Itunes X64 Changes Windows 7 Color Scheme?

Jan 6, 2012

so i recently had a HDD crash and got a replacement, loaded Windows 7 x64 premium back on it, put all my software on it that i use, and notoice that when i load up itunes 10.5.2 (current version) it changes my theme settings and says "the color scheme has been changed to windows 7 basic" now i've gotten this before running legacy programs, no problem... but itunes is 64 bit, and i use it heavily. and before the reload i never had this issue before.

i'm thinking this could be a driver issue? i did have an issue with all my internal HDDs reading as external ejectable media, but fixed it with sata drivers.... i got the driver for my GPU, but still did nothing to fix this.

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Want To Change Windows Color Scheme?

Mar 3, 2010

When i go into a game windows asks me "Do you want to change your color scheme to improve performance?" and every time i click NEVER ASK ME AGAIN to no avail. I have to alt tab out of game that hangs up to hit NEVER ASK ME AGAIN and it is driving me crazy

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How To Disable Color Scheme On Windows 7 Starter

Dec 25, 2011

How can I disable the color scheme on my desktop in windows 7 stater?

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Windows Changing Color Scheme While Gaming?

Jun 21, 2012

When im playing any intensive game like Bf3 or Arma 2 windows changes my color scheme to windows basic because "Performance is too low". My computer is really good and the games aren't lagging at all.

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Windows 7 Home Basic Standard Color Scheme Gone

Oct 15, 2012

My problem is that my window 7 standard color scheme is gone, after I install, Uxtheme, personalization panel, aero enabler, xvi32.exe and unlocker.i tried all of the solutions that ive read here and in other forums but still no luck.BTW I also tried to system restore but it didnt worked.

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Changing Color Scheme Of Office 2003 Running On Windows 7 OS?

Nov 23, 2011

I would like to change the color scheme of Outlook 2003 and Word 2003. I am running on Windows 7 but there does not seem to be an option to alter the color scheme of the programs. I can change the Windows theme but not the color scheme of the programs like Outlook and Word. Is this not possible anymore or is blue the only color available?

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Change The Color Scheme Of Outlook 2003 Running On Windows 7?

Nov 23, 2011

I am presently using Outlook 2003 on my new Windows 7 OS but I can't seem to change the color scheme of the program. I can alter the Windows OS theme but not the individual programs like Outlook and Word. They are defaulting to blue only.

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Color Scheme Will Be Changed To Basic Message?

May 3, 2010

I get the pop up message whenever my computer is taxed (running a bunch of programs all compatible with the new graphics) that tells me my computer apears to be running slowly and the color scheme will be changed to win basic. It then changes and stays that way until next reboot. I would like to turn this off..

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Aero Color Scheme Returns To Default When Copy Command Used

Aug 2, 2011

Every time I use the command Ctrl+C to copy. My Windows aero colour scheme returns to default colors. The only way to change it back is to hit Ctrl+C 10 more times!!! This seems to be an odd issue but its really annoying as I copy and paste allot XD.

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Disable "Change The Color Scheme"?

Sep 13, 2012

Running Windows 7 64-bit, 8 GB RAM, Q9505 processor, Sapphire 7950...From time to time, Windows will break into a game to throw up a "Do you want to change your color scheme to improve performance?" There is no rhyme or reason to when it does it...not always the same game, not always the same programs, and sometimes it'll go for weeks and not do it at all, other times it'll do it seven or more times in one evening. When it's "on a roll," rebooting doesn't stop it from appearing. It used to have the same odd behavior with my old Asus 6870 as well.I want to permanently disable it. I have clicked "don't ask again" over and over again, which Windows ignores. I have changed the settings in the Action Center, which Windows also apparently ignores.

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Free ITunes Alternative - Manage IPod IPhone Without ITunes?

Aug 16, 2012

looking for alternative for itunes for a while.I have an ipod touch 8gb.Now been looking at this piece of software and wondering will it recognise my ipod touch or will I have to stick to itunes,I have music photos & video clips on it now. This is what I've been looking at but will it recognise the ipotouch?? Link..... Free iTunes alternative - Manage iPod iPhone without iTunes

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Downgrading ITunes Without Losing ITunes Library?

Sep 18, 2011

I'm trying to downgrade from iTunes 10.5 to a version that doesn't crash (see my previous thread). However, whenever I do this, I cannot import my Library file (.itl) because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.

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No Default Color Profile Listed In Color Management?

Jun 7, 2012

I want to color calibrate my new Dell XPS 15z laptop, but before I do I'd like to back up the existing color profile in case I prefer it to the calibrated one ...

The only problem is, when I open Color Management, NO default color profile is listed, so I don't know what to go back to. I know there HAS to be a default color profile somewhere ... How do I find it?

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Nvidia Color Control Versus Windows Color Control Settings?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to set my monitor's screen give accurate renditions of my pictures. I use Quick Gamma to set gamma. When doing this I can use either Nvidia's controls or windows controls (right click desktop>Nvidia Control Panel. When using Nvidia's Control Panel, there are two choices: Use other applications control color settings or Use Nvidia settings. Am I correct in assuming that the former setting is Windows? I always check the button to use Nvidia settings (and then Apply>OK), but when I go back to this screen at a later time, the Other applications control color settings is always selected. I'd like to default to Nvidia.

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Import XP Sound Scheme

Nov 24, 2009

For many years now I've had a custom sound scheme where every event caused a different carefully chosen .wav from "2001: A Space Odyssey" to play. For example, Critical Stop would cause Hal to say "Just a moment", a new IM would have Hal say "there is a message for you" , when the system is shutting down Hal will say " I know that you and Frank have been planning to disconnect me and that's something I just can't allow to happen" , etc. (BTW, anyone who wants the set of .wav files please let me know).

Now, I could, of course, tediously compare all the settings from XP and duplicate them in Windows 7. But, that would not be elegant. I'm trying to figure out if the registry settings for sound schemes in XP are compatible with Windows 7, and if so, where are they in Windows 7?

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"iTunes Cannot Run Because Some Of Its Required Files Are Missing. Please Reinstall ITunes"

Aug 8, 2011

I use iTunes on my Windows 7 computer to sync with my iPhone, and the last time I went to open iTunes it gave me the error message "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes."I had heard that if I uninstalled Quicktime (which is bundled with iTunes when that is downloaded), then reinstalled it separately, it would work again, but after trying that it didn't. So I decided to just uninstall iTunes, then reinstall it. However, every time I try to uninstall it in Add/Remove Programs, it just sits there saying it'll be about eight more seconds to go to finish deleting, but it just sits, and sits, and sits...... Nothing. I also tried to just install the newest iTunes on top of the existing one, but every time I try it tells me that it's already installed and to click "Ok." So I can't uninstall it, nor can I install it, nor will iTunes open on its own. I had done a system restore recently, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it.

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Change The Color Settings In Windows 7 To The Default Color Settings In Windows XP?

Jul 18, 2012

change the color settings in Windows 7 to the default color settings in Windows XP so I can run a tool in Microsoft Excel.

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How To Run ITunes On Windows 7

Oct 2, 2011

does anyone know if you can run iTunes on windows 7?

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ITunes Windows 7 Backup?

Jul 4, 2011

I know this isn't an Apple forum, but hope someone may be able to answer this one. If I make a DVD copy of the contents of my iTunes library on my Windows 7 PC, will my new iMac be able to import the backup, or are the file types that different?

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ITunes 10 Crashes Windows 7 64-bit

Feb 21, 2012

I've been having problems for a few weeks with a crashing computer. When I tried to open "Programs and Features", it would crash every time. No crash dumps. No BSOD. Just a hard reboot like some yanked the plug out. It would also happen randomly.

After running countless tests on hardware, checking for viruses, and TWO re-format and clean installs, I finally isolated the problem to iTunes. I was just about finishing my 2nd rebuild, and it was working just fine. I installed the iTunes 10 64-bit version, and BAM, it started crashing. I then installed Revo Uninstaller, and removed iTunes and all of the other Apple crap from my machine. Voila! No more problems.

I would like to be able to have iTunes installed so that I can manage my iPods, but can't seem to have it on there without hosing up my system.

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Copying ITunes To Windows 7

Sep 23, 2012

how do i copy all of my iTunes data/music onto my external Hard drive, then download iTunes (empty with no songs in it yet) on my new win 7 pc. and then copy my iTunes music from external HD to new iTunes? i tried i couldn't seem to copy music to External HD.

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Itunes On Windows 7 32 Bit Not Working?

Jan 20, 2012

I reinstalled iTunes several times, but when I try to plug in my iPod it won't recognize it, I tried plugging it to a different computer to see and it was seen by iTunes. help. Not sure what's going on. Got the latest iTunes version. Computer scanned and no threats at all.

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Reset IPhone Name (in Windows 7, Not ITunes)?

Nov 8, 2011

I recently plugged in a friends iphone (bob) and accidentally pressed import files rather than explore. In the autorun menu.Now when I plug my iPhone in, Windows is saying that Bob's iPhone is plugged in, instead of mine.Which is rather weird. Any ideas how to fix/reset to default?My phone is named correctly in iTunes and that recognizes it correctly.

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Unable To Install ITunes On Windows 7?

Jun 20, 2012

I previously had iTunes installed on my laptop (see specs below), but when the newest version came out, I kept getting error messages (shown below) when I tried to update to the latest version. Therefore, I completely removed iTunes from my laptop with the goal of doing a re-install from scratch. However, I continue to receive the same error messages as before (I say "continue" because I've tried several times with the same result each time). The installation begins without any problems, but after a few seconds, I get the first error message (see below), and then when I click OK, it runs for a few more seconds, and I get the second error message (see below). I am not having any other problems with my system, and I have run several anti-malware and -virus scans to make sure the problem in not an infection?And, by the way, the same thing happens when I right click the iTunes set-up icon and select "Run as Administrator".

iTunes Setup Error Message.jpg   35.27K


iTunes Setup Error Message #2.jpg   35.11K


iTunes Setup Error Message #3.jpg   48.42K

Machine Specs:
Sony Vaio SE Laptop 64bit
Windows 7 Professional
Intel Core i7 - 2640M Quadcore CPU @ 2.80 GHz
Network Card: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6230
Display Adapters: Intel HD Graphics Family; AMD Radeon HD 6630M

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IPhone Not Recognized By ITunes In Windows 7 X64

May 1, 2010

I have a Dell Studio 1569 with Windows 7 Professional x64, 4GB RAM, Intel i5 Core.

When I plug my iPhone into the USB port and open iTunes, iTunes says "An iPhone has been previously synced with this computer." Then I'm asked if I want to "Set up as a new iPhone" or "Restore from the backup of:"

I've already connected this phone in the past. However, each time I reconnect, I have to either restore or create a new phone, both of with require deleted and losing info and media on my iPhone.

I've read about the Gigabyte P55 BIOS update. My computer doesn't have a Gigabyte Motherboard. I tried that fix anyway and the program wouldn't let me run it because it's not a Gigabyte product. I've read in some places that on some Dell laptops, the USB ports don't work well with iPhones. That's absurd and I can't imagine that would be the proble; I hope that's not the issue.

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ITunes On Windows 7 Constantly Freezes?

Feb 17, 2012

I have Windows 7 Ultimate on my laptop and constantly am running into the issue with iTunes always freezing up either when I open the program or while it's minimized, scrolling through my library, or in the iTunes Store. I have uninstalled it and all of its components one by one, re-installed and it will only work for so long before it acts up again.

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Windows 7 Not Letting The Itunes To Be Opened

Oct 7, 2011

windows 7 won't let me open itunes or watch Internet videos. it won't let me install adobe either the flashplayer when it tells me i need it.

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Itunes Will Not Let To Remove It From Acer Windows 7

Nov 23, 2011

Trying to remove itunes have tried clean up uninstall and screaming nothing works ! we have windows 7 and new iphone4 . Can uninstall all programs related to itunes but not itunes it self

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Syncing Itunes In Windows 7 Causes Laptop To Go To Sleep

Oct 1, 2012

I have been trying to sync iTunes version 10.7 with my ipad in Windows 7. I have tried just about everything I can think of and it still goes to sleep or crashes where I have to restart everything when I hit the power buttion.

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Can't Install Most Recent Version Of ITunes On Windows 7

Feb 1, 2012

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 4043 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family, 1797 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 237916 MB, Free - 192093 MB; D: Total - 238622 MB, Free - 224591 MB;
Motherboard: Intel Corp., Base Board Product Name
Antivirus: Norton 360, Updated and Enabled

When I am prompted to download the newest version of itunes it gets to about 75% on the progress bar then completely freezes indefinitely. I don't get any error messages, it just stops progressing with the installation. I think its 10.5.3.

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Iphone Not Detecting In Itunes On Windows 64bit

Mar 13, 2012

My iPhone 3gs will appear in iTunes and sync after reloading all Apple Software for two or three connections, then iTunes no longer initializes when the iPhone is connected.If I deinstall all Apple Software and re-install all the software, iPhone will work normally two or three times then becomes a ghost once again, Windows 7 PRO 64 does detect it.

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