboard asrock p43de. Whats the problem, how to fix it, before i it normally loaded..

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How To Speed Up Windows 7 ? - Speed Tweaks

Dec 1, 2008

How To Speed Up Windows 7 - Speed Tweaks by doing the following:-

Disable indexing

Disable defragmentation

Disable Write Caching

Configure Superfetch

Disable the Page File

Disable System Restore

Disable Hibernation

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Increasing VRAM

Aug 27, 2009

I currently have the Geforce 8600 GT 256mb <<(i think that's the VRAM not sure tho)

i can't run crysis on medium without lag....

my friend has a GeForce 8600 GT 1GB and can run crysis on High without any lag, and yes i have been to his house and personally played on his computer it is true! Don't tell me I'm lying i checked everything.

So, i can easily buy the GeForce 8600 GT 1GB but is it worth it? will it really make it so i can play crysis at-least on MEDIUM without lag on a low resolution like 1280x800 or even less. It's only $50 so even if i see a slight difference i would still buy it.

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Increasing Mic Volume Over 100%?

Jan 15, 2013

My mic is at 100% and it is working perfectly fine and everyone can hear me. However, at night time I have to talk really quiet or else my parents will wake up and get very mad. Talking this quiet however, nobody can hear me.

Is there some way or some program that can increase the mic volume over 100% so I can talk quietly at night time and the people I'm talking to can hear me?

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BSODs Increasing In Frequency?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm working on a friend's computer and she's having more BSODs lately. I'm trying to figure out the cause here. I've run MalwareBytes and found nothing. I don't know how to interpret these dump files, and I can't get it to blue screen for me.

System Specs:
HP - HPE-137c
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5ghz
Norton 360 =/

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