Random Blue Screen Errors With Each Time Different Codes

Apr 30, 2012

When i connect my pc with the gpu i am experiencing Random blue screen errors.....with each time different codes.

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Getting Blue Screen Errors?

Oct 26, 2011

I keep getting blue screen errors. I tried Defragging hard drive, updating drives, doing memory diagnostic But none of these worked.


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Numerous Blue Screen Errors?

Dec 1, 2012

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to analyze my blue screen errors. I was told there was a way to look up the codes of them. I have had numerous blue screen errors with my computer. My friend built it for me, but he is not available to help me right now.My system is as follows: Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 bit. Intel i5-270K.Gigabyte motherboard (not sure how to find out the exact name).

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Blue Screen Errors Restarting Computer?

Jul 22, 2012

I'm not sure where to start. I took a look at the event viewer and didn't see any critical errors.

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Blue Screen Of Death- PFN And Memory_management Errors

Jan 18, 2013

os windows 7 x64
retail version upgrade from xp to win 7
AMD Phenon 2 x4 3.2mhz
4gb of ram
500gb hdd 2 x partions
mother board 4 months old cpu 4 months old
2gb ram 4 months old **2gb ram 3 years old ** thinks this maybe problem
AMD redeaon 6700

find a health report attached and Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 attached

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Random Errors With Welcome Screen Appears

Nov 7, 2012

My computer has had problems starting up. On some occasions, I will get to the Welcome screen, and it will just sit there as long as I keep the computer on. Sometimes, it will get past the Welcome screen only to get to a black screen with no desktop or toolbar. To get it to work, I have to start the computer in safe mode and then restart it. I thought it was a virus, so I did a scan with my antivirus (Avast) but it did not detect anything.

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Boot Mount Volume Blue Screen With Other Errors?

Jun 12, 2012

I have these problems with my dell xps m1330 and I also can't boot into safe mode, what do I do? Also when I try to reinstall windows from USB it loads a black screen with movable mouse.

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Got Blue Stop Screen With Several Errors When Installing Windows 7

Oct 27, 2011

Installing win 7 on a new build got to 10%. got blue stop screen and several errors 0x0000003b 0x00000000c 0000005 and few others?

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Very Frequent Blue-screen With Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal Errors

Dec 17, 2011

My Windows is Window 7 64 bit that came pre-installed.I purchased this computer about 2 weeks ago November 2011 and I have never re-installed the OS.I have gotten this particular blue screen error ever since I started installing initial applications into the computer. I just removed Zone Alarm but I still want this application to run on this computer. I am not sure if it is Zone Alarm or another application. I am attaching the BSOD dump and system file collection files as well as the System Health Report.

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Laptop Crashes, Random Pattern On Screen / Blue-screen?

Dec 19, 2011

one day it suddenly crashed while i was watching a movie. it displayed random patterns on screen. kinda like part of the image from the video is on the screen then a black strip and random colors. I restarted the unit to safe mode and left it on and browsed the net and downloaded some big files for how many hours and nothing happened.. there are also times when windows is still loading with the windows logo on screen, it crashes. there are also times when the login screen is displayed and it crashes. it just crashes randomly! so i tried to reformat it. i deleted the partitions and created a new one, formatted it then fresh installed windows 7 ( my previous OS is windows 7 by the way) and started installing the basic drivers and after a few hours, it crashed again...thinking that the driver installed might not be compatible, i tried another fresh install of windows (same execution, delete partition, create, install OS) and this time, without installing the drivers, it crashed again after a few hours... sometimes it crashes immediately after turning it on from cold start!

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Blue Screen Crashing While Doing Minimal Tasks STOP Code Errors?

Jul 17, 2012

This has been going on for a couple weeks now, not sure what it is.I'm not very experienced with computers, but I did manage to run and do all the tasking prepared on the main thread to give the information needed.I keep blue-screening, at least twice a week during small minimal tasks such as AIM and firefox usage.[CODE]I recently got the computer from a friend, so I'm not sure on the actual specs myself but I do know it's Windows Ultimate 32-bit.

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Blue Screen Of Death Errors Continue After Restoring Factory Settings?

Aug 18, 2012

I got the occasional blue screen of death before, so I reset to factory settings. It didn't help, and may have made the issue even worse, though I haven't used the computer much since I just got a laptop. I have windows 7 64 bit. I had gotten the haplii virus (which redirects my google searches to a different site, it later changed to link to a different site instead) and failed to remove that completely, so I am not sure if that could be causing it or no.

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Blue Screen Errors - Computer Shutting Down To Avoid Damage After Sleep Mode

Aug 1, 2012

I keep getting a message on a bluescreen, often when the cpu comes out of sleep mode, that it is shutting down to avoid damage or something. I also often have trouble getting ctrl alt del to work. Recently, we removed several viruses, and hijackers from the computer, that made it so I couldn't even google search, and its only been doing it since then. As I write, malwarebytes said it was removing threats. I have scoured everywhere I could think of and removed almost all unnecessary programs, files and downloads. Could there stll be a virus? Could a previous virus have corrupted the comp irreversibly?

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Random BSOD, Random Codes, While Using And While Away?

May 18, 2012

A couple weeks ago I started having random BSOD and restarts, I have researched several different solutions to no avail. At one point, I thought the problem was solved after restoring a restore point, however, the dreaded BSOD is back after a couple of days.

- Restored the earliest restore point
- Ran chkdsk with no errors
- Ran full scan AV (just in case) using MSSE.
- Updated all Windows and drivers updates.

I believe this is related to a driver issue, however, I'm not sure which one.Attached is both the BSOD App and System Health data.

Basic specs:

- Windows 7 x64
- Original Install
- System age: 6 months
- OS install age: 6 months (not reinstalled)

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Random Restarting Of Pc And Blue Screen Error?

Sep 4, 2012

I recently started getting this problem where my pc [desktop] crashes and restarts for itself. then sometimes i get the following message

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.


i'm not sure if its the same everytime but this is what i got on the last occasion.
i taut that the problem was with the amd catalyst suit, 12.8-which i upgraded to when it released- because sometimes upon restarting i did not get any display signal from the video card on my f22 aoc monitor. i did uninstall this driver and installed an older version [11.8 i think] and got an ease up on the problem. no restarting as regular as before. only during games.

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BSOD Errors Seem To Be Related To Memory, Codes Include : 0x0000001e?

Feb 18, 2012

XP 32 bit. Has since had the drive reformatted.The Operating System was a student upgrade version but is now a full retail version (I called Microsoft Support a while back)System is approximately 1 and a half years old (Graphics card only seven months) It is self-built.OS is seven months old. I reinstalled the OS MORE TIMES THAN I CAN COUNT (whatmpted me to call MS) but the BSODs persisted.AMD Phenom II X2 555 Black EditionXFX Radeon 6870 1GBASUS M4A88T-M AM3 AMD 880G XFX 550W Core Editionrus Software: Malware Bytes Anti-Malware AND MSE OFCCPU-Z Validator 3.1(For a little more information)I was receiving constant blue screens throughout the month of December, and after having replaced my HDD and RAM (which didn't fix the problem) I RMA'd my processor back to AMD. I received the new processor in early January and went a full month without any problems. As of a few days ago the bluescreens have returned in full force.At this point I'm thinking it's a problem with the motherboard. But I'm posting here to make sure before I try to RMA something again.While I wait for a reply I will run memtest and a HDD diagnostic.EDIT: Also, I think it's worth noting that motherboard does not seem to be able to provide a steady current to the Vcore. If I set the Vcore to 1.35, it will fluctuate between 1.32-1.35.

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Second Time Typing (keep Crashing) Blue Screen?

Jul 30, 2012

win 7 keeps blue screen and rebooting. I have downloaded "who crashed" and it only reads 1 file in my dump from april. Well event viewer is LOADED with criticals.I tryed the spell check here, but it crashed. So sorry about the spelling people.My programs are dissapering, firefox is gone.

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First Time! Blue Screen Of Death! NOOB!

Apr 30, 2011

I just finished my first build about 3 months ago, and everytihng was nice and dandy until NOW I start getting the blue screen of death. It says something like error dxgmms1.sys driver_irql_not_less_than_or_equal. I did just some limited resarch on the net, and people are saying that I should try to update my drivers. I updated the video card driver, I`m pretty sure I got the latest motherboard bios, and W7 says no current updates available. Now the last time it happned to me I was watching a movie so I figured it might be the video card? But on the net people say I should run memtest. So i did and while it was running it killed again?. So is the RAM or the video card, how can I find out?

OS: W7 64 bit
MOBO: Gigabyte G41M-ES2L
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.67 Ghz
GPU: ATI Radeon 4600
PSU: Corsair 750 W
RAM: 2x 2GB Corsair XMS

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Blue Screen At Random Times And No Internet Access?

Oct 23, 2012

A month or so ago I started having the occassional problem with Blue Screens.There does not seem to be a specific time in which they come up it just seems to happen randomly. As of late it has been happening much more frequently. Also, though my menu bar says I have wireless access I constantly get the "Can not connect to a network" error message. I cannot click on the view networks options from the menu bar or from the control panel even though every other option in the control panel works fine. I have tried troubleshooting my internet connectiong and nothing ever comes up. I am using Google Chrome. I am currently running my laptop on safemode with networking in order to post on this site.[CODE]

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Random Blue Screen Of Death The Past Days?

Jun 13, 2012

I've been getting 3 bsod the past couple of days and I need help because is starting to bother me and I'm really worry about my computer.


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Blue Screen (BCCode 7F) / Random Crashes And Freezes

Sep 9, 2011

I have a:
Gateway NV53A AMD Phenom 11 X2 N660
ATI Mobility Radeon HD4250 and 3GB DDR3 Memory and 320GB HDD

I am running Windows 7 64 bit. It crashes basically whenever computer goes to sleep mode and when I try to hit enter and wake up the system from sleep mode I get this blue screen issue and below is what I get.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7601
Service Pack:1_0

Files that describe the problem:

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Random Blue Screen And Computer Restart Automatically

Mar 17, 2012

I was using my laptop when all of a sudden the blue screen appeared and restarted automatically. And also additional info. My laptop's battery is broken for several years no so I used the adapter for power so I think that might have cause some problems with the way I used my laptop. I uploaded the files

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BSOD : 7a Error Code AND Blue Screen Second Time?

Jul 28, 2012

BSOD : 7a Error code AND Blue screen second time

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Blue-screen/Random Restarting Dell Inspiron N5040?

Oct 29, 2011

My Girl recently got a Dell Inspiron N5040, when we first turned it on, after a few mins it randomly restarted, i thought maybe its just an update (had to install loads of windows updates) however, over the past week, its being doing it every time its been turned off for a few hours... however once it restarts and comes back on, it usually is fine, It's only when leaving it a long while then turning it back on, it does the same again, and today for the first time we got a blue screen of death, which i believe may lead to some answers, here is the report:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057


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Blue Screen Error At Random Times / System Restart

Feb 16, 2011

Basically the main problem is that whenever my computer is left running for any given amount of time, them I will get a system restart. I would be transferring a large amount of files from a hard drive to a backup overnight, only to find myself on the login screen and half of the files transferred next morning. Or I'd be playing a game, surfing the web, even the simplest of tasks, it doesn't matter.

I am currently running Windows 7 64-Bit (A perfectly legal version too lol)

Here are the problem details of the blue screen. I am very certain it is the same exact problem every time. Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033


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Blue Screen Of Death And Random Shut Downs After Watching Videos

May 27, 2012

Alright so a couple months ago my computer crashed and I was told it was a hard drive problem. So I got a new hard drive and installed it myself reinstalling windows and everything else. After a bout a week my computer would randomly shut off the screens image would become jumbled with dark lines running horizontally across and then it would either shut off or give me the BSOD. The BSOD flashes fast so I can't write down any information from it. This has happened repeatedly for about 3 months since every couple days. Usually I leave my laptop alone for about 15 min and then I can start it up again. The problem seems to happen mostly when i watch videos or go on sites with a lot of media going on. I think I've installed all the drivers i need to. I'm hoping it is not a hardware problem because i just bought this hard drive. I never had this problem before when i had the old hard drive. If any one could give me some help that would be awesome. I also ran check disk and it came up with nothing. My laptop is an HP G72 Notebook running windows 7. Hard drive is a western digital 250 gb.

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Random Event 1001 Bugcheck 0x00000116 Reboots, Did Not See Blue-screen

Nov 15, 2011

I've been experiencing seemingly random crashes and auto-restarts of my computer that started a couple months ago. When it crashes, the video feed to my monitors stops so they go dark and say no signal and any sound that was playing begins stuttering; after about 10 seconds my computer restarts, so apparently there was a bluescreen that I could not see and the delay was windows saving the crash dump.The problem is that the crashes are completely random; well, not completely, they only occur when I'm playing a fullscreen game, never when browsing the web or watching videos. About a month ago I freshly reinstalled windows 7 on a spare hard drive; hoping the problem was somehow related to 'garbage' and a fresh install would fix it. It stopped... for a while, and then started back up again.

I did some googling recently, found that someone with a similar issue had fixed it by upgrading their drivers; did so and found several including mobo inf and related were very out of date. That was about a week ago. When Skyrim was released on the 11th I did a marathon gaming session that lasted about 30 hours (yeah, I know) with zero computer issues whatsoever.Then, yesterday afternoon I started playing Skyrim again.. and it crashed again randomly about 2 hours into my play. Crashed again about an hour later; and then this evening it crashed like 10 minutes into my play session.I don't normally ask for help with computer issues; I've always fixed them myself with assistance from googling stuff and forums that helped me figure out what to do, but this is beyond me.

I built my current system december '08, upgraded the graphics card to the current gtx 570 last december and upgraded my OS from vista to 7 a few months ago. The rest of my system info is in my system profile stuff. Brief version below:

Gigabyte EX-58 Extreme
Core i7 920 stock clock (2.66ghz)
6GB (3x2GB) Corsair XMS3 1600MHz
Antec TPQ-1000 PSU
Windows 7 Pro x64 OEM

Also, my system runs quite cool; normal cpu idle temps are 84 F and system 120 ish. I've never experienced any graphical corruption either.One other thing I just recalled. Before about november 8th, these crashes used to say they were related to:Event 18 WHEA-logger A fatal hardware error has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor ID: 0

However, these particular crashes stopped once I upgraded my BIOS from the mobo original to the latest (non-beta) bios F12

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Blue-screen At Random Times During Shutdown (dump File Linked)?

Feb 20, 2012

[URL] Like the title says, blue screens occasionally happen during shutdown. I'm using an HP 8200 Elite SFF. Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 (x86).

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4 Blue-screens In The Past 2 Days, 4 Different Error Codes?

Jul 22, 2012

I used to get intermittent BSODs, maybe once every 2-3 weeks. Now I've gotten 4 in the past 24 hours, all with different errors. I can't think of any changes I've made to cause this, and 3/4 times it's happened while playing a game, watching something on VLC, and with ~15 tabs open on Chrome. The game is different every time too. The other blue screen was just after restarting after a blue screen.

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Random BSOD Codes Cannot Get Into Windows

Apr 26, 2012

"2 years ago I built my own PC, and every component was brand new, except my hard drive (which I got a new one shortly after). I installed Windows 7 and everything was going great during the install until my computer BSOD. I think to myself "Ok..." but the computer restarts successfully and I just shrug it off in the typical "Oh Windows..Jump to a few months later. I start having BSOD every few start ups, until it eventually got to where it was more often that not. The odd thing was, it would only BSOD during startup, and once it was up, it ran like a champ. So my lazy solution was just usually put my computer on standby. Well, then comes a day when I have to restart my computer for some program or driver installation, and the computer never comes back on. Try to use Startup Repair on the Recovery Disk, but to no avail. I suspected my RAM, so I swapped it out with another (compatible) set I had available. Unfortunately, the computer would never start up. It would literally not power up. So I ended up replacing the motherboard. Now my computer starts up fine, and my computer seems to be normal until.The BSOD soon returns, and I suspect that it could be a software issue. I reinstall Windows. This seems to fix the problem... for a little while. A few short weeks later the problem returned. I am severely frustrated at this point. I can't get Windows to boot more than 1 out of 20 start ups. I start running diagnostics. CHKDSK, memtest86, Seagate's Hard drive tools. Eventually it gets to where Windows won't start at all. What's worse, the recovery disk won't even boot. If I'm correct, this means that it can't be a hard drive issue?

I had a copy of Ubuntu available, and I install that on a small partition I hadn't used yet. It boots some of the time. Other times, it has issues as well.if I've replaced the motherboard, run Memtest86 with no errors, and am unable to boot to the recovery CD, does that mean that it is my processor at fault? From what I researched, processor defects are rather uncommon, and usually due to over heating (and I have a pretty substantial cooling system). The other thing that's niggling my brain is that my computer can run sometimes. For instance, I'm typing this on Ubuntu right now. If the processor is messed up, how is it running this at the moment?"I put my SATA drive (the original) in a different, working computer and it wouldn't start up either. So I switched to a different IDE hard drive and formatted it and installed Windows. It works for a few runs before it stops working completely and now no matter what I cannot get into Windows. Safe mode doesn't work. It crashes on the boot CD. Some (but not all) of my BSOD are actually green, but I don't know if that means anything special. [code]

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Random BlueScreens, With Different Error Codes

Sep 12, 2012

Blue screens are coming at different times with different messages. I have not noticed a pattern, or certain thing happening at the time of crash.

Attaching file from the seven forums diagnostic tool.

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