Windows Calendar - Can Darken The Font And Make The Dates Larger

Sep 19, 2011

When I print my calendar to hang on my refrigerator the color of the font is the same color as the back ground and subsequently it's very difficult to read. It's also very small. I can change the fonts size of the dates and change the background of the printed copy?

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How To Make Menu Bar Larger

Oct 7, 2012

So.. I've got a laptop with 1080p screen. And well.. by default, the screen text and everything on the taskbar are very small. So when I installed my Windows, I right away started looking where I could make everything a bit bigger. And I managed to get a result, that satisfied me.But now, a few hours ago, I started messing around with themes. Thought that I'd browse some themes and so on. But.. then I accidentaly overwrited my current theme (which had all the "zoom settings"), and now I've got a problem. Thing is that while I'm surfing the web (with any browser), the menu bar, the address bar, the tab bar, the bookmark toolbar, they're all so small now - I mean the text is so small, and the tab size is much smaller, etc.

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How To Make "User Group" Icons Larger In Windows 7

Nov 14, 2012

How can User Group icons, on the sign-in page, be enlarged in Windows 7?On a large high resolution monitor they are very small.

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How To Make Font Setting Permanent

May 27, 2012

Twice now I have "done" 'adjust clear type text' to improve legibility of font in parts of Google Earth and Chrome. But THAT text is hard to read AGAIN, suggesting that the 'clear type text' setting does not survive rebooting. How to fix in Win7 Ultimate ?

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Birthday Calendar Not Showing In Live Mail Calendar

Jul 12, 2011

Birthdays are not showing in Live Mail calendar from my contacts.

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Weird Font On All Browsers But Can't Reset Windows 7 Default Font?

Oct 5, 2011

I suddenly started seeing this ugly font (see images below) on many webpages.I think this issue began right around the time I installed some other fonts, but I am not sure. Initially, I figured it was a Chrome thing but have since confirmed the issue extends to IE and Firefox, leading me to believe this is a Windows issue. By the time I tried to revert the changes via System Restore, it was too late (restore only went back a few days; maybe I need to adjust settings there?).I tried to reset the default font but Windows does not seem to respond to that. When I click "Restore to default font settings" the button greys out but nothing else happens. No dialog box and no change in the issue.

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How To Change Windows 7 Calculator Font / Missing Font

Jun 28, 2012

I deleted a few fonts from my font folder the other day and it seems that a few OS fonts were deleted in the process. Usually Ive got a message saying something along the lines of "this is a OS font" or "in use".Question:I noticed that my default calculator font is missing and was curious if anyone knows what font the calculator uses. I got a substituted font from the deleted one, but it looks terrible.If nobody knows the above.I went into a font deletion frenzy because I had some non-OS fonts that made my font list bulky and it took a while to scroll to the more used fonts.So I deleted some to combat this. Photoshop loads a lot faster as well due to less fonts(my little takeaway tip from all this)

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How To Change Windows 7 Calculator Font / Missing Font

Jun 28, 2012

I deleted a few fonts from my font folder the other day and it seems that a few OS fonts were deleted in the process. Usually Ive got a message saying something along the lines of "this is a OS font" or "in use".


I noticed that my default calculator font is missing and was curious if anyone knows what font the calculator uses. I got a substituted font from the deleted one, but it looks terrible.

If nobody knows the above. Then would anyone happen to know how to change the calculator font?

I went into a font deletion frenzy because I had some non-OS fonts that made my font list bulky and it took a while to scroll to the more used fonts. So I deleted some to combat this. Photoshop loads a lot faster as well due to less fonts(my little takeaway tip from all this).

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Setting Font & Font Size As Default In Wordpad?

Mar 3, 2012

I would like to to use font Times Roman font size 12.Setting it manualy only results in it jumping back to Colibri size 11.

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Complete Reinstall Windows 7 After Install Up Dates

Nov 28, 2012

i was having problems with my pc and did a complete reinstall windows 7 after install up dates take place after install restart pc freezes to get going again i have to restore and loose all my updates does that sound as if this question is from a pc expert.

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File Folders And Names With BC/AD Dates?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to create a set of directories that show art from various eras. I want them to appear in chronological order. Thus, I want the BC years to proceed backward to 0 and then forward again after AD. I've tried putting negative numbers in front of the dates but this doesn't seem to help.

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Copy Files To A Backup With Checking Dates?

Jan 22, 2013

It seems that the copy and replace only checks names, but I would want the older files to be replaced by the newer ones, and to be ignored if they have the same names and dates. ouadad has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Can Search For Date Modified Between Two Specific Dates

Dec 29, 2011

The thread title says it all. I want to specify specific start and stop dates as a filter, not the general "last month" or "last year" type offered.

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How To Extract From Rar And Maintain Original Folder Dates

Sep 15, 2012

How to extract from rar and maintain original folder dates? have a memory stick which I need to copy to other USB stick with original folder creation dates. I have created a rar from original USB stick with original folder dates but when trying to unrar, there always folder date is changed to present one.

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Can't Change Files' Created And Modified Dates?

Dec 10, 2012

I would [almost] swear that I used to be able to click on a file in Windows Explorer and then add or change it's details such as the dates. I may be "misremembering" but I think I could do it at the bottom of the Explorer screen or by rick-clicking, selecting properties and the Details tab.If it was ever true it is no longer so. I can't get any of the fields for a file, from Explorer or file properties/details, to open up for entry or modification.After looking at similar posts here, I went through the Take Ownership process just to make sure there were no security issues but that didn't make any difference.

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Preserve Files' Create Dates, After Copying And Pasting To Another Drive?

Dec 21, 2011

How can I preserve my files' create dates, after copying and pasting to another drive?I back my system up regularly but not with one of the commercially available programs; I just copy and paste all the files/libraries I want to a HDD. I have a couple and alternate them each time I do a backup, so if the one disk fails, I always have at least the penultimate backup. When I build a new system, I just copy and paste again. Now here is my problem, when I set up a new system all my dates, except for "photo date taken" all reset to the current date. I have tried all the date options from the View menu but none show the date created. How can I preserve my dates? And is there a way to prevent this from happening again? System Window 7 64BIT Pro.

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How To Fix Wrong Created, Modified, Accessed Dates On Files/folders

Oct 29, 2012

Cleaning up the friend of a friend's completely virus infested, badly working computer.

Windows 7x64 HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC

The Basics:While I was beginning to install and manually offline-update various anti-malware tools so that I could begin to determine what I needed to do to get this thing clean and properly operable, I noticed while looking at Programs and Features that many of the install dates for various software were dated in various months in 2013. My installations were 1 year, 2 days ahead of the current date. Windows Explorer shows this to be consistent throughout the files and folders installed.

Looking at the install dates for some of the HP proprietary software/bloatware, I can tell this behavior started some point after the computer was purchased and used (the bloatware installation date was one day after the warranty start date listed in the BIOS). I am presuming dates on files and folders created, modified, or accessed from the point of the initial occurrence of what caused these particular incorrect future timestamps are the only ones affected.

The clock and date were wrong by the exact amount forward as were the install dates for the files I installed, so, as expected, the files were taking their timestamp from the computer's time. I assume whenever the computer date and time were maladjusted is when the problem started. I fixed the time and date, but the files and folders did not adjust their timestamps, again as expected.

1. Are there any particular problems I am not considering which could be caused by the incorrect dates, other than some particular searching and arrangement issues, which in this case I think would be superficial? This type of date information is just descriptive metadata for files and folders, correct?

2. Is there any way to fix this? I cannot think of any, but maybe there is something I am missing, hashing it out in my mind. If the BIOS clock and the Windows date and time settings were separate and the date metadata were generated based on a timer referencing the BIOS clock, then I could see a way to repair this. But, at least on this notebook, a change in one is reflected in the other--I think this is how Windows OSes operate in general. Anyway, any ideas?

3. Finally, after I finish cleaning and repairing the notebook, is there any way to globally reset all of the date metadata on all files/folders to reflect the present? So long as having incorrect future timestamps does not affect operation, then this is superficial, but it is irrationally driving me crazy. If it were my computer, I could not stand it--barely can stand it as it is. I have found a program that lets you reset all of the dates of all files in a folder, or the dates of all folders visible when opening a directory or subdirectory, but not both simultaneously, and so of course not anything that would change the dates of all the files and folders nested within one another from root.

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Upgrading Old XP PC To Larger HD And Windows 7

Mar 18, 2012

I have an old Dell Dimension 5100 running XP with a 150GB HD and only 1GB of RAM. I'm going to check with Dell if the system will support Windows 7 as know I can upgrade the RAM to 4GB which I believe is the min needed for Win 7. Assuming this is the case I am wondering if I can also upgrade the HD to a 320GB one I have spare. My cheapest route to upgrade is I can access a cheap achademic upgrade from XP to Win 7 Pro.

So the question is how do I get from XP on one drive to Win 7 on the other drive since the upgrade only operates on the drive with XP installed. I can either:
a) Do a clean install on Windows 7 on the XP HD and then do something fancy to move the whole thing to the new HD?
b) Do the fancy transfer first and then upgrade to Windows 7?

I suspect the answer will be to do the clean install first and then use something like System image and restore tools in Windows 7 to transfer over? I did find the tutorial on using sysprep in Windows 7, but not sure if that is in additional to the system image method or a differnt method.

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Cloning Windows 7 On SSD To Larger One

Jul 27, 2012

I originally did a fresh install of Windows 7 onto an SSD, which has now become too small. Using the Windows 7 utility today I created a system image onto an external standard hard drive. I'd like to restore the image onto my new, larger SSD. Is preparation such as alignment needed, or does going from one SSD to another take care of that? I'm assuming I can resize the active partition using Disk Management afterwards.

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Move Windows 7 From A Larger HDD To A Smaller SSD?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a 5900 RPM 1T Hard drive currently running my O.S and a few other programs, but it has gotten to the point where I would like to speed up the boot time and running certain applications. I wam looking at getting a SSD that at most will have 124GB of storrage space. I tried ghosting one hard drive to a smaller faster hard drive on my laptop so I know that it won't work but I have heard some people talking that their is a way to make the computer think that all the free space on the hard drive is gone and the hard drive is only as big as how much space is actually taken up.

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Move Windows 7 Backup Files To A New Larger HDD?

Mar 17, 2011

I purchased a larger external hdd for my Win 7 Backup. I would like to move or copy the existing Win 7 Backup/Restore files to the new external hdd to freeup the old external drive for other data. Do you just copy the Backup folders on the old hdd to the new drive? Strangely, the Win 7 Backup folders' properties show zero bytes. I have restored files / folders from the Backup files, so I know they are not empty.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Installation Seem To Grow Larger With Time?

Dec 22, 2011

After installing a custom version of Windows 7 64 bit SP1, and all my auxiliary software, on a 30 GB partition on my laptop there were 20.0 GB of free space remaining. Now, a little more than six months later, the free space is down to 18.6 GB. Why? Every three or four weeks since I did the install I've followed the same procedure: I update Windows; I update all other programs; I make a new restore point then use "Disk Cleanup" (every option ticked) and "Disk Cleanup/More Options" under "C:/Properties" to free disk space and delete all but the newest Restore Point; I run CCleaner; I do a "System Disk Monthly" defrag using MyDefrag 4.3.1; then I back up the partition using EaseUS ToDo Backup 3.5. For the first about four months after doing the above I was left with 19.9 or 20.0 GB free space, but sometime in the last couple of months--I've been extra busy so I'm not sure exactly when it started--the remaining free space dropped under 19 GB. For the life of me I can't figure out why.

I've added a few new programs since first creating the partition, enough to account for, being very generous, 300-400 MB, but in my mind there are still about 1+ GB of occupied space for which I can't account. Given the above information it seems to me that the only place this extra "stuff" could be is in "C:/Windows", but using WinDirStat doesn't show any abnormally large files or folders. Please, does anyone more knowledgable than I know if it's normal for Windows to grow with time?

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Installing Windows 7 Image To A Larger 3TB Drive?

May 20, 2012

Alright, I did a backup image in Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit from a 500GB drive. I then took that out and put in a new Barracuda 3TB sata3 drive. After it was done restoring the image I extended the volume and of course it only gave me 2TB of space. So after reading a bit I needed to use Seagates disc wizard to format it to accept and show 3TB (2.79 useable) space which I did by hooking it up as an extra drive in another computer. Now my question is when I do hook it up in the new computer and put the image on again the process wants to automatically format the drive and in doing so I am afraid I will end up with the same 2TB's of space after extending the volume again.

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits Recognise Only Larger Usb Ext Hdd

Nov 10, 2011

I have two large USB (1Tb and 2 Tb) external drives running on my Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bts. But when I get my old 40 Gb ext hdd or my mate's similar unit but 60 Gb (both are generic) I can't see them. Yet if I plug them on my XP laptop, or Window 7 starter notebook they install automatically with no problem! I can see my own device in Management but it requires to initial...and it won't, as for my mate's nothing at all happens when I plug it on the usb port, but the unit's green light is on!.

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Windows 7 Can't Upload File Larger Than 300kb

Jun 9, 2011

My workplace upgraded our OS from Windows XP x32 to Windows 7 Enterprise x64. Since then whenever I want to upload a file that is larger than 300kb to our EDMS server (web based), I always got timeout. I installed windows virtual pc with windows 7 x32 (I didn't installed any software on it except firefox 4) and tried to upload the same file, I still got time out. I was using Internet explorer 8, firefox 3.1, and firefox 4. They all gave me the same result.

More information: Server: Windows 2003
IIS - Apache/Tomcat
EDMS Software: Java

No more support for the software since it is an old software Desktop PC: It's already been customized by our computer tech support and I don't have admin right to the desktop computer I've already tried in my virtual pc:

a. disable IPv6
b. disable autotuning

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Clean Install Of Windows 7 - Some Pages Larger Than Monitor

Aug 21, 2012

Since doing a "clean install" of Windows 7 I find that some pages are larger than the monitor. American Greetings......"Create and Print" in particular, no scroll bars, yet there is more to see. Also the background of the "desktop" appears larger than I am used to. Background is a slide show. Screen Resolution is set to the maximum (1366x768)(recommended). Asus P53E Notebook computer

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Windows Journal Freeze Or Slowdown With 2mb Or Larger Files

Feb 16, 2012

I've been having problems with windows journal when a note file reaches 2mb or more. I use an (older) tablet pc with a core duo CPU running Windows Home Edition and I wonder whether this may be the problem as upgrading my RAM to 4GB didn't help at all. One way around this would be to have smaller files with different chunks of the data (diagrams and hand written notes) but I would have thought a 2mb file wouldn't cause such problems. I've been considering upgrading to a brand new tablet but if the problem is with the software then I don't see much point yet.

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Recommend A Calendar For Windows 7?

Jan 29, 2013

wanted to set up some dates in win 7 calendar only to be told by 'help' that "this version of windows does not have calendar"dont need anything flash, just something that will nudge me into action when a date and time i set up earlier has arrived. would prefer no freebies (there;s no such thing as a freebie, they usually screw up my machine or secretly keep track of what i am doing....

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Windows 7 Calendar Is Not Working?

Jul 14, 2011

I was able to get Windows Mail to work on Windows 7 and created a folder for Windows Calendar, put the files there but the program will not execute from Windows Mail. It will run on it's own, but the reminders won't alert me and like I said, it won't run when I click the icon inside Windows Mail.

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Changing Windows 7 Login Screen To Image Larger Than 256kb?

Oct 15, 2012

Is this possible?

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Windows 7 - Calendar On The Gadgets Are Not Showing Up

Apr 17, 2011

My Calender on the gadgets are not showing up and i dont know why it is not up

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