How To Replace Loading Screen?

Oct 13, 2009

you know when windows 7 loads, there are the 4 colours that come together into windows? how do i replace that by say, a picture or a short video clip? if its possible

also, internet explorer 8 is not remembering me in eg facebook, so everytime i go i have to retype in my password, how do i fix that?

i want a program that will tell me all passwords typed into internet explorer, saved or unsaved, without using a keylogger because i havent found a good one yet.

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Can Replace Lid With Screen To Laptop Acer 5536

Aug 31, 2012

I have a acer 5536 laptop with broken screen i think it is a LED but not sure,I can get a complete lid with screen but not sure if it will fit they are both 40 pin it is a acer 5536 also.

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Black Screen W/ Cursor After Windows 7 Loading Screen?

Mar 24, 2012

Recently, my computer starts up windows and after the loading screen it just sits at a black screen forever with a cursor and it doesn't even make it to the log in screen. I have tried safe mode with the same results. What I've Done So FarTried to Repair Startup with Windows DVD Tried to use sfc /scannow at boot (Says pending changes and needs to restart) Tried logging into my Ubuntu partition and virus scanning (None found) Tried copying Reg Files from Regback into config while I was in Linux Tried to Repair Install (But I can't log into Windows ) Tried to bootrec /fixmbr /fixbot /RebuildBcd (Which destroyed my dual boot linux grub, but I was desperate. And still nothing) Interestingly though, after I do /RebuildBcd command it says something like "Found Windows Installations: 0" Tried to System Restore (Gave me an Error, wouldn't you know) At this point I'm not to confident that this can be fixed. If anyone has any ideas I'm willing to try. Or if you have any snazzy suggestions on how I could fix it using another computer, I have a different Windows Pro x64 computer that I can put the HD in if there's someway I can save my data/fix it/repair install from there. I just don't know how.

Edit: I finished the chkdsk and there were no bad sectors, though it did give me a message "Failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50."I did a Windows Defender Offline scan with no viruses and I'm currently scanning with Kaspersky Rescue disk. I don't believe it is a virus, I think it's a corruptregistry at this point. I had just cleaned my registry with CCleaner before the shutdown that led to this >.<

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Bug: Loading Screen

Nov 3, 2009

If i install windows 7 in Raid 0 config the black animated loading screen says crosoft corporation instead of microsoft corporation but if i load in a non raid config it displays microsoft corporation as it should.

Why would it say crosoft and not microsoft?

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Windows 7 Loading Screen

Nov 18, 2012

I did a clean windows 7 installation after formatting my Hard drive the installation went clean i noticed that after switching my computer it takes me directly to " starting windows " and then to " Login screen " but in my previous installation i use to get,As shown in the picture, the black screen showing microsoft corporation logo with green bar and i am not getting the same in my new installation what went wrong.

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Customize The Loading Screen

Jun 24, 2009

is it possible to customize the loading screen of windows 7? you know the one that shows up just after bios, and before the login screen.

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Win 7 Startup Loading Screen

Nov 4, 2009

i recently installed windows 7 on both my laptop and my home pc...

everything works great but i noticed something weird...

when my home pc starts up i see the window symbol flashing as the load up screen like this:

on my laptop for some reason i dont see that screen, insted i see a load up bar similar to the one from windows vista like this:

anyone got a clue?

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Loading To Black Screen?

Mar 7, 2012

restored my windows on my laptop a few weeks ago an last night the laptop just loads to black screen so I switch it off then back on again and it sakes me to do a start up repair this happens all the time and I get up today and it's still doing it any ideas what it could be and how to fix nspecified changes to system configuration might have caused the problem

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Win7 Loading Screen

Jan 16, 2009

Ok. I have Windows 7 x64 on my computer, and I have seen that with Windows 7 there is a new loading screen. All that I ever get is the same boring green bar like in Vista. Did I do something wrong, or is there an option to change it?

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Cannot Get Past Emachines Loading Screen

Mar 15, 2011

I am, at this point, completely baffled how I can even interact with my computer. And frankly whether this should be in this part of the forum.The problem is with this machine. . My understanding of the situation is that I google'd "Winrar", and carelessly downloaded a malware-ridden version of the software from a fake site.

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Stuck On Loading Windows Screen?

Jun 25, 2012

I have had an issue the past week with my computer both loading and shutting down and I also have an issue with hiccups during gaming...

I have downloaded Malwarebytes and Superantispyware to see if I have also attempted to update all my drivers via windows 7 option

computer specs:
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 not overclocked
2x 2GB Mushkin Enhanced Redline DDR2 Ram
2x 2GB corsair DDR2 Ram
EVGA Superclocked GeForece GTX 560 Ti
EVGA Nvidia nForce 750i SLI
Antec High Current Gamer 900w PSU
Western Digital Raptor 160GB 10000RPM (Dont remember exact one)
Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium

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BSOD After Windows Loading Screen?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a computer which gives me a blue screen when I turn it on. Sometimes this will happen 4 times in a row and others I can't even get the blue screen. I didn't record the error code down but I am trying to replicate the issue and when I get the screen I will update this post.

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x86
- the original installed OS on the system? Windows 7 Enterprise
- an OEM or full retail version? OEM
- What is the age of system (hardware)? 3 years
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 2 months

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Freezing At Windows 7 Loading Screen?

Sep 29, 2011

windows freezes at the logo screen when it starts growing. just got on after 4 days of working on it. tried booting with disc but came to a black screen with a white under-score then message came up saying the BOOTMGR is invalid? Is there some sort of CMD command I could use to fix this? or another way of booting? I tried doing windows repair numerous times, went into bios and reset everything to default making sure everything in use that was needed was on, did memory check, tried reinstalling from win 7 32 bit disc but didnt have any drivers that i could find on the browse tab

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Splash Screen - Loading Windows

Oct 17, 2009

I just wanted to throw this out there. The animation when windows is loading is the best loading screen for any OS I've seen. Anyone else have any thoughts on that part of the boot process?

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Will Not Boot Up Past Loading Screen

Nov 15, 2009

Ok, so iv put this computer together, installed windows 7 Ultimate 32bit and i got it up and running perfect for like a day.

The next morning i switched it on and was working good for couple of hours then it seemed like the whole computer started to slow down and i got a blue screen error. so i rebooted and tried to start windows but, it then says windows is loading files then goes to the logo loading and after that it just goes to a black screen!? iv tried everything to get it back running safe mode, low res mode, repair, boot from disk etc but nothing.

So i thought i would try and put the HD in another computer and wipe it to re-install windows but when i put it in another comp it does the same thing.. does the logo loading and then to black screen

Iv found that when i remove the HD from my PC and boot from the windows 7 disk then it gets to the windows 7 installation bit so do you think it could be a problem with the HD?

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Blank Screen After Loading Files

Oct 7, 2010

i have a dell optiplex 780 desktop computer with 160GB hard drive and 4GB ram and its a 64-bit OS , I had a windows 7 installed on it but once my couzin used it and he put on a password on thw windows and then he obviously forgot the password but anyway i couldn't get in to my user so i googled and tried some ways to crack the password but didn't work so i kept restarting my computer to try new passwords and at one point my computer just wont work after the windows logo , Now it just goes blank after the windows starting up logo , so i decided to do a new clean windows 7 (32-bit) but when i choose to boot it from the CD room and it asks me to press any button to boot from Cd or dvd and i do press but after loading the files i get a blank screen and it would just stop, i can hear the cd running and all but no display

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Stuck At Setup Is Loading Screen

Oct 12, 2009

Trying to install windows 7 on a different partition to multi-boot with windows xp sp3.

Downloaded the "7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD.iso" file and burned a DVD.

Booted from the disc and all went well with the "press any key to boot from CD or DVD" / "setup is copying files"..

Post this screen, the windows logo appeared and it took about 3 minutes for the screen where you choose your language,etc to appear.

Then comes trouble The screen remained idle for about another 3 minutes before the "Setup is loading" appeared and it stops here forever.... pls help!

Note: I tried installing from my pen drive as well..., but the same exact result.

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Booting Time, On Loading Screen

Nov 4, 2009

on first install of windows 7 (and XP when I was using it) the comp ran fine booted in less than 30secs, but over the couple of weeks it just keeps getting slower and slower now it can take anywhere between 3-5min.

once it has booted to windows log on screen it takes all of a secound to load.

I built my and my brothers comps, there both using the same Mobo/CPU I have 4GB (he has 2GB) but his computer boots faster than mine.

no problems once the comp has started apart from certain settings wont save like where I leave my Icons on DT, and screens staying maximized.

would give boot log but cant remember how to get it...

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Windows 7 Stuck At Loading Screen

Apr 19, 2011

I rebooted my PC after installing the latest version of iTunes, and upon reboot I couldn't get past the motherboard splash screen. I tried removing each stick of RAM individually, I tried removing the battery, but finally it was clearing the CMOS which helped me at least get past the mobo splash screen (after pulling out all of the USB devices plugged in otherwise it would also freeze), but now it gets stuck on the Windows 7 loading screen.

I tried entering the Windows 7 repair function, but it freezes on a black screen (I waited about 20 minutes).

I tried booting into safe mode, but it gets stuck while loading this file: AVGIDSEH.sys

Now since I can't even boot into windows to try to do any kind of diagnosis, I figured I would create a USB drive portable version of Windows 7.

My question is, if I manage to boot into my portable Windows, what kind of tests should I run?

Finally one last question, typically when Windows 7 gets stuck at loading is it hardware related or would a complete re-install fix the issue? At this point I just need to get it back and running I don't care about losing my settings and programs.

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Win 7 Not Loading Past Welcome Screen During Install

Nov 13, 2009

I just bought windows 7 for my desktop. It will load past the "windows is loading files.." page. then it will load to the "starting windows" page with the flag, then it loads to the normally welcome screen for windows 7 but nothing comes up.. its just the welcome screen background.

Anyone with info on this please reply.

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Freezing At Windows 7 Loading Screen?

Jul 5, 2011

logo screen when it starts growing. just got on after 4 days of working on it.tried booting with disc but came to a black screen with a white under-score then message came up saying the BOOTMGR is invalid? Is there some sort of CMD command I could use to fix this? or another way of booting? I tried doing windows repair numerous times, went into bios and reset everything to default making sure everything in use that was needed was on, did memory check, tried reinstalling from win 7 32 bit disc but didnt have any drivers that i could find on the browse tab.

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Win 7 Stuck On Black Loading Screen

Jan 7, 2010

My computer after trying to (stupidly) remove the SPTD driver so Daemon Tools would work. Is stuck on the black loading screen, even when loading from safe mode.

I tried removing the sptd driver, but only took out 1 of 2 files, the other not being removed properly. So i restarted (which worked) and restored my computer to an hour before i tried any of it. I could only log on in safe mode and i checked and saw that both drivers were there. So i turn off the computer and it was fine.

However, i tried to turn on the computer again later, but it got stuck on the black screen with just the mouse. I held the power button and retried,in safe mode, this time getting to my computer background, with nothing loading. I tried yet again and only got black screen. It says all my drives loaded and everything, including sptd, but nothing is loading.

What is wrong with my computer? I am not that good with them and cannot open it up without a lot of help if it is a hardware problem

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Windows 7 Stuck At Loading Screen?

May 13, 2012

Yesterday I woke up to my computer sitting at the starting windows loading screen. I have no idea why it turned off but now every time i try to start it, It sits at the loading screen. I already tried system restore and start up repair. Did it a bunch of different times and the restore worked yet still had the same problem repair did not work. I can get into safe mode, so i tried to do the msconfig way. I did selective start up and disabled all the non Microsoft services. Restarted and It still sat on loading screen. I then opened the desktop up and tried cleaning it making sure all hardware was properly seated. Still no success.

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Toshiba Loading Screen Not Showing

Jul 11, 2012

I'm having a problem with my Toshiba Satellite C655. I can turn it on and off just fine, but when I turn it on, it skips over the Toshiba loading screen. url...I need to use that screen in order to access BIOS, but it does not show up and instead shows the screen with the Windows logo and a loading bar. I have tried pressing the function keys (F1 - F12) while the Windows logo was shown, but it did nothing.Recently, I was fooling around with some of the settings and may have accidentally disabled something, but I do not know what/how I did it.

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Windows 7 Frozen At Loading Screen

Aug 31, 2012

I don't know much about computers, so when I tried installing iTunes, and the computer completely froze, I shut it off manually, and upon restart, accidentally set all of the BIOS settings for my motherboard to defaults, now when trying to boot my computer, it gets stuck at the loading windows screen, I already tried reinstalling Windows 7..


Intel Processor Sandy Bride-E Intel Core i7-3820 3.6GHz (Quad Core)
Intel Motherboard 2011 [x-fire,SLI] ASUS P9X79 [SATA III, USB 3.0]
Quad - Channel Memory 16GB (4x4GB) DDR3 1333MHz
Primary Hard Drive 1TB 7200 RPM
Graphics Card AMD Radeon 7950 3GB (Min. 650 Watt Power Supply)
Power Supply Standard 800 Watt
Operating System Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit

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Computer Won't Get Past Loading Screen

Dec 4, 2012

So my computer, one year of age, started to stop loading at the windows loading screen. Last week, O was on my computer browsing the net and listening to music when I click on a button in iTunes and the computer crashes. I restart the computer but when it gets to the starting windows loading screen, it loads for a little bit like normal, but then the screen flashes black and the monitor says it loses signal and stays disconnected. The computer stays running even when the screen says there is no signal.

So I think for a bit and decide to just reload windows because my computer was starting to get cluttered anyway. So I reinstall windows without a problem and the computer runs fine for the weekend and Monday. But this morning it started to do this all over again.

I ran the windows repair disk and it told me that there is a device plugged in that should be unplugged and restart. But I had nothing plugged in so I tried unplugging almost everything short of the power cable and monitor, but still no luck.

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Black Screen When Loading Windows 7?

Feb 20, 2013

I already uninstalled the Intel 4000 Graphics drivers and I updated my Nvidia GTX 690 to the most current drivers.

Motherboard: ASRock Z77E-ITX
CPU: Intel Core i7 3770k @ 4.2Ghz
CPU Cooler: Corsair H80i Push/Pull
RAM: Patriot Intel Extreme Masters 16GB @ 1600Mhz
GPU: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 690
SSD: 2 x Samsung 840 Pro 256GB
HDD: 2 x Seagate Barracuda 2TB
PSU: Seasonic X-Series 850

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Windows Seems To Install Fine / Can't Even Get To Loading Screen

Mar 13, 2011

I'm trying to get windows 7 ultimate on a new WD SATA hard drive. I get through the installation process which recognizes the drive and lets me install on it and seems to fully install. When it automatically restarts and the windows loading screen should appear, the computer just restarts itself and doesn't even let me get to windows.I've tried messing around with some of the BIOS settings, but I'm no expert in that and I seem to be running out of options.I've tried installing the x64 and x82- both give the same problem.One potential thing I'm seeing is that after the initial screen showing my computer specs on start up, I have a RAID screen which AFAIK shouldn't really matter too much since I'm just using one HD, but it does not detect any drives. Going into the RAID setup I can't change anything either because it needs to install something (which I can't - no floppy) or it won't let me for this configuration. My motherboard is a Foxconn 915G7AC/P7AC (unfortunately not the best when it comes to drivers and support stuff, hey - it was cheap and had good reviews when I bought it!)4 Gigs of RAM.My cd/dvd drive is SATA as well, in case that matters (from what I've read searching around other drives being SATA or IDE had some sort of effect)

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Black Screen After Loading Safe Mode?

Jul 19, 2012

I have to load the safe mode for installing Steam after a crash. So I entered the advanced boot menu and chose Safe Mode with Networking. It started loading some .sys files. After a lot (I think it was loaded correctly) of .sys files my screen froze and after 3 seconds some weird blue dots appeared and (Left upper corner. Every dot was like 10x30 pixels) after some more seconds my screen turned black. No cursor, no login screen. How can I log in to the safe mode?

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Screen Staying Off Until Windows 7 Starts Loading

Feb 25, 2012

Very strange problem happened after I reinstalled Windows 7. My computer boots and runs fine, no issues. Whenever I turn it on from cold or restart, the screen is off up until Windows starts loading. If I keep pressing DEL during boot, the BIOS comes up on the screen. Exit the BIOS and same, nothing on the screen until windows is loading. I have one PCI-E graphics card going to one monitor, and I tried changing in the BIOS PEG and PCI for the graphics card but with no luck

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BIOS Not Loading Full Screen - 1900x1080?

Aug 24, 2012

I got a new 22" Acer Monitor yesterday and I had a 1440 x 900 - 19" Acer before.For some reason the splashscreen of the motherboard and bios are not loading in full screen but the OS works fine even the login page. It is sort of centered with a black background How can I set it in full screen please ? It is really bothering me. My Graphic card is Gainward Gtx 275. The motherboard is Asus P6T SE.

Ps. There is no option on the monitor that says fullscreen or widescreen.

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