Implications Of Extending A Partition On Computer?

Mar 7, 2012

I am in the process of installing windows 7 on my pc... I would just like to know what the implications of extending a partition are. Will I lose data that is on the partition I wish to extend?

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Extending A Partition/Volume?

Jun 3, 2012

In my friend's PC, I wanted to extend his (C) Drive's Size. But I failed to do it.Firstly, I used "Disk Management" to do it,then I used diskpart and then a Third Party Software. All of them failed to extend C drive.

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Extending Boot Partition

May 9, 2009

I have Windows 7 on a Partition with 37.22 GB and Unallocated space with 37.31 GB. I want to extend the Windows 7 Partition to the Unallocated space. Is there any way to extend the current/boot partition? I tried diskpart but obviously that won't work I guess since I read later that you can't do it on the boot partition? Then how else are you supposed to do it?

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No Boot After Extending Partition?

Jan 2, 2011

I just recently installed windows 7 on a partition that previously had vista, and backed up my "users" folder on another partition. I copied all the files back to the 7 partition and used a program like partition magic to delete the backup and extend the 7 partition. my computer won't boot now. I've tried resetting the mbr, bcdedit, bootfix

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Extending The C: Drive Partition?

Jun 24, 2012

I was trying to extend my Partition on the C drive I shrunk my D: drive and transferred/backed up the data to the new partition and deleted to old one, now it will not let me add the unallocated space to the C: drive...

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Extending Windows Partition Drive C?

Oct 15, 2012

How do I extend partition drive namely C Drive.

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0xc0000225 Boot Error After Extending Partition

Dec 15, 2009

So basically I have two partitions: Vista C: and Windows 7 D:, boot file is on C:

I had installed Jolicloud OS on my computer and it carved out a drive from my Windows 7 partition. later on I EasyBCD to remove grub when I figured out that it will be a pita to get my wifi working. afterwards i booted from the jolicloud installer, then used Gparted to extend the Windows 7 partition back to it's original size. i then rebooted, and it ran the disk repair, but now Windows 7 won't boot, giving me:


"Windows did not start correctly. A recent hardware or software change might

be the cause.

If you have aWindows installation disc, insert the disc and restart your

computer. Click system recovery options, and then choose a recovery tool.

(Startup Repair, available in some versions of Windows, can automaitcally

diagnose and fix startup problems.)

If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer

manufacturer for assistance.

I've tried to use the recovery feature on my disk, but it cannot see my hard drive and it's not able to locate a driver.

help? Windows Vista is AGONY

also: Easy BCD whe running from Vista says:

There are a total of 2 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.

Bootloader Timeout: 10 seconds.

Default OS: Microsoft Windows Vista

Entry #1

Name: Windows 7

BCD ID: {6d574dfa-cef3-11de-a588-9966156464d7}

Drive: Deleted Partition

Bootloader Path: Windowssystem32winload.exe

Windows Directory: Windows

Entry #2

Name: Microsoft Windows Vista

BCD ID: {current}

Drive: C:

Bootloader Path: Windowssystem32winload.exe

Windows Directory: Windows i'm going to re add the entry for 7 via easybcd. if you don't hear from me in ten minutes then you will know that this didn't work.

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Windows 7 Licence Implications

May 24, 2012

I just 'upgraded' my computer from xp to w7 and have major issues re my old Matsonic motherboard.
Now the question is: what is a "computer" or 'One unit" licence? If I change the m/b would I be OK (morally/legally) using the same licence key on the new version of my computer?

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Extending DRAM From 2gb To 4gb In Laptop?

Sep 10, 2011

i extended DRAM from 2gb to 4gb in my laptop. .but it showing 2.61gb usable. . What is the problem?

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Extending Space On System Drive

Nov 10, 2009

i Have some "free Space" on my hard disk and i want to add it to my system drive C

but i cant do it from disk management, what can i do?

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Extending Or Showing Desktop On More Then 2 Monitors

Nov 4, 2009

Extending or showing desktop on more then 2 monitors, Is it possible?

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Extending Desktop Via Y Splitter In Windows 7?

Oct 10, 2011

confirm that a windows 7 desktop cannot be extended across multiple monitors via a common vga or dvi y splitter. Right now it only clones, and doesn't extend. So is the box of y splitters I have just a pile of junk now?

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Extending The Taskbar For Multiple Displays?

Jan 16, 2012

I recently purchased a second monitor and now have two working at the same time. It lets me have a lot more windows open at any given time, but since the windows task bar is only displayed on the main monitor it gets very clustered when I open all the windows I need. This makes it hard swapping between windows, especially when I'm working on the secondary monitor and have to move the mouse over to the primary to pull up a window that's behind all the others.

I'm wondering if there's a way to extend the task bar across both monitors? I've looked in the properties of both the task bar and the nvidia control panel, but found nothing.

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Extending Volume Of SSD Using A Additional Hard Drive

Nov 2, 2011

I am running out of space on my SSD and i would like to extend it into an additional drive. Firstly is that possible and secondly how?

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Desktop Display Not Extending Full Monitor Width/height

Aug 11, 2009

Just updated from Vista 64 to Windows7 64 build7100 .

Using DellWFP 32" monitor and ATI v7200 video card.

My desktop will not extend all the way left to right or top to bottom on my monitor.

It has black bar around desktop extending to edges of monitor.

When I set screen resolution to max 2560x1280 or recommended 1280x800 , then desktop goes full height and width of monitor. However these settings do not work for me at all.

Any other resolution setting and desktop is centered on monitor, very small with black all around it.

Here is image I took with my camera, as a screen shot only displays the desktop. This shows how the desktop is residing within the monitor. I've tried every resolution setting there is for this video card , checked to make sure I had the latest drivers also.

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Partition Not Seen In Computer After Install?

Jun 13, 2012

I started with a 250GB Sata HD running XP,and installed Windows 7 on it by booting from the CD.The drive had a first partition C: @ 40GB and a second, New Volume H: @ 200GB.I installed to the C: partition and noticed the option to install to H: partition,so figured all was good,as C: is where I wanted it-leaving H: for programs,documents,etc. Well,the install went smoothly,and everything seems to be working fine,with the exception of not seeing New Volume H: in My Computer.It is,however,found in Disk Management. I now have the following in My Computer

Floppy Disk Drive (A
Local Disk (C

Is there a way to make H: appear in My Computer so I can access the files?There currently appears to be no way to open it in Disk Manager.

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Extending Evaluation Period For 120 Days - Only Extends For 3 Days?

May 2, 2012

i came across this a little while ago:[URL] it says if i run that command Windows7 evaluation period will be extended by 30 days each time it's done. however, when i do it it only extends for 3 days. is there any way to make it last longer or has it changed?

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Partition Not Showing Up In Computer On Left Side

Mar 30, 2009

*Insert token disclaimer about not knowing if this is the correct forum for this* It looks like it so I'll go with it.

I've got a problem that popped up the other night when I decided I wanted to restore my system to a previous time due to a BSOD I received and had a feeling it was due to CCleaner.

Regardless, I'm now unable to see my E: drive, as shown in the screenshot, on the left side of Explorer under Computer. It shows up fine in the main window there but not on the side. I can't even rename it, I had it named previously.

Any ideas?

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2tb Hard Disk - Partition With Data Disappeared From Computer

Jan 11, 2012

I have a 2TB hard drive which i have partitioned into 3 partitions, (249GB for C:, 1000GB for D: data, 613GB for E: data). Now the 1000GB partition which is filled with data has disappeared from My computer. It happened after installing a dual boot with linux and using the 613GB as unallocated space for the linux partitions, (I have since removed the linux and partitions on the E: 613GB and created a ntfs primary partition again).

I have uploaded a screenshot that you can see that partition is not in my computer and in Disk management it only shows by "Disk 0" and not under volumes. I have tried using 'Diskpart' To assign a drive letter but under 'list volume' nothing appears. I have also done a a partition details which shows no volume, dont know if I am able to merge the partition in anyway or if the partition table that needs to be fixed

Attached Files:
Partitions.jpg 467.78K

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Windows 7 Boot Partition Deleted - How To Transfer From Another Computer

Mar 29, 2012

Well as you know kids play on the computer and so, my partition from which windows 7 boots got formated and cleaned out however there is another computer that is the exact same as that one, is there any way I can extract the partition from that computer and turn it into an ISO place it on a bootable USB disk and boot from it?

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Asus Recovery Partition - Cannot Connect To Device On Computer

Dec 13, 2010

1. I bought an ASUS K52 laptop. It has a 500 GB drive and a Win 7 x64 Home premium OS.
2. And then I install Windows 7 x86
3. Now I want to back Windows 7 x64 from Hidden partition but when I ran recovery (pressing F9), it just stuck, didn't want to work and then returned an error message with "cannot connect do a device on your computer".

I thing MBR is corrupted. How to repair that and how can I make the ASUS recovery part work? I tried startup repair but but nothing seems to work.

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Running Computer Management As Administrator - Cannot Extend Partition

Jul 27, 2011

While running Computer Management as Administrator, I have a USB disk that is split into two partitions. One is healthy and active (NTFS) and the other is unallocated. When I right click on the active disk, I should be seeing an option to expand this drive to take over the unallocated space, should I not? It is a basic disk, not dynamic, but I thought that even basic disks have this ability. I am able to see this option when I right click on dynamic disks...

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Partition Missing From Computer - Space Not Noted In Disk Management

Feb 2, 2012

I have a 1TB hard drive partitions into a C drive and D drive. The operating system is Windows 7 64 bit. The C drive is my every day stuff, and I use D to store media, music, video etc. Today I wanted to access the D drive and it was not there. The C drive is listed as usual. I went to Disk Management and the missing D drive was not there as well. I don't know if this explains things, but I ran a partition analysis program and it showed 500 gigs as unallocated. But that space is also not noted in disk management. Right now I am running partition recovery software to see if the files are somewhere, but it will take a few hours.

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External Hard Disk Is Shown On The Computer, But A Specific Partition On It

Oct 30, 2012

My ATA external hard disk shows up on my computer, but some partitions on it aren't working. Says I need to format them before I could use them.

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Free Partition Manager For Make Partition From Free Space Of Existing Partition?

Jan 23, 2013

I install Windows 7 64 bit in a 60 gb partition of my HDD (C drive). I have about 200 GB free space in D drive. Now I want to make a 60 GB partition from the free space of D drive.

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Created A 20gb Partition On External Hard Drive / No Longer Require Partition

May 9, 2011

I created a 20gb partition on my external hard drive and no longer require the partition. It is currently unallocated space so I want to format it into NFTS. Using computer management the partition was selected and and I went through the steps to format but i keep on getting an error message saying there is not enough space on the disk to complete this operation.

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Can OS Partition Access A Dual Boot Partition If Encrypted With Bitlocker

Aug 29, 2012

I'm a long-time reader but new poster. I am currently running Windows 7. I want to install Windows XP onto another disc and have a dual-boot setup. I keep Windows 7 up to date and secure, but for the XP partition, I would rather not have antivirus running or even installed, in order to limit background processes. I will not be logging into any place or making any credit card purchases when booted into Windows XP. It will just be used for surfing, games, etc. Further, if and when XP becomes compromised or buggy, I will simply overwrite the partition with a backup image.

If I use Bitlocker to lock down the Windows 7 partition (with the encryption key on a thumb drive) and boot into Windows XP, am I correct in thinking the XP installation see or can't access the Windows 7 partition? If XP gets compromised, can a virus access or write to the Windows 7 partition?

Is there any other reason why this would not be secure? Can a virus write to the BIOS?

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Disk Converted To Simple Partition While Making New Partition, Now OS Won't Load

Jul 10, 2011

I wanted to create a new partition to try out linux. So I decided to shrink E: by 20 GB. I then formatted the free space into a new drive by right clicking and creating new simple volume. I was warned that the drive would be made "simple", but not knowing the implications, I went ahead with the procedure. Now on rebooting, windows won't load. I had made a repair disc, so was able to use it to check for any start up errors. It reported none. Moreover I used "diskpart" through cmd to find volume c: is dynamic.

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How To Create A Logical Partition Inside Existing Primary Partition

Oct 19, 2012

I had my friend Dell Laptop. He want me to create a two extra partitions in existing primary partition which is C:The HDD is 1TB in size.One hour ago I had used Dell data backup program and created recovery discs and then formatted the Laptop to factory default. I thought before formatting it will give me options to create a partitions but it did not had any option.

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Unused Free-dos Partition - Can Merge It With Windows Partition

Jul 1, 2012

When I installed Windows 7 on to my new laptop I think I did it on to the wrong partition as there is still a 30GB freedos one.Can I merge it with the partition Windows 7 is installed onto as it is getting full?I don't want to have to reinstall Windows again.

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Missing Partition And Unallocated Space (Can't Create New Partition)?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm using Compaq Presario CQ40-627TUMy Laptop SpecIntel Dual Core Processor T4400 (2.2GHz, 80Mhz FSB,1 MB L2 Cache)- 2048MB 800MHz DDR2 Memory- 320GB 7200rpm Hard Disk Drive- 14.1' TFT WXGA High-Definition widescreen LCD panel with brightviewtechnologynd i'm using windows 7 Ultimate on boot system partition C, dual boot with linux mint. which mean i got four partition. one for linux mint. one for its swap space. one for windows 7. one for my data storage(movies,drivers,mp3,picture and etc).last few days i try to resize my C partition (120gb) to make it smaller to gain some unallocated spaces and resize the D partition because my D (almost 100gb) (ntfs/primary/data storage) almost full. i use easeus partition master v5.01.

After done resizing and restart i can't see any D partition. so i was worried that my data will disappeared. i try to look for it but there is no Drive D even on the easeus or diskpart. the only drive appears was C Drive.i remove my Linux Mint and its swap (60gb) and thinking that i could get some more free space and do some cmd prompt windows 7 repair fixmbr thing to remove the grub. then i use partition recovery to transfer those missing data from partition D to C Drive. (appears as unformatted)i try to use partition wizard home to resize it back to 300gb. and it works. but i cant make a partition. it will disappear just like that.i also try to use diskpart,command prompt diskpard, and paragon. but also not working. the C drive was shrink but theres no unallocated space and no D drive (the new create partition). i try logical partition,primary,ntfs and fat but also not working. even the unallocated space also gone. i use almost 4 3rd party partitioning software but still got no luck with it.example:i divide 300gb into 2 partition which exist the C partition 150Gb but the other one gone. i wish theres other way than format. i also done many time. doing check disk, partition table doctor, searching for bad sector. but no errors with my hdd.

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