Laptop Very Slow To Respond After Suspend

Dec 1, 2011

My laptop is very slow to respond, like about 5 minutes, after being hibernated for a long time. If it is just put to 'Sleep' then it is almost instant likewise if it is suspended (hibernated) for less than a day or so then again it is instant once the Unlock screen appears.

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WD Caviar Disk Very Slow To Respond?

Jun 21, 2012

I am currently experiencing a troubling issue with a WD Caviar HD. It was installed as the only HD on a Dell machine that after falling on the desk (from vertical to flat) decided it was tired of booting normally.I took out the hard drive, attached it via SATA to a working Win 7 Pro machine. If I leave the SATA cable connected the system won't boot, I assume it is confused which HD to boot from, but if I boot into my Win 7 Pro from the working HD and then connect the SATA cable, the system becomes very slow to respond. I wanted to see if any data could be recovered, so I checked if the system could see the HD and it turns out sometimes it can and sometimes it can't. Also when I force various programs and utilities to update the list of mounted disks the system becomes VERY slow. As an example I am currently trying to run EaseUS Partition Manager, it has been updating system information for over a half hour and counting...The drive does not make any clicking noises and it seems to spin up correctly.

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Programs Slow To Respond On HP DV7-6199us?

Dec 7, 2012

The laptop is an i7 with 8GB of (some kind) ram, Win 7 64bit, etc.Boot and load times are not an issue, however with nearly any program, be it Excel or Photoshop, mouse inputs are beyond slow. I have to hover over a button for a second before it even highlights. It seems that if the programs are open for a little while that it is somewhat better, but still not acceptable for how new the computer is. CPU usage and memory usage are very low and no particular process seems to be hogging resources and causing the issue.I have formatted and completed a new install within the month, ran the computer with minimal programs installed, with all drivers and windows updates installed with no change. It's not a virus or any kind of malware. I have tried various sizes of virtual memory/ paging file with no change either. I've tried another set of memory modules with perhaps a slight improvement, but it could have been the placebo effect as well. My gaming rig I built works perfectly with none of this nonsense, but I can't figure it out aside from blaming it on something that HP has installed, or with its proprietary drivers that are causing some conflict.

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Slow Respond In Games On Higher Resolution

Jul 27, 2012

Slow Respond in games on higher resolution such as 1366x768 or 1024x768

System Specification :

Processor - Intel Pentium (R) Dual Core 2.50 GhzRAM - 2 GB/800 Graphics - 1 GB Zoatc Nvidia Geforce 8400 GS DDR2 Keyboard - Logitech Internet Pro Desktop Black Cause some delay in game respond mainly in racing games like - NFS Hot Pursuit 2010 but games runs at 28 - 30 fps. gameplay is smoother but i experience a delay in response such input device like keyboard.

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Laptop Crashes Every Time Suspend It?

Jun 4, 2012

My problem is that any time I close my laptop's lid, or sometimes when I put try to suspend it, the computer crashes. It initially stays on, and the leds are blinking, than they stop blinking, and it turns completly off. When I turn it on again it tells me that blue screen was the problem.

I'm worried since I bought it last year, it's a Toshiba Satellite M645, Intel Core I5 M480, 4Gb ram, Windows 7 64 bits.

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Computer Is Slow To Respond BSOD Upon Trying To Install Updates?

Jun 8, 2012

I Can't seem to figure out what went wrong. I think it needs a Device driver update of some sort. I am running Windows 7 64 bit off of an original MS DVD that was installed only about a month ago. I built this system a little over a year ago. I have since pulled some memory sticks (sent for RMA) as they gave me random BSOD because of memory errors. When I try to install updates it gives me a BSOD. I have tried to do a system restore but it says it is unable to complete. Any Ideas? See attachment for dump files.

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Mouse Won't Respond To Laptop?

Mar 14, 2012

My mouse won't respond to my laptop and it gets me mad because i play fps shooters and its hard to play when im using the touchpad and i get furious because i like those games. it has nothing to do with the laptop..

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Toshiba Laptop Does Not Respond On The Keybaord?

Feb 28, 2012

My toshiba laptop does not respond on the keybaord?

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My Windows 7 Dell Laptop Programs Won't Respond After 5 Minutes

Jun 20, 2012

So i have had it for like a month now and i got it from a We Buy Gold shop something like a pawn store so it was basically used. The laptop was working fine fast and well i downloaded games such as mmo's grand chase and i played that and it ran really well no problems. Sometimes the game would have problems and i would have to press the power button to reset it and i did maybe like 20 times i know thats bad. And now for dome reason when i log into my laptop it would take a while for the windows screen to load and then i would be logged into my laptop i would go on google chrome and use the internet watch videos after about 5-8 good minutes google chrome would load slow and then clompetely stop loading and i would exit and google chrome and re-launch it after i re-launch it it wont come up and i would try launching other programs such as control panel or any of my mmo's and they wont even appear and then when i try pressing mutiple application at a time the cpu would freeze. It was way worse before sometimes i couldn't get past the windows log in loading screen i would be loading for like and hour and I would have to power rest AGAIN. My Windows 7 Dell laptop programs won't respond after 5 minutes

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Windows 7 Suspend To Ram

May 26, 2011

Is it possible somehow to make Windows works in S3 sleep mode (suspend to RAM)?. Did anyone already try this? Any success?

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How Do You Normally Suspend Your Computer?

Apr 15, 2009

Just a question out of curiosity, I'm wondering how you guys normally suspend your computer. As in hibernation, shutdown, sleep, or yank the powercable and remove the battery hehe.

Personally, ever since 7, I pretty much always simply leave my computer in sleep mode. Wakeups are so quick, and the memory management is so good that I rarely feel the need to actually shut down my computer.

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USB Selective Suspend Not Working?

Oct 27, 2011

well the USB selective suspend option I have set to "never" and it dont care, it turns off the drive all the time

I can sit there and the drive will spin up and then turn off every 30-45 min, it spins up and then spins down pretty fast as if it was just work up by me and then it is going back to sleep - I cant figure out what on my computer is waking it up but I dont care I dont want it to even go to sleep in the first place

I dont want the USB drives to ever, ever, EVER! spin down no matter what I dont care about power useage or drive life, I cant effing stand this, when I boot into Linux no problems at all the drive will stay running for hours at a time but stupid effing Windows dont work

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Reboot After Waking From Suspend

May 1, 2009

I just installed the beta on a notebook. Everything works fine except for one thing. If my notebook wakes from suspend the screen comes up to log-in but within seconds the screen turns black and my notebook reboots and comes back with an error (start in save mode or start.

Any thoughts?

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BSOD Resuming From Suspend/Sleep?

May 16, 2012

I just built a new computer and had it running stable for several days with all hardware except the graphics card and a new monitor. After plugging the new video card, I believe the system remained stable, but am not 100% confident since it only survived overnight. After plugging the new monitor (HP z2740w) and connecting via USB crashes started occurring when resuming from sleep.

I tried uninstalling the graphics drivers and the problem seems to have stopped for now, so I'm reinstalling to see if anything changes.

Windows 7 Pro 64 OEM (System Builder) Everything in the machine is brand new except the hard drives. Installation age is a few days.

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USB Selective Suspend Won't Stay Disabled

Aug 31, 2012

I just upgraded my HTPC and so built my first Windows 7 PC (never had a need to upgrade from XP, believe it or not). So far I am quite impressed but I am having a number of issues with power management. I'd love some help tying all these together so I'll start at the beginning.I've had the machine running for two weeks now. It's an Intel DH77DF mobo, all the newest drivers on it, fresh from Intel's site. At first I noticed the keyboard would become unresponsive after a while -- not even the lights for caps/num lock would turn on (MS Wired Keyboard 600). So I figured it was shutting off the USB ports and so I went into Device Manager and hit the properties for all USB ports and unchecked allowing Windows to shut them off to save power. I then went to power management and turned it on to maximum performance.

Next morning, I wake up and go to hit the PC to put on some music and the keyboard is unresponsive again. (Aside: I have two keyboards connected, the MS one mentioned earlier and a Logitech diNovo Mini for HTPC stuff. There's also an old MS wired mouse attached (which has never lost power, oddly enough).) I restart to bring the keyboard back around -- because unplugging it and putting it in any USB port won't bring it back -- and when I restart, it takes FOREVER. I'm talking 15-20 minutes (when boot after POST takes like 30 seconds). The restart eventually craps out to a BSOD: power driver state failure, error code 0x9F.So I researched that error and most of the advice seems to come to "run sfc scannow" (done, more than once, no issues) and "update your drivers" (already done). I looked in the event viewer for evidence of that crash but don't think I found anything.

I found a page on a registry entry you can make for disabling selective suspend in USB completely, and I've done that, and it says it's disabled under the advanced settings in power management, but, I peripherals still die. I noticed something during this morning's restart. I had my work laptop on and it's a Mac, and Finder always shows the devices on the network. During the long shutdown that goes to bluescreen, the HTPC is not on the network before restart, comes on to to the network five minutes or so into the long shutdown, hangs out on the network for a few minutes, disappears, and then BSOD about a minute after that. It's not just USB shutting down, I guess (if I had a SATA device I'd test that too).

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Disable USB Selective Suspend Setting?

Aug 4, 2011

Is it possible to command line disable disable USB selective suspend setting? or even regedit it?


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Sluggish Resume From Suspend Then Network Goes Down

Jan 8, 2012

I find that after leaving my box in suspend overnight, it is very sluggish to resume. But after being online for the first 10 mins the network goes down & I have to run network diagnostics to fix. The network card gets reset each time with a host not found fault. I am using a Edimax Wireless 802.11 b/g/n 32-bit PCI Adaptor (EW-7722In.). I am using the basic Windows driver as uninstalled the Edimax utility due to above fault. This may be two separate problems, (tho it would be nice to solve both.) I am carrying out a dsk chk as advised on these forums for slow resume from suspend/sleep.

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Keeping Network Turned On After Suspend Mode?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a desktop pc and a notebook, and both makes part of my homegroup, however, desktop is the default pc on my network, that would be a "server", and it is configured to enter in suspend mode after 30 minutes, the default configuration of Windows 7. This is my problem: when my desktop enter in suspend mode, I'm not able to access my files and libraries from my notebook.Is it possible to keep a network always enabled even in suspend mode or Windows never can enter in suspend mode if I want to be able to access my network and homegroup? I will prefer to have an option to keep network enabled and accessible but with Windows in suspend mode to save energy, but if that is not possible, ok too.

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After Advanced System-Care 6 Windows Doesn't Suspend

Dec 25, 2012

I just run Advanced System-Care 6 to optimize my computer and after restart, I check that my computer doesn't suspend.I checked suspend setting and they are as before.When I go to START >> Suspend it tries to suspend and go back to login screen.Any idea how can I reset these settings?

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Laptop Is Getting Too Hot And Slow?

Apr 28, 2011

from last 1 month my laptop is getting too hot, even when watching a movie on media player alone, i don't know if there are some programs which are causing it to process more and more which makes my laptop slow at the same time and along with becoming hot

here is the hijackthis log

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 6:54:54 PM, on 28-Apr-11
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.00 (9.00.8112.16421)
Boot mode: Normal


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My Laptop Is Slow

Nov 9, 2012

my computer(laptop) is realy slow. example it took me 3minutes to get this page to load.please help me to make my laptop fast and keep all my files

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Laptop Going Slow

Dec 23, 2009

Lately My laptop has been going slow, I don't Know why and very hard to manage it exemple if I want to open my computer i Need to wait Like 10 secs or more while when on vista it was like 3 secs (same for windows 7 when I installed it) but Now I need alot of time and my CPU keeps Loading I don't know why even when i am not doing anything. Someone suggested that I put something to cool it down but it didn't work so far for me.

Is there a program or anything that making my laptop slow and my CPU always making this sound ? "SHHHH..." like it's loading or something..

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Why Is Laptop So Slow

Aug 13, 2012

my laptop is running very slow. recently got a brand new modem and wireless router. Signal strength is excellent. but computer is slower than molasses and takes Forever to open attachments. can't get any work done!

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Laptop Is Slow After A While?

Feb 4, 2013

My laptop is slow after a while. In last 2 - 3 days, my laptop have a slow boot time and is running slow when i open a new program like google chrome or messenger .

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Hp Laptop Running Slow?

Aug 10, 2011

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P7550 @ 2.26GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 4063 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 , 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 464057 MB, Free - 388896 MB; D: Total - 12877 MB, Free - 2026 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 3624, 18.50, CNF9242090
Antivirus: Kaspersky Internet Security, Updated and Enabled

The computes is running slow, i have scanned with spybot, kaspersky, ARO 2011 registry cleaner. I don't know how to test memory? don't know what to do from here?? I have defragged hard drive.

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Laptop Going Slow At Times?

Mar 1, 2012

I am running Windows 7. Everything was running fantastic and life was free of tensions. But now my laptop has started behaving like a tortoise. Browsers get unresponsive, media players get unresponsive, CCleaner is so slow, that it took 2 hours to assess the files to clean. It makes weird noises inside as if it's making poop. But hell I don't know what it is. I turned it upside down and removed all the screws except one, so I don't if too much dust is making this happen. Whatever it might be[CODE]

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Laptop Running Very Slow?

Nov 11, 2012

No0b to TechGuy Forum. I was really impressed by the tips and solutions providing by the everyone. I am not much of a techy, but know my way around computers.Since the introduction is out of the way, I need HELP!! My son has a Gateway laptop which I restored to factory specs because it was running slow. Thinking this would solve the problem but it hasn't. The laptop is taking hours to load up Windows and any attempt to run any applications, it would take so much time to load and it would freeze.

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Laptop Has Slow Loading

Oct 5, 2011

My son's laptop is really slow loading Windows. If I go into Safe Mode, it comes up really quickly and the internet works - all normal. But in the regular Windows, it takes forever and the internet does not connect (it might if I left it long enough but I haven't had the patience). I did an AntiMalware scan which showed nothing and am currently running an Antivirus - both in Safe Mode. I was going to do a System Restore but only one is showing on the system and I wasn't sure where to go with it.

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Laptop Is Extremely Slow?

Apr 27, 2012

my laptop is extremely slow. what can i do to improve speed?

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Laptop Login Is Slow?

Sep 16, 2012

ASUS Laptop K52F-BBR9, Windows 7 SP 1, 4 GB memory

Boot time is fast for the laptop - takes about 15 - 20 seconds for the accounts screen to be displayed. But logging into an account is slow, whether an admin account or a user account. Takes about 2-5 minutes before everything is up and I can use the mouse, etc. That is, during this 2-5 minute period, Windows displays either the hourglass or the circling icon indicating that Windows is busy. How do I determine what is taking so long during the login process?

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My Laptop Acting Very Slow

Dec 6, 2012

My laptop acting very slow, and streaming not smooth

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