Get Rid Of The Unnecessary Files In The "Documents" Library?

Sep 21, 2011

I am trying to make all my file browsing really organized so that if I ever need to retrieve a file, the process will be as streamlined as possible. However Windows Libraries are making this difficult.When I downloaded the drivers for my computer it adds several files and folders to the "Documents" folder. These will automatically regenerate if I were to delete or move them. This adds clutter to the Folder that I do not want

Shown here:

If I were to remove the folder from the Library and Replace it with a different folder that has all my "real" documents, than the layout changes and now lists data that I don't care about, (Folder Name, Folder Location, Number of Files in Folder, and the path to the empty Public Folder)

Shown here:

Is there any solution? is there a way to get rid of the unnecessary files in the "Documents" library? or can I at least replace the folder with another folder that has all my relevant documents?

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System Won't Allow Any Files In Library/Documents?

Dec 26, 2012

I can't transfer any files to this empty folder - Library/Documents. I created a new folder called 'Docs' in Library' to see if that would work and the system won't allow me to place any files there either. It seems like I'm not allowed access, but I'm the owner.

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How To Remove Unnecessary Files From Ram

Mar 14, 2012

last few day i say at start up my ram already filled up 1.76 GB but earlier it was just 1.10 GB.can u please tell me why the consume rate of ram constantly increase also how to remove unnecessary files from ram.i m using Windows 7 dell 15R

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Managing Folders In Documents Library

Feb 24, 2012

I am not able to find the process to delete a folder from my Documents library. The F1 function says the following, but I cannot find the 'library pane', Includes, nor Locations. When you no longer need to monitor a folder in a library, you can remove it. When you remove a folder from a library, the folder and its contents are not deleted from their original location. In the taskbar, click the Windows Explorer button. In the navigation pane (the left pane), click the library that you want to remove folders from. In the library pane (above the file list), next to Includes, click Locations. In the dialog box that appears, click the folder you want to remove, click Remove, and then click Ok.

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Documents Library In Windows 7 No Longer Working ( Music + Pictures +

Jan 14, 2013

i have an issues with my library file my library its looking like this and i cant open it !and there is no " users "folder in the c:

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Library Hangs On To Old Files

Aug 12, 2010

My notebook's music library had three locations: c:userspublicmusic c:usersmemusic \servermusic That last one is on a Windows Home Server. I decided to remove the server's music folder from the notebook's music library because I only wanted the files that are on the notebook to be displayed in the music library.The problem is that Zune, Media Center and Windows Media Player 12 all still show files from the server's music folder. I verified that the server's music folder is no longer listed as a location in the notebook's music library. I've also rebooted the notebook.

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All Library Files To Go To Different Drive

Oct 31, 2012

I would like to set the default location for all library files to go to my E drive to save the c: drive(SSD)

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Permanently Delete Files From Library?

Mar 20, 2012

How do I stop a Windows 7 library from displaying files that I have deleted from my computer?More precisely, how do stop them from showing up on my flat-screen TV which is connected to my home network with DLNA (which is just a fancy abbreviation for a TV that can read audio and video files from your computer) This is driving me completely bonkers. I've spent hours trying so many solutions from forums, I can't even keep track. I even used a registry hack the disables libraries entirely and the files *still* show up.It gets worse...Files that are completely *deleted* from my computer show up in the folder as viewed on the TV, though they don't play.Files that have been *renamed and moved to non-shared, non-library folders* will still play on the TV!I also did a total reset on the TV back to factory defaults, in case it had some sort of cache. Didn't work.

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AVI Files On SAN Not Getting Added To WMC Movie Library?

Sep 26, 2011

I've just setup an HTPC (Windows 7 Professional 32bit) and am using WMC on Windows 7. I've run into a problem that lots and lots of people have had (can see lots of posts on the web) but not fixes seem to work and I've trolled for two days now finding no fixes for the problem.Perhaps someone can assist?Problem: When I add a shared folder from my SAN (which I can access from Windows Explorer), WMC says scanning for files but never finds any. I have a collection of AVI files on the SAN and am wanting to list them in the Movie library on WMC (not the Video Library).I've heard it's a file association problem but that does not seem to fix the problem. I've changed the association of AVIs from WMP to WMC.Any idea what the real fix is?Question: What's the best practice to put a collection of AVIs on the WMC. If you have 10 movies, what's best?1. Create a folder called Movies and under that folder, 10 additional folders for Movie1, Movie2, etc and under those folders the actual AVI files, or,

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WMP12 Recognizing Files In The Library?

Mar 27, 2011

Windows 7 professional, Windows Media Player 12. When an album of mp3 tracks, maybe downloaded from amazon, or ripped from a Cd, is saved to the 'My music' folder, WMP12 automatically includes it in the library and it shows in the library pane with cover art and everything looks and plays correctly. Trouble is, the next time I run WMP after it's been closed for shutdown or whatever, the album is gone from the library, or at least it doesn't show anywhere. It won't reappear if I force a library update even though the folder is scanned. 'My music' is the only folder I have designated for WMP to check into the library, and that's where all the mp3s are, including the ones it won't show. The only albums it shows are those I imported when Windows 7 was run for the first time on my machine. Since then it does the 'now you see it now you don't trick' every time I rip or download a track.

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Tried To Delete Corrupted Library Files

Jun 10, 2012

I deleted music files from my Music folder in explorer...Then open up media player and found music files still there.Then I tried to delete them in media player with no result....It tells me files cannot be found.. plz I need some options on what to try next.

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Cannot Delete Files From Windows Media Library

May 11, 2011

I am using w7 and windows media player automatically loads a unknown file in my library. The problem is that most of the music is already in the library in the form of albums. Now I can't delete the unknown file or edit it.

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Lost All 4 Library Files - Music, Docs, Etc

Mar 31, 2011

my aunt has new toshiba laptop win7 ran fine 2months then one day no folders in libraries - i don't know what she did, but i can't find and when i try right click default folders nothing happens - i have used search,etc cant find any of the four usually lib folders

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How To 'reconnect' Relocated User Library Files

Feb 8, 2013

In preparing for install of SSD I used 'Properties>Location' to relocate user library folders from the system HDD to a different HDD. After I do a clean install of Win 7 Pro to the SSD, how do I reconnect the relocated folders?

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Wmc Stopped Listing Mpeg4 Files In Video Library?

Apr 8, 2012

windows media center 7 64 has stopped listing mpeg4 files. How can i fix this?I did install nero 9 and then uninstalled it. and i installed power2go8 could these programs messup wmc?

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Unnecessary Processes Software

Jul 14, 2011

I've recently bought a new laptop with a load of program/process that i'd imagine i would never use.Would anyone be willing to tell me which programs i can uninstal (and what they do, if you could) and which processes to disable. You don't have to recommend what i do for all of them, just the ones you know.

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Add Music Files From External Drive To Media Player Library Using Windows 7?

Feb 13, 2011

I just installed Windows 7. How do I shut off the feature that asks me to take ownership of every individual folder in my music files from my external drive before I can open them and add them to my media player library? I just want to add them the way I used to in XP or better yet just drag and drop the main folder into media player.

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Guest User Account - WMP Library Empty / Cannot Load Music Files

Feb 10, 2012

I've created a guest account on my PC (no admin privileges). When I open the Media Player in the guest account, the library is empty. How to load music files.

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Getting Rid Of Unwanted / Unnecessary Programs On New Laptop?

Jul 24, 2012

I bought a new Samsung laptop a week ago. I haven't loaded any of my own programs yet, since I want to uninstall all the unnecessary stuff. I don't know which programs are safe to uninstall though, and which ones are necessary... (4GB RAM and 500 GB hard drive, Windows 7 OS).

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Files And Documents Locked?

Apr 24, 2011

A few days ago I picked up a particularly nasty trojan that began running ads in my desktop background - Just audio, but still annoying. I tried removing it using Malwarebytes and Spybot. Oddly enough, since then, I've had further problems. One is the browser redirects randomly to spam sites but the bigger one is I cannot access my documents (music, video etc...) or certain folders in cFor example, I have a folder on the c: drive called work. When I click on work, it comes up as totally empty - no files. When I right click it, however, I find there are 193 files at 3 gb. My document folders have also disappeared. When I go to windows / user I find by right clicking that there are hundreds of files at 40 or so gb but I cannot find any of them by searching or exploring. I have made sure all folders are on general view (ie: not just music / video etc) but this does nothing. I now just want to back up my files and blitz the PC with a full reinstall

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Missing Files Or Documents?

Mar 9, 2012

I created a folder for some files/documents on the desktop but then I moved that folder into another folder. When I checked again I couldn't find any documents/files I saved.

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Eliminate Unnecessary Startup Menu Programs?

Dec 18, 2012

Wish to clean up windows 7 and have too many programs starting up that may not be necessary.

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Hiding Documents And Files In Folders?

Oct 17, 2010

I notice when I save my edited video to my video folder they will show along with all the video icon blank pages usully title after what i named the video along with 'Index File" 'AVI.Index File' or a 'SCN File'. Im sure they are important but they sure clutter up the folder. Is there a way to hide these kinds of files or documents?

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Public Documents Hidden Files?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a 64GB SSD drive and wanted to change the location of Public Documents, Public Music, etc in the Library to my storage drive rather than using the smaller C drive. I already did this with My Documents, My Music, My Pictures. The redirect was successful (going to the folder properties, then location and move) but then I decided it wasn't necessary and restored the default location (C:UsersPublicDocuments).ich leads to my question. After restoration, everything seems fine except I noticed the Public Documents folder in the Library no longer contains the padlocked inaccessible files named "My Music", "My Pictures" and "My Videos". Also, under :Users(name)AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsLibrariesDocuments.library-ms, I no longer see the files with the blue arrow icons (Also named My Music, My Pictures and My Videos) or the padlocked files of the same names.Will this potentially cause problems in the future? I've been trying to educate myself on Windows 7 over the past couple of years but the phantom files and shortcuts always confuse me I already restored the Public Documents folder to an earlier version but the missing files didn't reappear. I only have the desktop.ini and Thumbs.db files.

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Windows 7 Explorer Won't Allow Files To Be Saved To Documents?

Sep 19, 2010

Since last Tuesday's Microsoft Windows Update, my Windows Explorer is experiencing a number of issues.The update hung for hours on "preparing to update" or some such thing.I had to manually shut the computer off several times and finally tried the safe mode start, which warned me that the update was not fully done.Now, when I click on Favorites/My Documents, it hangs; like it is searching but when the shaded bar gets to the end, it stays there and Explorer freezes. When I click on any the window, it goes whitish and a message pops up asking if I want to continue waiting or should the program be closed. I shut the program down.If I click any other item on Favorites or Libraries, even Documents within Libraries, Explorer does ok.

When I try to save a file in Photoshop or Dreamweaver or any other program, a message pops up saying the program failed to respond and gives me the option to wait or close the program.Even if I try to print to PDF, it does the same thing.In other words any time I need to save any item from within any program, the programs freeze. I even changed the save folder in PDF Phantom, from documents to downloads and still it won't save.My next step will probably be PC Restore and to hell with everything.

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2 Documents Folders, Deleted One, Both Gone, How To Recover Files

Nov 8, 2011

I noticed I had two copies of the My Documents folder, one in my user folder where I want it, and the other buried deep in my pictures folder (I think I accidentally dragged and dropped it there once when I was trying to change the order of icons in the navigation pane). I deleted the one in my pictures folder, and both folders disappeared! I closed the screen out, re-opened "my computer," and see both My Documents folders back, but empty.

1) How can I recover my files? My last backup was last week, and I've written quite a bit since then. I was actually about to back up again when I saw the annoying second folder and deleted it, not realizing they were linked. The folder was too large and bypassed the recycle bin.

2) How can I fix the two folders issue? I have the same problem with my music folder also, and have had problems with the folders under my username seeming to disappear, reappear, and move for no apparent reason. The computer has Windows 7 Professional.

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Windows 7 Adding .jpg Extension To Files And Documents?

Nov 7, 2012

Windows 7 adds the .jpg xtension to many of my files which are for example:

Adobe InDesign files
Photoshop PSD files
Camera RAW files
Adobe PDF file

how I can prevent Windows from doing this? I archive my files according to the program they are created in and I need to keep all my with file original xtension.

I use adobe bridge so I do not need to view the contents of my files in any Windows Explorer window.

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Files In MY Documents Vanishing Into Blue Yonder

Apr 14, 2012

I am on Windows 7, 64 bit>Microsoft Outlook 2010.Last year, I saved a number of files (word, xls, pdf) in a specfic folder. I have done this method for a number of year.In feb 2012, I checked in a file, under last years folder date, and all good.However, last week, I went to check on a couple of files, and noticed that the FOLDER icon had a padlock on it.As i have no idea how to put a padlock on. Then an IT man told me to follow the web, regarding unlocking the folder, which I did.To my horror of all horror, every file under that specific folder has disappeared in the blue.My Computer person, has checke d my desktop PC thoroughly, all avenues, including trwling through my hard drive, for the files and also in case it had 'self deleted'. Not a trace anywhere> These files are extremely important to me.How can I recover (apart from system restore) these files.Is this a WINDOWS 7 issue & how widespeard is this.??Ni viruses.

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Deleted My Documents And Recovery Software Not Finding Files

Sep 13, 2012

I pressed delete on my Documents folder by mistake, and now I have gone through an unbelievable amount of recovery softwares, and none of them will find the files. on only need a few folders back in my documents.

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Documents And User Files Cloned On Second Drive Issue

Feb 11, 2010

I had been thinking about upgrading to Windows 7 for sometime, and after my Raid array failed I wasn't forced to but it happened to be perfect timing.

Instead of waiting till my replacement drive arrived, I installed Windows 7 on a different drive temporarily.

After I received my new drive, I setup my array again and installed Windows 7 once again without a hitch. After installing all of my programs, games, etc. I started to notice both the User folder and Documents & Settings folders were both identical and were being updated simultaneously.

I know I didn't properly remove the old installation, but I've never seen Windows do this before. Very Odd. I've formatted the other drive and everything is good now, but I thought it was odd and wondered if it was a bug or a known issue.

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Saved Documents On Pen Drive - Files Content Not Getting Opened

Feb 5, 2013

All my files saved in the pendrive are showing its shortcuts and the files content is not getting opened. How to open my files

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