BSOD While General Use And Playing Minecraft

Mar 22, 2012

I have been having BSOD for a while now. It happens during extended general use, or when playing games (really only minecraft). However, when I turn the power settings to "Power saver" I do not usually get a crash (not as far as i remember anyhow). But I would rather not have to use that mode, because it makes using more than one window at a time slow, and severely impacts game performance.

Here are the Sys Specs:
Windows 7 x64 Is the Original Install (however it is dual booted with Linux mint 12, but I was having the same problems before then as well);
OEM version
4 gigs RAM
500gig HD

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BSOD While Playing Minecraft And At Random TTimes

Feb 23, 2012

Have had a BSOD three times whilst playing minecraft, all within about 2 hours of each other, the reports that are needed are in the attachment.

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BSOD While Playing Minecraft , Error 0x0000007a

Feb 25, 2012

i was playing minecraft as usual and then the screen frezes for 10 seconds then goes n normaly then the screen becomes black then the BSOD i havent read much because it restarted but i was having this eror from christmas i replaced my hard driver and reinstal my windows a few times.Then somebody told me it was an overloading problem then i stoped playing like 24/7 hrs on minecraft and it was good no more BSODs and i started playing 24/7 again for about 2 weeks but now i got it again just a few minutes ago i downloaded and instaled and used BSOD veiwer and the here is it:

caused by driver: Ntfs.sys
caused by adress:Ntfs.sys+ef0cc


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BSOD While Playing Minecraft , Error 0x0000007a?

Apr 17, 2012

1.Problem describing: So i am a 13 old boy who was playing about 24/7 hrs on mineacrft in 1.8 beta and then the 1.0.0 udate camed not very far from christmas and i was playing the exactly time as mentioned before then about 2 weeks later i got A LOT of BSODsand before this with like a month i replaced my GFX card because it was completly ruinedand then after a time i replaced the HDD driver with a better one of 500gb then everything gone wel from new year until yesterday i was used to play minecarft and other games untl my comp hits 28-29 grades no more and from a time i was againplaying mineecarft 24/7 and to prevent hiting i lower my minecraft setings but the temperature was growing each day i didnt know why untl it was hitin 29 when i was playing i didnt cared to much and then i was playing and the screen stops for about 10-5 secs then going on after that i decided it was nothing and after 20-10 secs a blue screen apeard and the sngle thing that i was able to read was KARNEL_DATA..... . Then it automaticaly restarted and i am geting more boot erors whe starting widnows.[CODE]So my first question is what is a dump fleWhat is the driver minecarft only causing thisWhy my friends arent reciving blue screens

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BSOD Playing Minecraft And MW3, Locale ID 1033, BBCode 116?

Apr 29, 2012

While playing Minecraft and MW3 I often get BSOD's within a few minutes of starting to play. I've been looking for months now for a solution, [CODE]

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Video Card Driver Acted Little Wierd While Playing Minecraft

Jun 14, 2012

I was playing on my minecraft as normal then its started lagin then stoped with an out of memory then when to start it again it appears that i got an error and it asks me if i want to report it i checked and other raported t but i couldnt find the solution so i guees i will ask here so what caused this problem so here we go.

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BSOD When Idle And Under General Use

Feb 4, 2012

ive been having real problems with BSOD even when my computer is left alone, i have already reinstalled windows 7 home premium 64bit and the BSOD has kept on happening, i have updated all my drivers to the most recent versions to the best of my knowledge. I built the system myself i have tried everything i know of.

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General BSOD After Reformat, Error 0.0000000a?

Mar 13, 2012

At first, I had a failing processor, and I managed to replace it, then Ireformatted my system.But then, I was receiving multiple BSODs after that, brought it to a computer store downtown, and they determined the problem as a corrupt install of Windows 7, and proceeded to reformat it themselves. I assume they also updated all the drivers, but I'm not sure. And just now, my computer won't wake up after sleeping, I've received a BSOD in the middle of playing TF2, started up the computer again, another BSOD while starting TF2, start up again, about to google a few things, and another BSOD.Windows 7 64 bit, originally Windows 7 64bit as well, this is the 2nd reformat.The hardware itself is about 1.5 years old, except a replacement processor, which is about 1 or 2 months old.

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BSOD During General Use, Errors 0x0000003B And 0x000000BE

May 15, 2012

i recently upgraded my system with a new graphics card and ssds, and a new psu. i installed windows 7 x64, and now i've had 2 bsods within 24 hours. the first one occured while i was playing deus ex: human revolution. the error was 0x0000003b and the faulty file was dxgmms1.sys. i reinstalled the graphics drivers and it hasn't shown up anymore. now, i was installing gta iv and watching a video on Internet, and got another bsod, this time with error 0x000000be. i can't seem to isolate this problem. i've attached the files in the zip archive. also, i think its worth mentioning that the when i installed windows, i used a 32bit driver for the ssd raid 0 array since windows wouldn't take the 64 bit driver because it wasnt signed(although the driver did have the signature file on the disk). after the installation finished, windows automatically updated the raid driver.

amd phenom ii 1090t cpu
gigabyte ga-870a-ud3 motherboard
evga gtx 690 graphics card
2x 90gb kingston hyperx ssds in raid 0
4x 4gb mushkin ddr 3 1066 ram
1300w rosewill psu

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BSOD While General Usage (mostly Browsing Files And Internet)?

Nov 16, 2011

One of my computers keeps crashing while doing tasks like browsing files on the HDD or surfing the web. I'm attaching a copy of the minidump file. I've looked at the result from the Windows Debugging Tool, but I'm not sure how to read it as it's my first time. I did note the names "fltmgr.sys" and "SearchIndexer" stand out.I'd like to point out that no new programs were installed prior to the BSOD's and that I've updated all of the drivers that I could find for the motherboard since the BSOD's. I could not get the BIOS to be updated because Gigabyte doesn't seem to have a 64-bit version available. I'm currently running a thorough disk check on the HDD.

Computer spec:

- AMD Athlon II X2 250 Dual Core Processor
- Gigabyte MA785GM-US2H Motherboard
- Western Digital WD5000AAKS Caviar Blue Hard Drive
- Patriot PGS24G6400ELK Gamer Series 4096MB PC6400 DDR2
- OCZ ModXStream Pro 500W Modular PowerSupply

Things I noticed before crashes:

- Internet stops working
- Computer becomes sluggish
- Seems to crash while multi-tasking (multiple windows, downloading+browsing, etc.)
- Windows Update is unable to install SP1 for this machine. It downloads but fails to install.

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Unknown/random BSOD During General Usage After Windows 7 Install?

Jan 2, 2012

Computer is an Alienware M17 laptop with a fresh install of windows 7Computer will BSOD randomly during gamingsometimes when starting up netflix streamingSeveral dumps attachedI was going to try to debug myself for the first time but after I install the tools from here (on another computer): Debugging Tools for Windows 64-bit Version I can't find windbg in my start menu or anywhere else on the computer.

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BSOD Playing While Playing WoW Or Watching Movies?

Jan 7, 2012

when i get the BSOD while playing WoW or Watching shows in my comouter.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033


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BSOD When Computer Is Idle. No BSOD When Playing Games For Hours?

Jul 3, 2012

I started getting BSOD two weeks ago. As far as I can remember the first time I had a BSOD was on the day I installed Max Payne 3 (I read somewhere that the some guy had also this problem when he installed max payne). There were two occasions that I got a BSOD upon starting Max Payne 3. But lately I'm getting BSOD when doing low-load stuffs like browsing with no other apps opened. I've already done memtest with 10 passes with no errors. I'm 24 hours prime95 stable. I just don't get it! I've manually set my timings for my ram. I'm not doing any overclock. Everything is on stock settings.

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BSOD On 64-bit While Playing?

Apr 18, 2011

I attached the minidump file and was wondering what caused the BSOD. I was playing Call of duty 4 while on Team Speak and at the same time recording the game with the in-game record function during an online tournament.

Shut down unexpectedly


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Getting BSOD When Playing BF3?

Jul 14, 2012

I keep getting the blue screen of death when playing EA Battlefield 3. Whilst playing it seems fine, but after 30-60 minutes I will eventually get a blue screen. I have no other problems playing any other games, and I never get blue screens, its only since playing this game.

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BSOD While Playing MW3?

Jan 25, 2012

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:WindowsMinidump�12512-19983-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available
Symbol search path is: SRV*c:symbols*
Executable search path is:
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (3 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS


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BSOD When Playing D3

Jul 27, 2012

I get blue screens ONLY when I Play D3, I can play it but at random times it crashes 15min-2h usually. I have re-installed D3, tried different drivers and lots of other simple stuff like memtest etc. But cant seem to get it right. About PC, I've built it myself and it has been doing this since I started playing D3. Other game I have played is Wolf Team and its not crashing.One thing I have noticed from forums is that my TP-Link Usb router have caused problems also. Its hot as cup of coffee when in use, and I already contacted TP-link about it. Just to know is that normal. This error I can find from Event Viewer. ALWAYS there when I get BSOD. So could be the reason but no idea how to fix.

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BSOD When Playing GW2?

Sep 16, 2012

Every so often I get a BSOD while playing Guild Wars 2. I have done trouble shooting like stopping unneeded tasks and turning off unneeded services.I have ran memtest and ran Prime 95 for 12 hours straight with no issues. Both times were with overclocking and without. So far I have only seen the issue with GW2.

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Add Memory To Minecraft?

Jul 23, 2012

how to add memory to Minecraft but none of them have worked very effervescently what is the best way I could do this ?

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How To Get Minecraft SP To Run X64 Java

Sep 18, 2012

For the last few weeks in rarely touching minecraft, whenever I did, I'd get an "Out of Memory!!" Error message and quit the game. Well, I detected that I was playing Minecraft SP on Java 32 bit, when I have a x64 OS. I tried downloading and installing x64 Java but it made no difference. I tried uninstalling the x86 version but when I opened Minecraft it gave me an error saying that it was missing some files prior to me uninstalling the x86 version of Java 7.

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How To Get Minecraft SP To Run X64 Java

Oct 14, 2011

For the last few weeks in rarely touching minecraft, whenever I did, I'd get an "Out of Memory!!" Error message and quit the game. Well, I detected that I was playing Minecraft SP on Java 32 bit, when I have a x64 OS. I tried downloading and installing x64 Java but it made no difference. I tried uninstalling the x86 version but when I opened Minecraft it gave me an error saying that it was missing some files prior to me uninstalling the x86 version of Java 7.

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BSOD While Playing Games

Nov 14, 2011

i getting random BSOD while playing games , they don't usually happen but sometimes it happens after like 15 minutes of play most of them happen while playing battlefield 3, i included my mem dumb also here's a screen grab from a bsod checker program.

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BSOD Mostly When Playing A Game?

Nov 23, 2011

Often, when I start up a game, it decides to crash my whole system resulting in a blue screen. Do note, however, that it has also crashed when not in a game, but only once or twice.My first thought was the ram, as it was and is giving a lot of memory errors, so I ran memtest for over 10 hours with no failures. My next thought was the CPU, so I ran prime 95 on blend and small ftt tests for over 8 hours which also proved to be stable. Next was the HDD, and I did everything from examining the SMART info to a long generic test. GPU was my last hope, but Furmark doesn't phase the card, and I even ran MemtestG80 which supposedly tests the GPUs memory as well. I do realize these tests are not the end all, and there could be a problem with any one of them that the tests didn't find. I have also reinstalled Windows Something curious happened when I ran memtest the other day. I had one stick in and left the room for a few minutes, only to come back to 7k+ errors. This was it I thought, I finally found out what was causing it. I wanted to test it again to make sure it wasn't a bug in the software, but it ran for 8 hours with no errors. So I'm lead to believe it's the ram, motherboard, memory cache, or psu. I am leaning away from the psu based on the fact that I get lucky and am able to play Skyrim on Ultra with no issue.I have attached several recent minidumps for anyone who is able to understand such things.

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BSOD When Playing Games

Mar 24, 2011

I have had my computer for about over a year now. It has worked absolutely perfect until maybe a month ago. I got my first Blue Screen after playing World of Warcraft for some hours. Installed " BlueScreenView "

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BSOD When Playing Games

Jan 30, 2012

I never get the bluescreen doing anything but playing games and it's not often but it happens about twice a week. It crashes and WhoCrashed or Bluescreen view always points to ntoskrnl.exe or ntkrnlmp.exe or hal.dll it's always two of those 3. Other than games it runs fine. I did all the memory tests for 3 days and tried the best I could re-seat stuff. It's an alienware so they have it all secured in a way that makes it difficult to get around, and the case weighs around 105 lbs or something crazy.

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Got A BSOD While Playing Battlefield 3?

Feb 11, 2012

Ive got a BSOD yesterday while playing BF3. My computers is new, so i dont know what exactly could be my problem. Ive attached the dmp file.

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Random BSOD Mostly When Playing?

Oct 6, 2012

i built a new machine few day ago... Now i'm getting random bsod time to time...Hardware: OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 CPU: Intel i5 3570k MOBO: Asus Sabertooth z77 GPU: Radeon 6970HD Ram: 16 GB GeiL Evo Corsa SSD: OCZ Agility 3 120GB (OS installed here) (firmware 2.22) HDD: Samsung 500GB Sata2

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Sometimes Get BSOD When Playing Games?

Jul 13, 2011

I sometimes get BSOD when playing games.

here is my BSOD log
Dump File : 071311-41168-01.dmp
Crash Time : 7/13/2011 10:03:01 AM
Bug Check Code : 0x1000007e
Parameter 1 : ffffffff`c0000005
Parameter 2 : fffff880`04de4573


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Getting BSOD When Playing Battlefield 3?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm getting alot of BSOD's when playing BF3. I'm using an Nvidia 560 ti graphics card. I'm using the latest drivers, and i have also been running Furmark without any trouble.

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BSOD Mostly While Playing BF3 But Also Random?

Nov 27, 2011

My computer gets BSOD's whenever I play BF3 but also sometimes 2-12 hours after I play.After using "Bluescreen View" I know that it's always the same crash adress for the BSOD's and I have no idea how to fix it =(OS: Windows 7 Professional 64Didn't get it as OEM but it might be since a firm installed it for me after I got the computer.

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BSOD While Playing Battlefield 3

Dec 10, 2011

When playing battlefield 3, and sometimes in other games like SC2 and MW3 it will either crash the computer, crash to desktop or BSOD. This is the data pulled from the event viewer.

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