Can't Set Admistrator Password For The First Time Or Rename Folders?

Mar 18, 2012

I just got a Toshiba Satellite L735D with Windows 7 Home Premium OA and I attempted to set an admistrator password for the first time. I recieved and error that said "Windows can not change the password".Also I added a new folder to the desktop and it will not allow me to change the name. It gives me an error saying the folder is no longer located at the location. If I cancel the rename the folder is there.I starting thinking these issues may be related? This was a demo computer for the store I purchased it at. I wonder if there is some setting left over eventhough they removed the demo software and their admistrator account.

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Delete Or Rename Files / Folders?

Sep 30, 2011

I have been getting the following error (several in a day) when I try to rename files and/or folders via 'explorer.exe' GUI Now...this happens out of the blue so to speak and despite what the pop up widget says, the file or folder, in this case, was NOT opened in another process. In the above example, I was just trying to 'rename' the folder is all. I didn't even go into the folder at all.

The OS is Windows 7 64 Bit w/SP1 and 8GB DDR3.

The only things I can think of that might be causing the problem are the fact I have an 120GB OCZ Agility II SSD as my system drive with the following optimizations in place

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Why Can't Delete / Rename Folders In Windows 7 Ultimate

Sep 18, 2011

I have installed windows 7 ultimate, but I noticed when I am trying to delete some files/folders can't execute it, the files or folders targeted to be deleted are unused and totally closed..

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Have To Refresh Every Time Delete/rename/move

May 14, 2010

Every time I delete/rename/move a file...the changes are not reflected in the folder until I right click "refresh".

Is there a microsoft approved fix for this?

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Remove Password And Rename Network

Jun 6, 2011

I setup a new router, and it works great. However, the first time I connected to the internet through it, I skipped the Network Setup Wizard or whatever it's called. My idiot of a friend "helped" me setup the network without me knowing it, renamed it after himself, and put password protection on it. I want to remove the password and rename the network. I checked all the router settings to make sure that WPA or anything else was active, but the problem persists on my craptop, and the network isn't showing up in the "manage wireless networks" screen.

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'Rename' Box Doesn't Show Up When Rename A File Shortcut

Sep 30, 2012

basically (I'll try to be descriptive), I have an Excel file (extension xlsm) on my USB and I right click it, send to --> desktop (create shortcut). I see the shortcut. I right click and attempt to rename it with a different file extension, but the 'Rename' box doesn't show up like I believe it should and the file name changes without the warning. I need to do this for the shortcut I've created, not the file on the USB.I have 'Hide extensions for known file types' unchecked and 'Display the full path in the title bar' checked, as I believe they should be.

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How To Password Protect Folders

Mar 9, 2012

I would like to password protect a few folders on Windows 7, how can I do this? Ideally when someone would click on the folder there would be a prompt asking for a password, similar to what happens when you make a .zip and password protect it.

The only software I found till now which comes closest to my needs is Protected Folder, however you have to open the program each time and unlock the folder you want to use, then re lock it when ready, it's not so straightforward as I was imagining. Also I don't know if access will be blocked from other users on the network, once the folder is shared.

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Password Protection For Folders?

Mar 23, 2012

can password protect individual folders ?,Im using Windows 7 home premium 32 bit.

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Locking Folders Specifically With Password

Aug 19, 2010

how can i like put a password on a folder so that only you can access with a password?

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Windows 7 Folders Taking A Long Time To Access Files?

Dec 6, 2011

I could not find the correct thread to post so please accept my apologies if this is an old resolved bug.This has been winding me for a while now, but today it has totally done my head in.! when I access my music folders from external USB and I click on a folder the grey bar at the top of the folder window takes ages to move across... then I get the red cross in the button. This is a major problem now, the cpu fan goes crazy and well its quite disturbing.To get around this I would access my file from within the music editing software to avoid this problem, but as I'm a Mastering Engineer I need to access the files in their respective folders.

This was never a problem on any other machine I have had before. All drives are fine tested on other machines. They are good. So today I tried it again, same thing. The grey bar at the top went crazy when I tried to access a wav folder to master with 2.5 gigs of data in.The grey bar at the top slowly moves across the top then the red cross thing again in the button, I refresh and the same thing again. Meanwhile the fan goes on and the thing then seems to hang on finding files in folders. So I back out of the folder close it down. Then I went to My computer on the start menu... erm the grey bar again slowly moves to the right, No C drive shows up is empty and the fan kicks in and it sounds like it is going to take off.Then I have to close the machine down as it cannot find anything in thefolders.This is very strange indeed. This only happen when I search for files in folders before hand, normally I can see my drives when I click my computer.I have just rebooted the laptop now and it is good but when I open a folder it goes nuts.

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Password Protect Files And Folders In Windows?

Jun 7, 2011

How do I password protect my files and folders in Windows?

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Password Protect A Folder (or Folders) In Windows 7?

Sep 7, 2012

Is it possible to password protect a folder (or folders) in Windows 7 somehow? I have several possible uses for this. One of them: At work all my colleagues and myself uses a common computer. On this computer I've installed Dropbox with personal files. Although we all have our own user account on the computer, we all are administrators, meaning everyone can, if they want to, enter my Dropbox folder. I'd love to have a password on this folder so that only I can open the folder.

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Password Requested Each Time I Try To Login To Hotmail

Mar 1, 2012

For some unknown reason each time that I try to login to my Hotmail account I am asked for my password. Up to two days ago I could instantly access my Hotmail account from the weblink in Bing or from a link that I have saved to my Favorites. The only change to my computer that I can think of is that I have in the days prior to this change downloaded and used the new version of CC Cleaner to delete tracking cookies, temp files, etc.. I never use it for doing anything to the registry.

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After Windows Update Found Password Protected Folders?

Feb 13, 2013

After a virus removal process found a number of password protected folders in PCusersdocuments.  Avast says that it was unable to access the folders.  Folders include Flashplayer 11?

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Hiding Folders / Files - Impossible To Access Contents Without Password

Feb 21, 2012

Maybe I'm just over thinking here, but say you hide a file, sure you can access it through changing the folder options from show to do not show. So whats the point of hiding stuff unless you're hiding it from someone who is a novice at windows 7. My main goal here, is to have a folder, which is password protected, and have it filled with things that can not be accessed through any means other than entering the correct password and therefore entering the folder. I basically want it to be completely impossible for someone to access the contents of the folder without the password.

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Enable A Time Restriction But No Password Lock On User Account

Nov 30, 2012

Accounts with parental controls on to enable time restrictions are beyond annoying because the require a password to install or download any update or program, and many programs require passwords to use.

How can I bypass this idiotic "feature" while still enabling time locks.

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Homegroup Password Lost Re-enter New Password And Program States Its The Wrong Password?

Mar 21, 2011

I am attempting to setup Homegroup for first time on new computer, I was asked to set a password. The first pw was only 7 letters. It was rejected as requiring 8 letters. Attempted to re-enter new password and program states its the wrong password.When I go to the homegroup page there is no link to see and change password.

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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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Cannot Rename .jpg Files

Oct 21, 2011

windows 7 home premium sp1 i cannot rename .jpg files. when i right-click the file, the 'rename' option does not appear. normally there is a 'create shortcut' 'delete' and 'rename' option in the list near the bottom but not when i right-click on a jpeg, these three have been curtailed to 'create shortcut'.provenance of the .jpg varies - some come from a camcorder's picture-taking thinggy, some from the 'net, some copied from an other machine,etc but all with extension .jpg opened paint and did a 'save as' (to get the new name )then deleted the original (the one i wanted to rename).

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Drive - Rename

Dec 29, 2010

How to Rename a Drive in Windows 7 ?

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Cannot Rename Drive

Oct 18, 2011

My computer have two harddisks I rename the second hardddisk (windows not installed in this drive)but the name that I have rename appear in disk management but not appear in windows explorer

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Cannot Rename The Drive

Oct 18, 2011

My comptuer have two harddisks. I have rename all drives of second harddisk (windows not installed) but that name not appear in windows explorer but only appear in disk management

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Say The Time Date/Time Field In Task Tray Doesn't Launch Menu

Apr 26, 2011

About a month after I started using it, the Say the Time clock program I bought stopped launching the management menu when I right click the date/time field in the task tray (notification area).

Therefore, I can't use or edit the program. Neither the touchpad nor the cordless mouse works.

Other than this problem, my computer works great. Every single item that's meant to be right clicked works for me.

Is there a way I can generate a log to show the software manufacturer (Provenio) that it's their problem and not mine? I am a novice user but I can follow instructions. However, I don't want to put my computer at risk if I make an entry error.

I've been using computers for 18 years and I've never had this problem until I bought this software and used it for about a month.

I just wanted a conclusive way of putting the ball back in the manufacturer's court.

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System Time Not Kept Correctly After Having Manually Changed BIOS Time

Apr 23, 2012

I spilt some water on my laptop a few days ago but fortunately it's completely dried out and working perfectly.... apart from this minor (but important) issue.

Problem: the system time does not stay correct. Even after manually updating the BIOS time and also even after manually syncing it with the various servers available under the time options.

Fix: set the internet time sync interval to every minute rather than its default setting? How do I do this?

P.S. This couldn't be a CMOS battery issue surely because even when the system is on and plugged in the system time still deviates from correct. (I assume the CMOS battery is only used when the system is powered off.) If I need it replaced, how does that sit with my Dell hardware warranty?

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Dell I620 Desktop Freezes (locks) Up From Time To Time?

Jan 14, 2012

So I bought a new desktop computer about 2 weeks ago and ever since I got it, it's been freezing (locking) up on me at random times. I currently use Windows 7 64-bit. I put in a new graphics card and new memory sticks just the other day and I got the same freezing problem. It's very random. I can be surfing the web and the next thing you know, the whole thing freezes up. I can't move the mouse. Can't do CTRL ALT DEL. Can't do anything. Seems as if the whole computer locks up. The only way to restart the computer is by manually holding in the power button for a few seconds. So since I replaced graphics card and installed new memory, I was thinking it may be something else causing this.

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Can't Rename Or Delete MKV Files

Sep 23, 2012

I am having a peculiar issue with MKV files - when I attempt to rename or delete these files I am (sometimes) presented with the following error message:

In order to rename the offending MKV files I need to boot into Ubuntu (using a Live OS from CD) and if I want to delete the files I either must use Ubuntu or a "file unlocking program" within Windows (the FileAssassin tool that ships with MalwareBytes is my current preference).

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How To Rename In Device Manager

May 13, 2011

how to install a mobile broad band dongel and in device manager the device ends with #2 the device was ok at first but when switched off computer the diver seemed to re-install leaving #2

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Rename Libraries And Favorites?

Jul 12, 2012

I somehow managed to rename the libraries as well as the 'Favorites' about half a year ago.I don't recall how, but remember that it took a lot of trial and error. It worked perfectly and consistently in the start menu and the window manager. Now, with the latest update (13 important) it all got changed back, and keeps so despite my effort to regain my version.How can I rename those again, or what was the update that reset MS defaults and how to kill it?

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C: Drive Renamed, Can't Rename It To Anything Else

Sep 15, 2011

I recently had a virus on my computer and decided to just reinstall the OS from top as I didnt have anything vitally important anymore. My C: drive was renamed to "Alcatel PC Suite" which is the name of the software I have for my cell phone.When I right click to rename it, I can type a new name in, I can click ok, it asks for permission and I can also click ok. Im an admin and the only user for the newly installed OS. After I give it permission, it still says the old name in My Computer.However when I go to properties of my C: drive, under the general tab, it has the new name listed.

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Cannot Rename Files With Url Extension

Feb 14, 2012

I dragged a web address off and Windows created a shortcut. I was able to change the extension to .txt. The icon changed to that for a text file, and I could open the file and read it.

Since then, though, the url extension does not show up. If I select Rename and add .txt to the part of the filename showing, it evidently retains the url extension after the .txt extension because the icon doesn't change to the one for a text file, I'm not allowed to edit it, and selecting open results in it opening the web page - i.e., acting like it is still a .url file.

I have checked Tools -> View many times and the box for hiding common extensions is unchecked so that is not the problem.

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Is It Possible To Rename A Network Drive

Jun 28, 2012

Just wondering if it is possible to rename a Network Drive created with "subst" in command prompt and if possible how?

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