Major Graphical Glitches, Build 7000, GeForce GTX 280

Jan 10, 2009

I have been having random graphical issues. Sometimes in games (ie. COD4) the screen goes black when a new map loads. I then have to exit the game and reboot the PC, hoping it fixes my issue. Also, since I updated to the latest version, there are random graphical glitches in the game (weird objects on the ground and in the air in the game). Now the issue is much worse:

When I boot up my PC, my taskbar is completely blank, except for the Start Button. I'd be willing to deal with this issue if I knew how to fix it when it pops up. I uploaded a screenshot here: [URL] I'm running the latest drivers from Windows update from Nvidia. My motherboard is the EVGA Nforce 680i.

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Computer Lags, And Glitches On A Week Old Build?

May 28, 2012

To reinstall windows 7 you just need the disk . Try updating your BIOS first your system should play crysis 2 smooth as butter . After that I would do a fresh install of window's 7 go into your BIOS select you dvd drive as first boot choice save and exit .put the cd in the drive and restart your pc don't forget to press enter !

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Errors For Build 7000

Feb 7, 2009

Ok, I have a Dell Dimension E521, so far here is the recent errors that i took by screenshots. This is the error i get everytime, when trying to start yahooIM. Which I may call it yahooIM error start up b/c its in my way. Ok here i go into registry mechanic, scanning my pc and so.

To this.


and guess what?

It can't be repaired.

So, the serious one i'm in trouble about... which is a burning one... idk if this a real virus or not b/c my CA Anti-Virus picked it up, and my PC Tools don't see anything in it.

But i'm really concern about this, and It has something to do with my computer...

please...reply and or fix or something about this ASAP b/c if i accidently delete it, it either going to disable my pc features or something. Also it say I can't delete it... O.o

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W7 Build 7000 Driver Install

Dec 28, 2008

There has, so far, been no issues with drivers for 7000 for the Acer 5920gmi that I use. To disable my touchpad I installed the Synaptics driver just to disable the touchpad.

All drivers installed during installation and on first update the rest were installed.

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OK To Upgrade Build 7000 To 7057 ?

Mar 13, 2009

Is this okay? Has anyone done this? I read some problems in general when upgrading one version of Windows 7 to another, but is this common?

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Win 7 Build 7000 Memory Trouble

Dec 28, 2008

anyone no why this build is using so much memory?

i have 4gb and it seems to be using 97% of it with

nothing else installed but the os and drivers.

i tried installing avast! Antivirus but after the

reboot the system moves so slow i had to uninstall

it.didn't have no trouble with the last 3 builds.

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USB Drives Stopped Working On Build 7000

Mar 30, 2009

I have installed build 7000 and it has been working pretty good for the last week.

Now my usb drives and sticks stopped working. OS will see the drives, but cannot access them. It shows drive as raw data, when I plug it in on XP or Vista the drive works fine. What could cause this??

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Need Thinkpad T60 Bluetooth Driver In Win7 Build 7000

Apr 16, 2009

I need thinkpad T60 bluetooth driver in Windows 7 build 7000 (the auto update one via windows update, not the levono website vista driver).

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Graphical Error After Windows Reinstall

Jun 8, 2012

I recently did a clean install of my home machine and I am having a weird graphical error where if I move one window across the top of another it leaves a trail. Here's an image:, I have the most recent nVidia drivers installed and nothing new is installed on my machine than before the reload (and I never had this issue before). I have two monitors and it happens on both so I'm sure it isn't a hardware issue (the card and my main monitor are also both less than 6 months old) I've also noticed a ripple when scrolling down on web pages which I believe is related.

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BSOD When Launching Graphical Games?

Aug 16, 2012

happens when I launch some graphic games from STEAM. Games like Saints Row the third, and Counter Strike: Global Offensive. I can launch and successfully play Skyrim, and Tera.

Dump File : 081612-30872-01.dmp
Crash Time : 8/16/2012 4:24:37 PM
Bug Check String :
Bug Check Code : 0x00000101
Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000021


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Wrongly Set Administrator Graphical Password

Feb 13, 2013

how do i remove a win 7 graphical administrators set accidently while viewing win 7 features

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Graphical Glitch Using Windows Photo Viewer?

Jul 10, 2012

So I was just messing around looking at photos when I maximized Windows Photo Viewer and got a really weird graphical glitch at the bottom that I've never seen before. All of the buttons are invisible but then reappear once I hover over them.[URL]That second image shows what happens after I have hovered over the buttons. Doesn't seem to be affecting anything else?

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Graphical Glitch Causing A Light Trail

May 20, 2012

I have an unusual glitch which causes everything light on a dark background to trail off to the right of itself. It randomly started while I was playing 'Football Manager' and now I can't seem to get rid of it. I've tried all of the usual stuff; (rebooting, rolling back and re-patching video drivers, doing a system restore) and nothing seems to be working.See the image below for an example. I don't think it is ghosting because the trail doesn't follow the movements of the mouse or anything like that, it simply remains to the right of everything.

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Sound And Graphical Error When Alt Tabbing From Full Screen Game?

Apr 23, 2012

Getting distorted (cracking/popping) sound and poor FPS/screen tear after switching application from a full screen game via the taskbar and via alt tabbing.The only way to rectify the issue is by restarting the PC as reloading the game will semi fix the sound issue, but limits my FPS to 30 and will cause the sound to slowly deteriorate to how it was before.

It mainly happens when I have a full screen program while watching a Stream/Video on my second monitor and I switch program through the aero feature in the taskbar/alt tab pop up. Sound goes to shit, then the frame loss kicks in a second later.

I assumed it was an issue to do with the aero application preview feature, but I'm not 100% sure. I've disabled it by using the classic theme which I've been using for the past 2 days and things seem to be alright.

-AMD 1090T
-m4a89td pro-usb3
-8gb DDR3 RAM (4x2gb sticks)
-MSI GTX 460 Hawk
-ASUS Xonar DX

I can manage without aero so I'm able to actually use my PC, but I'd rather fix the issue than ignore it.

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Display Randomly Glitches, Then Freezes

Apr 12, 2012

This is the second time in a month I have encountered this glitch. I have had my laptop for 3 years and have just started getting it. I have an Asus G50VT-X1. It seems at a random time the screen just bugs out and the colors change and shift. There are also little block artifacts everywhere. I can move my mouse for a bit, but then it completely freezes.

I know it's not a hard drive or OS thing because although the first time it happened I was on my HDD, this time it happened on my brand new SSD that I just installed with a clean install of Windows 7. I've asked my friends about it and they said they have never heard of it happening before. I have the latest drivers from nvidia, so that can't be it.

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Performance Issue, Glitches, Blinking, Cpu 100%

Nov 28, 2009

Too many glitches(windows, icons, everything blinks at different times and sometimes just after blinking for a while, they go black and as soon as I get the cursor over it it stops). I have a CPU meter and is running all the way to 100% almost all the time, with any Program, window opening or task that I try to perform. Because of that is running extremely slow.

I am not a computer expert as I see most people are in here, so instead of trying to fix it my self and making it worst. I took it to "Geek Squad", in Best Buys, to get it fix, and after 2 day with them they told me that there was nothing they could do. They did see the problem, but they didn´t know how to fix it.

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Game Crash, Windows 7 Glitches Out?

Jan 16, 2013

System Information:

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601, SP1 Build 7601)
Data Type: x64
DirectX Version: DX11


I built this computer myself, I have upgraded the Video card about 3 times since I bought my motherboard. When I bought the motherboard, I also bought the CPU, SSD, RAMs, and Power supply.I haven't changed any hardware, except for the graphics cards. My problem is that an almost random set of games crash for no reason, even if the game specs aren't as high as others I play flawlessly. For instance, Dragon age origins (not a big performance issue), Batman arkham assylum, Bioshock 2, and Assassins creed Revelations- they all crash to desktop after about 5-15 minutes. Other games I play relatively fine are, Assassins creed 3, Planetside 2, Starcraft 2, Borderlands 2, Mirrors edge, all with max settings they work. All of these vary in system requirements, but as you can see, there seems to be no pattern.This would be fine if I could read any temperature meters, but it's impossible when it crashes. What it looks like when I'm playing is nice clean FPS as usually, then by suprise it overloads with sound (only some games), the polygons stretch, and I hit the desktop. When I hit the desktop, things are glitchy, certain areas are black squares (ie. random menu buttons, temperature readings, some, but not all buttons are black, but all readings are black). Any games I try to start up after this just don't start up. I am forced to reset, and my computer acts like nothing happened.

It rarely happens on my favourite games, it seems like whenever I buy a game, it's a lottery if it will crash within 15 minutes. If it doesn't crash within 15 minutes, it will rarely crash ever. My computer has a good taste in games though, I like that, but it lashes out on me if I try something new and it doesn't like it.I keep thinking it's my CPU, because my graphics can set themselves amazingly high, and I've changed it so many times, I think my graphics card is ruled out. Do I have to reapply the thermal paste onto the CPU? I might find some additional readings and post it here, when I get some time.

Is 650W high enough for a PSU?Are these crashes damaging anything but the part that is causing it?Are there any updates I've missed?How do I know if my computer has good enough airflow? What kind of adapter do I have to get to connect my USB 3.0 cable to my motherboard? My motherboard has 3 blue (3.0) 9pin slots, but my case has a 19pin 3.0 usb cable.

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Acer Aspire One ZG5 BSoD During Downloads (and Other Glitches)

Jan 21, 2012

I recently put Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit version) on my Acer Aspire One AOA150/ZG5. It runs but when I go to download something I often get a BSoD (not always however). I was wondering if this is a driver issue and if there's a way to fix it.Everything seems to work (except a few features on the mouse pad and I'd assume the webcam).

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EMU 0404 USB Audio Pops, Clicks, Glitches

Jul 12, 2009

I'm using; Emu 0404 Usb Sound Card, M-Audio Radium 61 Midi Keyboard.

This system worked good on Windows Vista (32bit) with no audio problem or latency problem.

The system works great and faster than Vista on Windows 7 (32bit); but now with audio clicks,pops,latency problems and etc..

I'm using DPC latency program.. It shows red coloumn in every 3 or 4 secs. I tried to disable USB mouse, wireless etc.. but nothing happened. Also I updated all my drivers too.

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Crashes And Various Glitches / Artifacting After Direct X Update

Aug 28, 2011

my problem started after running the following dxsetup.exe, which was required to play a mod for the game morrowind (apparently some files were missing from the most recent versions of dx): (url) everything seemed to work fine after this. i played the mod for a while, then yesterday i decided to buy deus ex: human revolution. again, i installed, the game required a dx update which processed fine, and i played the game for a few hours and went to sleep. the next day, my problems began. i noticed Internet, livestream,, or any web video player would crash after a minute or so. the video would stop, the sound would stutter and distort, and i get a brief black screen and a then the video player restores with a green screen instead of the video playing, and in my task menu a pop up occurs with "nvidia kernel 180.26 has crashed and successfully recovered"

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Geforce 8800gtx Vs NVIDIA GeForce GT 430?

Aug 6, 2011

i am getting a NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 i want to know is it better and by how much

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Random Keyboard Glitches - Acts As If Holding Ctrl?

Feb 28, 2012

Alright, so recently I upgraded my windows vista laptop to windows 7 ultimate.Everything ran smoothly, except for now when I type, it will randomly act as if I am holding ctrl for short bursts, opening new tabs, windows, closing the browser, opening the find window, bookmarks window, etcIt never did this before I installed windows 7, and I checked to make sure my drivers are up to date, which they are. I've googled and tried many solutions, but none of them have worked. I am running windows 7 ultimate 34 bit on a Toshiba laptop, but that's all I really know.

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Screen Glitches, Goes Black And Hard Drive Stops Spinning

Apr 15, 2012

the screen glitches with pink, white, and green tiles and lines, the cursor disappears, the screen goes black, and the hard drive stops spinning. All the lights on the front of the computer stay on, the fans stay on, and the monitor doesn't say anything about not receiving a signal. The first time it happened I tried turning it on right away and it booted up and let me sign in, but as it was loading the desktop and icons it glitched again, and froze. after I shut down and let it sit for a while it worked just fine until the next day when it did the same thing again, but twice in one day and with a shorter time between freezes. Today I had a WerFault.exe error pop up and when I clicked ok on it the bottom half of my screen turned pinkish and the computer froze when I restarted the pink tone was still there but it did not show up on any windows that I opened and when the background changed it went away.

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New Computer Build Work With Old Build's Windows 7 Disc?

Jul 5, 2011

My current system was upgraded to windows 7 32bit from vista 32bit (I bought the windows 7 home premium upgrade disc when it was first released). I am going to build a complete new system. Can I install windows 7 64bit from the same windows 7 disc? Or do I have to buy a new windows 7 disc? Is there a way around buying a whole new disc?

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Upgrade From Build 7100 To Build 7264

Aug 2, 2009

I am currently running OS 7 Beta RC Build 7100. Were do I get this newer version, is there a big difference? And am I able to upgrade to the newer Beta?

I realize that October is fast approaching for the RTM but I plan to keep running the Beta for a couple of months past the Grand Opening.

Is it possible that all the updates that I have received equally add up to the newer build?

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Driver - No Major Changes From Vista

Dec 28, 2008

"When it comes to compatibility, if it works with Windows Vista, it should work with Windows 7. There are no major API changes, which is a critical point: that means that if there's a Vista driver for your hardware, that should work under Windows 7 without issue. That's great news, because driver issues were one of the top frustrations for people moving to Windows Vista with XP-era hardware.

Windows 7 will be more reliable as well - there are some improvements in reliability and self-diagnosis. There will be fewer prompts for user account control for instance, and in fact the default will be at a lower threshold than it was for Vista. There will be more controls for the user regarding account approvals, and it will be more discoverable than it was in the past."

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Major Mouse Lag / Stuttering

Dec 26, 2012

I've been having this problem for the past couple of months and it's driving me insane. I've searched for hours on end without any luck of a fix. The problem is that my mouse lags (or stutters) every 5 seconds. The lag can sometimes be so bad that the mouse completely stops working for a few seconds. I've gone through 3 mice and they've all had the same problem so it can't be because of the mouse. The mouse I'm currently using is the Logitech Anywhere MX.

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What Are 5 Major Disadvantages Of Windows 7

Apr 10, 2012

what are the 5 major disadvantages of windows 7

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HP Officejet 7000

Oct 24, 2009

Anyone able to get this printer to work w/64 bit 7? Can't install the software or drivers. Works fine on vista machine.

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How Do I Upgrade From 7000 ?

Mar 28, 2009

I installed Win 7 x64 on a new computer, on the last day the beta of 7000 was available. I have Windows Updates turned on, so I thought I'd be notified of beta updates, but I just checked, and I'm still on 7000.

How/where do I download updates?

And can I install them over 7000? I assume so, since I've found messages detailing which drivers needed updating after installing 7048 etc., but I do want to be sure.

This is my first post to the forum - apologies if I've asked a question that's in the archive. I did search, but didn't come up with anything. Are there FAQs anywhere?

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Start-up And Usage Major Logja

Sep 18, 2012

Powering on the computer and following the Windows logo, there is a black screen that the cursor can move around on, but it stays that way for a long time. It was over 8 minutes for the login screen to come on. I typed the password and then the same thing happens, black screen complete with cursor and it takes literally 8 minutes or more to come up to the desktop. Once up, everything is bogged down and takes forever to come up when clicked (ie control panel, windows start button, etc.) if they come up at all.

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