External HDD Needs Ownership Change Every-time?

Dec 1, 2012

I have a WD MyBook Essentials that I've had for some 4 years now. Every time I plug it into a different computer, I need to take ownership of its contents before I can access the files in it.I don't move it around much so that's fine, but today I installed Windows 7 Professional (first time installing Win7 on my PC, still experienced with the OS) & have had trouble taking ownership. It works just fine, but most of the files & folders still have a lock icon on them, & I'm unable to actually open/run any files whatsoever.

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Not Able To Change Ownership On External Sata Drive?

Feb 16, 2012

I've googled and tried many methods to fix this over the last two hours but nothing so far as worked.I have an old hard drive with data on it from my old Windows XP Professional computer attached to a usb port on a converter. Win 7 claims it cannot display the owner, if I try to take permission it says permission denied. If I take down the UAC the hard drive no longer appears in My Computer.I have tried to go in as the administrator account specifically it keeps giving me access denied. I tried using the administrator account in normal mode and using the command line 'take owner' command and it says access denied.I tried going into administrator safe mode, but again the external hard drive won't show up.Shortly I am planning on reformatting the current C drive and putting on Windows Xp Pro 32 bit, Win 7 and Ubuntu. Should I just wait till do that and hope it will miraculously identify it if I take control of it with Xp Pro? I'm really hoping this isn't going to indicate problems sharing files between the two operating systems on the same hard drive.

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Moving External USB HDD Must Take Ownership Everytime?

Jun 12, 2012

I have an external USB HDD that I want to be able to move between computers. Problem is everytime I move and try to open a folder on the next computer I get the permission error and must take ownership of it with the new computer.I want to be able to switch the drive between the computers without having to take ownership everytime.Im assuming there has been some kind of error or should it be like this? Is it possible to fix it without having to format it?

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Can't Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new Firefox profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.I've tried 72 tricks,includingEmco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup).Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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Can't Change Music File Details Even With Ownership

Feb 16, 2011

I can't seem to change some (but not all) music file details even when I have the ownership. I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I have done all the usual stuff. Right clicked on Properties, gone into Security, checked I have Full control. I have then gone into Advanced and changed the ownership to myself and still nothing. The only thing I think is strange is that there seems to be several entries in the Security tab on properties, and for that matter in the Advanced bit, of users/groups with similar titles all connected with me. For example 'steve (steve-PCsteve)', which is the one I usually use for ownership.

Also 'Administrator (steve-PCAdministrators)', which has ownership of a few files. Last is 'Users (steve-PCUsers)'. The is also 'Authenticated users', 'SYSTEM' and on one file I found 'WMPNetworkSvc'. All of these are usually listed on the Security tab and usually in the Advanced section. I have managed to change some music files to my ownership and change the details but not all. I have all my music on an external hard drive and on my C drive. Don't want to loose such a briliant collection now do I.

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Disc Drive Won't Allow To Change Ownership Or Permission

May 28, 2012

Ever since I've had my computer there has been an extra drive on it. it was called microsoft (Protected). It has absolutely nothing on it, and it has no use. I have been trying to delete it to no avail, so I renamed it to annoying drive.

Whenever I try to access it it gives me an access denied message. It has no owner, or even permissions, and when I try to change it to me, or the admin, it gives me the same message. I went to the list of things on the computer, and I can't even find it. I then attempted using lock hunter to find out what was blocking me from changing the file. Also to no avail. It says that there is nothing protecting it.

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Cannot Take Ownership/cannot Change Permissions For Windows Folder

Feb 9, 2012

All this started when I just wanted to change the way the clock looked to a custom one.

I go to the Windows Sidebar folder to locate the Gadgets folder for the clocks, and I try to make backups of a few of the files in the clocks folder by moving some of them to a new folder I created on the desktop. I cannot move them, access denied. I try taking ownership of the folder, cannot do it, access denied. I try changing the permissions, cannot do it, the boxes you can tick are grayed out. Long story short, I tried backing out of all the folders, trying to take ownership and change permissions all the way back to the Program Files folder itself to no avail. It seems if it is a default Windows folder I cannot mess with it in anyway; this also seems to be the case with my McAfee folder, but something that is less of a risk to change, like my Zune folder, I can change around no problem.

Quick rundown, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate edition, this is my only account for the computer, and it is an admin account. I have tried using several different "Take Ownership" downloads, including the one suggested on this site, but it does not work for the Window folders. "Take Ownership" won't even show up if I right-click on the folder. I know the Take Ownership mod is installed correctly, because it will popup for something that is not a default folder, like my Zune folder. .

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Change Ownership And Security Passwords With Windows 7?

Apr 17, 2012

how do i change ownership and security passwords on windows 7

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Windows 7 Installed - Cannot Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.

I've tried 72 tricks, including Emco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup). Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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Cannot Change Ownership Of Folder: Media Is Write Protected?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a seagate 1 terabyte external hard drive and I made an image of my old hard drive which contained windows XP Professional.I've since migrated to Windows 7 and am now trying to access the data in the my documents folder in the "imaged" drive which is embedded in in the external hard drive. I am trying to access the data in the administrators folder, but cannot: ACCESS DENIED.I tried to change ownership within windows 7.... Cannot: MEDIA IS WRITE PROTECTED.How can I access these files? I can access all the other files that are on the "image" which is on the external hard drive.

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How To Allow Windows 7 To Access A HFS External Disc For The First Time

Jun 25, 2011

I've taken the HDD out of an old iMac and put it in a USB caddy. I use HFS Explorer to access it from my work XP laptop and can retrieve files off it easily.I've bought a new Windows 7 desktop and want to do the same thing, however when I plug it in it's not recognised in Explorer. I go to Disk Management and it suggests I have to initialize it before it can be accessed, but I don't want to format it, just use HFS explorer to get some files off it. I didn't have to do any of this on my XP laptop - it worked first time as soon as I plugged the external drive in?

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Shutdown Time With External HD In Sleep Mode

Jun 16, 2011

At the moment I'm not really using an external HD for any purpose, but still have it plugged in, with the software set to put it into sleep mode after 3 minutes if it's not being used. It's actually noisier than my PC so it's something I would rather not have humming away if possible. I have noticed that when I shut down when the HD is not in sleep mode, it shuts down pretty much instantaneously. With the HD in sleep mode, we're talking about a minute. What could be the cause of this? The PC is trying to shut down, and can't see the HD because it's having a nap? Would be nice to know.

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Only Copy A Few Items At A Time From External Hard Drive?

Apr 3, 2011

I'm trying to copy 6,400 songs or 28 GB worth of music from my Seagate External Hard Drive to my Windows 7 PC. At first I tried CTRL+A, CTRL+C and then tried to paste them into a folder called "music" that I created on my "C" drive. That didn't work so I tried right clicking copying and pasting. No luck.I then selected only one folder. That copied and pasted. So I can move about 50 songs at a time. Is this the only way? Or am I missing something? I've done this on other computers with no problems.

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External Hard Drives Take A Long Time To Load?

Aug 18, 2011

I plug quite a few different hard drives into my PC running windows 7 VIA a usb 3.0 Nexstar SATA adapter, normally just bare hard drives that need data backed up or moved, and as time goes on it seems to get slower and slower to find and bring up a new drive when i bring it in. My assumption is that it caches all the drivers for each drive and searches them to see if a matching driver is already installed for that specific device, or something of the nature. I had thought the 2-5 minute wait when plugging in a hard drive was just how W7 operates but apparently this is not the case according to some other tech savvy people i've talked to. Other USB devices such as flash drives don't take nearly as long to come up as a SATA I could clean out so as to get the process back onto a fresh leg.

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Windows 7 Not Recognizing Dual WBFS Formatted External HDD At Same Time

Mar 7, 2011

as the topic states, my main desktop and my netbook cannot recognize having two identical external hdd's at the same time.It will recognize each seperate,but not both at the same time. The reason i need this is that i am backing up all my WII iso's

both hard drives are WD mypassport 500gb external portables (both powered by USB), and each are partitioned. on one partition its formated ntfs,the other WBFS and both are the exact same like that.

i guess im wondering if its because i named the second hdd drive x and drive z?

i got a warning when formating the second one something like (windows doesnt like when you name the hdd letters like x and z) what i dont get is that both drives can be recognized when plugged in seperately...

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Time Format - Change

Jan 20, 2010

How to Change the Windows 7 Time Format ?

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Time Zone - Change

Feb 1, 2009

How to Change the Time Zone in Windows 7 ?

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Change Date And Time In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to change Date and Time settings in Windows 7.

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Change Time Format In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to change the time format in Windows 7.

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Mouse Hover Time - Change

Jan 12, 2009

How to Change the Mouse Hover Time before Pop-up Displays in Windows 7 ?

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How To Change Log Off Time In Steady State

May 23, 2011

i'm using Windows Steady State for security purpose. when we create new user in steady state the first time it will ask the user log off time .this option is already mark but if we don't need to log off our user in specific timing we need to unmark this option , but i have forgot to unmark this option. and now when i idle for 20-30 min. my system is automatically log off . now i need to change this settings so, what should i do ?

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Make Backup / System Image For Internal And External Hard Drives At The Same Time?

May 11, 2012

how can i make a backup/ system image for my internal and external hard drives at the same time?

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Backup Data (or An System Image) To An Internal And External Hard Drives At Same Time?

Jun 29, 2012

can u backup your data (or an system image)to an internal and external hard drives at the same time?

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Time Zone And Region Is Wrong And Won't Change?

Mar 24, 2011

I just did a fresh install of Win7 Pro 64bit and it won't allow me to change my time zone or region.It has the time zone set to International Date Line West and the Region is set to Africa.When I try to change it it just rolls back. I tried installing Win7 Ult x64 and the same thing happened.This is really getting frustrating and I can't seem to find anyr it.I checked my BIOS and the date and time are correct for where I am, ESTWhen I try to install a program like Avast where you choose the language it automatically selects some other language like an Arabic or something that doesn't even use English letters.

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Date And Time Change When Turn On Computer?

Dec 2, 2012

When i turn on computer date is always in 2002 year and time is different then real..

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Unable To Change Internet Time Server

Aug 27, 2011

Whenever I try to make a change in Internet Time Settings to the server and press either "OK" or "Update Now", I receive an error "Your changes could not be saved." I have searched for a fix but nothing I've tried has worked.

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Fonts Change By Them Selves Every Time Boot Up Windows 7 64 Bit?

Jun 3, 2010

Every time I boot up my fonts change to smaller size and then I have to close program and open again to get it normal size for example I use incredimail for my email program. when I boot up the words are very small so I close incredimail and re open and its okay with larger letters. I have Nortons security sometimes the window is smaller then sometimes gets to a bigger size

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Why Does The Resolution On Computer Change Every Time Shut It Down

Jul 14, 2011

When I reboot my computer the screen resolution changes from 1366x768 to 640x480.

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Change The Time To Longer Before Compaq Logs Off?

Jul 24, 2011

how do i change the time to longer before my compaq logs off?

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Taskbar Thumbnail Previews - Change Delay Time

Dec 10, 2009

How to Change Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Previews Display Delay Time ?

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What Program Allows Me To Have A Main Computer That A Few Others Can Access And Change Documents At Any Time

Jul 7, 2011

Main computer is the office computer. Its a desktop that a person is constantly on and doing stuff. There are 3 others that need the same information and documents at any given time. These 3 people have their laptops that are constantly switching wifi hotspots. They need to change information sometimes, and need access to all of it any time. The way its setup now is 1 person is on the main computer, but when one of the three need to access it, they remotely log in and take control. Only one person can access the computer at a time. How do I set it up so all four of these people can access and change the files at the same time if they want? The main computer is being used constantly, but someone always needs a document or file while the main person is working on it. So it slows production when someone logs in.

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