Gow To Get Back Lost Mcafee Antivirus

Oct 11, 2012

I purchase a dell laptop inspirion windows 7 core i7. but i lost antivirus

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Download Mcafee Antivirus Trial Version 15 Months?

Dec 21, 2012

i doesn't find set up file of above antivirus.

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How To Get Back Lost Folder

Aug 26, 2011

i have a dell computer with windows 7. i put in memory stick from my camera to up load phot's as i have before. but this time it said the files have been damaged and need fixing which it recommended. so i fixed them it also said it was going to move them somewhere else but i can't remember where.

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Lost Files - How To Get Them Back

Feb 19, 2011

i have recently lost some files on my computer and was wondering if any knew how to get them back.i had some files saved on E: drive and when i check on them today the folders are all still there and named but they are empty and i don't know what has happened to them.there is nothing in the recycle bin so i don't know where they could have gone!

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Lost Documents, Can Get Them Back

Jul 4, 2011

I was using Illustrator CS5 with a number of documents open when I had to leave my office to deal with a screaming daughter. I was then a little distracted before I managed to get back to my laptop. To my horror my laptop had installed some updates and automatically restarted. And you guessed it my files were gone. I know I know I should have been periodically saving them as I worked on them and stupidly enough I had with one but not the others.I quickly checked the recycling bin to see if a back copy was there as I had heard that this is sometimes the case. I did find one document that was modified at the correct time and date but with some random name. I tried restoring it to find out what it was and now have no idea where it has been restored to.

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How To Get Back Lost Disk

Jan 24, 2011

Fixing a pc Replaced hard drive in a Samsung laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. He has lost his original disk. Contacted Samsung and they were NO help at all. He has a key code buy no disk.

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Lost Superbar How To Get It Back

Dec 31, 2012

I was using a program called Hide Super Bar (can't even find it online anymore) to hide my superbar when I was using rainmeter as my desktop environment. But now that I want to go back to default, I cannot get get my superbar back. There was only one .exe in the HSB folder and I clicked that and nothing happened. Also nothing happened when I uninstalled the program. I have already turned auto-hide off.

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How To Get Back Lost Pictures

Aug 15, 2011

How can I locate my pictures on my pc?

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How To Get Back Lost Webcam

Nov 30, 2011

webcam,lost when i upgraded to exsporer 9

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Lost Factory Back Up

Feb 9, 2012

Can not reset my acer aspire 5742 back to factory settings ?

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How To Get Back Lost Photos

Jun 14, 2012

I lost my photos in desktop

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Windows 7 Lost DVD / CD Drive - How To Get It Back

Jun 13, 2011

Windows 7 lost DVD / CD drive - how to get it back

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External HDD Lost Status Bar In My Computers / How To Get It Back

Apr 20, 2011

if you go to "my computer" you will see your hdd status has a blue bar that displays what data is used up and how much free data you have left.anyway i renamed by external hdd and the blue display bar is gone. i still can right click on on my external and at the bottom it shows up the status, but the blur bar is gone.i had another external and it happen, i jsut formatted and the blue status bar was there again.is there anyway to get the blue status bar without formatting my external hdd?

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Windows 7 Get Back A Lost Profile And All Its Settings?

Jul 27, 2012

Suddenly on Friday 13th July (is this merely a coincidence) my user profile - and I am the only user on this laptop vanished. Fortunately I had backed up 99% of my files BUT I have lost all my E-mail history and all my Firefox Bookmarks. I have rebuilt from what I have but am suffering still from vital lost information. Is there any where I can get it back without I hasten to add losing the new version I have built and worked with since 15th July!

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Lost Windows 7 In Dual Boot Options, How To Get It Back

Aug 10, 2012

I had Windows 7 and Xubuntu set up in dual boot by EasyBCD, a well known utility.Today the linux kernel has been updated and, after the following reboot, the choice of Xubuntu OS at the dual boot prompt didn't work.So I went through Windows, launched EasyBCD to fix things and:

- changed the order the entries (Win 7 up, first)
- selected Windows 7 as default OS
- removed Xubuntu entry
- added again Xubuntu entry through EasyBCD procedure
- saved (maybe I should have saved after each of the changes)

When I rebooted I've found that two identical Xubuntu entries, each pointing to the Linux OS, and no Win 7.I've tried to access Win 7 by Grub, but it points to the dual boot screen, so I'm at start point again.I don't have the Win 7 disk but the usual recovery partition. No backup. Going through the recovery partition gets me back to the dual boot screen..Is there any way to put it in order again? Could you suggestions work in this case?I know that, from Linux, I can install and overwrite MBR with free mbr.bin

sudo apt-get install syslinux
sudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda

But I'm not sure it will give me back Windows 7.

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View Computers With No Antivirus On The Antivirus Administrative Console?

Aug 7, 2012

is there a way to view computers with no Antivirus on the Antivirus Administrative Console?

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Getting Rid Of McAfee?

Apr 8, 2012

I used IObit Uninstaller v2.1 to uninstall McAfee AVplus and Security Scan Plus from my computer.

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McAfee Can't Seem To Clean It Off

Feb 2, 2012

Just had to reinstall win7 starter on my netbook after Comodo made mess there. I ran the Acer eRecovery and replaced the entire operating system, but Acer added all the "free" crap including Macafee.Mostly I got rid of all the fluff, but MCAgent.exe still persists and I can't get rid of it or the folders it is in.I installed "Take Ownership," but still can't remove the remnants. The Macafee icon shows up in the Notifications Customize list too.

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McAfee Not Compatible With W7?

Dec 20, 2009

I just installed my Windows 7 completely, but when I tried installing my Mcaffee ANTIVIRUS, I GOT AN ERROR MESSAGE.

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McAfee Uninstall Causes Crash?

Nov 11, 2012

I have a dell xps8300. It came with Mcafee av. I wanted to install Norton 360. When I uninstalled Mcafee the system would blue screen on startup. Restore would work to make it operational again. When Mcafee was removed it would work in safe mode but only without networking. Using the Mcafee removal toll did not help.Reinstalling or updating Mcafee and trying to uninstall has not helped.

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New Laptop And Uninstalling McAfee

Jan 24, 2012

I have just got a Sony Laptop and on it was McAfee which expires next month so what I would like to know is if I delete it and install Microsoft security essential will this work?

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McAfee Firewall Keeps Switching Off?

Nov 24, 2012

My apologies for reposting this but the main forum has been swamped by rugby spam and I think my post (which, uniquely for me on this forum, has not had a response) has disappeared beneath the radar.I have Windows 7 with pre-installed McAfee anti-virus. A few days ago it started warning that my computer was at risk and that I needed to switch on the firewall; I haven't timed it very accurately, but it seems to switch to off again in anything between 30 minutes and 1 3/4 hours.Have tried to find solution on internet but generally couldn't understand the suggestions as they were too technical for me. I have, however, performed a full scan with McAfee, Malwarebytes and Eset. What little that was found and removed has not sorted it. I also failed to find Windows Firewall.A supplementary question if nobody can answer the main one, as a temporary fix, would it make sense to install free ZoneAlarm firewall or will this cause conflicts?

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Unable To Update McAfee

Nov 21, 2012

I have a Dell laptop with C: 58Gbytes and D: 392Gbytes.My C: is continually full and despite transferring various folders from C to D - it still continues to fill up leaving me unable to update McAfee etc - current usage C: shows 53K from 58G free - D: 392G from 397G Help!!

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Uninstall McAfee Software?

Sep 28, 2012

How do I uninstall the trial copy of McAfee that came with my Windows 7 PC? The traditional approach of going through control systems doesn't work.

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McAfee And Windows 7 64bit Crash?

Mar 7, 2010

I have had an ongoing subscription with McAfee for several years and recently bought a new laptop loaded with Windows 7 64-bit. This came with a free 60 day trial version of McAfee antivirus software installed on it which seemed to work fine. When the free trial expired I decided to use my current subscription, (which allowed protection for up to 3 different machines and had used on my old laptop) on my new laptop. When I called McAfee to do this I asked the rep if it was compatible with Windows 7 and I was told that it was. After receiving download instuctions via email I noticed that Windows 7 was not on the list of compatible Operating Systems, just Win 2000,Win XP and Win Vista. I called McAfee back to verify Windows 7 compatibility and again, they assured me that is was fine. So I went ahead with the download. I clicked the RUN button for DMSetup.exe and then RUN for the IE Security warning as per the instuctions from McAfee and the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH appeared for about 2 seconds and my machine shut down! After attemting to restart it went into Windows Error Recovery mode then Launch Start-up Repair and then could not repair problem and shut down again. This sequence repeated every time I tried to restart. I called McAfee back and again I was assued that it was compatible with Windows 7 and they said I should do an online diagnostic on their site. I told them this was impossible as my machine would not start up even in safe mode so I could not even go online at all! They finally said to contact the maker of my machine as that is where they thought the problem was, which I did. The maker told me that the machine would have to be reformatted after several attempts to get it going. 1 Day and $200.00 later with a reformatted machine I called McAfee again and told them of the crash and that I thought their software was the cause. They advised me this was impossible as their Software is compatible with Windows 7 and that there was no problem in trying to install again. Hesitantly I tried the download again. At the same point in the download the exact same thing happens...shut down. This time thankfully, the system recovered after several attempts. I called McAfee AGAIN and told them they had nearly crashed my machine again! They said my operating system must be corrupt. I told them it was reinstalled only 1 hour earlier so how could it be corrupted? I insisted on talking to a technical rep which they agreed to (and didn't charge me the $9.95 per incedent fee thank you very much). I finally got an explaination after 6 hours, 5 phone calls. McAfee does not have a product that is compatible with Windows 7 64-bit yet. It should be ready in a month or so. They then offered to extend my trial version for an extra 30 days! I said "you just told me there is nothing compatible with Windows 7 64-bit" so what good is it to extend my trial version. Besides I was told to uninstall the trial version before installing the new one so it was gone from my machine.

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Group Policy Denying Changes To McAfee?

Nov 22, 2012

I've got a comp that used to be connected to a domain where it was locked down pretty tightly. I've got full admin rights on it, but it's still denying me the right to change settings in McAfee (and other programs like Windows Firewall, etc).I cleared out all group policies on the computer, but apparently not.Right now McAfee is the last thing I have to try to get a program working (I think it's stopping it from running), but I can't find any way to shut it down, prevent it from working, or enable specific programs, every single setting is grayed out.So, short of going into safe mode and deleting every McAfee file I can find, do you have any idea how I can completely wipe out all old security settings on this machine, group policies, etc?

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Slow System / McAfee Shuts Off?

Aug 10, 2012

I'm having a brand new problem with my machine as of late. I'm freezing all of the time and and when I'm not freezing I am running way too slow. The other interesting issue is that my McAfee software keeps popping up telling me that 'live scanning has been turned off'(automatically) and asks if I want to turn it back on (which I always do). Spybot pulls up the same crap every time

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McAfee RTS Keeps Turning Off, No Internet Connection

Nov 2, 2012

I have an hp Pavilion deskdtop Model m9077c, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 processor, upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 X64 Home Premium (Ver. 6.1.7601). My Internet connection is via at&t Uverse and a 2Wire gateway.

-Recently I downloaded what turned out to be a bogus software (which I have since deleted) and it resulted in a yellow triangle showing up on my wifi icon in the tray, telling me there was no Internet connection. The connection to the router and my home group is fine with strong signal. I also have multiple other desktops, laptops, iDevices and even an EV charger that are connected to the internet throught the same gateway without any problems. Simultaneously, I started to get warning messages from my McAfee that my Real-Time Scanning was turned off. Turning it on manually proved to be ineffective as it would turn off again within seconds everytime.

- Windows Network and Sharing Center shows that my connection to the router is OK, but there is no Internet connection. So I ran Windows Network Diagnostics and the response was: "Issues found, security and firewall settings might be blocking the connection."

- I contacted at&t and they managed to ping and reset my router remotely. In the end, all they could tell me was that the problem was in my computer's setup and that I should get help from Windows or McAfee.

- A suggestion from a McAfee support forum was to uninstall McAfee, restart in Safe mode (which would allow Internet connection), download and reinstall McAfee, and do a full scan to remove any potential virus. Unfortunately, I did not have Internet connection even in Safe mode! So now the problem still persists and I do not have McAfee on my computer either.

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Compatibility Check - McAfee Problem

Nov 14, 2009

I started the Windows 7 upgrade and ran into a snag. When it was doing the compatibility check, I got the following message and could not procede any further.

The following issues are preventing Windows from upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, complete each task, and then restart the upgrade to continue.

For these items, make the following changes:

Uninstall these programs. Open Control Panel and search for "uninstall a program".

McAfee Personal Firewall Plus

Upgrading Windows will affect the following devices and/or programs:

These programs might not work properly after the upgrade. We recommend uninstalling these programs before upgrading. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel, and search for "uninstall a program". (Note: Programs marked as * can be safely reinstalled after the upgrade.)

eSobi v2

Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 *

I don't even have McAfee on this computer anymore. I originally ran the McAfee removal tool. I also checked the remove programs and I could not find any reference to McAfee anywhere. I also searched the entire computer and found nothing. What gives?

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Mcafee Security Center Compatibility

Jan 25, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 over my VISTA OS on my new Toshiba Notebook. Since I have only 3 GB of RAM I installed the 32 Bit Version of Windows 7...

VERY DISAPPOINTED immediately as I encountered 2 issues

1. McAfee Security Center is alerting me that software is Not Compatible....

2. Internet Explorer barely runs... and when I exit IE, there is no less than 30 second delay before the window closes... even if I have just opened IE and immediately close (meaning nothing has cached to be cleared)..

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Free Trial McAfee For A Laptop?

Aug 25, 2012

Free trial McAfee for a laptop?

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