Errors And Every Program Crashes?

May 20, 2012

my PC has a lot of errors on it. Most of the programs i try to run stop working or don't open. My 1gb graphics card has recently failed and i am now running on integrated graphics.

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Random Freezes, And Program Crashes. No BSOD. Over 18 Errors Event-view?

Apr 4, 2012

I can no longer leave my pc on overnight or it freezes. If I run more than 2-3 programs it freezes. I was watching a video once with headphones on and heard a loud noise then freeze.I at first thought it was just one of my hard drives dying because I had similar symptoms before I removed it. But, the fact that the crashes are happening more frequently without accessing the questionable e: has me stumped.Then I figured maybe it was the overclock I did in my bios. But, restoring it to normal has had little effect on the performance of my machine.I have run and run on an almost daily basis the following: All updated daily or when available.

Microsoft security essentials
JV16 power tools 2011


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Windows Crashes And Comes As Different Errors

Feb 11, 2012

so i recently built my gaming desktop and every now and then windows crashes and i get a blue screen which says dumping physical memory. i read the thread about what i should upload in order to get help however i dont know how to run a system health report as i cant find the program in start.i have disabled the auto restart and have managed to see two of the errors stop: 0x0000004e and stop: 0x0000001a

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Graphics Errors / Crashes (mainly Video)

Dec 4, 2011

I assembled this computer from parts bought about 6 weeks ago, have had no problems with it until yesterday. Suddenly, I was experiencing a multitude of graphic glitches and general lag when using the computer. Engaging the graphics processor in any way seems to provoke these glitches. From a fresh restart everything looks good, but if I try to play a video file in VLC I get flickering, flashing screen, freezing, weird purple noise appearing all over the Windows 7 interface. More often than not, the nVidia driver crashes, and it's not only when playing video, performing a "Windows Experience Index Assessment" also produces these errors. So far, I've gotten four blue screens. I'm on Win 7 Professional x64 (downloaded through MSDNAA), with an ASUS GeForce GTX 560 Ti graphics card. I've tried a few different things already, including:

- Restarting computer, obviously
- Upgrading to the latest beta graphics card drivers (290.36)
- Rolling back to latest stable graphics card drivers (285.62)

I think I noticed the same .dll mentioned in all the blue screens, but I never really had time to confirm this as they occurred. Also, please see the attached "example.png" for a demonstration of the "purple noise". It seems the screenshot was obsolete, since now that I view it on the computer, with no bugs present - it's unaffected by bugs. I don't know what this tells us, but either way, disregard the screenshot.

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Random Errors And Crashes Whilst Surfing And Gaming

Feb 5, 2011

This is a new pc build using various parts we have accumulated. When using Internet Explorer I get app crashes. I have been playing DC Universe Online and get random app crash, display drivers stop responding, apphangB1, I also lose monitor signal. Here is a list of fixes we have tried already:

-We have disabled internet explorer add ons and even tried disabling IE completely, to no avail
-We have swapped out the 5770 for an 8800 GTX that we know works, same problem
-We have the latest BIOS/drivers
-We have run SpeedFan, CPU temp 41C
-We have run Memtest for both sticks of RAM at the same time in slots 1 and 3 and there was an error, so we tried to isolate the bad RAM by testing invidivual sticks in slot 3 - no errors on either stick? therefore, we put the sticks in slots 3 and 4, assuming there may be a problem with slot 1 - worked ok for a couple of hours, then game crashes and black screen with sound requiring reboot. Monitor is fine, as it works on my BF's pc with no problems.
-We have tried a couple of installs of Windows 7
-We have run chkdsk - no errors.The BIOS is running on default, nothing overclocked - we have used the correct timings for the RAM and autotimed them, same problem

We are currently not using an antivirus because we did not want to add more problems, but we will get AVAST.My BF has given up now, as there is nothing else he can think of to try. I feel we are so close to resolving the issue, as it did run fine for a while, but then a bunch of errors all at once. If it helps, here is a copy of the error log.

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Laptop Crashes / Screen Blacks Out - No Integrity Errors

May 13, 2012

I have an ongoing problems with Crashes on my laptop they are rarely BSODs and are usually just like interrupts which black out my screen and cause me to have to restart my laptop. My laptop also occasionally freezes on the windows screen or when I finally log into my account.

Dump Files Attachment 211598
System Health Report Attachment 211600
System Info Attachment 211599

Some more information: I run AVG bought and paid for as my Anti Virus system and have preformed numerous full scans with no problems at all. I also have AVG PC Tune up which i check often and scan for to optimize my Laptops performance once again besides the usual defrag nothing serious has ever been captured. I Have the free version of Malware Bytes, didn't start the trial so its always on my computer. Again Scans come up impeccably clean. I downloaded and used Memtest86+ ran 10 passes completely clean nothing was reported in need of fixing.

Sfc /scannow came back as no integrity errors. An Extended Version of Windows Memory Diagnostics with 5 passes came back clean also. There is no overheating of any sort. I do However use an external Hard drive to Store most of my video games in (WoW, LoL, SWtoR, Diablo 3, Warcraft 3). And after multiple crashes the Software needed to access my Hard Drive "Stops Working" and ill need to uninstall and re install it. Its a WD Smartware product. I feel like I'm flipping a coin when I turn on my laptop because it will crash numerous times and then finally that one time my laptop runs smooth w/o a problem.

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Computer Crashes And Restarts Displaying No Errors (New System)?

Jan 2, 2012

I built a brand new computer for the holidays and it has been working fine. brief run down of hardware would be:[CODE]The computer has been running flawlessly using a 55" tv as a monitor with graphics on ulta for 2 weeks or so, there is barely anything installed on the computer besides necessary programs and 1 or 2 games at the moment. For the 2nd time now the computer has shut down instantly giving no warning, displaying no errors or coming back with any errors after running Windows 7 trouble shooters, the first time the computer had been on all day so I thought maybe over heating. But this second time the computer was only on about 5 minutes and did the same thing, I put a lot of time and is the first computer ive built so I would like to fix it before anything gets damaged but im not sure where to start

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How To Fix Cannot FindC:Program File (x86) Errors

Aug 1, 2011

I recently tried to open my already installed blackberry desktop software. Whe i do i get this message;Windows cannot find 'C:Program Files (x86)Research InMotionBlackberry DesktopRim.Desktop.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.I tried uninstalling< but I then get a 1316 error message and cannot complete the uninstall. as well I can not carry out the repair option, because i get the same 1316 error message.

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Every Program Crashes - App Failed To Initialize Properly (0xc000007b)

Feb 12, 2012

I have been receiving this error message 'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b). click ok to terminate the application'. why is this happening? the only cure i found was to reinstall the program but when i restart my computer it happens again.

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JIT Debugger Error & Program Crashes After Updating Drivers?

Jan 15, 2013

I recently went to update my mobile video card drivers on my ASUS G73JH laptop and after doing so, on boot up I would see this error message after saying my CCC.exe has crashed...I also couldn't access any programs that make use of the video card, every time I would open one, it would crash before opening.So I rolled back my drivers and everything is fine, but obviously, I would like to update my drivers for my video card, but not really sure what to try.

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Games Crash Than Audio Is Messed And Every Other Program Crashes?

May 7, 2012

I've been working for the past week to try and figure this out :*( please help me out, don't ask about the name, couldn't get it to take any normal names at the time.

I don't know exactly what is happening with my computer but since the guild wars 2 beta weekend my computer would freeze make a very loud scratching sort of sound than the client would crash. At first I figured ok its just beta something isn't happy with my system, I figured it was just that cross fire wasn't optimized for the beta and that my 5970 had some cross fire structure to it with the dual gpu. Than while playing Sniper Elite v2 it happened again, not to the full extent of the loud noise but still there was scratching. After each time the games would crash all my other programs would crash as well, and when they did work they would be screwed up. I would try playing music and it would sort of work than have the static or scratching sound again, occasionally a beeping sound.

I have my audio drivers up to date and I have tested it out threw my screen speakers and my razer megalodon usb head phones. I have checked for a new mobo bios and haven't found anything new for it, I than checked to update my graphic drivers and brought them up to 12.4. I don't run anything but the drivers due to it making my system very unstable. I than did a complete wipe, did 8 passes over both my base hard drive and my 1 tb hard drive. Fully updated windows and my drivers again and I am still experiencing the same problems. I have my video card over clocked to 900 core clock and 1200 memory at 1.137 volts, its stable as can be. I also have my cpu over clocked to 3.7 ghz but I have never had a issue with it either, they both have been at these speeds for the past 2 years. The temps are all with in more than safe temps and I have just recently cleaned the entire computer.

Just finished doing memtext86+ for 5 passes and came up with 0 errors, I have also checked inside my event viewer logs for any critical events and can't find any.My system specs according to speccy:

Operating System
MS Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
Thuban 45nm Technology


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Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install, Random Program Crashes?

Apr 8, 2012

Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install; Random Program Crashes?

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Portable Program Which Includes A Browser And A Mailing Program?

Aug 29, 2011

Im looking for a portable program which includes a Browser and a Mailing program, like Opera is, but NOT Opera (must be able to run beside Opera & Firefox!!)

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Windows Runs Installation Of Program When Start Program

Aug 14, 2012

I installed Weathrbug Plus and for some odd reason recently when I run it Windows runs the installation for the program. When I run the prograsm I get the typical "Preparing to install..." abnd then tyhe 'Configuring Weatherbug. I've been in contact with Weatherbug Support all day and we can't seem to find an answer.I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials.This is a clean install of Windows 7. I haven't used any other real-time security software other than MSE.I disabled MSE and tried it and got the same results.

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Stop Windows 7 64 Bit Program To Be Installed In Program Files (*86)?

Jun 23, 2011

64bit application is getting installed in program files (*86). How to change the destination folder. Insta shield is not giving this option.

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Write A Program In C Program That Shuts Down A Computer In 20 Seconds?

Sep 12, 2012

how can i write a program in c that shuts down a computer in 20 seconds

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Add / Remove Program File Only Contains Program Java

Dec 12, 2011

I don't know where this error hs_err_pid came from.I closed down explorer and there were all this notepad messages on my desktop and I can't get rid of them. Researching, I know this is a Java thing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times to no avail.My windows update is fully updated.I've run 3 virus programs.I notice this was addressed for someone using XP but what of Windows 7? My add/remove program file only contines the program Java (TM) update 29. Nothing else is listed as far as Java is concerned.I've run cleaner programs and these did not take care of the problem. Every time I restart my machine these errors immediate pop up at start up.

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Program Blocked By Program Compatibility Assistant?

Oct 3, 2009

Im trying to run a program on Windows 7. The program is a logitech installer. But Windows 7 Program Compatibility Assistant blocks the program and prevent me from running it. I have tried disable the Program Compatibility Assistant service in the service manager and i have also enabled the "Turn off Program Compatibility Assistant" group policy.But windows still keep blocking the program.

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Unable To Remove Old Program And Thus Cannot Install New Program

Feb 25, 2012

I have been using a program called Raw Therapee. I downloaded a new version and on installing it quit saying the old version must be removed. I could not find it listed in Revo Unistaller Pro, so I did a forced uninstall with the location of the main executable. This removed a lot of stuff. I checked the program folder and the folder and many files were still there, so I deleted them. I did a CCleaner in between and after. I then unhide and show system files and deleted the folders in the Appdata of main user and admin account, couldn't find it anywhere else.
CCleaner again and reboot. Went to install the new version again and it claimed that the old version was still installed. I did a search for *aw The* and found an entry in the hidden Program Data Folder. In the Admin account it will not let me in this folder to delete any remnants of the old version of Raw Therapee.

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ArcSoft TV Program Giving Pop Up When Set To Record TV Program?

Oct 3, 2012

I have an issue with my ArcSoft TV program. Recently something changed and now I get the UAC pop up asking if I want this program to make changes to my computer.Issue is this, I can set to record a program, but with the pop up now coming up, I have to be avaliable to click to record the progarm.Currently I have the UAC set not to ask (pop up). However I understand the reason for the UAC asking and I prefer it to ask. So what I need is a way to allow ArcSoft to run without the pop up, but all other programs to ask for security. What is the way to do this for this one program?

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Cannot Add Program To Default Program List

Dec 3, 2012

I have W7 IE and have downloaded a word processing program (AbiWord) which I want to add to list of Default Programs. how to get this program added to the default list?

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Add A Program To The Default Program List?

Sep 19, 2012

I would like to add "PDF Viewer Plus", by Nuance, to the list of Default Programs so I may associate it with my PDF files.

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Finding A Program In Program Files (x86)?

Aug 31, 2011

Running Windows 7 Pro, 64bit.We have a package of scripts and programs that comprise a custom application for OpenOffice 3.2 (do not want to upgrade OO at this point). We must support our package on Win XP, Vista and 7.A bunch of our scripts start up OpenOffice by running the command: C:Program 3programsoffice.exe (with arguments).Works fine on XP. Fails on Windows 7 because the OO program installs itself into Program Files (x86). Even if I change properties of the installer file, in the Compatibility tab, to Win XP SP3, AND tell the installer to put it in C:Program Files, Windows 7 still installs it into Program Files (x86). We would LIKE to have the same script work on both flavors of Windows. I know we can modify our scripts to branch on which Windows, and choose two different paths to soffice.exe, but that's messy.I can't solve it by creating a shortcut in Program Files, to the program in Program Files (x86); that's not allowed.Is there some solution in Windows 7 to find the program no matter which place it lives? Like, a semi-intelligent environment variable for ProgramFiles that looks in one place, then the other?

Ie.: "C:\ 3programsoffice.exe

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Can't Run Installed Program Within Program Files

Feb 15, 2012

I gave a try to the Setup Project of VStudio 2008 to create and distribute an x86 installer of a program I develop in Windows 7. After installing, uninstalling and executing over and over some of the features of my release distribution, I suppose I broke a windows registry or something related. I can't run anymore this app, whether from executing from the shortcut or directly, it just sends an error "Couldn't start the application correctly (0xe06d7363). Accept to close", there is no other option. Later I found out that moving exactly the installed content somewhere else out side the Program Files x86 dir, the application works flawlessly. Browsing, finding and deleting all references in regedit for my program didn't fix anything. I double checked my project is fine, and also created another installer version using the tool Inno setup producing exactly the same behavior; good install, error message when executing it inside the Program Files folder. Am clueless what else to do with the OS to fix this. Using CCleaner and/or my anti virus don't show any broken reference to my program, it seems clean. Can anyone help me?

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SM Bus Manage And Three USB Errors

Oct 28, 2011

This is my first build so please excuse any greenhorn stuff... My week old ASRock Z68 PROFESSIONAL GEN3 has SM Bus Manager/Controller errors. Just did a fresh build and installed WIN7 64 bit three days ago. Got around to getting other software installed as time allowed at night. Something gave an error alert today and I went checking at device manager to see what it was.

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Getting TCP / IP Restict Errors

Apr 8, 2012

Been having strange connectivity issues as of late, they started about a month ago, and its only now during Easter break that I'm taking the time to tackle them. The problem I'm experiencing is that during online game sessions, I would experience sudden disconnects. Thing is when I only use my browser everything seems fine. The internet connection to my house is pretty stable, nobody else is experiencing the same issues as me when it comes connectivity. I've made sure to run virus checks to see if it was a nasty virus, nothing has been found. Drivers are all up to date as well. So I checked my Event Logs and found this: TCP/IP has chosen to restrict the scale factor due to a network condition. This could be related to a problem in a network device and will cause degraded throughput.

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How To Check For Errors In OS

May 31, 2011

I have a dell lattitude lap top running windows 7. I had picked up a virus that seemed to shake up norton AV. I think I have it settled, but still can not have anyone webex in. Norton did not think this was the virus and suggest I search the OS or whatnot. Before reinstalling Windows 7, is there a program I can run similar to the old scan disk, to check for errors?

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IE Certificate Errors

Dec 24, 2009

I'm running Windows 7 64bit. I regularly access a work website that has a self-signed certificate. I got tired of the warning message that always pops up regarding the untrusted certificate, so I installed the certificate. When I used to run XP, that solved the issue. However, for Windows 7 64-bit, that did not fix the problem.

I've also tried installing the certificate into the "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities" store for both my user account and for the computer. That didn't fix it either. Finally, I tried changing the security zone for the site to be in the Trusted Sites list. That also didn't fix the problem.

I find it very irritating that a website that has a "trusted" certificate is giving me a warning message about an untrusted certificate. I wonder if this is related to the Windows 7 64bit driver signing nazi-ism (i.e., you can't load device drivers signed with non-Microsoft certificates, even if you install the certificate). Just for grins, I tried disabling driver signing enforcement, but that didn't change anything either.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Sudden BEX Errors In IE 8

Mar 31, 2012

Crash data:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: iexplore.exe


I haven't downloaded any toolbars, and although this is my wife's computer and she has gotten a couple viruses from visiting hacked blog sites recently ZA Pro caught those immediately so I don't think it's related to this.

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Different BSOD Errors

Aug 29, 2012

i've been having bsod on win 7 for over a week, i have had these problems previously, win 7 32bit to 64bit reinstall worked last time. this time i have tried installing win 8 pro 64bit to separate ssd drive. clean install, also having similar issues. i've started debugging some of the dumps. a few have pointed to avg and the gpu. i uninstalled avg and used driver sweeper to remove video, sound and ethernet drivers. this had only made the bsod take slightly longer to happen. sometimes the are happen under load (utorrent and playing bangbang racing), other time just Internet, and even while idle(just utorrent). i have stress tested the gpu, cpu, and run check on ram and hdd. i am leaning to faulty motherboard but i don't want to fork out for a new one until i cam be 100%.

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Jul 29, 2009

This is a run time error and the Internet has all kinds of fixes for it but they are all programs which just screw up your computer. I'm supposed to download the file and that takes a program and so forth. I would like to fix things like this without destroying my computer with all the programs out there and most of them are not for windows 7. Can someone kind of guide me on this because I'm sort of confused?

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