Constant Soft Hangs, Freezes, No BSOD?

Jun 8, 2012

I just did some upgrades to my pc. Here are the current specs:

Motherboard: Crosshair V
CPU: AMD FX 6100
RAM: 4x4GB Ballistix Tactical Tracer
PSU: Corsair 750Watt
OS: Windows 7 x64 Clean Install

Like it says above, this is a clean install. I have tested the RAM with Memtest86+ for 8 hours and found no errors. I have tested the HD with Seatools and found no errors. I have run Prime95 for hours without errors. I water cool my CPU and GPU and temps max at 37C.The OS constantly hangs, freezes, or whatever its called NONSTOP. Most of the time I'm able to move the mouse but can't DO anything with it. Eventually (within minutes) it comes back to life and does everything I'd been trying to do while it was frozen. I don't get much time inbetween freezes (a minute max between freezes). I've reinstalled the OS several times and no joy. At first I thought it was a bad motherboard, so I RMA'd it and it is still having the same issue. These freezes began happening well before video drivers were even installed (or any other drivers for that matter). It even does the same thing in SAFE MODE.from the EVENT VIEWER:

In the last hour: 19 Service Control Manager Error 7001
In the last hour: 44 amd_sata Warning 129 (this one always comes in pairs and always 30 seconds apart)
In the last hour: 169 Service Control Manager Information 7036

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Windows 7 Hangs On Startup And Freezes Or BSOD 0x000000d1 Within 1 Minute

Jun 11, 2012

win 7 hangs on startup and freezes or BSOD 0x000000d1 within 1 minute usually. system runs fine if I boot to safe serious hardware or software changes around the time it started happening (that i recall) I didn't use my pc much for a few days and then the first time i noticed (around June 7th, 2012) I just logged in and there was a popup saying something like windows had recovered from an unexpected shutdown and the system was really slow and then it froze. Makes me think maybe a power outage corrupted something (i'm not on a UPS) or a windows update went badly. i tried to update several drivers in safe mode but none were succesfull. Catalyst Install Manager says: "Failed to load detection driver"sfc /scannow reported no violations perfmon /report gives me...."Error: An error occured while attempting to generate the report. The system cannot find the path specified. "My oldest system restore point says June 7th, 2012 so i did restore but it still has the problem.I built the system 1-2 years ago and haven't re-installed the OS since.

Manufacturer: Myself
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 635 2.91Ghz
Motherboard: ASUS M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3
Memory: G Skill 2GB X2 (4GB)
Graphics Card(s):
Two ATI RADEON HD 5700's in Crossfire
Sound Card: ASUS M4A88TD-V OnBoard sound
Hard Drives:
One 100GB Seagate Barracuda ST3100011A on ATA with Windows 7
Two 1TB Western Digital WD10evds-63u8b0's on SATA in RAID1 for storage
PSU: Corsair 850w
Cooling: ?? cpu at 55 celcius at Idle
Keyboard: Microsoft Wireless MultiMedia Keyboard
Mouse: Microsoft USB Optical mouse
Internet Speed: 18 mb/s

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Windows Hangs Up / Won't Start Due To Constant HDD Thrashing

Sep 21, 2012

A few days ago I awoke my Toshiba laptop in the morning, only to find it hanging up with continuous HDD activity. After a while I did a hard shutdown and tried to restart, but the HDD activity continued, and after an hour of trying, it was barely past the start screen - zero chance of any useful activity.

It performs normally in command prompt, and I can barely get it booted in safe mode (HDD thrash eventually stops until I ask it to do anything). Task manager doesn't show any unusual processes or services, but the resource monitor does show the HDD activity. Chkdsk (thru command prompt) on the X and D partitions came out fine, but on the C drive it doesn't even get to 1% and slows to about 1 file/minute. I attempted a Start Repair, but it said nothing was wrong. Tried a System Restore, but for some reason no restore points could be found.

The HDD seems to be performing OK (I'm using robocopy/cmd prompt to copy all I can to an external HDD), with only the occasional I/O error. It's possible I caught a virus, although I'm generally cautious (Ad-Aware antivirus, all updates ASAP, regular scans with this and Malwarebytes).

I'd really, really like to find a way out of this without a complete reformat. I've tried stopping everything I could in Safe Mode, but to no avail. Also tried to uninstall my AV software (and anything else that seemed to be running at startup), but was denied there as well.

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Constant Computer Freezes When Using

Jun 17, 2012

I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if I make a mistake.I recently purchased a Dell Latitude E4300 refurbished laptop from a seller on eBay. Ever since I brought it home, it has been constantly freezing randomly, whether it be whilst I'm browsing, navigating through windows etc.I've reformatted, and completely wiped the system about 3-4 times, installing different versions of Windows 7 whether it be Home Premium x32 or x64, or Windows 7 Professional x32 or x64 bit, but regardless of what I do, it concludes pointless. I first suspected it was the graphics driver, hence I've tried updating, and downgrading the driver to see whether it would rectify the problem. After that appeared pointless, I suspected it might've been the fan, as the computer does heat up quite quickly, however that concluded pointless as the computer froze even on the windows 7 boot logo. Finally I suspected it might've been the hard drive, and/or the ram, I did some tests (Windows Memory Diagnostic & Memtest86+) and CHKDSK multiple times without any detected errors being found. What I found interesting was that it mainly froze when I initiated a "Windows Experience Index" test, however that was at the beginning.

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Constant CTD's And Freezes When Playing Fallout 3

Nov 29, 2011

i have been spending alot of time on this problem, and everything does not seem to work. i have windows 7 home premium 64-bit, with a AMD Phenom II 945 Quad-Core processor. my graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 5450, with an intergrated sound card and 8gb ddr3 memory. generaly, a problem arises within 20 mins of gameplay (does not matter if im outside or inside), and presents itself either as a crash-to-desktop or a freeze. also i am not playing with any mods or DLC's or with New Vegas i have tried many fixes; i have set the INI to use only 2 (then 1 processor), disabled all autosaves, downloaded/installed the d3d9 file, changed windows color scheme to "basic", i have updated all my video card drivers, i am not aware of any codecs being used on my system (did a file search, came up w/ nothing), running as administrator, allowed all premissions (its even installed in my documents, NOT program files), and even now i still have this problem. however, i can also play Oblivion w/ about 300 mods and i can play pretty comfortably. on top of that (even though i dont have the most recent games) Fallout 3 is the only problem.

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Windows 7 Constant Freezes & Not Responding?

May 22, 2012

I recently upgraded my existing PC with a new hard drive (WD 1TB Caviar Black), Windows 7 Ult x64, & upped my mobo to its max of 16 GB DDR3 RAM.I originally had problems after install with some of my partitions & hard drives not showing but everything worked itself out alright.However, now a new problem has cropped up, and I'm not entirely sure if its related to the original issue or if it is a whole new problem.Almost any program that I run will work for a time, but eventually stop responding. When I try to close the program, I will get a message from windows asking if I would like to end the process tree. This happens with everything, from Chrome to the League of Legends installer to Windows Explorer. If I hit yes, nothing will happen except for the "wait" cursor will appear, and my taskbar will completely disappear. It will usually catch up eventually, but I actually had to reset my computer during the LoL install, and Windows would not start up afterwards. I had to reinsert my Windows 7 disk and repair the installation.

Nothing I seem to do can fix this. All drivers are up to date, as are all Windows 7 updates. I upgraded from Windows XP, and tbh, at this point I'm regretting it.My system specs are as follows:[CODE]

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Getting Constant Crashes And BSOD

Dec 29, 2011

I've been getting constant crashes and BSOD.. I've managed to get on, and get the dump.

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Almost Constant BSOD Soon After Startup?

Apr 7, 2012

I had a thread before with some blue-screen errors, mostly memory errors, so upgraded my RAM (8Gb DDR3), installed a new operating system (32bit to 64bit) and on the first boot-up: CRASH.

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Constant Random BSOD When Running 64 Bit?

Dec 31, 2012

when I 'm running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit I experience constant random BSOD's. This does NOT happen at all when I'm running 32 bit. My specs are as follows:

i5 3570k @ stock
8gb Vengence of 1333 ram
msi 670
corrsair 750tx

None of the above have ever been overclocked. I've tried updating my BIOS, running memtest, reinstalling windows from a fresh iso, nothing works. The crashes seem to occur at completely random times and always have a different message.

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Constant Random BSOD When Running 64 Bit Windows 7

Dec 31, 2012

So my problem is that whenI 'm running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit I experience constant random BSOD's. This does NOT happen at all when I'm running 32 bit. My specs are as follows:


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Constant BSOD - When Opening Any Internet Browser

Aug 10, 2012

I Just bought a new computer, had windows 7 ultimate 64 bit installed and some ususall programs, but I am getting bsod whenever I open any internet browser, such as internet explorer, chrome, or mozila. Then I tried to run it in safe mode with networking - still crashing, but in safe mode works perfectl. I'm thinking that the problem is some old wireless driver. This is the error msg I got:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: d1
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: FFFFF880066BA861
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

Files that describe the problem:
C:WindowsMinidump 81012-28267-01.dmp

Read our privacy statement online: Windows 7 Privacy Statement - Microsoft Windows
If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt

Also, when I see the blue screen, I read that the driver "anodlwfx.sys" (System security filter, or something like that) is causing the problem for every bsod, I removed the file from windows folder, and computer worked perfectly, but I coudn't go to the internet, the used system restore, to restore that missing file.

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Constant BSOD After Few Minutes Of Game-play Of BF3, TF2?

Dec 11, 2011

I've just began to get BSODs after playing these video games, and I have no idea why I'm getting these problems. I personally and not familiar with reading dump files?

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Constant BSOD When Working In Photoshop / Surfing Net

Apr 12, 2012

I built my new pc in november and have been having constant BSOD, I have reinstalled plenty of times, memtest86 all passed, all drivers are updated, still having problems. I reinstalled 5 days ago with the march updates and still getting them. They happen when I am working in photoshop, playing games, surfing the net, even just idling.

System specs are:
Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H
AMD Phenom x4 955
2 x 4GB Generic DDR3 1333
Samsung 1TB hard drive
Hitachi 500gb hard drive
Powercolour Radeon HD 6670 1GB

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Constant Bsod While Playing Video Game?

May 13, 2012

I get this Bsod frequently when i play video games, generates randomly For example:could happen on my first game of dota 2 (ave. game last 35-40 minutes) to about 4-6 games of dota.Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601.


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Constant Boot And BSOD On Windows 7 Launch?

Jul 28, 2012

constant boot problems about 70% of the time, and Win 7 launches are dicey. Sometimes the computer freezes while showing the Desktop. If all drivers eventually load successfully, then the computer runs fine after that. The problem is just in getting it up and running initially.Note that I have turned off MS .NET Framework on someone's suggestion, but I continue to experience difficulty booting my computer successful. I have run Dell hardware tests and these have all been A-OK. I'm attaching the results from running the Seven Forums diagnostic tool (including minidump) from crash.

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Windows 7 Wont Boot Constant BSOD?

Aug 9, 2012

so this is quite the long explanation. Today i upgraded to an i7 3770k with a asus P8Z77-VLK and a corsair H60 water block. I did not change to touch any other part of my computer. When I went to go boot BIOS posts but then as the windows 7 loading animation starts then about 2 seconds in i get an instant BSOD too fast to read and it restarts. I have tried startup repair, I have tried the windows repair disc, I tried the windows install DVD, I tried system restore(which failed error code 0x800700b7), I ran the memory diagnostic(no problems), I even went into the command prompt and did chkdsk.

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Screen Freezes And Hangs Up?

Jan 24, 2011

this happens all the time now and becomeing annoying . I have window 7 , IE it happens on my laptop .

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Hangs/Freezes On X-25M Windows 7?

Mar 7, 2011

I just installed a new ssd (X-25m) on a clients computer along with Windows 7 64bit and 8GB of RAM. The computer hangs for anywhere from 10 seconds to 30 seconds+ and sometimes just freezes up all together until I restart. Sometimes, it freezes icons and I can still use the mouse, and can double click to start a program, but it won't start up until it unfreezes, then everything I've opened suddenly opens all at once. Other times, even the mouse is frozen, and I have to wait 30s to a minute before I get it back.

Things I've tried- all Windows Updates, and updated all chipset drivers for the mobo (MSI P6N SLI Platinum)

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Hangs/Freezes On X-25M Windows 7

Mar 7, 2011

I just installed a new ssd (X-25m) on a clients computer along with Windows 7 64bit and 8GB of RAM. The computer hangs for anywhere from 10 seconds to 30 seconds+ and sometimes just freezes up all together until I restart. Sometimes, it freezes icons and I can still use the mouse, and can double click to start a program, but it won't start up until it unfreezes, then everything I've opened suddenly opens all at once. Other times, even the mouse is frozen, and I have to wait 30s to a minute before I get it back.

Things I've tried- all Windows Updates, and updated all chipset drivers for the mobo (MSI P6N SLI Platinum)

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Constant BSOD & Reboot On Startup Of Dell Windows 7

May 23, 2011

For the last couple of weeks (I was just given the laptop) my friends Dell Inspiron has been Blue Screen of Death'ing on start then rebooting (loop on this) - I was able to see the BSOD when I disabled the "reboot on error" and all I get is the following: Blue Screen STOP: 0x0000007B.I cannot get into Safe Mode (same error) to get any dumps (at least I wouldn't know how)I tried Startup Recovery, Last known configuration, Restor points (many of them), Chkdsk, sfc, and bootsec but nothing seems to resolve the problem... The next step is a re-install from the Dell Recovery drive (I hope because I don't have the origial Windows 7 Dell Install CD),

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Constant BSOD Memory Management, Even In Safe Mode

May 17, 2012

The CPU, heatsink, motherboard and RAM came premade by 3XS from SCAN. I have made sure it's all seated properly etc.

Intel i7 2600 @ 3.4gb
8gb RAM Corsair Vengeance
Win 7 64 fresh install
Radeon HD 7850 Graphics Card.
Asus z77 motherboard.

However after about a week of usage with no errors all of a sudden I have started getting the odd BSOD, and today I have had about 20, even in safe mode.

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Constant Page In Nonpaged Area/ 0X00000050 BSOD

May 23, 2012

I have trawled the forums and tried what seem to be the usual tricks.

Including: Running anti virus (AVG)
Running a registry cleaner
Running a Malware cleaner
Replacing old RAM with newer and more RAM.
Removing Daemon tools

Some of these measure have provided (the illusion of?) stability, but never for more than a day. SO, I'm a bit stumped and hope someone can advise. Perhaps interestingly I am having some problems updating my ATI driver, it is 12.3 instead of 12.4 at the moment. I have included specs below, unfortunately I don't seem to be able to attach Minidumps.

Intel® Coreā„¢ i5 750 Quad Core Processor (2.66GHz, 8MB Cache) - LGA1156
Windows 7ā„¢ Home Premium with Service Pack 1, 64-bit - English
Midi-Tower ATX Chassis + 550W PSU + CardReader- Silver


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Computer Hangs Up / Freezes Frequently

Sep 5, 2012

My computer has been very slow of late. It seems to hang up and/or freeze (for various amounts of time) whenever I pull up any application (internet, programs, folders, anything). [code]

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Windows 7 Pro Freezes / Hangs Up Randomly

Dec 22, 2011

At various, seemingly random points throughout using the computer, Windows 7 simply freezes or locks up. No BSOD or error code is given, it simply becomes completely unresponsive. The only means I have of shutting down/restarting is to hold the power button and force it to turn off.Using 32 bit Windows 7 Professional Downloaded and clean installed over XP Home a couple weeks ago Computer is an eMachines T3104 with a AMD Sempron 3100+ processor - circa 2005 In an effort to combat old hardware with the new Windows 7 and freezing, I upgraded to 2GB RAM, 430 watt PSU and an AGP 8x video card (Jaton 3DFORCE FX 5200TV) I tried to update the BIOS (currently Phoenix-Award 6.00PG) today. That program hangs up while Windows 7 continued to work. I'd love for it to be fully operational. It is not used for any gaming - online or otherwise. I use it for internet and school work (Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, etc)

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Constant Random BSOD, Related To Ntoskrnl And MEMORY MANAGEMENT?

May 16, 2012

i'm having issues with my Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit PC. Every so often it will just BSOD on me. I've had a look at the errors and it mentions MEMORY_MANAGEMENT and ntoskrnl.exe, but i don't really know what i'm doing so i figured i'd get some REAL help. I've recently installed new graphic drivers, hoping that might help but it just crashed on me again.Windows was pre installed on the machine and the machine itself is only a year old.

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Constant BSOD Cumon.sys Shows Up In The Crash Dump Info?

May 21, 2012

Problems with constant BSOD cumon.sys shows up in the crash dump info.

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BSOD 0x0000008e, Initially While On A Live Forum Chat, Now Constant?

Jul 23, 2012

We recently upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium after having issues w/a yearly upgraded antiviral software that suddenly wouldn't work w/Vista. No problems, then one evening while in an open live video chat forum it crashed, never had a problem with this before. Have gotten the BSOD since then. Currently only works in safe mode. Ran repair, ran restore previous, nothing works. When he loaded Windows 7, he got updates but I don't think he checked for updates with the drivers. Also, he was in the slow process of pulling off alot of family pics as they are taking up too much space.

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Constant BSOD If Not In Safemode, Page Fault In Non Paged Area?

Aug 17, 2012

I constantly bsod on reboot. Yesterday I took out my graphics card because i was selling it in an old computer. It was a ati 4770. I threw in an old xfx 8500 gt because my motherboard doesnt have an internal gfx. It ran for about an hour or so and then i started getting this BSOD. Not thinking I assummed it had something to do with the old card going bad. Today i went and bought a new one to through in and I am still receiveing the same issue.

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Regular BSOD During Busy Tasks And Constant WoW Crashes Since Windows 7

Jan 20, 2013

I built my own computer last January and installed Windows Vista first and everything worked fine but then I upgraded to Windows 7.In the beginning it worked great, I did get the common problem of every kind of browser crashed every couple of hours and sometimes refused to load up again but i persist and put up with it.Then over the past 3-4 months, I have been getting regular BSOD - They used to be very similar screens and i am not fast enough to jott down the error codes sadly.I maybe receive 2-3 BSoD everyday and the most common issue i am experiencing is when i play World of Warcraft - since these BSoD began, this has been crashing a hell of a lot as well. I cant get an hours play on it without it crashing with the same issue.I put it to the forums with this error log Wow Crash 2/1/13 - and was told to carry out some actions to see if this could resolve the matter which it did for a very short period of time (ie a day) and then came back with its constant WoWcrashes and BSoD

The BSoD happen when im on and off the game - a lot of the time its when a lot of processes are running, ie several tabs open in my browsers, spotify playing and maybe a couple of folders open - its as if it cant handle it running.I have tried to search for my dumplogs, i was told it was in %systemroot%minidump but its empty and there are no .dmp files on my computer except warcraft ones.

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Asus U56e Laptop Hangs / Freezes

Jun 16, 2012

I have an Asus u56e laptop I got back in December 2011, and recently I did I clean reinstall of my system because it kept freezing and locking up while simply just browsing the web and listening to iTunes. I don't use this laptop for games, but after the clean install, I updated all my drivers, software, windows updates, etc. and I still get hangs and freezes that last 5 seconds to sometimes a full minute and all I'm doing is listening to music and browsing websites with maybe two or three tabs open in Firefox. I really have absolutely no idea what could be wrong so I came here seeking any kind of much needed help and assistance. I don't have a lot of programs installed and I don't run a lot of programs at once, just maybe one or two apps usually. My problem is I will be browsing on Firefox listening to music, then iTunes will hang for a few seconds and the music freezes, then Firefox freezes too sometimes for a few seconds also, then it goes back to normal, and this happens very very frequently to the point of frustration and I simply don't understand why a new clean laptop would have an issue such as this. Bad hard drive? Bloatware from Asus?Asus Laptop Specs: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1, Intel Core i5 2.40GHz, 6.0GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 3000

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Windows 7 Freezes/hangs After Clean Reinstall?

Sep 27, 2012

Ill try to make this short and simple, i had same pc for around 3 years now, finally managed to ruin my first win 7 instalation by being lazy, that resulting in long needed reinstall, no problem there,But after everything was done, my pc started randomly freezing for around 1-5 mins ( depends, usually around 3 mins ) then it just comes back alive like nothing happened, sometimes video driver crashes My first thought was that my hdd finally dying on me, but after numerous test found nothing wrong on any of them and freezes doesnt always occur on hdd usage i ruled that out, some googling blamed it on new video drivers, got other ones, same, still freezing, reseted my bios to default, still same, sometimes i can turn on a game and play 2 hours straight and nothing will happen, next time i can startup movie and it will freeze 2 times in 5 mins, already reinstalled coddecs and video players i am just running out of ideas here, never had this issue before, using same windows 7, same install, same pc and all of my drivers/programs are same ones i used

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