Constant CTD's And Freezes When Playing Fallout 3

Nov 29, 2011

i have been spending alot of time on this problem, and everything does not seem to work. i have windows 7 home premium 64-bit, with a AMD Phenom II 945 Quad-Core processor. my graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 5450, with an intergrated sound card and 8gb ddr3 memory. generaly, a problem arises within 20 mins of gameplay (does not matter if im outside or inside), and presents itself either as a crash-to-desktop or a freeze. also i am not playing with any mods or DLC's or with New Vegas i have tried many fixes; i have set the INI to use only 2 (then 1 processor), disabled all autosaves, downloaded/installed the d3d9 file, changed windows color scheme to "basic", i have updated all my video card drivers, i am not aware of any codecs being used on my system (did a file search, came up w/ nothing), running as administrator, allowed all premissions (its even installed in my documents, NOT program files), and even now i still have this problem. however, i can also play Oblivion w/ about 300 mods and i can play pretty comfortably. on top of that (even though i dont have the most recent games) Fallout 3 is the only problem.

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Constant Bsod While Playing Video Game?

May 13, 2012

I get this Bsod frequently when i play video games, generates randomly For example:could happen on my first game of dota 2 (ave. game last 35-40 minutes) to about 4-6 games of dota.Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601.


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Constant Computer Freezes When Using

Jun 17, 2012

I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if I make a mistake.I recently purchased a Dell Latitude E4300 refurbished laptop from a seller on eBay. Ever since I brought it home, it has been constantly freezing randomly, whether it be whilst I'm browsing, navigating through windows etc.I've reformatted, and completely wiped the system about 3-4 times, installing different versions of Windows 7 whether it be Home Premium x32 or x64, or Windows 7 Professional x32 or x64 bit, but regardless of what I do, it concludes pointless. I first suspected it was the graphics driver, hence I've tried updating, and downgrading the driver to see whether it would rectify the problem. After that appeared pointless, I suspected it might've been the fan, as the computer does heat up quite quickly, however that concluded pointless as the computer froze even on the windows 7 boot logo. Finally I suspected it might've been the hard drive, and/or the ram, I did some tests (Windows Memory Diagnostic & Memtest86+) and CHKDSK multiple times without any detected errors being found. What I found interesting was that it mainly froze when I initiated a "Windows Experience Index" test, however that was at the beginning.

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Windows 7 Constant Freezes & Not Responding?

May 22, 2012

I recently upgraded my existing PC with a new hard drive (WD 1TB Caviar Black), Windows 7 Ult x64, & upped my mobo to its max of 16 GB DDR3 RAM.I originally had problems after install with some of my partitions & hard drives not showing but everything worked itself out alright.However, now a new problem has cropped up, and I'm not entirely sure if its related to the original issue or if it is a whole new problem.Almost any program that I run will work for a time, but eventually stop responding. When I try to close the program, I will get a message from windows asking if I would like to end the process tree. This happens with everything, from Chrome to the League of Legends installer to Windows Explorer. If I hit yes, nothing will happen except for the "wait" cursor will appear, and my taskbar will completely disappear. It will usually catch up eventually, but I actually had to reset my computer during the LoL install, and Windows would not start up afterwards. I had to reinsert my Windows 7 disk and repair the installation.

Nothing I seem to do can fix this. All drivers are up to date, as are all Windows 7 updates. I upgraded from Windows XP, and tbh, at this point I'm regretting it.My system specs are as follows:[CODE]

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Constant Soft Hangs, Freezes, No BSOD?

Jun 8, 2012

I just did some upgrades to my pc. Here are the current specs:

Motherboard: Crosshair V
CPU: AMD FX 6100
RAM: 4x4GB Ballistix Tactical Tracer
PSU: Corsair 750Watt
OS: Windows 7 x64 Clean Install

Like it says above, this is a clean install. I have tested the RAM with Memtest86+ for 8 hours and found no errors. I have tested the HD with Seatools and found no errors. I have run Prime95 for hours without errors. I water cool my CPU and GPU and temps max at 37C.The OS constantly hangs, freezes, or whatever its called NONSTOP. Most of the time I'm able to move the mouse but can't DO anything with it. Eventually (within minutes) it comes back to life and does everything I'd been trying to do while it was frozen. I don't get much time inbetween freezes (a minute max between freezes). I've reinstalled the OS several times and no joy. At first I thought it was a bad motherboard, so I RMA'd it and it is still having the same issue. These freezes began happening well before video drivers were even installed (or any other drivers for that matter). It even does the same thing in SAFE MODE.from the EVENT VIEWER:

In the last hour: 19 Service Control Manager Error 7001
In the last hour: 44 amd_sata Warning 129 (this one always comes in pairs and always 30 seconds apart)
In the last hour: 169 Service Control Manager Information 7036

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BSOD When Playing Counter Strike Global Offensive - Constant Buzzing Sound

Aug 18, 2012

In the last hour I've experienced 3 BSODs, all of which happened after installing a new version of the audio driver (which I did after removing the old version using an official utility), and two of which happened when playing CS:GO. The first one happened outside any game, so it could be a coincidence and may not be related to CS:GO. I'm attaching the SF Tool results and the CPU Z screenshots as instructed in the sticky.I re-launched CS:GO and played for some minutes and got another BSOD. I set Windows to not restart when a BSOD appears, and noticed there's a constant buzzing sound, so this is definitely audio-driver related, but I did use the official utility to uninstall the old one and I did install the latest one instead, so what else can I do?

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WMP Freezes Playing Xvid Avi

Aug 30, 2009

I am on Windows 7 x64 7600 RTM playing Xvid /avi movies WMP freezes for few mins then after 5-7 mins again start playing normally, assuming it could be codec problem I installed Klite along with media player classic, but even that does not work .

What is the source of the problem?

I tried KMplayer too but that also freeze

Do I need to install x64 version of Klite or will 32 bit version do the job?

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Playing Music Freezes PC

Jul 19, 2009

I downloaded win 7 4 days ago, for now it's working fine but having problems with my music files, I did a back up of my files, have restored all my files but when I try to do the music files it freezes I noticed that my processor dual core 2 runs at 100%, when I cancel the operation processor goes down to about 2to 5%, this happens also when I open window media player, I just downloaded Itunes that I use for my Ipod, I try to open Itunes and nothing happens, any advise on what could be the problem??

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Laptop Freezes When Playing Video?

Jun 20, 2012

Just recently my laptop has been freezing during video playback. The audio stutters or runs out of sync with the video, the video becomes grainy and jumping 3 or 4 seconds at a time. Just generally struggles to cope with the file. It varies as to how long this takes to kick in. Some times it's half way through a film, sometimes within a few seconds. Once it starts everything is painfully slow and I have to reboot. I've also noticed it takes much longer to reboot sometimes.

I checked in my programs and the Adobe Plug-in had an "X" over it so I uninstalled and then re-installed, thinking I'd found the issue, but it's still the same.

I've run AVG to look for viruses and also cleaned up the registry and so forth with other software but the problem remains. It only starts though when I run video files, this is what seems to start it.

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StarCraft Freezes After 1-5 Minutes Of Playing

May 31, 2009

I have problem with StarCraft 1.16.1 � it freezes after 1-5 minutes of playing. But system continue working (winamp plays ok). I even can't exit StarCraft, it not respond any keys and I have to press reset.

System: Windows 7 build 7100 with all updates from microsoft.

Does anybody know whats wrong with my StarCraft or Windows?

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Computer Freezes When Playing Games?

Nov 15, 2012

Here's the thing, when I play games on the computer, after a few minutes until it freezes and becomes a buzzing sound, requires restart.I've tried everything, graphics measure temperature, core, changing RAM slots, install the drivers, Direct X changed, still nothing. Hard disk has changed, changed RAM. Nothing yet.I bought a new graphics NVIDIA GTX 460, and put a new power supply from the 550w Does anyone have a solution or to change the motherboard, everything but the game works!?

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Computer Freezes When Playing Games

Jan 3, 2013

After my last graphics card has died on me (HD6850), I have been able to borrow a friends GFX Card (HD5770) and have been having a strange problem - this problem is not unique to my computer, it also was happening in his computer when using the same GFX Card.What happens is that the computer will be running just fine, until I open a game. After opening a game it will run perfectly but then every minute of so it will freeze the whole computer for maybe 5-10 seconds. Whilst doing this the sound of hardware being removing and reinserting will play (the same sound that happens if you was to unplug and re insert a usb stick) And then this will persist as long as I have the game open, closing the game makes the problem go away.

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Computer Freezes When Playing Games?

Oct 26, 2011

My computer keeps freezing whenever I am playing games.I dont have any problem using the computer normal, only when gaming. Sometimes I can play all day without it freezing and other times for 5 minutes, its completely random. When it does freeze,the game image stays locked on the screen, my screen on my keyboard freezes,I cant use my mouse, or control alt delete or alt tab or anything, but i can still hear and talk to my friends in teamspeak. I have to manually reset the computer everytime to get it working again.I ran a memory test, checked the hard drive for errors, and even bought a new ssd and installed a game to that and it makes no difference.Its multiple games as well so one game is not the problem. My temperatures are also fine. I have done multiple fresh windows installed and that hasnt fixed it either.

System Specs if it helps:

-AMD Phemon 1090T
-16GB GSkillz Ripjaws 1333Mhz RAM
-Asus Crosshair IV Motherboard
-2 Ati Radeon 5870s
-OCZ Vertex 3 Max Iops 120GB
-Western Digital 1.5TB Cavalier Black
-750W OCZ Fat1lity PSU

I have always been afraid my PSU isnt big enough after my upgrades but if that was the issue wouldn't the whole computer just crash and reset. And i have used this setup with this PSU for a whilenow with no freezing issues.

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Computer Freezes While Playing Videos?

Jul 25, 2012

First time building my own computer, i7 2011 Chipset, 12GB RAM and a Zotac 560 ti GPU. I can watch videos but 8/10 times it will freeze part way through playing and then I have to reset it, Graphics drivers are up to date I can't think of anything else.

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Laptop Freezes When Playing Games

Aug 27, 2012

need to fix this thing.

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Computer Freezes When Playing Video Games

Jun 13, 2012

I've had a problem with video games. They would freeze and only way to turn of my computer is through the power cable or power switch on back of desktop. After that if i try to turn on my computer it would freeze at random moments without letting me even get the my screen (this, what im doin now) and i need to let it "cool off" for hours before it lets me go back, no this is not a heat issue my heat is no higher than 43degrees most of time blow 40.

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Computer Freezes When Playing Online Games

Aug 16, 2012

I've had chronic problems with the site Below is a Speccy of my system. What could be causing these crashes?

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BSOD Playing CIV5, Now Random Freezes?

Jun 23, 2012

I was playing Civ 5 when I got a BSOD for the first time. I've been playing Civ for a few months with no problems until now. After the BSOD I've been getting random freezes. It happens when web browsing, listening to itunes, playing civ etc.. I am using a few month old lenovo with Windows 7 Home Premium(64bit)

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Crashes/Freezes/Bsods Only Occurs When Playing Gw2

Aug 29, 2012

I'm not sure what's wrong. GW2 was working fine for a couple of days, and then the updates came rolling in. My computer started freezing, crashing, and a couple of bsods every hour or so. Only happens when playing GW2 though.

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Windows 7 Crashes Or Freezes While Playing Battlefield Game

May 15, 2011

I am running Windows 7 and frequently get a screen freeze while playing Battlefield Vietnam II or Battlefield II only. This happens quite often and I see no patterns except for these 2 games. I have updated my video drivers. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 (Prerelease - WDDM 1.1)

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Windows 7 PC Freezes After 30 Minutes - Winamp Music Keeps Playing

May 28, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Pro 64bit and have not installed any new software apart from The Witcher game a few days ago. Now after 30 mins of switching the PC on the pc freezes but the music from winamp keeps playing and the mouse is able to move. Only option is to do a hard reset of the machine. Could this be a hard drive fault?

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Sudden Short Freezes - Occasionally Happens While Playing Game

Oct 20, 2011

It started yesterday: in an online game, after a couple of games I suddenly got some short freezes (half a sec, never longer) in which the sound goes like a machine gun, if you understand me. This was the first instance and since then it occasionally happens in that game. Nothing weird with that, just lag. That's what I thought. But today I started an offline-only game that has always worked perfectly (in fact, it's an old game, so very low system specs), and I got the same issue!

So, it seems I have a freeze issue suddenly, only appearing in games (haven't experienced freezes anywhere else). Note that it isn't exactly a freeze. Say I move my mouse and the freeze issue happens (still moving my mouse, but the arrow doesn't move), after the freeze my mouse arrow teleports to the spot it would've been in if the game hadn't frozen for that instant. In an actual freeze it wouldn't record where I'd move my mouse, would it?

Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate, fully updated
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ 3.01 GHz 4GB RAM
Videocard: AMD Radeon HD 6670, fully updated

While I was writing this, I noticed the PC showed a problem. I let it do its thing, and it reports a video hardware error. I DO NOT know if this is related to the problem, but regardless, I've attached the 3 files (in a zip) Windows showed me, in case it's relevant.

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Windows 7 Freezes And Buzzes When Playing Online Videos?

Sep 30, 2012

Win 7 64 bitIntel I5 750@2.674 x 2gb ramgigabyte mbnvidia geforce gts 250 videoJust like in this posters video Windows 7 freezing when playingaudio/videoStart to watch videos on web sites and after a bit, 30-60 seconds, the computer freezes and just a buzz from the speakers. Nothing works except the reset button.when the computer restarts it shows the windows was shut down improperlyhow do you want to restart, normal, safe mode, safe mode with networking

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Laptop Freezes (completely Locks Up) When Playing A Video

Dec 28, 2012

this first started occurring on monday the 24th, i played a Internet video on firefox and the video lagged with a black screen on the first 1-2 seconds of the video. at around 3 seconds, everything stopped. my cursor, the video, the whole laptop etc. the time was no longer moving on the video and my system time wasn't changing either so i concluded that my laptop was frozen. i waited it out and there was nothing i could do but hold down the power button in an attempt to try and this point i'm still able to watch Internet videos on chrome perfectly, however... playing a video file from my hard drive produces the same problem. i've tried playing files from both wmp and vlc player, and the same thing happened both times.what i've tried:

- uninstalled and then re-installed my display driver
- i tried a system restore yesterday and got a bsod before my laptop even got to shut down
- i did a successful system restore to the 22nd via safe mode
- searched the web for solutions but couldn't find anything
-reinstalling windows (i'm in the middle of doing uni work atm so i'm trying to avoid this)
-buying a new laptop (when i get the money)

may be useful:

-i was getting quite a few "low ram" messages from the system on the day that it first occurred, before it first occurred. haven't seen anymore of them, however.
-playing 3gp and mp3 files on wmp is fine

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Windows 7 Freezes While Playing Games Or Watching Videos Online

Dec 13, 2011

Whenever I go to a webpage and try to play games, view videos, or streaming content my system "freezes" every minute or two. I can never watch a video or play a game in its entirety without having to sit through numerous "freezes", or whatever it is. The little spinning icon just keeps going round and round.

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Computer Freezes Every Five Minutes Or So While Playing Games Or Running Firefox?

Jul 23, 2012

My computer freezes every five minutes or so while playing games or running Firefox. It's been doing this for the last 6 months and most of the time it freezes for a few minutes then runs fine for a while. Then it freezes again. Eventually I have to hard reboot.

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Computer Freezes Playing Football Manager 2012, Error 0x00000124

Apr 27, 2012

Twice in the last week the computer has locked up and required me to reset it whilst playing Football Manager 2012. There is actually no BSoD shown the game just freezes up completely until I press the reset button. I can't remember any BSoD before when using Windows 7.Most of the computer is 3-4 years old, and I can't remember when I installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit on it probably over 18 months ago when I got a new Graphics Card. The only new hardware in the last few months is a new Razer mouse to replace a faulty ROCCAT mouse, nothing else has changed. Temperatures don't seem to be a big problem and Memtest didn't find any problems, but I haven't had time to run Memtest for more then 3 passes or get inside the case to look at the hardware.

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Random Freezes / System Lock Ups When Playing Games Or Watching Videos?

May 3, 2012

The problem is that I will get a system lock up, or freeze when playing games like Portal 2 or FM2012. The freezes are very random however they occur the most when trying to play Co-op in Portal 2 (say about 80% of the time when trying to play it). However with the likes of FM2012 or other games, I can literally play for hours on end without a crash, but other times a crash could happen within about 5 mins.I also seem to randomly crash if I watch a HD video in full screen (1920x1080) however I cannot recall such a problem watching it minimized (using VLC). I also used to get random crashes while browsing the internet on certain websites, however I haven't had this issue since upgrading my RAM.

When the PC does crash, the monitor will just black out and if sound was playing at the time it will usually loop or repeat. The only thing I can do is a hard reboot and upon restarting the PC it will say about the unexpected shut down and to start windows normally however I don't seem to get any minidumps. I've had this problem now for quite awhile, and at first it was something I just overlooked as a random occurance but now its starting to drive me crazy! My system specs are as follows:[CODE]

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Can't Run Fallout 3 On Windows 7

May 1, 2012

i cant seem to start a new game on fallout 3 on windows 7. it installed ok but it crashes as soon as it starts loading up. tried the d3d9.dll fix and that didnt seem to work.

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Fallout 3 Crashes On Windows 7?

Sep 26, 2010

I have recently bought fallout 3 game of the year edition for my Samsung r580 laptop; it runs on windows 7 home premium 32bit. I have successfully installed the game and can play it for about 2-3 minutes before it crashes. Nothing can get me out of the crash except ctrl alt delete. I have gotten the updated version 1.7 but the problem still continues.

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Fallout 3 On Windows 7 Crashes?

Apr 10, 2011

my problem is that when i install it and go into menu, i press new game, and i goes to the loading slide, then it crashes and i can't figure out why?

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