Latest Windows 7 Update Disabled Keyboard / Touchpad

Oct 15, 2011

I don't know what the latest update was but it updated when I was shutting down my laptop (Compaq CQ60). I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x86 and have never had any problems. I plugged in my USB mouse from my PC and the laptop accepted it and let me use the mouse, but I was still unable to use my keyboard/touchpad. I tried booting in safemode but my keyboard doesnt work so I cant scroll to it. I also noticed that my laptop did a Checkdisk or something along that lines, I believe thats what its called.

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Windows Update Killed HP Laptop Touchpad, Keyboard

Jun 9, 2011

I don't know for sure the the Win7 update killed the track-pad, but about a week or so ago after I let it run I've lost the track-pad function completely and the keyboard is erratic. If I accidentally hit the Caps Lock key the keyboard stops responding. I discovered if I open the keyboard control panel and just change a parameter, like how fast the cursor blinks and APPLY then I get the keyboard back without rebooting. I downloaded the track-pad driver, says it's the same as installed but the system no longer recognizes it's there in the control panel. This is an HP G60 series laptop running Win 7 Home.

I'm downloading TSG to add that info, but searching I see many people have had similar problems like this with no solution on various brands of laptops and Windows.

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Latest Synaptics Touchpad Drivers

Nov 4, 2009

Latest version only for x64 systems

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Touchpad Disabled After Downloading / Uninstalling Free Program?

Jun 1, 2011

I downloaded a free programme from the Website C-net, then uninstalled it, unfortunately my touchpad disabled its self, there after. Consequently, I set a system restore, without effect. Enabling touch pad. Fujitsu Laptop Li3910 ( O/S Win 7).

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No USB Functions After Latest Windows 7 Update?

Apr 16, 2011

All USB ports on my computer turn off upon the launching of Windaows 7. I have functionality in the DOS mode, however. My KB and mouse are USB, so when windows launches I lose my interface to teh computer.

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Uninstall Latest Windows Update Without Logging In

Sep 12, 2012

After turning on my computer today, I noticed that the "shut down" icon in start menu had the familiar triangle referring to updates. I closed things down and selected it to "Shutdown and install updates". I keep my Windows as up to date as i can, so this was a recent update.

The problem is that upon starting the computer, I could get to the log in screen with both the Administrator and user accounts visible, but when attempting to select either one to log in, the screen flickers black once for a half-second, then kicks me back to the user select screen. How can i undo this last update without logging in? I tried inserting the windows disk to use the system restore feature, but it claims that "No restore points have been created on your computer's system drive" yet as far as I've seen, each update has been initiated with a "creating system restore point" loading bar, so how can this be? I've attempted logging in in safe mode as well. The same black screen, it just took longer before I got kicked back.

Or additional information I can provide?

Edit - If possible, does anyone know of a program or command that can bypass the log in screen and immediately log in? Maybe if I could do that and get into the system itself, I could undo the upgrade on my user account.

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Malware Popup Disabled Keyboard And Mouse - Windows 7 Pro

Mar 1, 2012

I use Firefox 10 on Windows 7 Professional (fully updated). The machine has two drives, each booting to Win 7 and Win XP. This problem is on the Windows 7 side.

Yesterday, I used Google to search "Indian restaurant Fort Worth reviews"
In the results page, I went one by one to each link. When I hit one of the links, which I am sure is the domain of a restaurant, I got the famous "You have viruses, click to scan" popup. In a few seconds Security Essentials popped up its warning saying that it found this bad file:

I copied its name and saved it to a text file on the Desktop. Then I tried Alt-F7 to close the window, next the X, which gave another popup. I then let Security Essentials delete what it found. I then closed the browser and rebooted the computer.

Both (PS/2) keyboard and mouse were disabled at the login page. I tried a USB Microsoft Keyboard. That too did not work. F8 -> Safe Mode did not help.

I started the XP side of the computer. Ran Security Essentials - 18 hours. In the meanwhile I searched and located the bad file and two other files related to it and deleted them. Security Essentials right then said it found a bad one. (Was it because I touched it?). At the end of the scan, I allowed Security Essentials to delete the two things it said that it found.

Rebooted to Win 7. Still no keyboard, no mouse.

I called Microsoft (you know, long distance to the other side of the globe). Several calls. And I consistently got Kindergarten level support. They tried to blame the manufacturer of the keyboard, then tried to scare me away with a $99 charge. They did a System Restore on the Windows XP side (!), then finally, one tech connected to it over the Internet and ran Malware Bytes on it. We also tried F8 -> Last good boot. Then he wanted the Windows 7 CD. When I read its name, he said he was looking for the Windows 7 re-installation CD! That was the end of M$ support.

how to get the thing to see the mouse and keyboard? I can see the Win 7 drive from Win XP side (as its D: drive).

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Since Latest Windows Update No Beta Games Will Load?

Dec 22, 2012

i have been playing Open Beta-free-to-play, browser-based games with no problems until the other night i turned off the computer and it down loaded windows updates .Now no beta games will load and run on my laptop they just freeze the browser and all tabs open i have to shut them down using the small box at the must be something to do with the downloads as i have another computer that they will load on but this is too old and slow to run them on.

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Windows 7 Update Disabled Audio?

Feb 23, 2012

Error message: "No Audio Output Device is installed"

Windows 7 was working fine but then after one of its automatic updates the sound stopped working on the system.(i.e. Red "X" on speaker icon) I have tried enabling the audio in normal, mode safe mode. The driver is up to date and I have even tried re-installing it.

System restore provided a temporary fix as after one normal use of the PC windows will re-disable the audio. (and yes I disabled auto still manages to disable the audio)

I had the PC sent out under Manufactures Warranty to try to resolve the issue, but as the warranty only covers physical damage to the system all the service center was able to do was confirm that it was a software problem (they checked the hardware and found it to be working properly).

So I have determined that the audio is solely software related and that it must be disabled deep in the system as the usual enable/disable buttons have no effect.

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Latest Windows 7 Update On Sony Vaio - Now Will Not Load Properly

Aug 7, 2012

I updated to the latest Windows 7 service pack this morning, upon restarting I can log in however nothing loads up. My screen is black, I am able to move the cursor. When pressing CTRL + ALT + DELETE a error message comes up stating:

"Failure to display security and shut down options. The logon process was unable to display security and logon options when CTRL+ALT+DELETE was pressed. If the operating system does not respond, press ESC or restart the computer by using the power switch."

I am able to boot in to safe mode, I have attempted a system restore to the time before updating this morning. However this stays at initializing for at the moment around 3 hours. I have no idea now what to do, I purchased this laptop in November 2011 which came preloaded with Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 64 bit.

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Touchpad Fail After MS Windows 7 Update

Jan 12, 2012

Lastnight upon shut down, my laptop had updates to deal with so I went to sleep. I fired it up this morn and it did what ever it does with those updates... Since then I have nad no touch pad. I tried the Fn/F9 and that was not it... so I checked in control panel etc... Got to the screen where I check/uncheck "disable for external device" or similar wording... Couldn't check/uncheck as it was not highlighted/activated... windo in that box was blank not showing a device at all...

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IE Icon In Taskbar Got Disabled After Windows Update

Apr 1, 2012

My laptop is only 4 days old. The IE9 icon in the taskbar was working properly meaning if I click the icon it will launch a webpage and if I pressed it again it will launch another webpage (the icon in the taskbar then get stacked up which is correct). Unfortunately after a windows update on my laptop, this feature doesn't work anymore. When I click the icon it will open a webpage but if I click it again the webpage CLOSES! No matter how many times I click the icon in the taskbar it won't launch another webpage. The IE in the start menu works fine and it will open as many webpages as I like but not in the taskbar (I have unpinned and repinned but to no difference) I have even done a system restore back to the earliest date possible but the problem has not been reverted. How to I fix it?.

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Windows Update Is Disabled And Will Not Turn Back On?

Aug 14, 2012

I am using a Windows 7 32 bit computer. My windows update has been disabled and when I try to check for updates I get the 'Windows update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.' report. Restarting the computer does not work. I think that I am missing some important updates

Windows update does not appear in the Services menu.

I read that windows update is linked to windows defender, which I have found is also not running and will not turn back on. When I attempt to turn it on I get error code: 0x80070424, and it also does not appear in the Services menu.

I am using McAfee which I think could be interfering with Defender, I also ran a Security Check that I found through a previous thread, these were the results:

Results of screen317's Security Check version 0.99.43
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x86 (UAC is enabled)
Internet Explorer 8 Out of date! ``````````````Antivirus/Firewall


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Where Has Favorites Gone After Latest Update

May 4, 2011

Where has my favorites gone after my latest update?

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Keyboard And Touchpad Not Working

Jan 1, 2012

Today my laptop keyboard and mouse stop working for some odd reason because some weird anti vurse popped up on my computer freezing it so I restarted it . I thought my computer frozen so I would restart it , but I just hooked up my keyboard and mouse and they work just fine on the laptop , but when i unplug them i can't use my keyboard or mouse to my computer. I am not sure if i pressed something to make the touchpad and keyboard stop working .Maybe I could have put in sleep mode or something.

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Touchpad/ Keyboard Freezing

Jul 29, 2009

Monday afternoon I turned my computer on and noticed that every two minutes or so the computer would freeze up for up to 15 seconds, after which I had another one-two minutes of uninterrupted use and then it would freeze again.

The Computer Dell Inspirion Laptop E1705/9400 Windows 7 and Windows xp 40gb and 120gb HDD 1gb ram Dual core (centrino?)cpu need more info? ask.

(only on Windows 7)I'd done two major things in the past week and neither one of them could have had caused this because there'd been so much time in between. The first was I networked a couple folders on my hard drive so they were accessible on the rest of my home network (on Friday). Second I'd installed GIMP on my computer (Saturday night).

(only on Windows 7)I did a restore point from about a week ago, still had the same problem, then I tried uninstalling GIMP and turning off file sharing, still nada.

I thought maybe it was a software problem and because I had a website due in a couple hours I thought I'd swap out the Windows 7 hard drive which I was using and instead use a hard drive with Xp, Oddly enough all the problems I've mentioned up to now and the problems I'll mention persisted on both platforms (unless otherwise stated), also note I hadn't used Xp in months (about 3 months ago was the last time I'd used it in a computer.)

After messing around some more I noticed that my touch pad wasn't working at all (I'd been using a external wireless mouse until then) The drivers somehow uninstalled themselves and pretended to not work when I reinstalled them.

The only thing that kinda worked was booting in safe mode, then the courser would freeze but not anything else. When you look at this with the fact that the touch-pad doesn't work and the problem persists cross-platform, it begins to look like a BIOS or hardware problem, not a software thing.

Other Weird Phenomenon

(only on Windows 7) Stumble Upon doesn't show up in the toolbar even when it's enabled and checked off as supposed to be there, in Firefox.[this one is just weird... it could be that I updated it and didn't realize and it's not playing nice with some other add-on, I'll look into that.) On screen keyboard also wont work in safe mode while courser is frozen (but mouse isn't). When I access files through file sharing from a different computer they are also subject to freezing, meaning that if I have a HTML file open in notepad ++ ( that's on the laptop) every two minutes or so it'll freeze up for 10-15 seconds.

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Keyboard And Touchpad Not Working

Dec 27, 2009

I just installed windows 7 ultimate on my daughters, acer aspire 3050 laptop. It was running vista home basic before. The vista install was damaged by viruses, so I decided to upgrade her to 7. All the hardware was recognized, but for some reason the keyboard does not work, it was working fine with the virus riddled vista install. For some strange reason the windows key does bring up the start menu, but none of the other keys seem to do anything.

They all work in the BIOS just fine. Also the touch pad does work, but the cursor movement is very jerky, and it was also fine in vista. I went to acer's site, they don't have any windows 7 drivers available for this model, or any vista drivers for the keyboard, I installed the vista touch pad drivers, but they did not seem to help. I also messed with the keyboard settings in control panel, but nothing seems to help. Does anyone have any ideas, on what I need to do to fix this. I have been really pleased with 7 on my other computers, and would hate to have to go back to vista.

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Keyboard And Touchpad Don't Seem To Be Responding

Apr 10, 2012

Been having a problem with my laptop recently and when I turn it on the keyboard and touchpad don't seem to be responding but when I go into safe mode this is working. Also when trying to run system restore this is getting the the finalising stage and then doesn't actually work.

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Keyboard And Touchpad Are Not Responding?

Jul 13, 2011

When I press the same button many times, entire keyboard and also touch-pad are getting stuck (not responding anyhow), but the Bluetooth mouse is functioning fine. Whatever I try can not fix it! The only thing to do is to restart the laptop, after restarting forking just fine, unless I start to press the same button many times (like if I will delete something with Backspace key, it is getting stuck)

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Keyboard And Touchpad Not Working?

Jan 1, 2012

My laptop recently became buggered by a virus and as I did not have a windows 7 installation disc I decided to restore it to its factory default using some sort of dell backup utility.Since I did this my touchpad and keyboard no longer seems to work! keyboard works fine when i select f8 on startup as i can flick through the options however when i boot into safe mode the touchpad and keyboard still don't work.

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Touchpad / Keyboard Non-Responsive

Jan 2, 2013

I have an Acer 5732Z laptop that has never given me trouble until today. I was in the process of updating my GPS when it told me to restart the computer with the GPS still plugged into the USB drive. However, when the windows 7 login screen came on, I was unable and am still unable to get my touchpad or keyboard to work. The GPS is unplugged and still nothing. It's not disabled (touchpad), safe mode/system restore doesn't work and I am past warranty so Acer cannot help.I am currently just stuck on the login screen. Have tried USB mouse and keyboard, nothing.

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Enable Touchpad While Using Keyboard?

Mar 16, 2012

I just got a new laptop and started doing a little gaming (KOTOR and Battlefront II), the only problem is those games use awsd to move and the touchpad to look around and I can't use the touchpad while using the keyboard. Is there any way to enable touchpad use while using the keyboard?

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Keyboard And Touchpad Unresponsive

Feb 12, 2010

So last week I received my brand new HP Envy 15, with a Core i5 540m (2.5-3.3ghz) Ati Radeon 5830, 4gigs of DDR3 ram, and a 500gb HDD. (Of course running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.) And everything was running awesomely- Until yesterday when I went to turn it on and when it got to the login screen everything on screen was gigantic, and my keyboard and touchpad were unresponsive.

I tried using a usb keyboard and still no luck. Booting into safemode yields the same results, even without networking. Yet when booted it up disabling driver signature enforcement, it worked fine, except everything was slow and my sound didn't work. Is there any way I can boot up regularly again and get my sound working?

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Laptop Touchpad And Keyboard Not Functioning?

Aug 31, 2012

Last night my keyboard and touchpad stopped working on my laptop and now I'm using the usb mouse and the "On screen keyboard". I have done a system restore but to no avail. I've also taken out the battery (found in another thread) but nothing. In device manager there is an exclamation mark next these:1. Under keyboard. keyboard device filter2. Under mouse and other pointing devices. ELAN PS/2 port smart padDouble clicking both of them gets these properties for each respectively:1. Under keyboard. Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)2. Under ELAN PS/2 port smart pad. This device cannot start. (Code 10)The laptop is an Asus x53sv running win 7 64bitI made a recovery disc (in fact there 5) when I first got it but using that wipes the hard drive C:. I know that for XP there is a repair program which you get to by following the procedure for doing a re-install but you have this option which doesn't wipe the hard drive. I've used it.Does something similar exist for Win 7?

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Samsung Notebook Keyboard And Touchpad Not Working.

Feb 19, 2012

My wife's Samsung notepad keyboard and touchpad have stopped working. The odd thing is that the keyboard does work at startup - I can press F4, arrows, Enter, etc to start up in safe mode, but still the keyboard and touchpad do not work as soon as we get to the login screen. I have tried system restore, unplugging the cord and battery. At the moment I can get it to work using a USB mouse and the on-screen keyboard

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Laptop Keyboard Does Not Work After Sleep And Touchpad

Apr 4, 2012

A couple days ago, my keyboard and touchpad mouse stopped working. I thought it was a hardware issue and ordered a replacement keyboard. As for the touchpad, I'm just using a wireless mouse. I replaced the keyboard a couple days later with the new one, and when I turned on my laptop, it works again, but when I put my laptop to sleep and wake it up, I hit enter, and then it stops working. I cannot type anything until I restart my computer. I figured it has to do something with the drivers, but I'm not too sure. Here is my computer specs:

Product: HP Pavilion dv9700
Model: dv9925nr
Windows 7 home premium 64bit

I've gone to the HP website to get the drivers, but they do not support windows 7 for my computer.

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Keyboard And Touchpad Stopped Working After Restart?

Nov 3, 2011

i have read about similar problems on here but none of the solutions worked for me. the keyboard seems to work just fine until the "starting windows" screen appears then absolutely nothing. i've tried reinstalling the alps pointing device drivers, i uninstalled then installed the newer version, nothing seems to work. the computer was working just fine until i came home from work and turned it on. this same problem happend about 2 months ago and it magically fixed it self, i just never turned the computer off again. i have 2 identical sony vaio VPC-EB33FM/BJ models, and have compared all the drivers and settings, they are the exact same (except the newer version of Alps on the broken one). i ran one of those "scan for new drivers" programs that ask for money to update drivers that it says are old and it said that the HID keyboard device driver is way out of date along with several others, but once again they are the same as the ones on the computer i am using now and this one works like a champ

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Typing / Using Keyboard Briefly Disables Touchpad

Mar 8, 2012

I just got a new laptop (Lenovo G770) and am busy configuring Windows on it. I am running into an annoying issue with my input devices. Whenever I type or do anything with my keyboard, it disables my touchpad for about half a second. Since I am an avid user of keyboard shortcuts, this is highly annoying and is messing with my productivity. I can't figure out how to turn it off--when I search for answers I just see lots of threads from people having the opposite problem, who want to disable their touch pad while typing. I currently have the Synaptic driver installed controlling my touch pad, and I can't see any options in its settings to disable this "feature".

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Computer Freezes Randomly / Keyboard Becomes Disabled And Unresponsive

Jan 12, 2012

i am currently unable to work on assignments on my own computer or enjoy games because it freezes completely sporadically requiring a hard boot. essentially the computer freezes on me and the keyboard becomes disabled and unresponsive. the mouse cursor on the screen slows down, like the sensitivity was turned down 95%, and moves sluggishly, and then i know the freeze is coming. the computer desktop freezes completely, the keyboard becomes disabled and sometimes the screen turns a faint transparent white depending on what application i am running. the cursor then turns into an animated hour glass that i can move around the screen totally normally, with no lag, but everything is unresponsive. i then need to do a hard boot and end up frusturated, tempted to through my computer at the wall.i've scanned the computer with at least 10 different reputable antivirus programs and i have repaired all the registry errors. i've uninstalled programs i no longer need and searched all over solutions, to no avail. [code] i looked at event viewer to try to see a log of the issue but the only error it reported was id 41, from the hard boot. when i'm on Internet and it locks up permanently, the Internet video continues to play.also the freezing is totally random and sometimes i can go for 5h without it happening, other times it freezes up within 10 minutes. usually it freezes up between 10-30 mins of system starting up.

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Firefox Not Running After Latest Update, Error AppHangB1

Aug 29, 2012

2 days ago I uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials from my pc. Yesterday I update my Firefox from v. 14.0.1 to v.15.0, since then firefox won't run on this pc. I tried downgrading it to version 14 but it wont work. Here's the error msg: Code: Description: A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:AppHangB1
Application Name:firefox.exe
Application Version:


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Ace Aspire 5672 Battery Causes Keyboard And Touchpad Malfunction

Dec 4, 2012

I upgraded my Acer Aspire 5672 from win xp to Windows 7 hm prem 32bit. I realised that the keybd and touchpad fails to function when I have the battery unit installed, but they work fine as soon as I remove it. Before the upgrade, I run the microsoft upgrade advisor program and it did not flag the battery. Secondly, I dual boot with ubuntu 12.04 and the keybd and touchpad works well in the ubuntu platform except that it receive very minimal charge. The laptop runs on the minimally charged battery for a short period.

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