GPU Registering High Temperatures At Idle

Dec 24, 2012

I've got 2 HD5870's in crossfire that have been running fine for about 8 months but now the fans are running very fast after boot.AMD Catalyst is reporting temps of 90-92 degrees and fan speeds of 60% when I have no applications running. I've checked Task Manager and nothing seems out of the norm ( at least checking CPU/RAM usage, that doesn't reflect on GPU usage).

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High Motherboard/HDD Temperatures While Idle

Apr 19, 2012

So I have recently installed Speccy, and I noticed that while idling my motherboard tends to sit around 55-60c (in the orange) and my HDD usually sits around 37c.

However, as of today, my motherboard was 63c and my hard drive was 54c.

I was curious if this was normal, as I am currently running a Disk Defragmentation or if I should go to Best Buy tomorrow and get a can of compressed air.

A link to a speccy screenshot below: [URL]

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CPU Temperatures Too High?

Dec 28, 2012

I have a PC which I use only for MS Flight Simulator (specs below): I have just added a CPU temp gauge (via CoreTemp) to the desktop and am a bit alarmed at the information it is giving. The PC came with the i7-950 pre-overclocked to 3.8 GHz (and I wouldn't dream of losing this overclocking - Flightsim runs as smooth as silk). I have never had any problems with sudden shutdowns in the two years I have had the PC...

Temperatures at startup show around 50-60degs. When running Flight Simulator they are between 70 and 95 degs, just under the TJMax, but nevbertheless...

The PC was shipped recently from where I was working, in Thailand, to the UK, but I have checked inside the case that the fans are OK and that the big Fenrir cooler on the CPU is clipped in place properly: all fans seem to be turning just fine. No visible dust at all, on vents or fans. Q-Fan is enabled in the BIOS and the fans do vary in speed as I use the PC. They certainly seem to be whirring away (max I imagine) as Flightsim rruns. (What should the CPU fan speed be? The BIOS showed me around 2500rpm I think).

What would folks expect the core temperatures to be for this CPU at 3.8GHz when the PC is at idle? I did try an experiment yesterday which makes me think that the figures showing may be wrong. I put the PC onto Standby (Sleep) last night: everything shut down OK. This morning I started the PC up from its sleep mode - takes about two or three seconds, literally. The CPU temp immediately showed 60degs. Given that my ambient room temperature is under 20degs, it seems a bit unlikely that the CPU would rise 40degs in temperature in the few seconds that the PC takes to come out of Standby. Or not??

Intel Core i7-950 CPU @ 3.8GHz; GeForce GTX 470 GPU, 1280MB; 1 x OCZ Vertex 2E 120GB SSD; 1 x Corsair Force 120GB SSD; 2 x Samsung SpinPoint F3 1TB SATA drives; 6GB KINGSTON HYPER-X T1 TRI-DDR3 2000MHz RAM; ASUS P6X58D-E M/B; 2 x HannsG monitors, 28" & 24"; Windows 7 x64

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CPU Core Temperatures Really High?

Aug 5, 2011

Today I bought Windows7 and did a fresh install from WinXP. The hardware changes I made were adding my other 10k rpm raptor hd so I can run Win7 in raid0 config. I couldn't get it to work for WinXP. Everything has gone smooth with all the installation. The problem I'm experiencing is high core temps on my i7-860 quad core. When I had XP installed, I was idleing at 38-43C and running 68-74C while running games. Now I'm idleing anywhere from 42-65C and I'm hitting 95+C while running BFBC2. I didnt notice this until I first installed BFBC2 and it kept crashing on me, during loading my pc shuts down completely. P.S. I am running a stock intel cooler fan(i know....i just ordered a coolermaster from newegg). Although I'm running a stock cooler, under XP my temps were still ok..

Gigabyte P55A-UD3 mobo
Intel i7-860@2.8ghz
4g OCZ ram1600
Asus GTX560 1GB
Xion 600watt PS
2 WD Raptor 10k rpm hd's

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Very High CPU Temperatures On Stock Speeds?

Jun 13, 2012

since I got my new setup, temps have gone up like crazy and I cannot find the source of the problem. Using Prime95, my 955BE goes as high as 65-70 degrees celcius. This is at standard clock and voltage, which are 3200mHz and ~1.35v.The cooler I use is: Arctic Freezer 7 Pro and thermal paste: Cooler Master something. Case fans are turned up to medium instead of low and the heatsink seems to be placed correctly.With my old motherboard (M4A77) and this exact same cooler, temps would stabilize at ~54 degrees at full load.

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High RAM Usage At Idle

Oct 10, 2009

For some reason I have 2GB (out of 4GB) of RAM being and my laptop is slow in general. Even typing this it's lagging.

I take it this could be a virus?

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High Idle CPU Temps After Last Updates?

Apr 17, 2011

My CPU idle temps increased A LOT after windows updates (Ultimate 64). And not just after rebooting, but all day long. Just in idle. When I start any work on the laptop, it drops to normal levels. Scary, cause I make pauses often and let it shutdown the screen and sleep. What a surprised when I return to work and check it reached 70C when it was supposed to be cooler than before, obviously. Once I touch the mouse and resume working, it drops fastly and everything seems to be normal. WTF? And its happening only after updates, and only on Ultimate, because when I had Home Premium it never occured.

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High Memory Usage While Idle?

Aug 29, 2011

I recently reformatted my computer for this issue but it did not seem to help. Right after I turn my computer on, and my few programs boot up, my computer sits at 1.35 Gb of ram usage. After playing even a single game it jumps to about 1.60 Idle. The only programs I have turned on are Steam, EVGA Precision and nvidia control panel,etc. Here is a list of the processes I have running, where are they coming from and is something wrong where it's taking up this much memory?I was also dealing with a problem of my CPU using 25% for system interrupts after waking up from sleep, I noticed a lot of errors/warnings in the event log, I'm wondering if these could have something to do with it.Only the ones for AUG 29th are since I turned on my PC today (and didn't let it go to sleep)

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High Memory Use (Over 60 Percent) In Idle State

Jan 25, 2011

I have Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit with 6 GB of Ram and SSD. After restarting the comp, the memory use is around 23% (of 6 GB). After working on it for a while, running browsers, spreadsheets, playing a game the memory use just pretty high (with just a few browsers open and Football Manager around 80%).

However, the problem begins when I close all the programs, essentially going to fresh, post restart state. In this idle state, the memory use if just over 60%. This obviously seems wrong. This is over 60% use of physical memory. What is the issue here, memory leak or something else. Occasionally, when I have a bunch of things opened, the computer will hang because the memory use is at the peak.

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Microsoft Word - Winword.exe Using High Cpu When It Just Idle?

Jul 4, 2012

Ok I am sitting here watching taskmanager, winword.exe is hovering between 10-11% cpu usage (with it now in background idle) and 20% or more when I do activity in a winword window.This seems abnormal a word processor needs so much cpu power even when just sitting idle, to give you an idea 10% on my current cpu would probably equate to about 80% on my laptop's celeron which is absurb for a word processor.I currently have 10 documents open, it seems to use about 1% per document, all documents are text only and average 1 page long.

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High Idle GPU Temp - Warm Palm Rest Area

Jan 17, 2013

After I used a System Image to restore my laptop, I think I am feeling my right palm rest area of my laptop to feel warmer than what I can recall from before the System Image. The right side of my laptop is where my SSD is located and since I have a SSD instead of a HDD, it shouldn't feel warmer. My fan also is quite hearable now...I think it has to do with my GPU Temp? It is always around mid-40Cs when it is on idle...

What other options might be causing the fan to keep spinning and the right side of the palm rest to be warmer? My GPU load is around 1%...And does my GPU Temp rise even more when I am charging the battery? I just charging the battery and it is up to 51C idle! I do not think there is a build up of dust or other things where the vent it.

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DVDs Registering

Feb 28, 2009

I am having problems with my DVD's Registering can anyone help me it work initially now all of the sudden it doesn't work.

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Cd/ Dvd Drive Not Registering In Bios

Oct 7, 2012

my pc was working fine last night, switched off before bed as usual, woke up this morning, switched on and the machine would not boot up to windows from post. i accessed bios but my cd/dvd drive does not show up there, my hdd does but it will still not boot from startup :/ this message is displayed on the right hand side of boot section of bios 'A device enclosed in the parenthesis has been disabled in the corresponding type menu'. my hdd is listed in brackets, which from what i have discovered so far is not meant to be the case, not very pc literate so i'm beginning to pull my hair out over this..i can get into windows but i have to go into bios, then exit it and it boots up that way, altho it seems to boot up a lot slower. i cant for the life of me get my cd/dvd drive to show up or even work,it does however have power etc, it just doesn't register on the pc so no hope of me doing a full reinstall at mo either :/ any help with this would be much appreciated as im slowly going insane, lol last thing the pc did before shut down last night was a windows defender update, i tried restore but hasn't changed a thing

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Registering MSMAPI32.OCX On Windows 7 64 Bit

Oct 10, 2012

The user is using windows 7 pro 64-bit, and Office 2010.A third party vendor came to me and asked that i register MSMAPI32.OCX and MSCAL.OCX in order to allow the sending of mail out of their program that they have on this users PC.My Question comes in the actual registering of the file on Windows 7, is this even possible?When i try i get the following error (even after manually downloading the file and placing it in system32.)msmapi32.ocx failed to load.Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files.The specified module could not be found.

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USB Mouse Not Registering/working On Windows 7?

Feb 4, 2012

ok folks this sounds screwy i bought a biostar n68s3b mother board after putting the thing together i hooked up my usb combo key board and mouse but the usb ports dont seem to be working but i have the laser on the mouse and the key board dont work either new board and os i cant figure it out so i am here to see

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Task Bar Unresponsive And Mouse Is Not Registering

Mar 16, 2012

I just started having these problems with my computer yesterday. But when trying to use my laptop the taskbar hasn't been working. You can move the mouse over it but the buttons will not highlight and clicking doesn't do anything. If you use Ctrl+Alt+Del and open up the task manager it temporarily fixes the problem. Also, some times the mouse doesnt work either. You can move the cursor around the computer won't register that you are clicking on something. You have to Tab through things and hit enter to click on anything. When trying to use a web browser (I have tried with Mozilla, Chrome, and IE) you can open new tabs but when you click on a tab to go back to it, it just closes the tab. This is a constant problem. Occasionally, even if you aren't clicking the icon or even anywhere near it, about 20 blank web browser pages will just start opening up and after a couple minutes the internet browser becomes unresponsive. My laptops hard drive also seems like it is in constant over drive like it is trying to load something even if you aren't doing anything.I have ran the indepth virus scan with McAfee and also ran the scan with Ad-Aware and they found nothing. I also did a System Restore going back over a month. When I booted back up again, the same problems were occurring.

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Windows 7 - Keystrokes Not Registering At Login

Dec 23, 2012

Booted up from standby without a problem but when I restarted I am unable to enter my password into the prompt. Is it possible a key is stuck? I say this because if I press R the system goes into a reboot, however i doubt this is the problem. Also if I try and go into safe mode i am unable to go up and down?

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Netflix-Computer Registering As Multiple Devices

Feb 1, 2011

When streaming Netflix, my computer is registering as a new device each time I play a movie. The Device ID is different when I check on all my registered devices (the only device that uses my account is my one computer). I have not changed any settings, reinstalled Windows, or made any drastic changes in the system. I do not use a router and am using Cox Communications as my ISP.


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Changed Boot Drive In BIOS Not Registering In Windows 7?

Jul 19, 2012

I changed the boot drive in the BIOS to a new drive. I thought it worked but when I check Disk Managment in Windows 7 it still shows the old drive as the boot drive. Is there something I have to do in Windows to finalize the change?

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Changed Boot Drive In BIOS Not Registering In Windows 7

Jul 19, 2012

I changed the boot drive in the BIOS to a new drive. I thought it worked but when I check Disk Managment in Windows 7 it still shows the old drive as the boot drive. Is there something I have to do in Windows to finalize the change?

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Windows 7 64 Bit Suddenly Started Running Slow - RAM Registering Fine

Apr 23, 2011

All of a sudden on my Windows 7 ultimate 64bit, my Windows started to run so slow to the point where I can basically not even use it. All the stats show my RAM registering fine(4gb) and I just can't find what the problem will be. In its normal mode, it will take around 20min just to get to the front screen and is super slow when it comes to opening programs as well. It seems to run safe mode fine though, with speeds that I am used to.

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Windows 7 Sp1 High Cpu Usage (35%) High System Interupts

Mar 22, 2011

I just installed windows 7 ultimate sp1 - Like the title says I'm seeing 35% cpu usage with nothing going on. I googled around and ran traces to see which driver it was, turned out the ahci driver was doing it. The USB driver showed similarly high latency but that can be delt with later. Most forums recommend upgrading your drivers but this problem has stayed constant both with microsoft's stock drivers for everything and after running windows built in search for drivers even after I manually grabbed the latest drivers for everything. url...BIOS is up to date4 GB RAM - Corsair something or otherEVGA Geforce 8800 GT450W psu1 DVD burner (sata)5 hard drives (sata) plugged into all but the first sata port because that caused nothing but headaches for me. Update - switching from AHCI to IDE in BIOS fixed the problem.

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High CPU Usage, Low Fps, High Latency?

Jun 8, 2011

Since Jan-Feb of this year I have encountered the following issue while trying to play games on my laptop.

Abnormally High CPU Usage
Extremely low FPS - After 5-20 Mins of play.
Extremely High latency to servers - from 300 - 900 after 5 - 20 mins of play.

The thing is all of these started 1 year after I been using this laptop, after a full year of everything running flawlessly all these issues kicked in after I performed a clean install in Jan., I even performed one in Feb. and one 3 weeks ago

Here are my specs:

OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Version 6.1.7600 Build 7600
System Manufacturer Dell Inc.
System Model Studio 1558
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 520 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
Name ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5400 Series
Adapter Description ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5400 Series
Adapter RAM 1.00 GB (1,073,741,824 bytes)

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PC Will Not Idle

Aug 8, 2011

Since I upgraded my PC, I realized that it won't detect idleness. I set my monitor to turn off after 1 minute, but that doesn't happen. The same applies to anything I set to turn off, or show away after X minutes.

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Using 5gb+ Ram Idle

Nov 23, 2009

I just installed windows 7 ultimate x64 and noticed that its using over 5gb of my 6gb of ram, on idle! I have no idea what's going on. Any idea?

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CPU Spiking When Idle?

Apr 17, 2011

It seems that when I leave my laptop alone to go into sleep mode, the CPU keeps spiking at rather random intervals. Sometimes it spikes to 30% on one core just for a second.I have it set to dim display at 5 minutes, turn monitor off at 15 minutes, and to sleep at 20 minutes. It seems that just before the screen turns off, at about 14 minutes the BFE service and svchost.exe (defragsvc) take up about 50% of my CPU!!I have also seen the ssdp discovery service running and taking up some CPU power aswell?So far I have run a full scan of Microsoft security essentials, Malwarebytes anti malware, and Spybot search and destroy, none have found anything at all.Before the reformat I haven't experienced anything like these spikes. I don't know if that's because I haven't been paying attention to it this much, or if something has infected me, or if something is wrong with my windows 7 installation...

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CPU Ussage When Idle

Nov 29, 2012

I have a computer I run as a headless server for serving files and streaming media and a game server I use windows remote desktop to remote in to it and control it.

When logged in with RDP the cpu's idle around 15% (1 or 2 when I turn off the game server) However if i close the RDP client then log back in later.. the CPU usage whilst i'm logged out is around 80-90%?

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How To Idle A Rarely Used HDD

Jul 25, 2012

On my desktop PC, beside the main HDD with the master-partition I also use a separate HDD which I actually access quite rarely, say once a week.So I want to know if there's any application utility out there which can let me stop the HDD when I don't need it running and restart it when I need it.I want to reduce both the overall power consumption and the wear of the disk.

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BSOD Only When Idle

Mar 20, 2012

This has been with me for a long time (can't remember how long) must have been about 2 years now. Just decided to try to solve it. When I'm using the computer, everything is fine. My video card is pretty old. When playing some games, sometimes the game crashes (and I get a notification about how my graphics sucks), but no BSOD. I haven't really exhaustively tested, but I think I've used it for 10 hours straight without any problems. The problem comes when I leave it alone (10-30 minutes.. I haven't seen it alive beyond 30 minutes of idle), even if its downloading something or running an antivirus scan. I have been able to run a full scan at startup (before windows loads), which took about an hour, with no problems. I used windows update to install all the latest updates (from windows). I have hibernate disabled and no screensavers, no standby after x minutes/hours. I do sometimes put it to sleep from time to time and there are usually no problems.

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BSOD Usually When Idle?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a Dell XPS with most stock hardware (added 1 HDD and removed 1 optical drive). I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with and i7 and 12gb of ram. The Windows install is not factory, but it is from a disc I got from dell when I called and complained long enough (and to several different people) that I did want all of the standard junk that is on the factory restore.Most nights my computer apparently BSODs while I am asleep and yesterday was the first time I saw it happen. I am unfamiliar with reading the crash reports after the fact, but I was able to see on the 1 BSOD I saw that it mentioned my ATI Radeon HD5800 graphics card (atisys___ or something of the sort). I then removed the ATI drivers and software complete with Driver Cleaner and reinstalled the newest version. I do no do and have not done overclocking.

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BSOD While PC Was Idle?

Jun 5, 2012

Just had a BSOD while PC was idle,had a few BSOD before but never had a problem with it,it's got way too annoying now though,below are my specs:

OS:Win 7 Ulti x64 OEM
Ram: 8GB DDR3
Proccessor: Intel Core i5 2500k @ 3.30 GHZ
Graphics card:Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 DirectCu
Age:Less than 8 or 9 months

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