Locking Folders Specifically With Password

Aug 19, 2010

how can i like put a password on a folder so that only you can access with a password?

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Windows 7 Explorer/Documents Folders Locking Up, Not Responding When Using Keyboard?

Feb 9, 2010

I have been searching the internet for the past few days for answers to this problem and haven't found anything yet. Randomly in the past few days Windows 7 explorer/my documents folder/anywhere in my computer locks up and stops responding when I try to use my keyboard. No matter what I try to do, renaming documents, using ctrl-c, pressing shift, using any key on the keyboard, it locks up. I have tried running windows updates, running virus scanning, spyware scanning....nothing will work

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BSOD Streaming Video And Installing Game (Specifically, Blizzard)?

May 11, 2012

I began seeing a blue screen about 5 months ago when I first got my computer, and after posting here with one BSOD report, I was informed of the fact that Avast Virus scanning software could be the culprit. After uninstalling the software, I no longer received the problem. 5 months later, the issue has come back. I've recently installed Fraps and Adobe Premiere Pro CS 5.5 on my machine. I saw the BSOD appear once again 2 days ago and it seems to appear while streaming video and installing a game. I also see my machine hard-lock while streaming video from time to time, but I think the BSOD does not officially trigger, so hard-locking is the result.

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How To Password Protect Folders

Mar 9, 2012

I would like to password protect a few folders on Windows 7, how can I do this? Ideally when someone would click on the folder there would be a prompt asking for a password, similar to what happens when you make a .zip and password protect it.

The only software I found till now which comes closest to my needs is Protected Folder, however you have to open the program each time and unlock the folder you want to use, then re lock it when ready, it's not so straightforward as I was imagining. Also I don't know if access will be blocked from other users on the network, once the folder is shared.

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Password Protection For Folders?

Mar 23, 2012

can password protect individual folders ?,Im using Windows 7 home premium 32 bit.

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Password Protect Files And Folders In Windows?

Jun 7, 2011

How do I password protect my files and folders in Windows?

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Can't Set Admistrator Password For The First Time Or Rename Folders?

Mar 18, 2012

I just got a Toshiba Satellite L735D with Windows 7 Home Premium OA and I attempted to set an admistrator password for the first time. I recieved and error that said "Windows can not change the password".Also I added a new folder to the desktop and it will not allow me to change the name. It gives me an error saying the folder is no longer located at the location. If I cancel the rename the folder is there.I starting thinking these issues may be related? This was a demo computer for the store I purchased it at. I wonder if there is some setting left over eventhough they removed the demo software and their admistrator account.

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Password Protect A Folder (or Folders) In Windows 7?

Sep 7, 2012

Is it possible to password protect a folder (or folders) in Windows 7 somehow? I have several possible uses for this. One of them: At work all my colleagues and myself uses a common computer. On this computer I've installed Dropbox with personal files. Although we all have our own user account on the computer, we all are administrators, meaning everyone can, if they want to, enter my Dropbox folder. I'd love to have a password on this folder so that only I can open the folder.

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After Windows Update Found Password Protected Folders?

Feb 13, 2013

After a virus removal process found a number of password protected folders in PCusersdocuments.  Avast says that it was unable to access the folders.  Folders include Flashplayer 11?

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Hiding Folders / Files - Impossible To Access Contents Without Password

Feb 21, 2012

Maybe I'm just over thinking here, but say you hide a file, sure you can access it through changing the folder options from show to do not show. So whats the point of hiding stuff unless you're hiding it from someone who is a novice at windows 7. My main goal here, is to have a folder, which is password protected, and have it filled with things that can not be accessed through any means other than entering the correct password and therefore entering the folder. I basically want it to be completely impossible for someone to access the contents of the folder without the password.

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Homegroup Password Lost Re-enter New Password And Program States Its The Wrong Password?

Mar 21, 2011

I am attempting to setup Homegroup for first time on new computer, I was asked to set a password. The first pw was only 7 letters. It was rejected as requiring 8 letters. Attempted to re-enter new password and program states its the wrong password.When I go to the homegroup page there is no link to see and change password.

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.exe Files Are Locking

Jul 16, 2011

the problem i'm having is that .exe files are getting locked for around 5 minutes when other programs try to access them this means i can no longer access them for read write copy or delete. once they unlock they are deleted automatically.does any know what the problem is ? i am running windows 7 32 bit and have customized it a lot, by disabled unwanted services, i think it may be one of the disabled services that is causing the problem, but i don't know which one it could be.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Locking Up?

May 24, 2012

I've been having issues with Windows 7 locking up and failing to boot. At first, I could get into windows and it would freeze with an error message saying something about processes causing it to stop responding. The mouse wheel would just keep spinning and I couldn't type using the keyboard or even ctrl-alt-del out. I ended up having to hard shut down. When it rebooted, it wouldn't even load Windows and it would just stay stuck on the BIOS screen...I couldn't even F2 into the set-up at this point.I shut everything down and disconnected the SATA connections (the HDD and the CD/DVD). This time I was able to F2 into setup and checked the settings. I don't overclock and everything was set to default. I hooked the HDD and CD/DVD back up and restarted. I got into Windows Safe Mode. It ran through a driver install and had me restart. When I restarted...Windows came back up and immediately did the freeze thing again. Once again, I had to hard shutdown and it wouldn't go past the BIOS screen or let me into the F2 set-up.

I started up and shut down a few more times trying different sata ports with the HDD and CD/DVD. One time I got it back into safe-mode but most of the time it just stops at the BIOS start screen. I switched the RAM and reseated the video card thinking it might be a hardware issue.

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Locking When Type Letter I

May 31, 2011

Kind of a wierd one, at least for me. All of a sudded, whenever I type the letter"l" in any program, I get the blue locked screen. All I need do is hit enter or click the user icon( since it is not passworded) but does anyone have any idea what's going on here.Running Win 7 professional 32 bit.

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HP Laptop Keyboard Keeps Locking Up

Jan 13, 2012

Laptop keyboard will lockup. It is a HP laptop model G72-259WM. I was able to hook up a usb keyboard to log into computer but it will also lock up when I tried to do some typing in Word. Uninstalled keyboard from device manager and everything worked ok for two weeks and it started acting up again. Had him uninstall keyboard again from device manager. For now it is working ok.

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Windwos Randomly Locking Up?

Oct 22, 2012

Just randomly, regardless of what my CPU, Memory, or Hard disk usage is, and regardless of how long the system has been running, it seems like at some point, every time the system hangs to a point where I can move the cursor and the numlock lights will still change when pressed, but that's it. Nothing else. I'll look down at my tower; no hard disk activity. All of my programs will show the hour glass cursor (in my case a spinning black and blue ball similar to the spinning beach ball in OSX (aside from the point.)A look at the Event Log shows these events occuring, some occuring at different times, but all of them occuring with the same Error Code of (7011): A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the Schedule service.That error has appeared shortly before each of the freezes it seems, and has occurred for these different services: NlaSvc, Ralink UPnP Media Server, CryptSvc, NIS, and Dnscache.I tried reseating my SATA cables, and so far the system hasn't hung again, but I'm a bit worried that my hard disk might be failing at the same time.

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Folder Keeps Locking Files?

Feb 16, 2011

Everytime a file is created in a particular folder it becomes Locked, I have not turned anything on, or changed anything, I even did a system restore to 2 days ago when this behavior wasnt taken place...I have assigned "Everyone" as permission to these files, but everytim a file is locked.why has this behavior changed, and how can i leave the file as "NORMAL" meaning no need to assign permission for eveery file that is created!

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Screen Locking Up (graphics)

May 3, 2009

I've been working with windows 7 and I recently reformatted up 7100 x64.

I am noticing a new problem that I didn't experience in build 7000 x64. Basically my the screen locks up but I am still able to use the mouse and do things but the screen doesn't update. For example Im running FL Studio, and I load some module, then the screen freezes. Now I can still play sounds, exit software etc but nothing changes on the screen, its like clicking on a picture and navigating by memory. Eventually, the cursor disappears and I am forced to restart by holding the power button.

As I said, I have did a clean install of 7100 x64 the only other change is that I am using the 171.81 nvidia drivers instead of the older ones.

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Locking Down My Backup Drive

Oct 21, 2009

I have a backup drive on my computer (G drive). When G is unhooked Windows will not boot from the C drive. Is there something written on the G drive that's preventing windows from booting off the C drive?

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Locking Certain Cells From Updating?

Jun 2, 2012

I created a five year pro forma financial model for my business. The spreadsheet makes extensive use of worksheet formulas and macros. I also added a sheet to track actuals (numbers extracted, by hand, from QuickBooks monthly).Certain formulas in the spreadsheet are based on values that do not change over time. For example, I assume that my widgets will sell for some unit price and monthly revenue forecasts are calculated as the projected sales volume times the unit price.Here's the problem - let's assume that my sales price changes at some point in time, after sales revenue has been generated. If I simply change the price, which is applied globally, then the historical 'projections' will be wrong.Just to be clear: When the model was first built, it assumed that widgets sell for $100 apiece. Assume that unit sales are the same as the month number. Thus, my revenue for the first six months would be $100, $200, $300, $400, $500, and $600. Assume that for the first three months, I hit my revenue numbers. In this case, the sheet that tracks actuals would show a $0 difference, for each of the first three months, between projected revenue and actual revenue. Since business is doing so well, I decide to increase the price of the widgets to $150 on a forward-going basis. Suddenly, the spreadsheet now shows that I failed to meet projections for the first three months, when, in fact, I did meet them!It seems to me that there should be some way to lock cells in the spreadsheet based on the current date. For example, when I open the spreadsheet in June, I should be able to programmatically protect cells from May and earlier. Is this possible?

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Windows Not Genuine Locking Out

Oct 3, 2012

Have a legit windows 7 ultimate(sp1) from my work. I haven't updated in a while but I doubt that is the cause. I tried uninstalling or disabling kb971033 but no luck. I've also run malwarebytes with no luck. I've run hijackthis and I will post log since I am not sure what to delete.

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Windows 7 Randomly Locking Up

Jun 12, 2011

this problem started yesterday, randomly last night my Computer just locked up, out of nowhere, couldn't click anything, mouse icon was gone, keyboard unresponsive when I pushed caps lock the LED didn't change and ctrl+alt+del did nothing either, had to hold down my power button and restart that way, when I did restart however everything was fine again.

Then today, I'm on my computer for 4-5 hours, I get this random lock up again, so I restart everythings fine...then an hour later, I get it again.

I haven't installed any new software recently, I did install the new windows update AFTER the lockups today though. I built my computer myself 1 year ago the specs are as such

CPU: i7-930
RAM: 6GB DDR3 1600MHZ Tri-Chan Corsair XMS3
PSU: 650W Corsair HX
Mobo: P6X58D-E
GFX: Radeon HD 5770 XFX 1GB

I'm not hearing any weird sounds when the system locks up (no beeping or anything to indicate any hardware issues) and it's 100% not a heating problem as on stress test my CPU/GFX doesn't go over 50/52 @ 100% for around 2 hours.

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Windows 7 Locking To Motherboard?

Apr 8, 2012

I came across some article some time back talking about how windows 7 will manifest itself inside the motherboard particularly the newer ones with the UEFI bios such that you will be unable to upgrade the motherboard at a later date and that it will also block installations of other OS like linux for example. Not that i have had to replace a motherboard before but starting with my new build im getting soon I'd like to keep my options open. What truth is there to these claims and if they are true are there at least ways to get around it; and then how do these fail "features" apply when win7 is running as a virtual machine rather than the host OS?

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Windows Live Mail Locking Up?

Jan 26, 2012

when sending mail with large photos windows mail keeps trying to send it and i cant cancel or delete it , and i cant open up live mail because its trying to send it ,

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Computer Locking Up Or Slowing Down Unexpectedly?

May 8, 2012

My computer has been acting up of late. It's been freezing up at random times (even if I am running nothing). Trying to open up Task Manager, I don't see anything that could be using the CPU, but yet it says that i'm running at 100% capacity. MalwareBytes isn't picking up anything. Neither is Avast.Also, when I try to run anything Microsoft Office related I usually end up with a lot of lag. I'm not sure if these two are related, but I just thought I'd mention it.

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HTPC Locking Up, No Crash Dump?

Apr 6, 2012

I tried searching first but I seem to have trouble finding the proper terms to narrow the search enough... So I just post this.I put together a HTPC for 24/7 usage (windows media center and iMON remote control, spotify, PowerDVD for Blu-Ray movies). Minimal amount of additional software installed. The problem is it locks up often. The whole Windows 7 goes fully unresponsive (all you can do is power off -> on). It rarely stays responsive for 48 hours. No crash dump is generated. The event log shows nothing special, mainly two error items, one related with errors on Microsoft Security Essentials and the other is Circular Kernel Context Logger session failing to start.The main question is: what is there to do, is there a program that could monitor which other program seems to halt the system? I'd hate to go through eliminating each and every software/hardware component... The second question is: just in case, does anything below ring any bells what might cause the problem?


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Separating And Locking Taskbar Icons?

Dec 24, 2011

Is it possible to separate icons on that taskbar, for example Internet apps be sperated from other apps and locked so I don't change the order)? From what I gathered from another post, Stardock Corporation - Software - ObjectDock Plus - Product Information, would accomplish this? However, ideally I'd rather not use a 3rd party app.

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Hard-locking While Playing Several Games?

Sep 11, 2012

I got this desktop pc around last year but for some strange reason my pc will hardlock itself (screen goes black, monitor turns off but the power is still on, sound goes off, forcing me to restart my PC even though I attempted to alt+tab or cntrl+alt+delete and tried to replug my monitor back in to get some kind of menu up with no luck) while playing several games such as crysis, smite, metro 2033, and skyrim. While I can still open and actually play these games, I will eventually hardlock within 10-30 minutes. With skyrim ill hardlock automatically at the first part of the game when I exit a cavern.I've tried all lowering graphic settings on these games and still have the same issue.What is strange to me is that I can play battlefield 3, battlefield bad company, half life 2 mods, portal 2, amnesia, dead space, dead space 2, planetside 2, and arma 2 just fine.

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Windows 7 Totally Locking Up Every Few Minutes?

Mar 14, 2012

Last night something horrific began happening that's continued today: Every few minutes the entire system locks up no matter what I happen to be doing at that moment: I get the hideous "Not Responding" message when I'm in Firefox, Word, and even in Windows Explorer..."OS (Not Responding). Between last night and right now, I've had to manually shut down the machine with the power button countless times; I have to shut it down and turn it on to be able to use my computer! Last week, I got a new PC with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (from 32 bit on the old one). I somehow created THREE User Account Control accounts in an effort to set up a Standard account like I had on the previous system (Ellen-PC), so I wouldn't have to have permission to do anything. But I still need permission on the UAC I logon to now which is Ellen Administrator. I've tried to change it to Standard account with no success.

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PC Randomly Freezing And Locking Up Without Errors

Jul 28, 2012

So my pc has been randomly freezing and locking up after an hour or two of use and i cant figure out why. I have updated my graphics card and bios. I have tried both ram sticks in individually into the first slot, so unless both ram sticks went bad at the exact same time, they should be ok. I did try to run memtest overnight, but upon waking i found that the pc had restarted. I have cleaned out the pc of dust, and the heat seems fine on cpu, gpu, and mobo. I have run a full av scan with malware bytes and cleared up registry and temp files with ccleaner.

Windows 7 professional 64 bit
Intel i5-2500k cpu @ 3.3ghz
2 4gb sticks corsair vengeance ddr3 RAM
P8p67 pro rev 3.1 asus motherboard
2 NVidia 560 ti's in SLI
Crucial M4 CT064M4SSD2 2.5" 64GB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)

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Locking Up On Boot Up / Just Started And Intermittent

Nov 18, 2012

In the last two weeks I have noted that my Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit machine will boot, looks good and when I log into a user account the Desktop shows, without gadgets or icons and just sits that way for seemingly ever. Can't break in and must power down. I log into Start Normally and it will boot correctly. This has occurred usually in my user account and once on a rapid restart on the Owner account. I have used chkdsk to see if it is a physical problem. Out of my league but this hasn't occurred for 2 years and just intermittently occurring.

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