How To Get Minecraft SP To Run X64 Java

Sep 18, 2012

For the last few weeks in rarely touching minecraft, whenever I did, I'd get an "Out of Memory!!" Error message and quit the game. Well, I detected that I was playing Minecraft SP on Java 32 bit, when I have a x64 OS. I tried downloading and installing x64 Java but it made no difference. I tried uninstalling the x86 version but when I opened Minecraft it gave me an error saying that it was missing some files prior to me uninstalling the x86 version of Java 7.

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How To Get Minecraft SP To Run X64 Java

Oct 14, 2011

For the last few weeks in rarely touching minecraft, whenever I did, I'd get an "Out of Memory!!" Error message and quit the game. Well, I detected that I was playing Minecraft SP on Java 32 bit, when I have a x64 OS. I tried downloading and installing x64 Java but it made no difference. I tried uninstalling the x86 version but when I opened Minecraft it gave me an error saying that it was missing some files prior to me uninstalling the x86 version of Java 7.

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Change The Java Path So Windows 7 Can Find The Java.exe?

Aug 22, 2011

Ok, I have looked everywhere and tried several "solutions" to get windows to recognize where Java.exe so it can run .jar files.I'm running windows 7 64-bit with java 1.6 32-bit installed. And when I try to install craftbukkit I only get errors.I have copied these errors so you can view them at...So I searched all over google and tried to go to my computer, advanced settings, path and add the path there but i still get the same errors.I've been all over the mine craft and bukkit forums but no one there can explain how to fix it

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Add Memory To Minecraft?

Jul 23, 2012

how to add memory to Minecraft but none of them have worked very effervescently what is the best way I could do this ?

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Minecraft Massive Lag Spike

Nov 3, 2012

recently got a new Pc the Asus G75 to be exact but every one and a while Minecraft will MASSIVELY lag. This shouldn't be happening on a gaming laptop like this does any know what the problem is?

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Using Windows 7 For A Minecraft Server?

Jun 19, 2012

My friends and i are planning to build a PC that will serve as our minecraft server; small SSD, lot's of RAM, etc, and we were just going to use windows 7 home premium 64 bit on it like a normal computer.However, my dad who works in computer neworking/consulting said that windows 7 only allows 10 people to be accessing it at one time, which means we can't have more than 10 people playing on the server at a time. I don't think this is true because they would be connecting to the executable not to windows itself.Will this Windows 7 restriction affect the minecraft server executable? We want roughly 20 people playing on it. If so, should we just use Windows Home Server or something like that?

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BSOD While General Use And Playing Minecraft

Mar 22, 2012

I have been having BSOD for a while now. It happens during extended general use, or when playing games (really only minecraft). However, when I turn the power settings to "Power saver" I do not usually get a crash (not as far as i remember anyhow). But I would rather not have to use that mode, because it makes using more than one window at a time slow, and severely impacts game performance.

Here are the Sys Specs:
Windows 7 x64 Is the Original Install (however it is dual booted with Linux mint 12, but I was having the same problems before then as well);
OEM version
4 gigs RAM
500gig HD

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Minecraft Freezes After 20 Seconds In Game?

Jul 7, 2012

On my new laptop and after around 20 seconds in game minecraft freezes. I have put the graphics on both highest and lowest with no changes. Theres also 2 ways that my minecraft is crashing.

1st: Minecraft just stops and i have to open task manager to close it.

2nd: Minecraft freezes and then i get a black screen. Then it goes back to the main screen, minecraft closes, and then in the bottom right a message pops up saying. "AMD video has stopped responding and has recovered successfully. I tried finding drivers but couldent in the end what now!

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Minecraft Randomly Freezing Computer?

Jan 14, 2013

When I'm playing minecraft, at RANDOM times, the entire computer will just freeze for me.The sound gets stuck in this jarring freeze like repeat and I can't click Ctrl-Alt-Delete or Alt-f4 or anything. I can normally play at 100 fps with no problems until this freeze happens. I've tried letting it sit for a while but it just remains frozen. It doesn't give me BSoD, it just freezes. Also, I've checked my event log but no unusual events show up besides the computer shutting down unexpectedly. This seems to happen ONLY when I'm playing MINECRAFT

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BSOD While Playing Minecraft And At Random TTimes

Feb 23, 2012

Have had a BSOD three times whilst playing minecraft, all within about 2 hours of each other, the reports that are needed are in the attachment.

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BSOD While Playing Minecraft , Error 0x0000007a

Feb 25, 2012

i was playing minecraft as usual and then the screen frezes for 10 seconds then goes n normaly then the screen becomes black then the BSOD i havent read much because it restarted but i was having this eror from christmas i replaced my hard driver and reinstal my windows a few times.Then somebody told me it was an overloading problem then i stoped playing like 24/7 hrs on minecraft and it was good no more BSODs and i started playing 24/7 again for about 2 weeks but now i got it again just a few minutes ago i downloaded and instaled and used BSOD veiwer and the here is it:

caused by driver: Ntfs.sys
caused by adress:Ntfs.sys+ef0cc


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Minecraft Port Forwarding Via WiFi Router?

Jul 15, 2012

I need help port forwarding my minecraft server via wifi. I have all permisions to setup but after all the threads and programs I have tried, nothing works. I get exception Failed to Bind to port perhaps another server is already running on this port.

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BSOD While Playing Minecraft , Error 0x0000007a?

Apr 17, 2012

1.Problem describing: So i am a 13 old boy who was playing about 24/7 hrs on mineacrft in 1.8 beta and then the 1.0.0 udate camed not very far from christmas and i was playing the exactly time as mentioned before then about 2 weeks later i got A LOT of BSODsand before this with like a month i replaced my GFX card because it was completly ruinedand then after a time i replaced the HDD driver with a better one of 500gb then everything gone wel from new year until yesterday i was used to play minecarft and other games untl my comp hits 28-29 grades no more and from a time i was againplaying mineecarft 24/7 and to prevent hiting i lower my minecraft setings but the temperature was growing each day i didnt know why untl it was hitin 29 when i was playing i didnt cared to much and then i was playing and the screen stops for about 10-5 secs then going on after that i decided it was nothing and after 20-10 secs a blue screen apeard and the sngle thing that i was able to read was KARNEL_DATA..... . Then it automaticaly restarted and i am geting more boot erors whe starting widnows.[CODE]So my first question is what is a dump fleWhat is the driver minecarft only causing thisWhy my friends arent reciving blue screens

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BSOD Playing Minecraft And MW3, Locale ID 1033, BBCode 116?

Apr 29, 2012

While playing Minecraft and MW3 I often get BSOD's within a few minutes of starting to play. I've been looking for months now for a solution, [CODE]

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Running Minecraft Server - DNS On Domain / IP And Port Forwarding

Sep 1, 2012

I want to host a Minecraft server, I also own a domain at Just a couple of questions; Can I use the DNS (or something else) on my domain to somehow make players able to connect to for example "" instead of having to write my IP? Or Can I host the server on my domain? Anything else? Or should I port forward something? Hopefully this fits in the gaming category (Minecraft)... Could fit in some other categories aswell.

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Minecraft Freezing Entire Windows 7 System Even Task Manager

Feb 5, 2012

After loading minecraft and playing for a few minuets trying to close it minecraft freezes up the entire computer even task manager and then we must shut the computer off by the main power and after a few minuets of freezing it comes back to normal what is the problem?

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Video Card Driver Acted Little Wierd While Playing Minecraft

Jun 14, 2012

I was playing on my minecraft as normal then its started lagin then stoped with an out of memory then when to start it again it appears that i got an error and it asks me if i want to report it i checked and other raported t but i couldnt find the solution so i guees i will ask here so what caused this problem so here we go.

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Play Games Like Minecraft Or Star Trek Online After About 5 To 10 Mins Screen Goes Blank?

May 15, 2012

I have a HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook with windows 7 home premium 64-bit. My problem is lately any time i play some games like minecraft or star trek online after about 5 to 10 mins my screen goes blank with black and white or greenish white vertical lines going across my screen. Im not sure where to start or

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Cant Uninstall Java 7?

Aug 13, 2011

on my computer I have java6update 29 and java 1.7.0-01,I have tried to uninstall java 7 by following the prompts eg uninstall,it then says preparing to uninstall,then up pops;dO YOU WANT TO ALLOW THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM TO UPDATE SOFTWARE ON THIS COMPUTERiT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER i CLICK YES OR NO ,it still wont uninstall,I havesuccessfully been able to delete other programs without this happening,I have windows 7 home premium

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Could Not Download Java

Jun 28, 2012

I searched for a solution to my problem on here and followed the instructions and it didn't work, so here I am.

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Java Does Not Work

Dec 26, 2011

I am currently running Java JRE5u22.If JRE6uxx is installed, then the Java Control panel does not open, and java works randomly. For example, (URL) will display the version that is installed, but (url) will succeed. Some applications that depend on Java will not work, but they did before with a JRE6uxx So something happened that render JRE6uxx partially broken.

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Java Will Not Run On New Machine

Oct 24, 2012

I have a new Dell Inspiron 660 with Windows 7. I have downloaded Java numerous times using the three standard browsers and it will not take/work. I know Java isn't the best program in the world to have on a computer, but I use it for playing games (which is my primary "entertainment" use of the computer). It is frustrating for this not to work.

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Cannot Get Java To Work

Nov 10, 2011

I just installed the 64bit vesion of java. I am trying to save a video from keepvid, but it keeps showing that java is not installed or disabled. I installed it and it said that it was in fact installed but it does not show up in program files, browser, or manage add-ons. I have tried quite a few things after searching around. Nothing seems to be working.

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Can't Install Java Sdk

Jul 26, 2011

i use windows 7 ultimate x64 and im trying to install java sdk. But i only get the error This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exist and that you can access it,or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

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Java Not Functioning?

Apr 25, 2012

Several times I have installed/reinstalled java but Win 7-64 Home Premium does not allow this to run.Programme is installed but applications, e.g. ping test speed test are reporting Java requires to be installed.

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Java Dll On Windows 7?

Feb 21, 2011

Java dll on windows 7?

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Cannot Install JAVA?

Dec 17, 2011

Have been trying install Java and at the end message comes up "Windows installer not installed correctly" how do i fix?

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Java Not Working 64 Bit

Apr 1, 2012

i already installed my java 64 bit but still my psp emulator pops " the required version of java is not been installed.. anyway my java 64 bit version is

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Where Is Java Preferences On Windows 7

Jan 8, 2011

I have been using a new Dell Studio XPS 8100 Windows 7 for almost 24 hrs. It feels as if it is going to be a slow uphill battle getting to make sense out of this OS.

find Sun Java's Preferences. Looked on Internet Options Advanced and can find nothing there.

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Java Applet Refuses To Run?

Dec 13, 2011

When I try to run a java applet on Firefox or chrome or IE it just freezes and it ends up going to not responding and I have to force shut my browser. I uploaded a screen shot of what I get when I try to click on control panel -> Java(32-bit). I need to figure this out because I need to start school in Jan. and I need to be able to run Java apps. Please help me. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Java over and over. I end up getting this problem when I go to and click on do I have Java then it says something about a plug-in and do I allow it, when I click yes it starts to check then it stops and freezes. I am also using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Service Pack 1

Description: A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: AppHangXProcB1
Application Name: chrome.exe
Application Version: 15.0.874.121
Application Timestamp: 4ec1cf8b
Hang Signature: c8e4


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No Java In Control Panel?

Apr 4, 2012

cant install java. its missing from my control panel and eveytime i try to reinstall, site site gives me the java 160-31 update, when i try to install it, a dialog pops up promting me to search for the 29 update. i guess thats the 1 in missing cause the same thing happens when i try uninstalling 29 & 30 from my programs & features in my control panel. im running windows 7 home premium 64 bit and ie 9. i also use Google chrome.

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