Laptop Display Remains Off When Returning From "Turn Off" State

Dec 30, 2010

I'd like to preface this post by mentioning that I have searched these and other forums about this issue and have found people that have had similar problems, but I don't think they are explaining things properly/as clearly as they could be. I'm hoping that I could give a little more incite into what's happening.

My laptop has Windows 7 Ultimate x64. The power options are set to "High Performance" which means that the system never goes to "Sleep" whether it is plugged in or not. However, the display is set to "Turn Off" at 5 minutes on battery or 10 minutes while plugged in.

Here is the issue: After my system's display has "Turned Off" due to inactivity, I will hit a key or move my mouse to bring the display back. Sometimes (not all the time), the laptop display will remain inactive. However, I do have two external displays hooked up. When this problem occurs, I can see my cursor on the two external displays.

Now, in most posts, people say they fix the problem by restarting their computer. I've found a different fix that doesn't require a restart. I'm able to log into the system while the screen is still off (ctrl+alt+del, type in password, press enter). Once logged in, I can see my desktop on the two external screens, but not on my laptop's native display. I then hit ctrl+alt+del, and my laptop's native display returns from it's off state. I press esc and everything is back to normal.

I've seen this now on a couple of systems in the office. We all have generally the same setup:

Dell Precision M4500 Laptop
NVIDIA Quadro Notebook 880M on latest drivers
High Performance Power Option Enabled
Two External Monitors (one plugged directly into the VGA port on the laptop, another using a USB to DVI Adapter) - Monitors differ from laptop to laptop
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Same patches, same software.

So I'm not sure what's causing this. I'm still attempting to recreate the problem. I have a feeling that it only happens when I lock my system and THEN the display turns off rather than the display turning off and the system locking itself. Not sure what difference that makes, but I'll keep testing it.

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NVIDIA Display Driver Error - State 32

Oct 14, 2009

Event ID:7016

Source:Service Control Manager

The NVIDIA Display Driver Service service has reported an invalid current state 32.

Occurs every shutdown / restart.

Windows 7 x64 build 7600

Error occurs both on 8600GT / 9600GT. (tested invidually)

Driver: 191.07. Also tried 190 same thing happened.

EDIT: No overclocking software is installed nor the video card is OC'ed.

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Windows 7 Seems Boot Normally But Display Remains With Windows 7 Boot Logo?

Dec 24, 2012

I got new HP Slimline desktop and i change the OS to Win 7 Ultimate 32bit.But since i installed new Win the OS seems to boot normally (you can hear logon session sound), but the image of win boot remains freeze in the display.Even, you can shutdown the system pressing once the power button, hear the sound, wait few seconds and pc turn off.

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It Goes Into Sleep Mode When Turn Display Off

Dec 14, 2010

I brough a Samsung notebook recently and found that it will go to sleep mode automatically when I close the display. I tried to change the action of closing display in the power settings, however, I found that the options are dimmed and I cannot change it. Could anyone teach me how can I change it? My notebook is Samsung RF710, windows7 home premium 64 bits

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When Wake From Sleep, Display Won't Turn On?

Nov 12, 2011

Pretty self-explanatory by the title. I haven't had this problem until two days ago, and I Sleep my computer on a regular basis. This now happens about one out of three times I wake my computer.The computer turns on, but the display doesn't. It's not the monitor--if I power it off and on, nothing changes, but it will turn on as usual after I forcibly restart my computer. Every time this happens, my only option is to hold down the PC's power button until it shuts off and then power it back on. I've also checked all the cables.My guess is that it's the graphics card, though it's strange that it started recently--I haven't installed any video driver updates.The only change I can think of is Windows 7 auto updates that installed recently (none were for the display, all were for "x64-based systems").My graphics card is an EVGA 9600 GSO with 768MB DDR2.Windows 7 x64Hanns-G HH251 connected via DVI (video card end) to HDMI (monitor end) cable.

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PC Fans Turn On Then OFF No Screen Display

Aug 21, 2012

This is on my old PC and im trying to fix it but im not sure if the mobo is no good or the psu or what. The PC can power on as well as the fans but maybe 5-10 seconds later the fans turn off and there is no display on the screen but the PSU fan is still going.

AMD Pheonom X4 9550 Quad Core
Nvidia 9100
6 gb ram
64 bit

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Driver Power State Failure / New MSI Laptop

Sep 1, 2011

So about a month and a half ago I bought myself a new MSI Laptop, and in the past 3 weeks I've had 5 Driver Power State Failure (DPSF) BSOD's. I've searched around but I'm not confident enough when it comes to BSOD's to actually do anything without first getting some advice for my particular problem.All I have really been able to tell from this is that the error always occurs at the same location, ntoskrnl.exe (+7cc40), which, being a critical part of the OS, I assume is a very bad thing. [code]

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Disable Keyboard From Waking Laptop From Sleep State?

May 6, 2012

Whenever my laptop is in a sleep state and I accidently press any key on the keyboard, it automatically wakes the computer and I dont want this to happen. I simply just want the power button to wake the laptopI have tried disabling every item within the device manager that has the option, 'Allow this device to wake the computer' but still it is happening.

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Can Intel Solid-State Drive Be Used In Amd Desktop - Laptop

Jan 18, 2012

no place on any website can i find out if a intel ssd work in an amd gaming computer.

windows 7 ultma
mother board msi 890Fxa-GD70
amd phenom II x 6 3.2mhz
16 gig gskil ram


i want to add as boot drive intel ssd will i have to reformat all drives to the new format/control and will the intel ssd work in system it does have usb 3.0 and sata 3 i actually have 5 of these systems and trying to finish up the last one.

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Cannot Create Factory State Disk On Asus Laptop?

Oct 20, 2012

My laptop came with win 7 x64 already loaded, but had a huge(334G)D: partition on it. That seems to be what is preventing me from making the disk set. At least that is what the error message says.DO I need to just scroll the forums, and delete and then find that 334 space?

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Unable To Play DVDs Message States Not Possible To Turn On Analog Copy Protection On The Output Display

Feb 5, 2012

Unable to play DVDs message states not possible to turn on analog copy protection on the output display.

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Driver Power State Failure Blue Screens On Windows 7 Home Premium EMachine Laptop?

Jul 24, 2012

I recently have been getting blue shutdown screens on my laptop. I will give you plenty of information about my computer. I put all the information about the Blue screen dump files and my System Information file in an attachment. I hope this helps. I recently found out you could save the System Information file as a text and also as an .exe. This is how it happens, I will be using my computer and then the computer will become very slow and unresponsive. It is not completely unresponsive but it will be so slow that I cannot use it, then after about 3 minutes of this slow unresponsiveness the blue screen will show up and say driver power state failure and shutdown. I recently formatted the computer because it had been doing this before so I restored it back to factory defaults about one month ago.

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Booting After Returning To Windows 7 HDD?

Nov 27, 2012

First of all, I have 2 HDD and 1 SSD in my desktop PC and I use the SSD one for my OSThis time, this drive has Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (english) on it. Today, I wanted to try Windows 8. Since I am not really into virtual machines or multiple OS in seperate partitions which you can select in a menu or something like that, I decided to use an old HDD to install the new OS. I unplugged the SSD and I plugged in the old HDDEverything went cool. Windows 8 installed fine, and I tried them for few minutes. I was done for the moment (I will still use Windows 7 for a while), so I unplugged the old HDD (with Windows 8 on it) and plugged in again my SSD.My problem is this. Whenever I boot, I am getting an error which has to do with the "winload.exe" (and the environment of this is clearly windows 8!!!) and it gives me 3 options. Enter to continue (nothing happens), F8 to get into settings (nothing happens) and F9 to load another OS. The last option leads to Windows 7 boot. Everything runs fine, but I don't want to do this everytime I start my PC[CODE]

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Extended My Laptop Display To Other Laptop Display?

Nov 21, 2009

I am very curious to know how to connect a laptop display to another laptop display. I have an old laptop and a new laptop with windows 7. I did some extended displays to other monitors. But any one have any idea about extending to a Laptop display from another Laptop.

I am just curious. Is it possible??

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No Sound After Returning From Sleep Mode

Jul 13, 2012

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. HP desktop model h8-1234. This is all I know of my audio which according to the update driver option, and Microsoft update, it is up to date: sound.JPG   44.27K 6 downloads

I have all the latest and optional updates to my PC using Microsoft update. I just bought this computer less than a week ago, so no real modifications to the system. If I put it into sleep mode for only a few minutes, the audio does not disappear. If it's in sleep mode for several hours, like when I sleep, there is no audio upon waking the computer. I read that for some people the audio driver disappears. That is not the case for me because the above pic was taken right now after returning from sleep mode with no sound. Also, I can go test my headphones using the audio thing and I'll get the little windows tune from here: sound 2.JPG   36.74K 7 downloads

But when I try to test the speakers section there is no sound as seen here: sound 3.JPG   36.86K 5 downloads

The only way to solve this problem is to restart my computer and obviously that defeats the purpose of sleep mode. Forgot to mention that I'm using headphones with 2 lines into the computer, one for the audio and the other for the mic. I do not have speakers.

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Good Site Returning 404 Error?

Nov 3, 2012

A site I visit occasionally - Sport Lemon - From Bar - From Sport - Watch Live Sports Online - FromSport - recently changed names and since then the home page shows but all of the links return a "404 - Not Found" error. Tried with four browsers - Opera (2), IE9, Waterfox 16 - with caches cleared. Works fine at public library and ISP says it's ok for them. Firewall is Comodo and Java is disabled, tho it doesn't seem the site's using it. Win 7x64

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Returning Explorer To Default Location?

Aug 2, 2010

Lately, I've been sharing my computer with my brother (his computer broke) and he just like to move the windows around (ie. music window to the bottom of the screen etc)So, every time I opened the music folder, it opens the window to the bottom of the screen.Is it possible to reset the window locations to its default location/size.

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Brightness Not Accessible When Returning From Sleep Mode?

Jul 7, 2010

So brightness works well when i turn on the cmoputer from shut down.I can change it, use mobility center to change it, use power options to change it, use FN + Fx keys to change it.Then i go to sleep mode as i travel around (laptop) and when i turn it back on, the brightness is much dimmed (about 60%) and i cannot change it.In fact, the brightness box in Mobility Center has disappeared..ower options, whenever i use the brightness slider, no effect...N + Fx keys do not work, also.The solution is to either enter hibernation mode, and turn it back on or to Shut Down, then turn it back on.

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WMC Doesn't Have Focus When Returning From XBMC Extender

Mar 20, 2012

I have WMC set up with an extender to launch XBMC. Alls great when I launch XBMC; WMC closes, I see the Windows 7 desktop, then XBMC loads. I can watch whatever. When I'm done, I exit out of XBMC. It goes back to the desktop, and then WMC loads up again. But now, WMC doesn't have focus, so my remote doesn't work. I have to use a keyboard, and issue an Alt+Tab to switch tasks to WMC. When I'm trying this, WMC is the only running program; so Alt+Tab shows 'Desktop' and 'Media Center'. It appears that the Desktop has focus instead. Very frustrating.

I assume that WMC should have focus when it starts back up, but for some reason it does not...

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Windows 7 Search Button Not Returning Results?

Oct 10, 2011

I can create documents, or really any file, and when I try and search for it in the Windows button search (Windows 7) It will say 'No Results Found' Even when I know they are there. I can find some files, but all the ones I created return no results.I tried running the off their site, It didn't work.

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Returning To Windows 7 Home After Failed Ultimate Upgrade

May 24, 2011

I purchased a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate at an auction. I subsequently installed it on one of my computers and everything went well. Not knowing that I could only install it on one computer I then installed it on my other computer. Everything was running well for a few days and now I keep getting a message that Windows 7 cannot activate. I don't want to purchase another copy of Ultimate and want to return to the original OS - Windows 7 Home that was preloaded on my Dell computer when I bought it.

I tried to do a system restore to the date that I installed the Ultimate but it didn't work. Ultimate is still running. Do I have to do a complete reinstall from my backup recovery disks and return to square one from when my computer was new or is there something I can do to stop getting the activation error code.

If I have to return to square one and reload from my recovery disks, I will, but I am trying to get around having to go through all that work, as well as the many, many, updates I will have to wait through. I am also worried about having to reinstall all of my software, addresses, etc.

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User Name Changed But Log In Remains?

Sep 25, 2012

I'm using a Win 7 Home Prem SP1 x64 system.My Problem:I have changed my User Account Name, However I must still log in using my old User Account NameWhat I've done (more or less in-order):-Secure Logon - Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE to log on-Log On with User Name and Password-Lock Computer Screen - Display User Information or Not ("Do not display user information")-Display Information About Previous Logons During User Logon in Vista and Windows 7 ("Display Logon Information")Changed User nameI realize that it may work if I undo the four changes but I don't want to undo and redo all of these steps.

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PowerDesk Process Remains After Exiting GUI?

Sep 4, 2009

I've always (10 years or so?) used PowerDesk in place of Windows Explorer (although I never choose the *replace* WE option when installing). Since installing it on Win 7, I've noticed some strange behaviour. After launching it from the start menu all is well, and when I have finished with it I close it, and its window vanishes. But if I try and run it again, it appears that nothing happens - no PD window, nothing. Try running again, again no window. Then bring up task manager an lo, there are three PDexplo.exe processes - the original that I thought I had quit, plus two from my subsequent attempts to run a new instance. I can delete one of the processes, then a second one, following which a PD window springs to life, and I can use it as normal. Again, if I exit PD the window vanishes but the process remains in task manager. I've tried running it in a couple of different compatability modes, but it makes no difference. I've just confirmed that on my regular win2k system the process is removed immediately after I exit the GUI.

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How To Reboot When The Screen Remains Blank

Jul 3, 2011

upon startup - the processor is whirring the indicator lights come on and after a few minutes the fan starts to spin. But the screen remains black - nothing. I was told to try starting it and tapping F8 repeatedly, but nothing comes on the screen. I hooked up a monitor to this machine thinking maybe the screen was bad. Nothing. What's next/

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Laptop Will Turn On But Then Goes Off?

Jan 14, 2013

my laptop turns on then if i go on to windows needs repairing, my laptop will now go on loading then it just goes to a BLACK SCREEN

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Turn The Caps On Caps Off Display That Pops Up Off?

Oct 25, 2012

issue has affected me so badly that I have had to put my studies on hold.About 2 weeks ago I bought a Samsung Series7 chronos 14 inch netbook with windows7 and I am happy with it and the system but every time I turn caps on or off (which is often as I write and use caps a lot) the big display pops up saying caps on caps off; as well as being annoying to the extreme for me,it stops me typing for a couple of seconds.I have googled this issue and even gone to another forum,someone said to me to contact the manufacturer (aka samsung) and samsung has given me a link from a forum as an answer.Nothing I have tried has worked so far.There is mention of it being a software driver issue,to go to regedit and the like.I set some value key to 0 and didn't work.Can anyone give me a solution and be clear with the answer and treat me like a beginner and explain what to do with clear steps?I am about to have a breakdown and frustrated as I fail to see who thought this pop up display is of any use? and why force it/impose it on the user?

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Programs Freezing Temporarily - Everything Else Remains Operational

Jan 9, 2011

Ever since I've built this computer, I have failed to figure out where this small problem is coming from. Here is an example: I will be browsing the internet and all of a sudden (whatever task I tell the browser to do) will freeze, while everything else remains operational (mouse, other programs, etc.). After about 10 secs average, it resumes what it is doing. Now this goes the same for any other program I am in, for instance: my game that I play will freeze up temporarily, and i can alt-esc to return to windows and everything is still fine there but the game is still froze, after about 10-20secs, its resumes what it is doing. Unsure if this is just a driver issue or a hardware conflict.

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An Item From A Mouse Click Remains On Screen

Jan 13, 2012

A menu item from a context menu frequently remains displayed after a mouse click. For instance I have a display that has the word 'Delete' on it. This display is on top of anything I type or try to read. That is why I had to put a carriage return after display above as I was unable to move anything so that the I could see what I was doing. The only way I have found to get rids of it is to reboot. Doesn't matter what program I am in. It happens when I click on a context menu item.

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Folder Remains After Delete And Until Site Change In WE

Apr 26, 2012

When I delete a folder in WE , it continues to be displayed until I move to another folder The same holds true for a MOVE or COPY.This just happened recently as I have been working with folders for years.

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Turn Off The Backlight On Laptop?

Nov 26, 2011

i have an emachine e528 laptop with a crack in the monitor. Everything else works fine so i just need to know how to shut off the backlight so i can hookup external monitor to keep using it.It was the 199.00 laptop from walmart last black friday.i tried google and emachine website and could not find an answer.I know usally it is a combo of a couple keys pressed at the same time.

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Turn Laptop On When Lid Is Opened

Oct 29, 2009

I just upgraded (via Customer Install) my Vista laptop to 64-bit Windows 7 HP.

Under Vista, I was able to set Power Options so that the computer would go to sleep/hibernate when I close the lid. That works in Windows 7.

However, I was also able to set the Power Options so that the laptop would wake up and restore Windows when I opened the lid. So far, I have been unable to set that behavior in Windows 7.

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