How To Extract From Rar And Maintain Original Folder Dates

Sep 15, 2012

How to extract from rar and maintain original folder dates? have a memory stick which I need to copy to other USB stick with original folder creation dates. I have created a rar from original USB stick with original folder dates but when trying to unrar, there always folder date is changed to present one.

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Extract Files From A Folder On Windows 7?

Oct 2, 2011

I downloaded a torrent to my laptop, and I want to extract the files within it to put into a different folder. But the extract option isn't on the right-click menu.

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Copied Folders Are Larger Than The Original Folder?

Oct 10, 2012

This issue is absolutely frustrating. I recently did a reinstall of Windows on my Gateway LT20 laptop. I did so from the recovery console (Press F8 at boot, restore from recovery partition and retain user data).After the reinstall, I decided to Backup the rather large collection of personal files that I have on the C: drive. (Actually, this would be a second backup) As I began copying folders over to the external drive, permission dialogs would occasionally pop up......very odd as I am the sole user of the computer and am the admin. I noticed an "account unknown" set as the owner in the security tab and I figured that it was because the files were carried over from the previous install and the unknown account was just my admin account from before. So, I took ownership of each folder (and selected "replace owner on subcontainers and objects). Alas, I was still getting the UAC permission dialog when copying some subfolders. I said 'screw it" and just clicked "OK" to get on with the backup. This is followed by a "do you want to merge folder A with folder A?" dialog.

And so the folder begins copying to the new drive with it's subfoldersHere's the weird part:After I click "OK" the displayed amount of data left to be copied shows zero.....but it keeps copying data. And it just keeps going. The status bar of the copy dialog box shows a smaller amount of data to copy than there actually is in the source folder. And by the time the main folder is done copying, the resulting folder is larger than the original O-o What the deuce?! The properties dialog box tells me there is more files present than what's in the original folder.I.....I just want to copy my damn music and photos to a portable drive. Why do you curse me computer gods?!! *shakes fist at sky* I'm very confused and want to know why and how a source folder that is 18GB turns into a folder that is 28GB when copied.

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File Folders And Names With BC/AD Dates?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to create a set of directories that show art from various eras. I want them to appear in chronological order. Thus, I want the BC years to proceed backward to 0 and then forward again after AD. I've tried putting negative numbers in front of the dates but this doesn't seem to help.

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Need To Maintain Windows 7 OS?

Jan 28, 2012

I have read several posts about issues with this already.I had an ECS P4M800 Pro-M V 2.0 with a Pentium 4 2.88. I had a primary and secondary hard drive as well as a DVD RW on it. My brother-in-law originally build the computer some years ago. I got the dreaded call the other day, "Honey, the computer won't turn on."DOA, fried MOBO. I ordered a Biostar A880 G + MOBO with integrated graphics, audio and LAN cards. Popped in an AMD Athlon 2 X 3 3.3G and two DDR 3 2G Ram sticks.Fired that puppy up on my old hard drive. It ran through some system checks, and nada. I keep getting back to nothing.I had a system backup set up to run, but the destination drive ended up being full, (without my realizing it) and now I'm up shit creek becuase the drive won't boot. I've got some important business stuff on that drive, which I know I can recover, but I would just like it to get up and run.

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Copy Files To A Backup With Checking Dates?

Jan 22, 2013

It seems that the copy and replace only checks names, but I would want the older files to be replaced by the newer ones, and to be ignored if they have the same names and dates. ouadad has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Can Search For Date Modified Between Two Specific Dates

Dec 29, 2011

The thread title says it all. I want to specify specific start and stop dates as a filter, not the general "last month" or "last year" type offered.

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Can't Change Files' Created And Modified Dates?

Dec 10, 2012

I would [almost] swear that I used to be able to click on a file in Windows Explorer and then add or change it's details such as the dates. I may be "misremembering" but I think I could do it at the bottom of the Explorer screen or by rick-clicking, selecting properties and the Details tab.If it was ever true it is no longer so. I can't get any of the fields for a file, from Explorer or file properties/details, to open up for entry or modification.After looking at similar posts here, I went through the Take Ownership process just to make sure there were no security issues but that didn't make any difference.

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Complete Reinstall Windows 7 After Install Up Dates

Nov 28, 2012

i was having problems with my pc and did a complete reinstall windows 7 after install up dates take place after install restart pc freezes to get going again i have to restore and loose all my updates does that sound as if this question is from a pc expert.

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Software To Maintain Personal Details?

Dec 12, 2012

I m using win 7 home premium . is there any sw available to maintain our personal details .. details like mail id , website , driving licence no or scanned driving license copy , Account number (not password) , blood group , etc., simply want to maintain every records and details of myself in a single file ..

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Preserve Files' Create Dates, After Copying And Pasting To Another Drive?

Dec 21, 2011

How can I preserve my files' create dates, after copying and pasting to another drive?I back my system up regularly but not with one of the commercially available programs; I just copy and paste all the files/libraries I want to a HDD. I have a couple and alternate them each time I do a backup, so if the one disk fails, I always have at least the penultimate backup. When I build a new system, I just copy and paste again. Now here is my problem, when I set up a new system all my dates, except for "photo date taken" all reset to the current date. I have tried all the date options from the View menu but none show the date created. How can I preserve my dates? And is there a way to prevent this from happening again? System Window 7 64BIT Pro.

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Windows Calendar - Can Darken The Font And Make The Dates Larger

Sep 19, 2011

When I print my calendar to hang on my refrigerator the color of the font is the same color as the back ground and subsequently it's very difficult to read. It's also very small. I can change the fonts size of the dates and change the background of the printed copy?

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How To Fix Wrong Created, Modified, Accessed Dates On Files/folders

Oct 29, 2012

Cleaning up the friend of a friend's completely virus infested, badly working computer.

Windows 7x64 HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC

The Basics:While I was beginning to install and manually offline-update various anti-malware tools so that I could begin to determine what I needed to do to get this thing clean and properly operable, I noticed while looking at Programs and Features that many of the install dates for various software were dated in various months in 2013. My installations were 1 year, 2 days ahead of the current date. Windows Explorer shows this to be consistent throughout the files and folders installed.

Looking at the install dates for some of the HP proprietary software/bloatware, I can tell this behavior started some point after the computer was purchased and used (the bloatware installation date was one day after the warranty start date listed in the BIOS). I am presuming dates on files and folders created, modified, or accessed from the point of the initial occurrence of what caused these particular incorrect future timestamps are the only ones affected.

The clock and date were wrong by the exact amount forward as were the install dates for the files I installed, so, as expected, the files were taking their timestamp from the computer's time. I assume whenever the computer date and time were maladjusted is when the problem started. I fixed the time and date, but the files and folders did not adjust their timestamps, again as expected.

1. Are there any particular problems I am not considering which could be caused by the incorrect dates, other than some particular searching and arrangement issues, which in this case I think would be superficial? This type of date information is just descriptive metadata for files and folders, correct?

2. Is there any way to fix this? I cannot think of any, but maybe there is something I am missing, hashing it out in my mind. If the BIOS clock and the Windows date and time settings were separate and the date metadata were generated based on a timer referencing the BIOS clock, then I could see a way to repair this. But, at least on this notebook, a change in one is reflected in the other--I think this is how Windows OSes operate in general. Anyway, any ideas?

3. Finally, after I finish cleaning and repairing the notebook, is there any way to globally reset all of the date metadata on all files/folders to reflect the present? So long as having incorrect future timestamps does not affect operation, then this is superficial, but it is irrationally driving me crazy. If it were my computer, I could not stand it--barely can stand it as it is. I have found a program that lets you reset all of the dates of all files in a folder, or the dates of all folders visible when opening a directory or subdirectory, but not both simultaneously, and so of course not anything that would change the dates of all the files and folders nested within one another from root.

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Can't Maintain Specific Desktop Icon Setting?

Aug 31, 2012

System: Windows 7 Ultimate x86, Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)What I'm looking for:I'm asking if anyone knows the precise location to the setting for the Desktop View icon size setting, either a settings file or registry location (NOTHING ELSE). This is viewable by: Right-clicking the desktop -> Selecting View -> Large Icons, Medium Icons, or Classic Icons Problem,Every time I set the option to Classic Icons, it resets to Medium Icons after rebooting.I'm NOT looking for any of the many ways to change this setting through means of:

1) Personalize -> Window Color -> Advanced Appearance settings -> Icon Size

2) Theme settings

3) Group Policy settings

4) Ease of Access -> Change Administrative Settings -> Apply all settings to the logon desktop (Remains unchecked)

5) Ctrl + Mouse-Wheel method of changing icon size

6) Rebuilding Icon Cache

7) HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopWindowMetricsShell Icon Size

8) HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionThemesThemeChangesDesktopIconsTo reiterate

This is NOT a problem with setting the icon size or themes.Minimum icon size is 16, which on Medium is larger then Classic at 32 (default). It's NOT a problem with any 3rd party programs or services.I've tested with a selective startup disabling all non-Microsoft services and startup programs. Neither is it a malware or virus issue.I've explored this to no end. I've tried "sfc /scannow" to locate any altered/corrupt/missing system files as well, all are accounted for and working properly.I need to locate the exact location for this particular setting (View: Large/Medium/Classic) and find out why it will not save appropriately. I've been to so many forums with so many different fixes and none of them work. I believe I've covered all methods I've attempted but I might have missed one. I rarely have need to ask on forums, but I've exhausted my search abilities to no avail.

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How Can I Maintain Aspect Ratio Playing Fullscreen ?

Dec 13, 2009

I am currently having a problem playing 4:3 game with no wide screen support on my 1440x900 (16:10) monitor. What I mean is that when I play it full screened, the game is stretched.

This was funny because It used to add the black bars for me on the sides to keep the 4:3 (800x600) ratio. But then disappeared after I decided to update my graphics card's drivers (Nvidia 9600 GT). I searched everywhere constantly over the net and this forums using the search for a solution but it only seems like people want to remove the black bars, I WANT them.

There are some solutions saying that I should check the "Maintain aspect ratio" selection in the Nvidia control panel, but because I don't have the "Flat Panel Display Monitor" option in my control panel (seen below), I cannot access it.

If anyone knows a solution to this problem, please let me know!

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How To Get Windows To Maintain It's Recognition Of Drive Permanently

Jun 10, 2011

I am still battling to get my External Drive recognised by Windows.After doing a full format, the correct 500gb is at last shown in Disk management.However my problem is that when I restart my computer I get a message saying, to use this drive you will have to format it !If I now disconnect the drive and reconnect it, it is recognised again .Can anyone explain how I get Windows to maintain it`s recognition of this drive permanently.

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How To Maintain Resolution Quality When Burning HD Video Onto DVD

Jun 27, 2011

I have a 720p resolution video file in HD specs. I converted it from mkv --> avi with a special program to keep its subtitles and HD specs. However, I want to burn it onto a DVD WITH a DVD menu. The only problem is that everytime I want to do so, the programs that I tried forces me to dumb down the quality to 480p. Is there a simple solution that is not too complicated for me to keep the HD resolution? By DVD , I mean like burn as DVD so I can watch it on a DVD player that is for TVs.

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Can't Get Games To Display Full Screen, Even With 'maintain Ratio'

Jan 30, 2012

I have a hp mini 210 netbook. Im trying to run games like broken sword on it. In my previous windows 7 instalation, i just selected 'maintain aspect ratio' from the display properties, and it gave me a full screen game.

I had a terrible virus, so had to format and install another windows 7.

I noticed the graphics driver is a bit different, and now when i select 'maintain aspect ratio', it makes no diffference whatsoever. how to actually get full screen again?

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Update Portable Programs And Maintain Settings I've Changed?

Nov 22, 2012

I have a few portable programs on my computer. How do I update them without losing any settings etc. that I have changed? Do I move ".ini files" and/or ".cfg files" and/or "whatever" out of the old version of the program and into the new?

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Tool To Maintain Uniform Sound Volume In Windows 7?

Oct 23, 2012

does something like that exist? i've googled and googled, but i can't find anything. the problem is of course this; windows 7 sounds are in volume 10, then Internet is suddenly louder, say volume = 15, then foobar = 16 in track one, and 11 in track 2, and so on and so forth. a tool that normalizes sound everywhere (no matter which source, say volume = 12) is what i would be looking for, because i am constantly changing the sound volume, and this is not exactly automation - which is what we have computers for

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Maintain Dual Monitor Configuration When Mass-upgrading To Windows 7 From XP?

Jul 19, 2012

it's possible to maintain a dual monitor, extended desktop configuration when moving a relatively large network from XP Professional to 7 Enterprise. As it stands now, after the Win 7 image finishes installing the secondary monitor does not automatically attach leaving the user to have to do so when they log on for the first time. We have seen cases where the second monitor does attach, but the primary monitor has to set the secondary monitor to attach at first logon essentially maintaining the former XP extended desktop configuration?

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Extract Files From MIG?

Jan 10, 2011

During an upgrade from XP to Windows 7 Ultimate I used Easy Transfer.Towrads the end of the transfer back to the computer from an external disk, the transfer crashed. I was able to complete the upgrade but a few files are missing.I am unable to transfer again the files.Is there a way to look into the MIG files, locate certain files and extract them?

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Can't Extract Cd Files

May 19, 2011

I have for years used Adobe Audition 1.5 and 3.0 to extract files from CD for my syndicated radio shows. In February I bought a Lenovo lap top loaded with windows 7, and cannot do this task with 1.5 or 3.0

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Extract From Multiple Folders?

Jul 10, 2010

My font collection is in need of a radical overhaul. I use High Logics Main Type as my font manager. But that's by the by, this isn't about fonts solely. I've come across the situation where I need to collect all the files together from multiple sub folders before. I want to know the easiest way of extracting all the data from, say, 500+ sub folders, and dumping it all in the parent/a.n.other folder. At the moment, with fonts, it's a piece of pish, I search for ttf files in the main folder with locate32, highlight them all, cut 'n' paste into the new folder. I then use RED 2.1 to delete the empty folders, go back into the parent folder to see what folders are left, open one, get the file extension, use locate32 to search for file extensions in parent folder, and so on and so forth. Easier to do than type, but still a bit long winded. Does anyone know of an easier way or a 3rd party portable app.?

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Cannot Extract Files To Install

Dec 20, 2011

I cannot extract files to install, what should i do?

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Extract Iso Files To View The Contents?

Jun 24, 2012

I tried using 7-zip, but I don't have it in the menu when I right click which it's supposed to be. So I went to the series of iso files and extracted them to a new folder but 4 minutes later all the files were in just one big iso and when I tried to extract that, it said the archive couldn't be accessed. I'm not trying to make a bootable disk; I need the files within the iso and I would rather not waste DVDs unnecessarily.

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How To Extract The Bookmark Stored In The Browser?

Jan 23, 2012

Anyone know how to extract the bookmark stored in the browser?My previous laptop died on me.I have transfer the hdd into an external casing

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Can't Extract Drivers With Universal Extractor V1.6

Aug 22, 2009

When I try to extract Sony Notebook Utilities, BIOS update, and other things, this stupid error keeps popping up.

Can anyone be kind enough to download the drivers, extract them, and reupload them for me? I have tried all of the extract options and none of them work.

I can't use the .exe provided because it will only install on the Vista OS, extracting it would bypass this check and force install.

Picture of the error:

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Extract A Driver From W7 X-64 For W2008 Server

Nov 26, 2009

I've got an Epson printer where the only driver is one that came with Windows 7 X-64.

There hasn't been a driver for this printer since XP from Epson BTW - an A3+ size Photoprinter 1290.

There weren't even any VISTA drivers from Epson - but I skipped VISTA anyway. The printer is STILL good and I like the occasional A3+ size prints so I don't want to get rid of it -- newer printers are usually A4 max unless you spend serious money. And if a device is still perfectly functional why should I junk it.

Is there any decent tool to extract the driver out of a running Windows 7 system and install in Windows 2008. In theory it should be possible.

Otherwise Windows 2008 server seems to run anything Windows 7 X-64 does.

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Extract The Contents Of An .exe File Instead Of Installing It?

Dec 24, 2011

is it possible to extract a .exe file or a installer instead of installing it on the HDD ???

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Extract Files From Backup VHD Image

Oct 15, 2009

My ST3500418AS 500GB died and took my Windows 7 with it, so I had to do a fresh install to another hard disk.

Unfortunately, Backup and Restore cannot see the backup location from my previous install, so I can't get my files back that way.

I presume that the VHD file I see in the backup folder is the system image of the previous install.

Is there any way I can extract my files from this VHD using some software package, or even convert it to another format such as ISO and extract my files that way?

There's a lot of great pics and stuff there that I don't even remember where I got it from, so I'm pretty desperate to get it all back.

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