Pc Long Load After Logon (network Freeze For Some Time)

Dec 17, 2009

so after logon on windows 7 , my networking freeze for some time it looks that: , and other apps in autostart can't load until this icon will be clear without this ring inside.

I have PC connect to router and installed the newest realtek driver for win 7 on motherboard asrock p43de. Whats the problem, how to fix it, before i it normally loaded..

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Windows 7 Takes A Long Time To Logon If Not Connected To Domain?

Apr 19, 2011

when I login in a work to my domain, the login is quick. Logging in at home to the domain log in when not connected to the domain takes much longer. I disconnected mapped drives and that's not the problem.

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Right-click Take Long Time To Load

Jul 7, 2012

recently while i right-click on (my computer) to go to manage or properties it's only happens on my computer icon, all files and icons open fast but these one(my computer) take long time to load

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Takes A Long Time To Load At Welcome Page?

Apr 13, 2011

Recently, whenever i turn on my computer. It will take quite a while to load the welcoming page (The green page). Usually it took around 1-2 seconds. I've tried updating windows and anti virus scan but the problem still persist.

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Windows Explorer Takes A Long Time To Load?

Apr 28, 2011

What's going on with the icon on my taskbar? It takes 22 seconds to load Explorer. Every other link to a folder in Explorer is practically instantaneous, including the links in Start Menu.

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External Hard Drives Take A Long Time To Load?

Aug 18, 2011

I plug quite a few different hard drives into my PC running windows 7 VIA a usb 3.0 Nexstar SATA adapter, normally just bare hard drives that need data backed up or moved, and as time goes on it seems to get slower and slower to find and bring up a new drive when i bring it in. My assumption is that it caches all the drivers for each drive and searches them to see if a matching driver is already installed for that specific device, or something of the nature. I had thought the 2-5 minute wait when plugging in a hard drive was just how W7 operates but apparently this is not the case according to some other tech savvy people i've talked to. Other USB devices such as flash drives don't take nearly as long to come up as a SATA I could clean out so as to get the process back onto a fresh leg.

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Long Loading Time For Directories On Network

Feb 6, 2010

I have problem with my windows 7. When i try to open a directory on LAN, every now and then it begins to reload the directory. The upper bar begins to fill up with green color (in my theme of course), and it takes very long time, like 3, or 4 minutes. In the directory there is not much stuff, maybe 200 or 300 text files. And during this 3 or 4 minutes, the computer is almost blocked.

It is very slow, the browser can not connect to any site on internet, any programs that are working stalls, or becomes very slow. When the directory is loaded, things return to normal. And what is more, this problem does not occur with every directory on the LAN, only with some of them.
What can be the reason and how can I fix it?

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Obscenely Long Time To Connect To A Network

Feb 26, 2010

I have an asus G72Gx laptop running windows 7 home premium. Went through the nightmare of my wireless antenna never turning back on and now I am facing a new issue.

My laptop is taking a really long time to connect to a network. And I mean a REALLY long time. Minutes. When it should be near instant.

The problem happens on both the wireless and the wired NIC. I have also tried this at multiple locations: home, airports, hotels all with the same result. Not only does it take a while for it to establish a connection to the router, but it seems to take the same amount of "extra time" for it to get internet connectivity. It will initially connect to a network and windows will give the "Limited Access" message. And then a couple minutes later I will have internet access.

This is absolutely driving me nuts. Also it seems to have the added side effect of making it difficult to connect to lobbies in the Starcraft 2 beta. It might be unrelated, but I digress.

Any Thoughts?

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Long Time To Open 20 Mb Mp3 File Over Network Share

Aug 11, 2009

Im using Windows 7 build 7600.

I have a windows server 2003 file server and a windows 2003 SBS domain controler. The file server is a member server. My windows 7 client is joined to the domain. When i log on to the domain, a script runs that maps drives from the file server to my comp. My domain account has Full Control over the drives on the file server.

Since installing windows 7 each time i open an mp3 file (Which are between 10 and 20mb) from the maped network drive, its taking 8 seconds to open each one. Baring in mind i have a GB lan with both my laptop network card and server network card set to 1gbps full duplex. I have a LOT of mp3 files that i browse through, but every time i select a differnt track it takes 8 seconds for it to open, same for the next track and the one after that and its begining to drive me nuts . Ive tried using differnt media players, for example winamp, media monkey, itunes and wmp and with each one i get exactly the same 8 seconds per music file.

This does not happen with one of my xp machines both over wirelesss and hardwired in to the lan, tracks open instantly from one to the other. After messing about with it for a while i stumbled accross something. If i map directly to shares on the network drive (which is set to read only) the tracks open instantly from one to the next no problem. However, if i set the share permission to âfull controlâ, i get exactly the same problem, 8 seconds per music file.

And i REEEEEEALLY dont know why its doing it. As ive said it works fine on windows xp, i have a gb lan with both cards set to 1gb full duplex (have even tried auto negociate ) and cat5 e cabling via a D-Link GB Switch. The only thing that seems to fix it is setting the share on the file server to read only. Now i could just play the tracks via the share and be done with it but, the shares are set to read only for a good reason. I have the network drive (where the shares live) maped to my computer because im always adding to, and manipulating folders on the drive, including the mp3 files. As a work around im having to play the tracks via the actual share and modifly or delete any mp3 files via the maped network drive.

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Computer Takes Long Time To Identifies Network

Dec 29, 2009

yesterday i buy a wireless broadband router - 4 ports and i encounter some change, i don't know if it is a problem with the settings or it is normal.


1. My desktop computer is connected to the router through Lan. when i start the computer. my comp identifies the network for 2 mins.. it is normal? or i need to change settings or the router?

2. i cannot connect to my other PC that is also connected in Lan.

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Laptop Taking A Long Time To Connect To Network Share?

Nov 16, 2011

For some reason my laptop takes forever to connect to a shared drive on my desktop on my home network. I've tried connecting to it by mapping the drive and through windows explorer and same thing. Sometimes it won't even connect at all. I don't have this issue with other computers on the network. And when I say a long time I am meaning like 5 minutes or more. At first it was maybe only 1-2 minutes but it is getting worse. My mouse icon has had the spinning ring around it trying to connect the whole time I have been writing this.Both computers are Win 7 pro x64 with sp1. Desktop is wired directly to the router and laptop has excellent signal strength. Both have DHCP reservations set in the router. The way I usually connect is by starting a run box and typing \[desktop pc name][share] then it just spins

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Wireless Network Location - Windows Taking Long Time To Get ID

Sep 6, 2011

Sometimes when I connect to a wireless network it takes windows a long time (+2 min) to id the network and set it as public. Is there anything I can do to speed this up?

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Recycling A Movie From Harddrive Is Taking Long Long Time?

Nov 8, 2011

Why is this. Like 10 minutes plus and it still says recycling. It should only take a second. Is it bad to let it continue at its own pace or should I restart the PC and try it again?

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Minute Long Freeze In Several Applications

Nov 15, 2012

A few days ago, some applications have begun to freeze right after startup. They don't respond for several minutes and then suddenly work completely normal. I've noticed this behavior in XBMC, Windows Media Player and an application that I've programmed myself (using Python and PyQt, not related to media playing).

The problem seems to be related to the file system somehow, as the freeze returns when I open a "Save as..." dialog in my application. However, other programs work fine, including "Save as..." dialogs. The event log does not show errors or warnings.

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Logon Screen Will Freeze On Please Wait

Jan 18, 2012

I can't logon into my computer because when windows boots then it will freeze on please wait without any hard drive noise. To fix it "temporally" i will need to boot on safe mode and them use system restore. Then when I shut down my computer and then tomorrow when I turn it on again it wiil freeze on please wait again.

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Windows 7 Logon Freeze And QuickLaunch Buttons

Oct 3, 2011

1. When I logon, explorer.exe freezes, and I need to do Ctr-Alt-Del to get Task Manager, end explorer.exe, and start it back up again for it to fully logon! Why is that? (I installed some crapware, idk if it's the culprit because it was some random DJ app that I found)

2. On my Hewlett-Packard G62 340US, there are 5 quick-launch buttons on the keyboard. They are (in order from top to bottom):

a. Email app
b. Media app
c. Default Internet Browser (mine is Opera)
d. Print button
e. Calculator

I erased my HD the second I bought it becuase I didn't want to deal with all the trialware and crud. I borrowed a legal disk of Win. 7 Home Premuim X64 (the system it shipped w/ originally) and you can guess the rest. (I used the code on the bottom of my laptop). So now my laptop doesn't have functions for the top 2 keys. I want to rig the Media button to open the 'Computer' page when I press it. So far I've Google'd to no avail, and the HP key changer thing from the website doesn't do anything!

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BSOD After Long Lasting Freeze After Hitting The Start Menu Button?

Sep 13, 2012

My computer has been acting like an idiot the last months, freezing a lot, sometimes resulting in a BSOD.

Notable programs that seems to initiate these freezes are Google Chrome and something as silly as pushing the start menu button and searching for something.

I've attached the zip from the diagnostics tool,

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Long Load After Login

Feb 28, 2012

Since about a week ago, whenever I turn on my laptop and login to Windows 7 I can't click anything for about 5-10 minutes (changes every time). A loading icon pops up while I can't click anything (reminds me of Mac spinning wheel of death). Sometimes the wallpaper will go white and a box comes up that says something like "Windows is not responding, would you like to end now?" I just wait a few more minutes and it eventually fixes itself.I haven't downloaded, installed, or changed anything recently. I did notice however, when I shut down the laptop there is always an update available. I start the update and the laptop shuts itself off when it is done. Startup time was fast until this started happening a week ago. Ran virus scan and deleted/uninstalled old games to free up space. [code]

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Thumbnails Take Too Long To Load?

Jun 21, 2011

I have this issue with thumbnails of photos taking a very long time to load when I open a folder in windows explorer. I mean a really long time, like 5+ minutes, for a folder that contains say 200 pictures. And this happens all the time, regardless of what else may be running, and regardless of what size thumbnails I select. What's weird too is that if I have an external harddrive hookep up through a USB 2 or 3, and open a folder in windows explorer with a similar number of pictures, those thumbnails load normal, fast. So it's only slow when it's reading thumbnails from my internal harddrive. Otherwise I don't believe my internal drive is slow, as everything else like launching programs etc works fine.

btw, I'm on an Envy 17 laptop, i5, 8 gigs RAM, 640 gig hars drive, Win 7 home premium. But I don't think my system config matters, since as I said, thumbnails load fine when reading from an external drive.

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32 Bit IE Has Not Worked For A Long Time?

Dec 20, 2012

My 32 bit IE has not worked for a long time I have tried everything and finally tried turning off my add ons and it worked so I went back and tried turning them off one by one and counld not find the one that is causing the problem. Im not even sure what these add ons do im not very advanced in pcs I can just follow instructions.

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Start Up Time Is Long?

Jul 26, 2011

Im not a big tech freak and i dont even know my computer that well, but i know how to follow instructions. My laptop is taking an EXTREMELY long time starting up.. its taking like,, at least 6 minutes to start up.

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Boot Time Is Quite Long?

Aug 21, 2012

got Windows 7 up and runnin�for a while now , but I am noticing that my boot time is quite long, at least, that how it feels to me. I�ve got a pretty strong laptop, so 80 seconds or even 2 minutes at a certain point to boot up seems strange, right? And this is when I've got almost no software installed, it's still mostly a clean laptophen I did the clean install, I had to convert the disk from GPT to MBR,otherwise I could not have installed Windows. Is it because this conversion that my boot time has increased? My laptop supports UEFI, and UEFI needs GPT in order to work.

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Long Time Booting Up

Dec 12, 2009

I'm having problem with Windows 7 on my laptop. I had beta version up to recently because I didn't use it much, but few days ago I decided to install retail version which I also have on my PC, so I know that dvd works.

It's 64bit(beta version was too) and my laptop can handle it. MSI Gx620.

Now problem is, when I install it all goes well, but then it gets to Loading Windows screen, with 4 part logo that flashes and just stands there, for like 20 minutes. And then boots up and all is fine! In beta version I didn't have that problem.

I tried booting up in safe mode and it was stuck again for long time on this thing: CLASSPNP.SYS

I did full format and fresh install every time. I tested 2 Vista's I had, 1 worked fine, the other one had same problem.

I tried repair and it was doing it for very very long time and finnaly said that it cant be done automatic and check online with this in details:

Problem signature:
Problem Event name : StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 0
Problem Signature 05: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 06: 1
Problem Signature 07: NoRootCause
POS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

At event viewer it says like 4.20 windows start up, 4:30 starts loading some applications. and 10 min gap between it.

I am going to try to update bios with newest version from site as soon as I manage to boot from USB, for some reason it won't boot up(says missing ntldr) and will post if that fixes it.

Please tell me what to do or try, maybe if it hardware fault I can send it back to service to get it fixed but first gotta find out whats the problem.

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PC Seems To Take A Long Time To Restart

Aug 28, 2012

1. I am getting a 'searchplugin' folder on my desktop all the time aswell as some admin folders that are completely empty. I can delete them but is there anyway to permanetly stop this? I've heard it can be to do with the internet browser you use? And I do have some stupid internet browsers that arn't Google but is that the problem?

2. My PC seems to take a long time to restart (Not boot, but when I click restart for an update to kick in or something). Sometimes it takes a matter of seconds, sometimes it's quite a bit longer. But if I then hold the power button and then restart the PC manually it's quick booting up. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

3. My PC doesn't actually come out of sleep mode. I'm hving the problem that when I try to wake the PC up nothing happens. I'v set the mouse to wake it up but nothing. The weird thing is the PC starts to boot up (coming out of sleep) but then just powers down again. This continues until I hold the power button down and turn it back on. Now, I've turned sleep off and it's fine but I'd like to know if there is a way to solve this for future reference.

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Some Processes Take A Long Time To Close?

Aug 30, 2011

Not sure if I'm using proper terminology here, but sometimes I'll close a program and quikcly open it again and the program will be non-responsive. It usually happens when I close a video player to start a new video, or close a browser to open up a fresh collection of tabs (or just to close it because some of the currently open tabs are being buggy) noticed that when I Control-Alt-Delete, the appliactions list is clean, but the program I was running is still listed under "Processes". And sometimes it takes so long to go away I have to force it closed myself. I'm not sure how normal this is, or if it's a sign of an unhealthy computer

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Restarts When Using PC After Long Idle Time

Apr 15, 2011

I've had this issue for about three weeks now and I really don't know what could it be causing it. Almost every day after getting back to my PC after school/in the morning, when I use it, it would restart within the next 5 minutes, sometimes twice in a row in a 5 minute interval. And then not anymore.At first I thought my computer was overheating, so I downloaded Core Temp and it says my cores are most of the time in the 40-50 degrees range. Now I realize this might be on the higher side (is it?).

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Software Installations Take A Long Time?

Jan 20, 2010

but the majority take almost forever to install. On average I watch the install process take 30 minutes to install a program. I have another computer with Win XP Pro and the same programs install in less than 1 minute!Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bitAMD Phenom 955 3.21 GHZ6GB RAMWD RAPTOR 10K RPM

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Computer Delaying For Long Time When Doing Anything

May 28, 2011

Whenever I want to install a program, my computer takes forever to show the window that guides you through the installation.For example, I download Firefox, Double-click the .exe installation package and then nothing happens for literally 4 or 5 minutes. Eventually the wizard installation window will open and allow me to install by clicking Next etc. But why is there such a delay for the setup window to initially appear. My computer never did this when it was brand new.

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Windows 7 Update Is Take Very Long Time?

Aug 2, 2012

Mostly I always switch off Windows Update. Because Windows Update is take very long time for me. My Internet connection is too low. I was off Windows Update. So What can be happen if I didn't update? One of my friends computer also want to switch off Windows Update. But when I open Windows Update Icon, It was appear the text like that " #elementModuleHeaderText# "So What is that mean? How to switch off Windows Update that computer.

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Taking Too Long Time To Reboot

Aug 16, 2009

I have downloaded the newest RTM 32bit Windoows 7 from Microsoft MSDN and tried to install it on my Celeron 2 Duo 64bit system.. Now when I boot the computer up the Windows logo comes, and then it stays there for 20+ minutes before the system is booted up..

I have tried with other versions of Windows 7 32bit also, but its the same everytime.. Is this because I absolutly need to install a 64bit version? I remember that I once had 32bit Vista on another 64bit system and that worked fine...

Anyone experienced this before?

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It Is Taking Long Time To Install

Jul 17, 2010

so my problem is that the installation of Windows 7 Ultimate takes way longer than expected to install. So far I've botten to about 80% on "Expanding files" after about 7 hours. My specs is in my profile, unfortunatly I can't be n�rd precise at this moment, as I havet no possibility of checking while installation is on, but the Microsoft Upgrade Advisor (or what the name was) told me it was good enough to run Windows 7 in both 32 and 64bit. The copy I'm installing is Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit (Swedish DVD), bought packaged with both 32bit and 64bit DVDs. I'll copy the pre-made questions for installation problems under here, with as accurate info as possible.

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