Missing Files Or Documents?

Mar 9, 2012

I created a folder for some files/documents on the desktop but then I moved that folder into another folder. When I checked again I couldn't find any documents/files I saved.

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Documents Folder Is Missing?

Aug 19, 2012

I'm about to back up my Gta save file,and it should be located on my documents folder,c:usersamielmy documentsgta user files but unfortuntely I don't see My documents folder just like I used to.I only saw Documents,My Pictures,My Music and Contacts.

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Missing Folder In My Documents - Windows 7

Nov 6, 2012

I have a folder I use to collect files for a program. It is subordinate to My Documents. Three days ago it disappeared. It is not, however gone! I can put the path into the address line of Explorer (the files version - not the browser) and it magically appears. Also I can search and find all the files/folders in that folder individually by name with 'search'. I've set cursor on My Documents and opened >Tools>Folder Options>View and checked "Show hidden files folders and drives". I've tried this at various levels as well. I also ran a batch attrib e.g.:

@echo off
Echo This script will unhide all files in the current folder and all subfolders.
Echo If there are a lot of files, it may take some time to complete.
Attrib -H /S /D
echo Unhide Complete

This obviously ran for a few minutes from C:

Wierd. I can get to the files, but the folder does not show up under My Documents as it should. I've tried to recreate the folder directly subordinate to My Documents, and get a warning that the folder already exists. This is not a total loss since I can get to the folder, but would be nice to simply open My Documents, scroll down and find it.

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Contents Of Documents Folder Missing?

Jun 3, 2012

I was using Chrome looking at some info on Cisco's website and my browser crashed, and all the contents of my Documents folder are missing as well as the desktop shortcuts associated with them.I've tried system restore but that didn't even complete, and EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional and I have not been able to locate them.

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Missing Documents Saved On Desktop

Dec 2, 2011

When I try to retreive documents that I have saved on the desktop they are not there. However if I try to save another document the previously saved documents are showing up to the Saved Documents dialog drop down box. Where have they gone?

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Files And Documents Locked?

Apr 24, 2011

A few days ago I picked up a particularly nasty trojan that began running ads in my desktop background - Just audio, but still annoying. I tried removing it using Malwarebytes and Spybot. Oddly enough, since then, I've had further problems. One is the browser redirects randomly to spam sites but the bigger one is I cannot access my documents (music, video etc...) or certain folders in cFor example, I have a folder on the c: drive called work. When I click on work, it comes up as totally empty - no files. When I right click it, however, I find there are 193 files at 3 gb. My document folders have also disappeared. When I go to windows / user I find by right clicking that there are hundreds of files at 40 or so gb but I cannot find any of them by searching or exploring. I have made sure all folders are on general view (ie: not just music / video etc) but this does nothing. I now just want to back up my files and blitz the PC with a full reinstall

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Hiding Documents And Files In Folders?

Oct 17, 2010

I notice when I save my edited video to my video folder they will show along with all the video icon blank pages usully title after what i named the video along with 'Index File" 'AVI.Index File' or a 'SCN File'. Im sure they are important but they sure clutter up the folder. Is there a way to hide these kinds of files or documents?

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Public Documents Hidden Files?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a 64GB SSD drive and wanted to change the location of Public Documents, Public Music, etc in the Library to my storage drive rather than using the smaller C drive. I already did this with My Documents, My Music, My Pictures. The redirect was successful (going to the folder properties, then location and move) but then I decided it wasn't necessary and restored the default location (C:UsersPublicDocuments).ich leads to my question. After restoration, everything seems fine except I noticed the Public Documents folder in the Library no longer contains the padlocked inaccessible files named "My Music", "My Pictures" and "My Videos". Also, under :Users(name)AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsLibrariesDocuments.library-ms, I no longer see the files with the blue arrow icons (Also named My Music, My Pictures and My Videos) or the padlocked files of the same names.Will this potentially cause problems in the future? I've been trying to educate myself on Windows 7 over the past couple of years but the phantom files and shortcuts always confuse me I already restored the Public Documents folder to an earlier version but the missing files didn't reappear. I only have the desktop.ini and Thumbs.db files.

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System Won't Allow Any Files In Library/Documents?

Dec 26, 2012

I can't transfer any files to this empty folder - Library/Documents. I created a new folder called 'Docs' in Library' to see if that would work and the system won't allow me to place any files there either. It seems like I'm not allowed access, but I'm the owner.

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Windows 7 Explorer Won't Allow Files To Be Saved To Documents?

Sep 19, 2010

Since last Tuesday's Microsoft Windows Update, my Windows Explorer is experiencing a number of issues.The update hung for hours on "preparing to update" or some such thing.I had to manually shut the computer off several times and finally tried the safe mode start, which warned me that the update was not fully done.Now, when I click on Favorites/My Documents, it hangs; like it is searching but when the shaded bar gets to the end, it stays there and Explorer freezes. When I click on any the window, it goes whitish and a message pops up asking if I want to continue waiting or should the program be closed. I shut the program down.If I click any other item on Favorites or Libraries, even Documents within Libraries, Explorer does ok.

When I try to save a file in Photoshop or Dreamweaver or any other program, a message pops up saying the program failed to respond and gives me the option to wait or close the program.Even if I try to print to PDF, it does the same thing.In other words any time I need to save any item from within any program, the programs freeze. I even changed the save folder in PDF Phantom, from documents to downloads and still it won't save.My next step will probably be PC Restore and to hell with everything.

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2 Documents Folders, Deleted One, Both Gone, How To Recover Files

Nov 8, 2011

I noticed I had two copies of the My Documents folder, one in my user folder where I want it, and the other buried deep in my pictures folder (I think I accidentally dragged and dropped it there once when I was trying to change the order of icons in the navigation pane). I deleted the one in my pictures folder, and both folders disappeared! I closed the screen out, re-opened "my computer," and see both My Documents folders back, but empty.

1) How can I recover my files? My last backup was last week, and I've written quite a bit since then. I was actually about to back up again when I saw the annoying second folder and deleted it, not realizing they were linked. The folder was too large and bypassed the recycle bin.

2) How can I fix the two folders issue? I have the same problem with my music folder also, and have had problems with the folders under my username seeming to disappear, reappear, and move for no apparent reason. The computer has Windows 7 Professional.

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Windows 7 Adding .jpg Extension To Files And Documents?

Nov 7, 2012

Windows 7 adds the .jpg xtension to many of my files which are for example:

Adobe InDesign files
Photoshop PSD files
Camera RAW files
Adobe PDF file

how I can prevent Windows from doing this? I archive my files according to the program they are created in and I need to keep all my with file original xtension.

I use adobe bridge so I do not need to view the contents of my files in any Windows Explorer window.

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Files In MY Documents Vanishing Into Blue Yonder

Apr 14, 2012

I am on Windows 7, 64 bit>Microsoft Outlook 2010.Last year, I saved a number of files (word, xls, pdf) in a specfic folder. I have done this method for a number of year.In feb 2012, I checked in a file, under last years folder date, and all good.However, last week, I went to check on a couple of files, and noticed that the FOLDER icon had a padlock on it.As i have no idea how to put a padlock on. Then an IT man told me to follow the web, regarding unlocking the folder, which I did.To my horror of all horror, every file under that specific folder has disappeared in the blue.My Computer person, has checke d my desktop PC thoroughly, all avenues, including trwling through my hard drive, for the files and also in case it had 'self deleted'. Not a trace anywhere> These files are extremely important to me.How can I recover (apart from system restore) these files.Is this a WINDOWS 7 issue & how widespeard is this.??Ni viruses.

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Deleted My Documents And Recovery Software Not Finding Files

Sep 13, 2012

I pressed delete on my Documents folder by mistake, and now I have gone through an unbelievable amount of recovery softwares, and none of them will find the files. on only need a few folders back in my documents.

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Documents And User Files Cloned On Second Drive Issue

Feb 11, 2010

I had been thinking about upgrading to Windows 7 for sometime, and after my Raid array failed I wasn't forced to but it happened to be perfect timing.

Instead of waiting till my replacement drive arrived, I installed Windows 7 on a different drive temporarily.

After I received my new drive, I setup my array again and installed Windows 7 once again without a hitch. After installing all of my programs, games, etc. I started to notice both the User folder and Documents & Settings folders were both identical and were being updated simultaneously.

I know I didn't properly remove the old installation, but I've never seen Windows do this before. Very Odd. I've formatted the other drive and everything is good now, but I thought it was odd and wondered if it was a bug or a known issue.

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Saved Documents On Pen Drive - Files Content Not Getting Opened

Feb 5, 2013

All my files saved in the pendrive are showing its shortcuts and the files content is not getting opened. How to open my files

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Set Documents As Default Folder When Opening Up Files In Excel, Word Etc

Apr 23, 2012

I would like to know how I can set my documents as my default folder when opening up files in Excel, Word etc

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Find Missing Files In A Row Of Consecutively Numbered Files?

Mar 11, 2011

I have likeimg0000.pngimg0001.pngimg0002.pngtcup tp 5000Do you know a program which can search for missing files in this row?

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Missing "My Documents" Icon?

Jul 9, 2011

I use Win 7, and my "My Documents" icon is missing. I know the folder is there, but because I cannot put my documents there due to the missing icon, I have had to create a different folder called "Documents." But I notice some of my files go to either one.

how to restore the "My Documents" icon so I can move all my documents there?

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Converting ClarisWorks Documents To Word Documents?

Dec 1, 2011

Does anybody know of any file converters out there (free if possible) that can convert ClarisWorks files to Office Word files? I have a lot of old documents that I wish to convert.

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Get Rid Of The Unnecessary Files In The "Documents" Library?

Sep 21, 2011

I am trying to make all my file browsing really organized so that if I ever need to retrieve a file, the process will be as streamlined as possible. However Windows Libraries are making this difficult.When I downloaded the drivers for my computer it adds several files and folders to the "Documents" folder. These will automatically regenerate if I were to delete or move them. This adds clutter to the Folder that I do not want

Shown here:

If I were to remove the folder from the Library and Replace it with a different folder that has all my "real" documents, than the layout changes and now lists data that I don't care about, (Folder Name, Folder Location, Number of Files in Folder, and the path to the empty Public Folder)

Shown here:

Is there any solution? is there a way to get rid of the unnecessary files in the "Documents" library? or can I at least replace the folder with another folder that has all my relevant documents?

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Missing ISO Files?

Jan 16, 2012

When I make a backup copy of a dvd the ISO image is set to be saved to the C drive, yet when it's complete there is no trace of it. I've also tried saving it to specific folders and it never turns up there. I've tried searches and no results are found.

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Program Files Gone (not Missing)?

Sep 29, 2011

Norton, malwarebytes, and spybot have all come up with nothing whatsoever, all fully updated.The laptop was running slow, so the user attempted to run Norton for a virus scan. Halfway through the scan, norton crashed. The user looked into the Norton program files to see that the directory folder was completely empty. He then called me.I attempted to uninstall norton, but windows wouldn't allow the uninstall. The program showed up on the list of installed programs, but upon clicking "uninstall", nothing would happen. So, I downloaded and installed RevoUninstaller and used it to remove Norton. I left the registry unchanged, and only deleted the temporary files and remaining program directory. The computer asked me to reboot.

Upon rebooting, every single file in my program files AND in my program files x86 are gone. Desktop links are all broken, and ask to be deleted when double clicking. When I go into the uninstall program list, all the programs are listed, but error when I attempt to uninstall or change them.The laptop is running Windows 7 pro x64, and I am currently copying program files from previous versions into the present directory to see if this fixes the problem, and will update accordingly

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Missing MERGE For .reg Files?

Oct 26, 2010

When I right-click a .reg file, Open rather than Merge appears in the popup list.


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Missing Well Over 1000 Files?

Jun 22, 2011

I am missing well over 1000 files. A good deal of those are .gif files. When I go to the child folder they were in, it is empty as are all the child folders. When I use Windows Search to search the parent folder for *.gif, the results show 1000 of the files in the child folder they were in. They appear with the Irfanview icon, which is the default viewer and a .gif extension. They are way too small, < 1 kb. Irfanview cant open them, "...cant read the file header. unknown file format or file not found." I admit Im fried enough to have some how, possibly, maybe deleted a whole folder while doing a clean up, but it is still there and I cant possibly imagine selecting that many files and doing anything with all of them

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Boot Files Were Missing

Oct 30, 2009

Recently I installed Windows 7 x64 RTM on my 500gb, on my 320gb I had XP and build 7600 x32 running, I decided to format my 320gb as i was switching over x64 (formatted using windows 7 disc), The OS refused to boot claiming boot files were missing, after running startup repair a few times it was fixed.

Now when I try remove my 320gb it refuses to boot and claims boot files are missing, having a look at my 320gb in computer management I see it has a second partition called system reserved, which has bootmgr and other files in it, so it seems windows 7 installed on my 500gb but put all the boot info on my 320gb, how do i create a boot section/folder on my 500gb so I dont have to keep my 320gb in my pc?

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Missing Desktop Files?

Jun 8, 2012

aprox 2 months ago i lost alot of files from my desktop, photos, itunes, personal documents and save game files were all lost although the programs themselves seem unaffected, i tried to restore to a previous date and that didnt work the files are still missing. theres no sign of a partition on my hard drive. anyone know how to get the files back?

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IE 9 Works, But Is Missing From Program Files?

Aug 16, 2011

I have been trying to update Windows 9 (Windows Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems) and it refuses to install. I get a message to the effect that IE is not installed correctly on my computer. When I click the IE icon in the tray, IE9 opens up and works just fine, but it does not show up in program files, does not show up when I try to find it in an uninstall program, and does not show up in any history of updates.What I would like to do is remove and reinstall, then do the appropriate updates.Would I be safe just installing over the current invisible installation?A second strange issue is that Kapersky says it is installed and functioning, but Windows says it is turned off[CODE]

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Winsxs Folder Missing Files?

May 16, 2012

I ran an Avast! virus scan because my computer was slowing down (significantly). It found 91 infected files. All in the winsxs folder. I then deleted them. I really really really shouldn't have.Now, Windows Update will not work (error codes 80073712, and 80070002). One of my games will not work, and several other applications will not work (usually with a "missing gdiplus.dll" type error).I tried a system restore, but there was no option to restore to a point prior to the date I deleted the files. sfc /scannow in the cmd did not fix the problem. I tried restoring the individual folders in winsxs but they don't have an early enough version either.I tried using a file undeleter to see if I could recover the missing .dll files. When I tried to run the program, I got a missing .dll file error. No they're not in the recycling bin. Basically they're absolutely nowhere on my computer.

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Lost Files/Missing JPEGs?

Jan 29, 2011

I cant be positive that this is solely a Windows 7 issue, considering that files can get lost all the time on any system but, just recently, a good majority of my jpeg picture files have randomly disappeared. There are a few folders that are still in the usual place (Pictures Folder). As for the missing folders, they would appear after I use the computer search, however, when I try to open them, I get a pop-up that states that the shortcut has been modified/moved and my only option is whether or not I want to delete it. I looked under Recent Docs and the missing files show up; the latest one thats been modified was earlier this month when it was still accessible. I've even tried a system restore (from before the modification dates) and the Unerasure program, which I found out the hard way is a total sham. Is there any way to recover these? I really don't want to lose a chunk of nostalgia

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Missing Files And Pictures In Folders?

Jun 2, 2011

I am running Windows 7 and have various Folders on the C drive, including Pictures (C://Pictures). When I open it the folders and pictures are not there yet when I right click and look at Properties it tells me there is 17.7Gb of files. I thought I had resolved the issue by going back to the restore point for the main folder (C://Pictures) and indeed they became visible again. On checking the folder this morning they have gone again. I have the same problem with my (C://Users Documents) folder - clicking on Properties tells me there are 697Mb of docuemnts but 'hovering' the cursor I'm told only 497Mb are there & the missing folders and documents are not visible.

The problem began after picking up malware which I have successfully removed from the machine at the weekend. I did use the Restore Points to successfully restore a music folder as the same problem occurred and it is still there! The Restore Point I used has now 'moved on' so I am unable to use this facility.

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