Aero Color Scheme Returns To Default When Copy Command Used

Aug 2, 2011

Every time I use the command Ctrl+C to copy. My Windows aero colour scheme returns to default colors. The only way to change it back is to hit Ctrl+C 10 more times!!! This seems to be an odd issue but its really annoying as I copy and paste allot XD.

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Itunes X64 Changes Windows 7 Color Scheme?

Jan 6, 2012

so i recently had a HDD crash and got a replacement, loaded Windows 7 x64 premium back on it, put all my software on it that i use, and notoice that when i load up itunes 10.5.2 (current version) it changes my theme settings and says "the color scheme has been changed to windows 7 basic" now i've gotten this before running legacy programs, no problem... but itunes is 64 bit, and i use it heavily. and before the reload i never had this issue before.

i'm thinking this could be a driver issue? i did have an issue with all my internal HDDs reading as external ejectable media, but fixed it with sata drivers.... i got the driver for my GPU, but still did nothing to fix this.

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Want To Change Windows Color Scheme?

Mar 3, 2010

When i go into a game windows asks me "Do you want to change your color scheme to improve performance?" and every time i click NEVER ASK ME AGAIN to no avail. I have to alt tab out of game that hangs up to hit NEVER ASK ME AGAIN and it is driving me crazy

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Color Scheme Will Be Changed To Basic Message?

May 3, 2010

I get the pop up message whenever my computer is taxed (running a bunch of programs all compatible with the new graphics) that tells me my computer apears to be running slowly and the color scheme will be changed to win basic. It then changes and stays that way until next reboot. I would like to turn this off..

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How To Disable Color Scheme On Windows 7 Starter

Dec 25, 2011

How can I disable the color scheme on my desktop in windows 7 stater?

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Windows Changing Color Scheme While Gaming?

Jun 21, 2012

When im playing any intensive game like Bf3 or Arma 2 windows changes my color scheme to windows basic because "Performance is too low". My computer is really good and the games aren't lagging at all.

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Windows 7 Home Basic Standard Color Scheme Gone

Oct 15, 2012

My problem is that my window 7 standard color scheme is gone, after I install, Uxtheme, personalization panel, aero enabler, xvi32.exe and unlocker.i tried all of the solutions that ive read here and in other forums but still no luck.BTW I also tried to system restore but it didnt worked.

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Changing Color Scheme Of Office 2003 Running On Windows 7 OS?

Nov 23, 2011

I would like to change the color scheme of Outlook 2003 and Word 2003. I am running on Windows 7 but there does not seem to be an option to alter the color scheme of the programs. I can change the Windows theme but not the color scheme of the programs like Outlook and Word. Is this not possible anymore or is blue the only color available?

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Change The Color Scheme Of Outlook 2003 Running On Windows 7?

Nov 23, 2011

I am presently using Outlook 2003 on my new Windows 7 OS but I can't seem to change the color scheme of the program. I can alter the Windows OS theme but not the individual programs like Outlook and Word. They are defaulting to blue only.

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No Default Color Profile Listed In Color Management?

Jun 7, 2012

I want to color calibrate my new Dell XPS 15z laptop, but before I do I'd like to back up the existing color profile in case I prefer it to the calibrated one ...

The only problem is, when I open Color Management, NO default color profile is listed, so I don't know what to go back to. I know there HAS to be a default color profile somewhere ... How do I find it?

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Disable "Change The Color Scheme"?

Sep 13, 2012

Running Windows 7 64-bit, 8 GB RAM, Q9505 processor, Sapphire 7950...From time to time, Windows will break into a game to throw up a "Do you want to change your color scheme to improve performance?" There is no rhyme or reason to when it does it...not always the same game, not always the same programs, and sometimes it'll go for weeks and not do it at all, other times it'll do it seven or more times in one evening. When it's "on a roll," rebooting doesn't stop it from appearing. It used to have the same odd behavior with my old Asus 6870 as well.I want to permanently disable it. I have clicked "don't ask again" over and over again, which Windows ignores. I have changed the settings in the Action Center, which Windows also apparently ignores.

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Aero Toggle & Disappearing Command Prompt

May 11, 2011

I'm about one month and some change new to Win 7 Pro and seem to have two problems that continue to elude me:

1. After installing several programs, trying to mimic my XP Pro, I restarted my PC only to find, what I believe was a "Toggle" button, which allowed me to select it and see all RUNNING windows in a somewhat 3D manner. Yes, I'm using Aero. Well, it disappeard; it used to be right in the center of the taskbar.

2. For reasons beyond my imagination, the command prompt displays for a split second and then disappears. I had the same problem in XP Pro. The only way it worked then, was for me to access the command via programs>accessories.

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Set Color Profile With Command Prompt?

May 12, 2012

Btw, this is my prefered color profile:

But everytime I finished playing games such as Crysis 2 or Just Cause 2 or Adobe the screen will be in over brightness so that I have to go to Control Panel > Color Management and click Set as Default Profile to get it back to normal.

My question is what command I can set a color profile in a command prompt, so that I can put it into the end of a batch file?

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Change Color Depth Through Command Line?

May 13, 2009

how to change color depth to 32-bit in windows through command or registry?

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Command Prompt Color Got Permanently Set To Green?

Jul 7, 2012

command prompt's color got permantly set to green, whenever i use a shortcut instead its the normal gray/white background but whenever i use a batch file or directly launch cmd, it's color is green and i have to manually set it

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Screen Color Changed - How To Get Back Default

Jan 3, 2013

I need to change to default color.

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Command Prompt - Copy To Clipboard

Aug 22, 2009

How to Enable Copy to Clipboard from the Windows 7 Command Prompt ?

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How To Change Default Screen Color From White To Grey

Mar 26, 2011

my sister has macular degeneration and has trouble with the glare of her monitor. i want to be able to make the default screen color grey instead of white in all programs. is that possible? For example, i was able to make the screen color grey in Word and the font black so that it opens that way everytime. but that is only one program. i would like to be able to do this so that everything works that way.

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Change The Color Settings In Windows 7 To The Default Color Settings In Windows XP?

Jul 18, 2012

change the color settings in Windows 7 to the default color settings in Windows XP so I can run a tool in Microsoft Excel.

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Change To Default 'copy In Same Directory' Behavior?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm in the habit of making a backup of files before changing them. To keep track of each version of a file, I make a copy and then rename it to include the last modified date. For example, if I'm going to edit bozo.html, I'll make a copy of the file (in the same directory) and rename it to bozo.2010.05.12.html . In Windows Explorer in Windows 7, if I right click on a file and drag and drop it in the same directory, I get a menu from which I select 'Copy here'. A copy of the file is created with the name 'bozo - Copy.html'. Is there any way to change this function to use the modified date of the file instead of ' - Copy' ?

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Make "Play To" The Default Command In WMP12

Oct 10, 2012

is there any way to make this action the default action when a song or video is clicked in WMP?

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SiS671 Mirage3 - NO AERO But W/o Drivers = AERO

Oct 18, 2009

I am currently looking a way to enable Aero in my machine. (as note, currently I am missing the Aero Glass, Aero Peek, and Aero Flip.

I did a clean install of Windows 7 on the machine. Because my screen is WideScreen, at first the graphics are all large and mushy. But at this point I HAVE AERO!

Then, I installed the driver for the gfx card, which was SIS UniVGA3 v.3.85. After installing and restarting, I get the normal resolution (1280x800) but NO AERO.

I thought this was driver problem, so I downloaded UniVGA5 v5.07, UniVGA5 v5.20 (which is the driver for Windows7, according to the site), and the SiS driver update from Windows Update, all of which didn't enable Aero for me.

I am completely stumped on this. I just don't get why the heck I get Aero WITHOUT driver, but no Aero with drivers.

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Import XP Sound Scheme

Nov 24, 2009

For many years now I've had a custom sound scheme where every event caused a different carefully chosen .wav from "2001: A Space Odyssey" to play. For example, Critical Stop would cause Hal to say "Just a moment", a new IM would have Hal say "there is a message for you" , when the system is shutting down Hal will say " I know that you and Frank have been planning to disconnect me and that's something I just can't allow to happen" , etc. (BTW, anyone who wants the set of .wav files please let me know).

Now, I could, of course, tediously compare all the settings from XP and duplicate them in Windows 7. But, that would not be elegant. I'm trying to figure out if the registry settings for sound schemes in XP are compatible with Windows 7, and if so, where are they in Windows 7?

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How To Run Program When Computer Returns From Standby

Aug 17, 2010

I simply want to run a program when the computer returns from standby, but I see no options in the scheduler.

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UAC Returns To Highest Setting On Almost Every Reboot

Dec 27, 2009

I usually keep it on the 2nd notch but every time I restart the PC, UAC goes back to the highest setting.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and I did an upgrade from Vista Ultimate x64

Any ideas?

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Computer Randomly Hangs And Returns To Normal

Jan 21, 2012

I've owned my custom computer for about 3 years now, done various upgrades on it. But now I don't understand what's happening. When I play Games or doing normal browsing, my computer will hang and everything will freeze for about a minute or two. It's more when I play Video games than when I surf the internet. It then returns to normal and I can do whatever for the next 10-15 minutes, and then it does it again. I tryed to get past it but it starts to do it more frequently.

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Windows 7 Freezes Upon Login But Returns After 7-20 Minutes

Oct 12, 2012

I have a problem with 2 Windows computers located in 2 separate locations. When I login the computer will run for 1-3 minutes and then freezes for 8-20 minutes. After it returns from it's nap everything runs normally.

I have been told that their is no malware on the computer, see this topic --[URL]

when I first reported this on the Windows 7 forum about a month ago the freeze was 7-8 minutes, last time I rebooted and logged in it froze for 20 minutes.

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Mac And Windows 7 Networking Searches For About A Minute And Then Returns Nothing?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a home network, based around a wireless router which our internet is distributed by. The connection is fine for internet but not great for file sharing.I take a lot of pictures and save them all on my desktop pc. This is sadly a windows machine running Windows 7. I have been using this for a good few years, it has an internal RAID5 array which I store the images on.I am not looking to access these files from my mac using a faster interface than the wireless which is already set up. My mac has a gigabyte ethernet port as does my desktop. I have purchased a crossover cable to save buying a switch.I have set up file sharing on the wireless network which work albiet very slowly by looking on the network on my mac, waiting till my windows machine appears, logging on using my normal credentials and having access to my files.

If I try and make the mac use the wired connection instead by going to the finder Go>Connect to a Server and then typing in for example in searches for about a minute and then returns nothing. I can ping the machine and get a response.From what I can diagnose myself is that the unidentified crossover cable network is not liked by windows at all and won't allow sharing of files. This is just an inkling though.

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Sp1 Install Returns Error That Components Are Missing

Apr 11, 2011

I've been trying to update using the win7 updater to Sp1. I've beeen able to get it downloaded but the installation fails shortly into the process returning a message saying that it cant proceed due to missing components. I've tried one potential fix which is to restore backuped fies from my last usage of driver sweeper, but that did not work.

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Adding Folder To Library Returns Error Network

Dec 12, 2009

I am trying to share my MUSIC folder on my Windows Home Server (WHS) to my Music Library.

Pretty simply structure, so thought this should not be a problem. If I add the entire folder to the Library only 1/3 of my songs are listed. In trying to understand what is happening I found that only 2 of the 5 sub-folders under MUSIC are included (Songs1 and Songs5).

Starting over, I removed the "MUSIC" folder from the Library and then proceeded to add each sub-folder indivually. What I found is I could add 2 sub-folders (Songs1 and Songs5), but adding the other 3 sub-folders returned an error message, "this network location can't be included because it is not indexed". If I add any new folder under MUSIC I can't add it to the Library either.

I'm thinking this has to be some type of security or user issue but can't think of what it would be since some of the sub-folders under MUSIC can be recognized, while others, including new folders, can not be added. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Windows 7 File Search Returns No Files (but They Exist)

Dec 11, 2011

Running Windows 7 (6.1, SP1, 64-bit).Previously, I was using WinXP file search in classic mode. Predictable, reliable results.I'm finding Windows 7 file searching to be unpredictable at best.I have dozens files of the form xName-<date>, where x is my first initial,Name is my last name, and <date> is the file date (e.g. - "mSmithCV-7jan09.doc").When I use the Windows 7 search to find "name:smith", no files are returned.Nor will "name:*smith*" return any files.The search does return the files if I specify "name:mSmith" (i.e. - the beginning of the filename),but I have no confidence that the search is returning ALL of the files.

Is there a classic search mode? Or a simple, cost-effective third-party file search utility? Or even a way to get Windows 7 to find all files whose filename contains (but does not begin with) a specified string?[I find Windows 7 to be better than XP in most respects, but I really can't believe that this search functionality made it out the door.

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