Jul 29, 2009

This is a run time error and the Internet has all kinds of fixes for it but they are all programs which just screw up your computer. I'm supposed to download the file and that takes a program and so forth. I would like to fix things like this without destroying my computer with all the programs out there and most of them are not for windows 7. Can someone kind of guide me on this because I'm sort of confused?

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SM Bus Manage And Three USB Errors

Oct 28, 2011

This is my first build so please excuse any greenhorn stuff... My week old ASRock Z68 PROFESSIONAL GEN3 has SM Bus Manager/Controller errors. Just did a fresh build and installed WIN7 64 bit three days ago. Got around to getting other software installed as time allowed at night. Something gave an error alert today and I went checking at device manager to see what it was.

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Getting TCP / IP Restict Errors

Apr 8, 2012

Been having strange connectivity issues as of late, they started about a month ago, and its only now during Easter break that I'm taking the time to tackle them. The problem I'm experiencing is that during online game sessions, I would experience sudden disconnects. Thing is when I only use my browser everything seems fine. The internet connection to my house is pretty stable, nobody else is experiencing the same issues as me when it comes connectivity. I've made sure to run virus checks to see if it was a nasty virus, nothing has been found. Drivers are all up to date as well. So I checked my Event Logs and found this: TCP/IP has chosen to restrict the scale factor due to a network condition. This could be related to a problem in a network device and will cause degraded throughput.

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How To Check For Errors In OS

May 31, 2011

I have a dell lattitude lap top running windows 7. I had picked up a virus that seemed to shake up norton AV. I think I have it settled, but still can not have anyone webex in. Norton did not think this was the virus and suggest I search the OS or whatnot. Before reinstalling Windows 7, is there a program I can run similar to the old scan disk, to check for errors?

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IE Certificate Errors

Dec 24, 2009

I'm running Windows 7 64bit. I regularly access a work website that has a self-signed certificate. I got tired of the warning message that always pops up regarding the untrusted certificate, so I installed the certificate. When I used to run XP, that solved the issue. However, for Windows 7 64-bit, that did not fix the problem.

I've also tried installing the certificate into the "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities" store for both my user account and for the computer. That didn't fix it either. Finally, I tried changing the security zone for the site to be in the Trusted Sites list. That also didn't fix the problem.

I find it very irritating that a website that has a "trusted" certificate is giving me a warning message about an untrusted certificate. I wonder if this is related to the Windows 7 64bit driver signing nazi-ism (i.e., you can't load device drivers signed with non-Microsoft certificates, even if you install the certificate). Just for grins, I tried disabling driver signing enforcement, but that didn't change anything either.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Sudden BEX Errors In IE 8

Mar 31, 2012

Crash data:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: iexplore.exe


I haven't downloaded any toolbars, and although this is my wife's computer and she has gotten a couple viruses from visiting hacked blog sites recently ZA Pro caught those immediately so I don't think it's related to this.

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Different BSOD Errors

Aug 29, 2012

i've been having bsod on win 7 for over a week, i have had these problems previously, win 7 32bit to 64bit reinstall worked last time. this time i have tried installing win 8 pro 64bit to separate ssd drive. clean install, also having similar issues. i've started debugging some of the dumps. a few have pointed to avg and the gpu. i uninstalled avg and used driver sweeper to remove video, sound and ethernet drivers. this had only made the bsod take slightly longer to happen. sometimes the are happen under load (utorrent and playing bangbang racing), other time just Internet, and even while idle(just utorrent). i have stress tested the gpu, cpu, and run check on ram and hdd. i am leaning to faulty motherboard but i don't want to fork out for a new one until i cam be 100%.

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Want To Get Errors In SMART

Dec 1, 2011

I am testing something and I want to populate errors to the S.M.A.R.T. but not damaging my HDD. any one has any ideas on that. I am using Windows 7 32 bit.

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2 Errors Open Up Every Log On?

Feb 11, 2013

Every time i log on i get two errorsThey are most likely related, it doesn't seem to affect anything other than be very annoying, i installed windows only a few weeks ago and i already got problems T_T

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2 Different Errors On Win7 Set Up

Dec 2, 2009

I downloaded Windows 7 x64 and x86. i was in dubai last week and installed the x86 on my parents PC. works like a breeze and the installation couldnt have gone smoother.

I come back to melbourne and try the install on my PC and whether I run it through my current win7beta OS or whether i boot drom cd, both thr x64 and x86 give me error 0x80070241 around the 15% installation mark. after many attempts, i thought that i was perhaps because when doing a clean install, Windows 7 doesnt let you do a full format but only a quick format.

so i got a friends PC and did a full format. x84 installed upto 50% and gave me error 0x80070570.

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Disk Errors

Dec 17, 2009

I tried to start-up the laptop and it got past the manufacturer logo (Compaq) and then showed a blank screen for about 1 minute before saying Windows Is Loading Files and then automatically starting Start-Up Repair which tries to repair disk errors. I leave it for an hour and a bit and it's still completing.

Checked Task Manager (Repair Your Computer> Command Prompt> TASKMGR) and it was just stuck on about 356,761K of memory, so I shut down and got my Hiren Boot CD and tried opening Partition Magic, which had a Partition Table Error #105 and when I went to Format and Create New Partitions, and then Apply All Changes I got Error #4. So finally I tried some other partition manager and I got some partitions made.

I went and got my Build 7077 Windows 7 CD and tried to install, it boots to the DVD, but it detects no hard drives, although when I choose where to boot from in BIOS, it sees my 200GB hard disk fine. I HAVE NO DISK DRIVERS OR ANY CDs!!!!! Same happens with my 64-Bit RTM disk and my Vista disk. Windows XP hangs on "Inspecting 199,920 MB.

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Updates Errors

Dec 1, 2009

These errors arises as a result from Windows Update, several updates don't intend to install i.e VS SP1 2005 comprises the update error resulting many update downloads but not one is installed successfully.

Any tips on solving this nonsense issue?

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Event Log Errors

Nov 15, 2011

I recently checked my event log and theres a huge list of warning, error, and critical events.

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.dll And 1324 Errors

Apr 13, 2012

I just to verify if I reinstall Windows onto my SSD will the .dll and 1324 Errors be rectified? This build is new so there is not much on there other than WoW and AVG.

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Chkdsk Errors

Feb 15, 2010

Yesterday I tried to install an image mounting program (Alcohol 120%) on Windows 7 Professional x64. When the instillation started it prompt me to restart my computer (which is normal). When my computer restarted I got 5 error messages at the logon screen (in the following order):

(1) The file or directory C:Windows
escache is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(2) The file or directory Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(3) The file or directory C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(4) The file or directory Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(5) The file or directory C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

After hitting âOKâ on each message and typing my password Windows logged me on to a temporary profile.

I went to my C: drive and tried to run the chkdsk but I got this message: âWindows canât check the disk while itâs in use.â So I chose to schedule a disk check next time I log on. Then I restarted and let chkdsk run. Then I got this error message:

âCannot open volume for direct access.
Autochk cannot run due to an error caused by a recently installed software package.
Use the system restore feature from the control panel to restore to a point prior to the recent software package instillation.
An unspecified error occurred (766f6c756d652e63 3f1)â

I then skipped check disk and tried to System Restore and got this error message:

âThe disk C: has errors
Windows has detected file system corruption on C: you must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.â

Windows seems to be taking me in circles, and I am unsure of what to do. I would really like to avoid reinstalling windows and starting from scratch.

If anyone has had this problem or knows what to do, any help would be appreciated.

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Critical Errors And Don't Know How To Fix

Aug 12, 2012

my computer has been experiencing long startups and random locks and freezes amongst other problems. I have tried a couple solutions suggested (msconfig diagnostic startups, etc) but now the startups seem to take even longer (it would stay on the "welcome" screen for ~ 4 minutes before logging into windows). I've looked at msconfig a few times and I only have about 5 items selected for startups. And I've unchecked all that I can under "Services"

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PPTP Errors 651 And 800?

Feb 12, 2013

my computer crashed so re-booted it and since doing this i totally lost the wifi.error 651 continues to come up.

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Getting Blue Screen Errors?

Oct 26, 2011

I keep getting blue screen errors. I tried Defragging hard drive, updating drives, doing memory diagnostic But none of these worked.


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Mswsock.dll Errors On Firefox?

May 19, 2012

Sometimes I'm using Firefox and suddenly it closes and show me a crash report windows. And the log shows that:


AdapterDeviceID: 0x03d1
AdapterVendorID: 0x10de
Add-ons: {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:12.0
AvailablePageFile: 4865974272
AvailablePhysicalMemory: 1922551808
AvailableVirtualMemory: 1838403584


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Getting Alot Of Errors After Updating?

Jul 22, 2012

i have updates but when i update windows it comes back saying that some updates did not finish or it says there was an error. Could this problem cose visual studio not to install to because im trying to install 2012 and 2011 and just a back screen comes up saying Visual Studio and then its gone and nothing happens, is there something wrong with my windows 7.

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Registry Dll Multiple Errors

Sep 1, 2012

Toshiba Satellite 655, 64 bit OS, Intel. Celeron CPU 925@2.30 GHz

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Slow Boot With 565 Errors

Dec 13, 2012

]I have been experiencing a real problem with my computer. It started to Boot slower and slower about 2 months ago.First, the computer: A VM Win 7 w/ 1 CPU @ 2.4 GHz & 2 GB of 1067 MHz DDR3 RAM.

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0x109 Errors On Brand New PC

Jan 16, 2012

I've been having some trouble with error code 109 on my PC. I have a dump file but I'm a noob at this and I don't know how to upload it. The specs are below: --- ASUS P8Z68-V LX motherboard Intel� Core� i5-2500K Processor (4x 3.30GHz/6MB L3 Cache) 8 GB [4 GB X2] DDR3-1600 corsair ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti - 2GB - Single Card 120 GB ADATA S510 SSD (for boot) 1 TB HARD DRIVE -- 32M Cache, 7200 RPM, 6.0Gb/s - Dual 1TB Drives (1TB Capacity) - RAID 1 Data Security Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Realtek Sound card ---- I literally got this computer up and running two days ago. Everything was running fine until I tried putting games on it. First I started blue-screening during games, then eventually during web browsing, watching movies or idling. I then did a system restore back to before I installed any games and there were no blue screens. I tried installing a different game and the computer blue screened again with the 109 error code.

I've read that this problem could be due to faulty memory, so I ran Windows Memory Diagnostic with no errors. I am hesitant to run memtest because I really doubt it is a memory issue, since I bought this computer from ibuypower and they test these sorts of things before shipping it out.

My first guess is that this is a registry problem or a compatibility issue with Win 7 64-bit and these games (Bioshock 2 and Fallout 3) but I'm not certain. I've also read about issues with Realtek audio drivers and DirectX. I've seen others have problems with their HDD in RAID. I've just run a registry cleaner and hope this will solve some problems, but it is too early to tell yet.

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Windows 7 Installation Errors?

May 8, 2010

I am trying to custom/clean install windows 7 64bit and when it restarts after supposedly completing installation it says the system has restarted unexpectedly or I get a blue scree error that causes another restart. This occurs on the 2nd restart after it returns to the completing installation stage

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String Of Errors Preventing From Doing Anything?

Apr 26, 2012

It has Windows 7 SP1 installed on it, when I try to start it up regular it haults right after the windows load screen and bsods, if I try to start it up in recovery, or any safe mode it starts up to a black screen with a cursor and will sit there for hours, and if I try to put a windows 7 disk in and start up from that it loads the files and then haults with a black screen and cursor. I have insured that everything is properly connected that could come loose to no avail and have pretty much expended every option that I have available to me.

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Not Responding Errors Across Various Programs?

Feb 12, 2013

I'm getting constant not responding errors in almost all programs, everything from Firefox to Photoshop and Lightroom to simply accessing various folders on my drives (both internal and external).The majority of the time the program hangs for up to 30 seconds and says Not Responsing and then works again. In Photoshop and Lightroom however, I have to restart the programs, they never start responding again. AVG and malwarebytes haven't picked up anything.

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Internet Explorer 9 Errors?

Jun 10, 2012

my system is windows 7 and i use ie 9. every time i play a video or a trailer, it comes up with a messageie has stopped working. a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. windows is checking for a solution to the problem. this keeps on happening.

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BEX Errors When Using Internet Explorer 9?

Sep 18, 2011

well the title says it all, it doesn't let me do ANYTHING for more than a few seconds before it dies. im using Google chrome because it works the way it should. i also have Norton Internet Security 2011.i've tried the DEP method and still nothing.


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Windows Crashes And Comes As Different Errors

Feb 11, 2012

so i recently built my gaming desktop and every now and then windows crashes and i get a blue screen which says dumping physical memory. i read the thread about what i should upload in order to get help however i dont know how to run a system health report as i cant find the program in start.i have disabled the auto restart and have managed to see two of the errors stop: 0x0000004e and stop: 0x0000001a

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Errors 3b/7e/24 After Coming Off Of Sleep

May 11, 2012

The system is a little over a year has windows 7 pro 64 bit full retail

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Errors And Every Program Crashes?

May 20, 2012

my PC has a lot of errors on it. Most of the programs i try to run stop working or don't open. My 1gb graphics card has recently failed and i am now running on integrated graphics.

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