Installing Fallout Mods Using Steam

Mar 31, 2012

I want to install some mods for fallout new vegas but i buyed it useing steam and i can find were the fallout game got installed on my c drive?

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Multiple BSODs Lately After Installing Games Off Steam?

Aug 20, 2012

I've been having quite a few blue screens lately after installing and playing a few games I bought off the Summer Sale not too long ago, and they seem to be jumping all over the place as to what the issue really is. It was mainly when I would play the game "Saint's Row the Third", which would result in a random BSOD between a few minutes to an hour or so of play, if the game itself didn't crash first for some reason, but I just recently installed TF2 for the first time on this new machine of mine and I've gotten several BSOD a day now as a result. Like... Now I get about 3+ crashes a day, and almost always guaranteed a crash whenever I try to run that game, compared to before where it was isolated to SR3 or the occasional one here or there.I got a message about a .sys file related to Avast! Anti-Virus trying to access memory after it was freed in a BSOD message earlier on, and it improved my stability quite a bit after I uninstalled the whole progam, but I've had a few more crashes since I wiped that out earlier today.

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CRC Error When Installing Games From Disk Not Via Steam

Aug 31, 2011

When trying to install the sims 3 and gta 4 from DVD I get a crc error appear. I have tried making iso's of them and installing from that but same problem also I have tried installing from another copy but still same problem. I can install games from steam and they work fine.

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BSOD Starting Grand Theft Auto IV As Non Steam Game In Steam?

May 1, 2012

I get a bsod when starting GTA 4, i think its something to do with avast however.

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Low Disk Space / Installing Steam Games / Sharing Drives / Partitions

Mar 7, 2011

i own Garrysmod, a steam source-mod. It is a game that grows dynamically as I connect to server's, download addons, and receive mandatory game updates.The game file has exceeded 50Gb before.After getting infected with "Windows 7 Antivirus Pro" and making (I freely admit it, and I REALLY should have known better) a terrible mistake and breaking all .exe's while removing the infection, I was forced to re-install windows. However, for whatever reason (another stupid mistake) I re-installed windows on the wrong hard-drive. So now my C: drive is only 150 Gb, and my backup (both of them) are 1TB.I do not have the space to have garrysmod on my C: drive, which is where steam is installed (Last time I tried installing it somewhere else it would not work.)Now that the background information is done lets move on to what you can help me with!

I have been looking for a way to install garrysmod on another hard-drive without reinstalling steam and trying to get it to work on another hard-drive. I believe I have found one, but I am really a coward when it comes to this sort of thing, (I HATE re-formatting) the solution I have found apparently tells the computer that the directory/file is on C: when it is actually on another hard-drive, but I found it in an old forum thread, and the member that had posted it was banned.

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No Driver San Francisco Customization Or Mods?

Nov 19, 2011

I tried to search for custom mods or cheats but could'nt find anything for Driver San Francisco PC. I hate to drive in a Tiger Cam when there's endless traffic running around and the most annoying things are the map, bars on the screen. I want to drive by taking the car of my choice and empty the city with traffic removed and go crazy on the drifts in american muscles... there's not even a single place like a open ground where we can go and make donots and burn the rubber... where ever you go you just find bars blocking the place behind the streets so does any one know what should i do or am i just stuck with these limited things?

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Can't Run Fallout 3 On Windows 7

May 1, 2012

i cant seem to start a new game on fallout 3 on windows 7. it installed ok but it crashes as soon as it starts loading up. tried the d3d9.dll fix and that didnt seem to work.

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Fallout 3 Crashes On Windows 7?

Sep 26, 2010

I have recently bought fallout 3 game of the year edition for my Samsung r580 laptop; it runs on windows 7 home premium 32bit. I have successfully installed the game and can play it for about 2-3 minutes before it crashes. Nothing can get me out of the crash except ctrl alt delete. I have gotten the updated version 1.7 but the problem still continues.

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Fallout 3 On Windows 7 Crashes?

Apr 10, 2011

my problem is that when i install it and go into menu, i press new game, and i goes to the loading slide, then it crashes and i can't figure out why?

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Fallout 3 GOTY Stutters

Dec 6, 2009

I've just upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium from XP and while I love the OS for the most part, I am having issues with a slight stutter or hesitation when playing this game. Happens every 3-5 seconds or so and it's just a quick blip if you will. Never had any issues with this title before and I can play Borderlands and Crysis smooth as butter. Anyone know if Fallout has some issue with Windows 7?

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Windows 7 Fallout 3 Patch?

Nov 23, 2009

i just got a new laptop and have window 7 and when i load fallout 3 it crashes after i choose to play a new game?

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Game Fallout 3 And DLC Problem

Nov 24, 2009

I cant get my 6 GB of corsair 1600Mhz memory to show it says i only have 4GB... also Fallout 3 and the DLCs are giving me a ton of ***. on it says its my OS and only my OS (((everything in my rig is over kill for thi game))) so it cant be my parts. and it cant be the OS because ive played it perfectly fine 2 times just testing it. all the DLC's popped up when i got out of the vault everything... OR should i just buy the Fallout 3 GOTY? instead? and if so would that even work?

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Fallout 3 Crashing On Windows 7

Jan 25, 2013

i had fallout3 working and it crshed a couple of timesQuote

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Fallout 3 GoTY Crashes On Startup

Aug 2, 2011

Fallout 3 GoTY crashes on startup. Nothing but black screen shows up before it crashes. I bought it on Steam.I was able to play the game from disk and not GoTY, without any DLCs about a year ago on the same system - Windows 7 x64. I bought the game recently because I lost my disk. I've reinstalled Windows in the meantime once.I've got DirectX installed when launching games on Steam, also installed using a webinstall from MS website recently, so it's up-to-date. There is no other game that crashes too. My Nvidia drivers are latest version also.I've tried reinstalling the game but it still didn't work. I've tried deleting F3 folder from My Documents which also didn't help.I've tried compatibility modes and "Run as Administrator" function, neither did help.I haven't changed anything in my hardware so it's not hardware-related.

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Constant CTD's And Freezes When Playing Fallout 3

Nov 29, 2011

i have been spending alot of time on this problem, and everything does not seem to work. i have windows 7 home premium 64-bit, with a AMD Phenom II 945 Quad-Core processor. my graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 5450, with an intergrated sound card and 8gb ddr3 memory. generaly, a problem arises within 20 mins of gameplay (does not matter if im outside or inside), and presents itself either as a crash-to-desktop or a freeze. also i am not playing with any mods or DLC's or with New Vegas i have tried many fixes; i have set the INI to use only 2 (then 1 processor), disabled all autosaves, downloaded/installed the d3d9 file, changed windows color scheme to "basic", i have updated all my video card drivers, i am not aware of any codecs being used on my system (did a file search, came up w/ nothing), running as administrator, allowed all premissions (its even installed in my documents, NOT program files), and even now i still have this problem. however, i can also play Oblivion w/ about 300 mods and i can play pretty comfortably. on top of that (even though i dont have the most recent games) Fallout 3 is the only problem.

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Memory Leak After Trying To Run Fallout 3 DLC Installer

Nov 26, 2009

Whenever I try to run "EN_Fallout_3_DLC", I get a memory leak problem. My RAM usage is at 97% with 3 gigs of RAM.

The only error message I get is this one.

Edit: Fixed the problem by extracting the files to a different location

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Fallout 3 Wont Start New Game?

Feb 21, 2012

I did put d3d9.dll it's won't work either.... samething.... dell inspirion intel (r) hd graphics..

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Windows 7 (64-bit) Cannot Start FEAR, Portal, Fallout 3

Sep 3, 2011

I can play Lara Croft, Batman, but i cannot play Portal 2, Fallout 3 nor FEAR3. The games just wouldn't start. I have updated all the video card drivers, but i'm not hitting the solution of this problem.Following is the log from hijackthis:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 7:19:17 PM, on 9/3/2011
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.00 (9.00.8112.16421)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:
C:Program Files (x86)Norton 360 Premier EditionEngine5.1.0.29ccSvcHst.exe
C:Program FilesASUSSix EngineSixEngine.exe
C:Program Files (x86)IntelIntel Matrix Storage ManagerIAAnotif.exe
C:Program Files (x86)Analog DevicesSoundMAXSoundMAX.exe
C:Program Files (x86)DAEMON Tools LiteDTLite.exe


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Fallout 3 Wont Make New Game Windows 7

Jan 13, 2013

i just downloaded fallout 3 and i think i have pinpointed the problem, i just need someone to refresh my memory, it said to go 2 controll panel and do something with direct x 3 and i got off steam

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How To Run Steam On A Limited Account

Oct 16, 2012

My son's account was limited, but after I installed Steam for him, he had to use "Run as" and then get me to enter my Admin account details so that he could run it. This was getting tedious so I changed his account to an Admin type. Is there a way to put his account back to Limited (Family Safety will then work again) and still run Steam without using "Run as" and me entering details every time?

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BSOD When Downloading From Steam?

Jan 2, 2012

I recently built a PC in August for the first time and everything was working great until a few months ago. I believe the problems started when I flashed my Asus P8Z68-V motherboard with a BIOS from a different model. I finally discovered my error and flashed my BIOS to a correct version thinking this would stop the BSODs. It did not and the BSODs continue only when installing certain games on Steam and every time I "Verify Integrity of Cache", no matter what the game is. Other than these two scenarios my computer seems to run fine. I have gone through and updated all the drivers provided on the Asus product page. I also have the WHQL drivers for my nVidia GTX 570 and all the Z68 chipset drivers. I really don't know what else I can or should update as far as drivers are concerned.

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BSOD When Loading Steam

May 26, 2012

I'm not sure steam had anything to do with the crash the computer was idle and not really being stressed. The computer and its parts are all relatively new, some parts up to a year old. All drivers are up to date, as far as im aware. I think the bsod code was something lik 0x000000124. Any idea what caused it ? Driver or hardware related?

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Install Some Games From Steam?

Feb 28, 2012

I am trying to install some games from Steam, but I can't because their is not enough space.

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Steam Must Be Started Twice To Login

Oct 28, 2012

this is actually a fairly common problem for people right now apparently, but the steam forums aren't any help thought I might pick a few brains here.The first time you start steam the log in always fails.The second time you start steam it logs in just fine. This appears to happen regardless of if it's set to start with windows or not. I've already played with most the network or environment variables that could be causing it. Just looking for other ideas at this point.

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How To Ininstall Steam Account

Apr 11, 2011

I accidentally forgot to close the steam account me and my brother share when i was deleting his account on my laptop and now it won't let me uninstall it because it says "this account is locked because another user is currently using it" or something like that.i was wondering if there was a way to "force" uninstall it? i would really like to know because i want to play some games

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Steam Update Hanged At 30%?

Jul 4, 2011

After installing Steam Client, the Steam Update is at 30% for 20 minutes. May i know what is the update for as i have not installed any game? And how big is the update?

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Steam Hangs On Install

Jul 16, 2012

I have been having problems trying to install Steam on my computer. Everything is up to date on the system. When I click on link through steam to install it starts the process however it gets to a window where it says updating steam and it hangs.I have no idea what else to do.Tried different browsers still same problem.I have Windows 7 pro 64

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Steam Not Downloading Deus Ex?

Oct 2, 2012

I've tried every possible way to try and get Deus Ex downloaded, just redeemed a code I got and it keeps saying "steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request"

I tried all the things steam says to do like change download location and etc. I can download other games but this one?

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Firefox, IE, Steam Not Showing Any Text?

Jun 12, 2011

I don't know how it happened, but suddenly certain programs stopped showing any text. I think I may have accidentally deleted some fonts, but I have no idea how.More information in these screenshots.I tried using System Restore to restoringly restore a previous restore point, but it failed and asked me to try again. When I tried again all restore points had been deleted. Isn't that just awesome?Anyway, I think re-installing all fonts might fix this. So I would like to know where I can download all default Windows 7 fonts.

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BSOD While Exiting Steam App DotA2 ( Cdd.dll )

Feb 1, 2012

I've encountered this issue just now and want to make sure it is not anything too serious, there is not much to say save for the fact that as soon as I hit exit to desktop the BS appeared.My power supply unit is a very competent Corsair series unit, so I do not believe that would be an issue. I've attached the performance monitor report along with your Utility tool report.The operating system is a Windows 7 Ultimate on 64 bits, and the entire hardware is fairly new ( <2 months old ).

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BSOD While Playing Steam Games?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a fear that it's endangering my computer

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