Laptop Crashes / Screen Blacks Out - No Integrity Errors

May 13, 2012

I have an ongoing problems with Crashes on my laptop they are rarely BSODs and are usually just like interrupts which black out my screen and cause me to have to restart my laptop. My laptop also occasionally freezes on the windows screen or when I finally log into my account.

Dump Files Attachment 211598
System Health Report Attachment 211600
System Info Attachment 211599

Some more information: I run AVG bought and paid for as my Anti Virus system and have preformed numerous full scans with no problems at all. I also have AVG PC Tune up which i check often and scan for to optimize my Laptops performance once again besides the usual defrag nothing serious has ever been captured. I Have the free version of Malware Bytes, didn't start the trial so its always on my computer. Again Scans come up impeccably clean. I downloaded and used Memtest86+ ran 10 passes completely clean nothing was reported in need of fixing.

Sfc /scannow came back as no integrity errors. An Extended Version of Windows Memory Diagnostics with 5 passes came back clean also. There is no overheating of any sort. I do However use an external Hard drive to Store most of my video games in (WoW, LoL, SWtoR, Diablo 3, Warcraft 3). And after multiple crashes the Software needed to access my Hard Drive "Stops Working" and ill need to uninstall and re install it. Its a WD Smartware product. I feel like I'm flipping a coin when I turn on my laptop because it will crash numerous times and then finally that one time my laptop runs smooth w/o a problem.

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Screen Blacks Out Every 60 Sec Or So

Apr 23, 2012

My screen blacks out every 60 seconds or so if I am watching either a CD or the market via on-line broker. So, I have to jiggle my mouse so that I may view again. Under "Power Options' (dell computer) "Turn of Display" = Never, same with "Sleep".

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Screen Blacks And Display Changes

Oct 24, 2009

I just recently noticed that my screen will black out for a few seconds and come back, and when it does it changes my monitor set up so that 2 is main monitor and 1 is the off monitor, I tried changing it so it only showed monitor 1 but it still seems to be blinking.

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Laptop Crashes, Random Pattern On Screen / Blue-screen?

Dec 19, 2011

one day it suddenly crashed while i was watching a movie. it displayed random patterns on screen. kinda like part of the image from the video is on the screen then a black strip and random colors. I restarted the unit to safe mode and left it on and browsed the net and downloaded some big files for how many hours and nothing happened.. there are also times when windows is still loading with the windows logo on screen, it crashes. there are also times when the login screen is displayed and it crashes. it just crashes randomly! so i tried to reformat it. i deleted the partitions and created a new one, formatted it then fresh installed windows 7 ( my previous OS is windows 7 by the way) and started installing the basic drivers and after a few hours, it crashed again...thinking that the driver installed might not be compatible, i tried another fresh install of windows (same execution, delete partition, create, install OS) and this time, without installing the drivers, it crashed again after a few hours... sometimes it crashes immediately after turning it on from cold start!

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Blue Screen Crashes Frequently Occurring In Windows 7 Laptop

Jan 4, 2013

Blue screen crashes are frequently occurring in my laptop. If it runs for 2 hours continuously.

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Windows Crashes And Comes As Different Errors

Feb 11, 2012

so i recently built my gaming desktop and every now and then windows crashes and i get a blue screen which says dumping physical memory. i read the thread about what i should upload in order to get help however i dont know how to run a system health report as i cant find the program in start.i have disabled the auto restart and have managed to see two of the errors stop: 0x0000004e and stop: 0x0000001a

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Errors And Every Program Crashes?

May 20, 2012

my PC has a lot of errors on it. Most of the programs i try to run stop working or don't open. My 1gb graphics card has recently failed and i am now running on integrated graphics.

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Graphics Errors / Crashes (mainly Video)

Dec 4, 2011

I assembled this computer from parts bought about 6 weeks ago, have had no problems with it until yesterday. Suddenly, I was experiencing a multitude of graphic glitches and general lag when using the computer. Engaging the graphics processor in any way seems to provoke these glitches. From a fresh restart everything looks good, but if I try to play a video file in VLC I get flickering, flashing screen, freezing, weird purple noise appearing all over the Windows 7 interface. More often than not, the nVidia driver crashes, and it's not only when playing video, performing a "Windows Experience Index Assessment" also produces these errors. So far, I've gotten four blue screens. I'm on Win 7 Professional x64 (downloaded through MSDNAA), with an ASUS GeForce GTX 560 Ti graphics card. I've tried a few different things already, including:

- Restarting computer, obviously
- Upgrading to the latest beta graphics card drivers (290.36)
- Rolling back to latest stable graphics card drivers (285.62)

I think I noticed the same .dll mentioned in all the blue screens, but I never really had time to confirm this as they occurred. Also, please see the attached "example.png" for a demonstration of the "purple noise". It seems the screenshot was obsolete, since now that I view it on the computer, with no bugs present - it's unaffected by bugs. I don't know what this tells us, but either way, disregard the screenshot.

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Random Errors And Crashes Whilst Surfing And Gaming

Feb 5, 2011

This is a new pc build using various parts we have accumulated. When using Internet Explorer I get app crashes. I have been playing DC Universe Online and get random app crash, display drivers stop responding, apphangB1, I also lose monitor signal. Here is a list of fixes we have tried already:

-We have disabled internet explorer add ons and even tried disabling IE completely, to no avail
-We have swapped out the 5770 for an 8800 GTX that we know works, same problem
-We have the latest BIOS/drivers
-We have run SpeedFan, CPU temp 41C
-We have run Memtest for both sticks of RAM at the same time in slots 1 and 3 and there was an error, so we tried to isolate the bad RAM by testing invidivual sticks in slot 3 - no errors on either stick? therefore, we put the sticks in slots 3 and 4, assuming there may be a problem with slot 1 - worked ok for a couple of hours, then game crashes and black screen with sound requiring reboot. Monitor is fine, as it works on my BF's pc with no problems.
-We have tried a couple of installs of Windows 7
-We have run chkdsk - no errors.The BIOS is running on default, nothing overclocked - we have used the correct timings for the RAM and autotimed them, same problem

We are currently not using an antivirus because we did not want to add more problems, but we will get AVAST.My BF has given up now, as there is nothing else he can think of to try. I feel we are so close to resolving the issue, as it did run fine for a while, but then a bunch of errors all at once. If it helps, here is a copy of the error log.

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Computer Crashes And Restarts Displaying No Errors (New System)?

Jan 2, 2012

I built a brand new computer for the holidays and it has been working fine. brief run down of hardware would be:[CODE]The computer has been running flawlessly using a 55" tv as a monitor with graphics on ulta for 2 weeks or so, there is barely anything installed on the computer besides necessary programs and 1 or 2 games at the moment. For the 2nd time now the computer has shut down instantly giving no warning, displaying no errors or coming back with any errors after running Windows 7 trouble shooters, the first time the computer had been on all day so I thought maybe over heating. But this second time the computer was only on about 5 minutes and did the same thing, I put a lot of time and is the first computer ive built so I would like to fix it before anything gets damaged but im not sure where to start

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Random Freezes, And Program Crashes. No BSOD. Over 18 Errors Event-view?

Apr 4, 2012

I can no longer leave my pc on overnight or it freezes. If I run more than 2-3 programs it freezes. I was watching a video once with headphones on and heard a loud noise then freeze.I at first thought it was just one of my hard drives dying because I had similar symptoms before I removed it. But, the fact that the crashes are happening more frequently without accessing the questionable e: has me stumped.Then I figured maybe it was the overclock I did in my bios. But, restoring it to normal has had little effect on the performance of my machine.I have run and run on an almost daily basis the following: All updated daily or when available.

Microsoft security essentials
JV16 power tools 2011


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PC Blacks Out For A Few Seconds Then Resumes?

Sep 8, 2012

I started getting this problem, my computer blacks out for a few second, den it goes back to normal, den it blacks out again. again and again.Ibought this computer for like last week My computer display settings are okay.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
Intel Core I7 3770 3.4GHZ
NVIDIA GeForce GT630 2GB
16GB Ram(suppose to be 8gb, but i gotten a free upgrade from the IT Fair Comex SG)
1TB Hard Drive

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Display Blacks Out Every Few Seconds?

May 29, 2012

my monitor display blinks or should i say blacks out every 15 or 20 seconds. it blinks for a fraction of a second. this is really annoying. i check the display settings couldn't find problem.

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Second Monitor Blacks After Unlock?

Aug 14, 2011

I have a fujitsu t-series laptop running 32bit Enterprise. I use an Acer x163w for an external monitor. When the monitor is connect and the computer starts up, after I log in, both displays work fine for about 4 seconds then both go black and only the laptop display returns. The same behavior happens when I unlock my computer: both work for about 4 seconds, both go black, and only the laptop display returns (the Acer remains black). To fix this I have to do one of two things: 1 unplug and replug the vga cable from the back of the comp, or 2: reset my display settings to extend the display to the second monitor.

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Integrity Violations & Corrupt C: Reported

Jan 9, 2012

Media Center Component failing to load.In the thread above it became apparent my install was bad. So, I performed a fresh install. This weekend I recv'd a notice that my backup failed due to corrupt C: . I ran sfc /verifyonly. I've attached both logs. In my last install I had placed all Users onto another drive. This was reported as a bad idea & I assumed it was at least a part of the issue. On the clean install I left everything as Windows wanted it. I do install programs that I expect to not need forever or ones which I don't care about speed, onto a second hard drive. All windows install related files & setup were left on the C: this time.

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Disable Integrity Checks By Windows 7?

Feb 16, 2013

Trying to disable integrity checks by windows. I've been told to boot up and hit F8 to do so. i want to boot from. Another person said you can do it using cmd prompts. But I cant seen to get it to work.

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RKill Report On Windows Services Integrity?

Nov 2, 2012

"Program started at: 11/02/2012 07:18:28 PM in x64 mode.Windows Version: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

Checking for Windows services to stop:

* No malware found services to stop.

Checking for processes to terminate:

* No malware found to kill processes.

Checking for malware related Registry settings:

* No issues found in the Registry.

Resetting. EXE,. COM &. BAT associations in the Windows Registry.

Performing miscellaneous checks:

* No issues found.

Windows Integrity Checking Service:

* Gpsvc =>% windir% \ system32 \ svchost.exe-k GPSvcGroup [Incorrect ImagePath]

Searching for Missing Digital Signatures:

* No issues found.


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System Files Integrity Check And Repair - Result Failed

Jan 13, 2013

I've had trouble with my machine starting. I've done all the advice the 7 Forum suggests, running start up 3 times...etc., and it will work for a day or two, then not start. Then if I hit the reset button a couple of times, it will go into the start up repair and I end up with this message:

Repair Action/ System files Integrity check and repair
Result Failed / Error code = 0x490
Time Taken / 700863 ms

I've run sfc from an elevated window and it says everything is fine.

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Getting Blue Screen Errors?

Oct 26, 2011

I keep getting blue screen errors. I tried Defragging hard drive, updating drives, doing memory diagnostic But none of these worked.


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Numerous Blue Screen Errors?

Dec 1, 2012

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to analyze my blue screen errors. I was told there was a way to look up the codes of them. I have had numerous blue screen errors with my computer. My friend built it for me, but he is not available to help me right now.My system is as follows: Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 bit. Intel i5-270K.Gigabyte motherboard (not sure how to find out the exact name).

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Random Errors With Welcome Screen Appears

Nov 7, 2012

My computer has had problems starting up. On some occasions, I will get to the Welcome screen, and it will just sit there as long as I keep the computer on. Sometimes, it will get past the Welcome screen only to get to a black screen with no desktop or toolbar. To get it to work, I have to start the computer in safe mode and then restart it. I thought it was a virus, so I did a scan with my antivirus (Avast) but it did not detect anything.

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Blue Screen Errors Restarting Computer?

Jul 22, 2012

I'm not sure where to start. I took a look at the event viewer and didn't see any critical errors.

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Blue Screen Of Death- PFN And Memory_management Errors

Jan 18, 2013

os windows 7 x64
retail version upgrade from xp to win 7
AMD Phenon 2 x4 3.2mhz
4gb of ram
500gb hdd 2 x partions
mother board 4 months old cpu 4 months old
2gb ram 4 months old **2gb ram 3 years old ** thinks this maybe problem
AMD redeaon 6700

find a health report attached and Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 attached

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New Dell Laptop, Registration Pop Up Errors?

Jul 14, 2011

I have a new Dell Inspiron 15R. I keep getting the pop up to register the computer but when I try to fill out the form I get an error. If I decline to register I get an error. If I click "remind me later" I get an error. I called Dell to register it but the pop up is still there. How can I get it to go away.

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Boot Mount Volume Blue Screen With Other Errors?

Jun 12, 2012

I have these problems with my dell xps m1330 and I also can't boot into safe mode, what do I do? Also when I try to reinstall windows from USB it loads a black screen with movable mouse.

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BSOD Before Login Screen - No Errors Reported In SFC / Scannow

Jun 11, 2010

I bought my daughter a laptop. I dont have a windows 7 disc as windows 7 came already installed. However yesterday when she turned laptop off to have her tea and when she went back to use it. We noticed that after the windows logo had appeared the screen stayed black we could move the mouse but that was about it. I put the laptop into safe mode and checked for viruses malware and trojans, also tried a system restore but that didn't seem to do anything and found nothing suspicious.

Also did the sfc /scannow no errors reported. I read that you could get into the Task manager and stop the explore.exe and add a new one and start it again. This however I cannot try as I cant get past the windows logo screen.. So in a nut shell here's what ive tried and failed at doing..

1- Startup repair
2- System restore
3- (Via Safemode) checking for viruses, malware, trojans.
4- (Vie Safemode) updated to latest Graphic Driver
5- Tried this >> Windows 7 Black Screen Of Death Fix << did its job but after reboot went back to black screen
6- Removed battery and pressed power button for 30 - 60 seconds (to no avail)

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Got Blue Stop Screen With Several Errors When Installing Windows 7

Oct 27, 2011

Installing win 7 on a new build got to 10%. got blue stop screen and several errors 0x0000003b 0x00000000c 0000005 and few others?

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Random Blue Screen Errors With Each Time Different Codes

Apr 30, 2012

When i connect my pc with the gpu i am experiencing Random blue screen errors.....with each time different codes.

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Getting BSOD Errors After Installing Windows 7 On Laptop?

Aug 1, 2012

Just kind of confused about the BSOD errors. Just installed Windows 7 last night to this laptop and I immediately started getting them. I tried getting debugging tools to read the .dmp files, but that just wasn't working. Then I tried working with BlueScreenView and I accessed all the .dmp files that I've acquired, six in total. Each seemed to have different files highlighted red, though I noticed one file that all of them had been highlighted red; NT Kernel & Systems. My only guess to fix this problem would be to just reinstall Windows, or would there be an easier way to fix this problem?

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Very Frequent Blue-screen With Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal Errors

Dec 17, 2011

My Windows is Window 7 64 bit that came pre-installed.I purchased this computer about 2 weeks ago November 2011 and I have never re-installed the OS.I have gotten this particular blue screen error ever since I started installing initial applications into the computer. I just removed Zone Alarm but I still want this application to run on this computer. I am not sure if it is Zone Alarm or another application. I am attaching the BSOD dump and system file collection files as well as the System Health Report.

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Laptop Won't Boot Giving Errors In Start Up Repair

Sep 16, 2011

My Laptop running Windows 7 gives an error when trying to boot and leads me to the Startup Repair. Startup Repair then gives the following message:Startup Repair Cannot repair this computer automaticallywith an option to Send Information or not to Send Information The Problem details log leaves the following information:Problem signature:Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOfflineProblem Event Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16358Problem Event Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16358Problem Event Signature 03: unknownProblem Event Signature 04: 21201029Problem Event Signature 05: External MediaProblem Event Signature 06: 11Problem Event Signature 07: NoBootFailureOs Version: 6.1.7600. ID: 1033I tried using the Windows 7 disk to go back to a previous restore point before the problem occurred and I received this error message again after starting with out the Windows 7 disk

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