HPVP 15 No Larger Than 1024x768?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a HPVP15 that is 15". My laptop LCD "broke", and I am using this as my primary display. I am absolutely positive that I could get a higher resolution on this monitor as it is clearly close to the same size to my 15.6" LCD display on my laptop that gets 1366x768.

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1024x768 Gone (1024x600 Available) On HDMI

Sep 9, 2012

When I try to play a game called F-22 Total Air War 2.0 I get an error which says that the resolution 1024.768 is unsupported by the harware.. so I look into my desktop options and it looks like there is an option for 800x600, 1024x600, 1152x648 and higher wide screen resolutions but the 1024x768 is gone? I did play the game yezterday, I disconnected the HDMI, got upstairs, played a few more games, came back downstairs, plugged in the HDMI, launched the game and bam I got the error! I have a ATI Radeon Mobility HD5470 and the newest ATI Catalyst Center downloaded 3 days ago. How can I 'enable' the 1024x768 resolution again? Without it I can't play the game on my Big TV and I will be stuck with my little laptop screen.

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2nd Monitor Max Resolution At 1024x768

Dec 19, 2009

So I recently just hooked up a 2nd monitor to my computer just to play with it. Unfortunately, it will not go above 1024x768. I would like to set it to 1280x1024. The monitor is a Digimate DGL20, it's an LCD that was made back in 2005. The screen's max resolution might be set to 1024x768, but if that's so its there anyway i can set it to 1280x1024?

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Highest Resolution Was 1366x768 Now 1024x768

Dec 9, 2011

Today I purchased a new laptop for school. Upon starting it up i was prompted to update my drivers then to restart my computer. So I did. Now my resolution has changed from the highest being 1366x768 (I believe it was 768) to 1024x768. It wont let me go any higher and everything looks sort of stretched out. It's an ASUS model: X53U

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1024x768 Max Resolution With Intel GMA Driver

Dec 6, 2011

I've had this driver running on all 6 of the Dell laptops I've had over the years, and never seen this.

I just had the screen die on this laptop, so I've plugged in a monitor. But the only two resolution options are 800x600 and 1024x768. I've reinstalled the Intel driver a few times, and while it's installing, the screen flashes to the proper native 1280x1024 resolution for a brief moment, but then never offers it as an option when done.

I had partial success when I uninstalled the driver, allowing the default windows driver (vgapnp.sys) to take over. It gave me access to a wide range of resolution settings, but prevented standby/hibernation, and had no OpenGL support. Then it would be overwritten automatically by Windows with some other copy of the GMA driver every time I would restart. So it wasn't really working out.

I've now reinstalled again, and I'm hoping someone knows of a way to force the correct resolution. There must be a way. How could one of the most ubiquitous graphics chipset/drivers in existence be this broken?

By the way, this is a Dell D520 with a T7200, 4GB RAM, and 945GM chipset.

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Unable To Go Past 1024x768 Screen Resolution

May 14, 2009

I have Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x64, and my 15 inch Compaq CRT Monitor can not go past 1024x768 in windows 7, but in windows XP and Windows Vista, im able to go all the way up to 2048x900 57 hz, ive tried upgrading drivers, using a DVI-to-VGA adapter to use the DVI port with my vga monitor, and clearing the checkbox that hides the higher resolutions, but, i still cannot go any higher than 1024x768,

which is too low of a screen resolution for me, so, please help, ive also tried using vista drivers from 2008, but still a no-go, so im out of ideas, if theres a way to fix this, or this is unfixable for the time being, ill stick with XP, so please let me know.

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Screen Resolution Suddenly Limited To 1024x768?

Sep 5, 2012

So today when I booted up this computer the screen resolution had suddenly changed to 1024x768. When I went to change it back (my monitor is about 20 inches in size, so that resolution looks really bad) I found that I couldn't get a resolution higher than that, and the only other resolution available was 800x600. I've been trying to fix it-I restarted, tried to do a clean boot (which didn't do anything when I first restarted so I stopped trying), updated the nvida driver to the latest version, but nothing works. I thought it might have something to do with a game, because I got Fall of Cybertron just yesterday, which didn't cause any resolution problems when I played it yesterday but it could have been the culprit, but they're all limited to the same resolution settings too.

I'm running the 32bit version of Windows 7 and this is what my screen resolution menu looks like.

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Vaio Screen Resolution Stuck At 1024x768

Oct 28, 2009

I have a sony Vaio VGN-SZ4XWN/C and recently installed Windows 7. Installation was fine, however the screen resolution does not go past 1024 x 768. The monitor is wide screen 1280x800 so would have hoped for this option.

I have tried these drivers


and it does not recognise the hardware

and this option from another post, which does not work

Vista drivers and utilities Sony Vaio SZ available | Trevin Chow

The Graphics card is NVDIA GeForce Go 7400 GPU.

any thoughts?

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Screen Resolution Slider Wont Go Above 1024x768

Dec 8, 2009

i just upgraded to windows 7(yay!) and everything is working great except the resolution. (laptop btw) its a 16:9 screen, but the resolution slider thing wont go above 1024x768. everything looks squished and just all around not good. all of my drivers are up to date and ive looked around the internet and tried a few different things, but nothings worked. i never had this problem in vista. maybe its that i got 64 bit 7? my old vista was 32 bit. i really dont know.

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Change The Resolution On A Viewsonic Vpad10 To 1024X768?

Nov 8, 2011

can the resolution on a viewsonic vpad10 be changed from 1024x600 to 1024x768

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Maximum Screen Resolution Is 1024x768 I Need 1280x1024

Jun 21, 2012

my maximum screen resolution is 1024x768 i need 1280x1024

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Windows 7 X64 Ultimate & Gtx460 Unable To Go Past 1024x768?

Sep 8, 2012

couple days ago, I boot my system up and I'm shocked to find my resolution @ 1024x768 when it's supposed to be 1440x900, as that's the max for my monitor.Well, I tried rebooting, tried uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers, downloaded the most recent drivers from Nvidia and uninstalled/reinstalled again...still same issue.I finally got fed up and decided to reload windows fresh. Formatted my partition and went through the setup process. After all was said and done, reinstalled Nvidia drivers for my card and the same damn issue was still there.So, am I correct in assuming that, for what ever reason, my video card has crapped the bed on m

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Windows 7 Screen Resolution Changed To 1024x768 - Refresh Rate 59Hz

Mar 4, 2011

Few days ago I caught a virus (at least I believe I did)... Used Malwarebytes and found 7 infected files in my Windows Folder. The first few syptoms of my OS was the resolution of the screen changed to 1024x768 (it should be 1920x1080) and is stuck there. The refresh rate changed from 60Hz to 59Hz, when I tried to change it back, the screen just flashes black but the tab still says 59Hz. So I reinstalled Windows 7 with the upgrade option from the OS disk, hoping to fix everything. But it didn't...

My bios was also messed up, everything was reset and edges of my screen was cutten off. The booting animation of Windows 7 is now changed to the Vista's booting animation. I reflashed the bios and that fixed that, now I've done a clean install of Windows 7, formating C: then installing. But all problems still persists... even there is no more virus found by 5 anti-virus programs. I'm still stuck in 1024x768, Windows 7 thinks my hdmi cable is apparently a dvi cable, the refresh rate is still 59Hz, the booting animation is the Vista's one.

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Will A 55Ti MAX Out Guild Wars 2 At A 1024x768 Resolution With Super Sampling Down And Anti-aliasing On Medium

Sep 24, 2012

Will a 55Ti MAX out Guild Wars 2 at a 1024x768 Resolution with super sampling down and anti-aliasing on medium?

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Two Larger Directories Into One?

May 21, 2012

I need a solution that can take two given directories, take random files from each and create a new, smaller directory.For example Directory "Photos 2011" has 500 pictures in it and "Photos 2012" has 200 pictures.I would like the program to randomly choose files from each directory and create a directory of those random files into another directory.

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How To Make Menu Bar Larger

Oct 7, 2012

So.. I've got a laptop with 1080p screen. And well.. by default, the screen text and everything on the taskbar are very small. So when I installed my Windows, I right away started looking where I could make everything a bit bigger. And I managed to get a result, that satisfied me.But now, a few hours ago, I started messing around with themes. Thought that I'd browse some themes and so on. But.. then I accidentaly overwrited my current theme (which had all the "zoom settings"), and now I've got a problem. Thing is that while I'm surfing the web (with any browser), the menu bar, the address bar, the tab bar, the bookmark toolbar, they're all so small now - I mean the text is so small, and the tab size is much smaller, etc.

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Upgrading Old XP PC To Larger HD And Windows 7

Mar 18, 2012

I have an old Dell Dimension 5100 running XP with a 150GB HD and only 1GB of RAM. I'm going to check with Dell if the system will support Windows 7 as know I can upgrade the RAM to 4GB which I believe is the min needed for Win 7. Assuming this is the case I am wondering if I can also upgrade the HD to a 320GB one I have spare. My cheapest route to upgrade is I can access a cheap achademic upgrade from XP to Win 7 Pro.

So the question is how do I get from XP on one drive to Win 7 on the other drive since the upgrade only operates on the drive with XP installed. I can either:
a) Do a clean install on Windows 7 on the XP HD and then do something fancy to move the whole thing to the new HD?
b) Do the fancy transfer first and then upgrade to Windows 7?

I suspect the answer will be to do the clean install first and then use something like System image and restore tools in Windows 7 to transfer over? I did find the tutorial on using sysprep in Windows 7, but not sure if that is in additional to the system image method or a differnt method.

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Cloning Windows 7 On SSD To Larger One

Jul 27, 2012

I originally did a fresh install of Windows 7 onto an SSD, which has now become too small. Using the Windows 7 utility today I created a system image onto an external standard hard drive. I'd like to restore the image onto my new, larger SSD. Is preparation such as alignment needed, or does going from one SSD to another take care of that? I'm assuming I can resize the active partition using Disk Management afterwards.

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The Screen Shrinks And Cannot Get It Larger?

Apr 27, 2011

The screen shrinks and I cannot get it large again. How do I get it large again?

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Screen Larger Than Monitor?

Oct 2, 2011

This am I booted my computer to; find everything was twice the size it usually is there by requiring me to scroll right to left and from up to down to read my home page.

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Fat 32 Merge Files Larger Than 4gb?

Jun 6, 2012

i need to merge file that was splitted into 1gb files but it failed (more than gb when merged)

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Best Format For Partitions Larger Than 2TB

Sep 11, 2012

I need some large storage space, preferably more than 2 TB. My Windows 7 is running as a virtual machine (VM or domU in Xen slang) on top of a Linux Xen hypervisor.I have two 2TB disks (to be exact: two partitions on them) set up as logical volumes (LVM) to give me 3.5TB disk space. I had formatted this virtual disk under Linux using NTFS format. Somehow the Linux utility mkfs -t ntfs didn't complain about the large size (maybe a bug?).In Windows the disk shows up with about 6 partitions, some of them unformatted. I then learned that NTFS has a limit of 2TB. The only option I got under Windows was creating a VDH volume, probably the Microsoft equivalent of LVM.Now I'm wondering what the best (or available) options are for getting a 3.5TB single partition to work under Windows?

As far as I know, Linux supports VDH. But I'm a bit worried about performance and administration/backup. My LVM setup is using stripe to get similar performance to RAID0. The data on the logical volume are almost entirely larger files, starting from several hundred KB to usually at least 16MB up to a few hundred MB or even above 1GB.Backup will be done within Linux using LVM snapshots and then backing up the entire volume at the first run, later incremental backups. A third backup will be on external drives. I also like to stick with LVM volumes, as I have the ability to add more drives when needed and increase the logical volume accordingly. I will be needing some 8-12TB storage space all together inside the box, and some 4-6 TB external drive capacity for backup.In other words, the 2TB limit of NTFS is a real pain in the neck. What are the Windows alternatives for larger volumes? How do they perform?

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Get LARGER Letters On CP In Genereal?

Oct 2, 2012

My letter are so smaall.that I almost In need of a manefier

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Video File Larger Than 4 Gb?

Jan 20, 2013

So I used Fraps to record some computer gameplay, but now I've run into a bit of a snag. The file (saved as .avi) is 3.93 GB and I cannot open it in WMP, VLC or Sony Vegas to edit it.

All of the other smaller videos, captured both before and after this one, work perfectly fine. All I need to do is be able to open this in either Sony Vegas or even Windows Live Movie Maker so I can split it into smaller parts and edit it.

VLC will open with the file, but will stop after about 1 second. No audio or Video plays. I tried doing some research, and VirtualDub was recommended, but when I tried to open the file in that program I also received errors. Here are some screen shots of the file and errors:

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Why Is Backup Larger Than System's Harddrive

Oct 27, 2011

I successfully backed up my computer to an external harddrive using Windows 7 backup. I used Windows recommended settings.

My computer's local disk is currently 216 GB. When I backed up my computer to the harddrive it says that the backup is 384 GB. Can somebody explain to me why my backup is larger than my system's harddrive?

Also, just so you know, I don't have any previous backups that need to be deleted. And just to be sure I ran the backup numerous times always getting the same size as a result (384 GB).

I would like to have a complete backup but don't want to use up so much space. Is there an easy way to change a setting so that I can save disk space on my external drive while have a thorough and comprehensive backup.

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System Drive Content Getting Larger?

Nov 3, 2010

A few weeks ago I noticed that my Aronis TI 2011 images were getting larger each day. So I logged the amount of used space on my C drive from Oct 24 to Nov 1. The used space grew from 45.5 GB to 59 Gb in that time. It used to be less than 40 Gb for the longest time. I have not installed anything that would account for this growth, especially a few GB each day. Have scanned with MSE and Mal software removal tool and have found nothing. What should I do? Is there a log somewhere I could see where his growth might be coming from?

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Move Windows 7 From A Larger HDD To A Smaller SSD?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a 5900 RPM 1T Hard drive currently running my O.S and a few other programs, but it has gotten to the point where I would like to speed up the boot time and running certain applications. I wam looking at getting a SSD that at most will have 124GB of storrage space. I tried ghosting one hard drive to a smaller faster hard drive on my laptop so I know that it won't work but I have heard some people talking that their is a way to make the computer think that all the free space on the hard drive is gone and the hard drive is only as big as how much space is actually taken up.

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Click For Larger Image And Other Views

Aug 19, 2012

I am require this driver .I get this driver for window 7.

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Larger Drive Has Unallocated Space

Feb 2, 2013

I just swapped out a failing 1Tb samsung HDD to a WD Black Caviar (the noisiest drive EVER!) and the additional drive space is unallocated, when I access disk management I see the drive, System, C, D, and 931 Gb unallocated. What to do with the unallocated space?

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Move Windows 7 Backup Files To A New Larger HDD?

Mar 17, 2011

I purchased a larger external hdd for my Win 7 Backup. I would like to move or copy the existing Win 7 Backup/Restore files to the new external hdd to freeup the old external drive for other data. Do you just copy the Backup folders on the old hdd to the new drive? Strangely, the Win 7 Backup folders' properties show zero bytes. I have restored files / folders from the Backup files, so I know they are not empty.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Installation Seem To Grow Larger With Time?

Dec 22, 2011

After installing a custom version of Windows 7 64 bit SP1, and all my auxiliary software, on a 30 GB partition on my laptop there were 20.0 GB of free space remaining. Now, a little more than six months later, the free space is down to 18.6 GB. Why? Every three or four weeks since I did the install I've followed the same procedure: I update Windows; I update all other programs; I make a new restore point then use "Disk Cleanup" (every option ticked) and "Disk Cleanup/More Options" under "C:/Properties" to free disk space and delete all but the newest Restore Point; I run CCleaner; I do a "System Disk Monthly" defrag using MyDefrag 4.3.1; then I back up the partition using EaseUS ToDo Backup 3.5. For the first about four months after doing the above I was left with 19.9 or 20.0 GB free space, but sometime in the last couple of months--I've been extra busy so I'm not sure exactly when it started--the remaining free space dropped under 19 GB. For the life of me I can't figure out why.

I've added a few new programs since first creating the partition, enough to account for, being very generous, 300-400 MB, but in my mind there are still about 1+ GB of occupied space for which I can't account. Given the above information it seems to me that the only place this extra "stuff" could be is in "C:/Windows", but using WinDirStat doesn't show any abnormally large files or folders. Please, does anyone more knowledgable than I know if it's normal for Windows to grow with time?

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