Change Ownership And Security Passwords With Windows 7?

Apr 17, 2012

how do i change ownership and security passwords on windows 7

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Cannot Take Ownership Of Folder - No Security Tab In Properties

Mar 26, 2012

I have a folder with a saved webpage on it on a DVD that I am trying to copy to my computer, when I try it first tells me that I need to provide administrator permission to copy the file (I thought I was admin). Then when I click continue it says: "You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from Everyone to make changes to this file"

And all I can to is keep hitting Retry. If I try to take ownership of the folder I run into another problem, when I right click the folder and go to properties, there is no security tab, just General, Sharing, and Customize. And if I uncheck the Read Only box, I get Access Denied!

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Cannot Take Ownership/cannot Change Permissions For Windows Folder

Feb 9, 2012

All this started when I just wanted to change the way the clock looked to a custom one.

I go to the Windows Sidebar folder to locate the Gadgets folder for the clocks, and I try to make backups of a few of the files in the clocks folder by moving some of them to a new folder I created on the desktop. I cannot move them, access denied. I try taking ownership of the folder, cannot do it, access denied. I try changing the permissions, cannot do it, the boxes you can tick are grayed out. Long story short, I tried backing out of all the folders, trying to take ownership and change permissions all the way back to the Program Files folder itself to no avail. It seems if it is a default Windows folder I cannot mess with it in anyway; this also seems to be the case with my McAfee folder, but something that is less of a risk to change, like my Zune folder, I can change around no problem.

Quick rundown, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate edition, this is my only account for the computer, and it is an admin account. I have tried using several different "Take Ownership" downloads, including the one suggested on this site, but it does not work for the Window folders. "Take Ownership" won't even show up if I right-click on the folder. I know the Take Ownership mod is installed correctly, because it will popup for something that is not a default folder, like my Zune folder. .

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Windows 7 Installed - Cannot Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.

I've tried 72 tricks, including Emco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup). Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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External HDD Needs Ownership Change Every-time?

Dec 1, 2012

I have a WD MyBook Essentials that I've had for some 4 years now. Every time I plug it into a different computer, I need to take ownership of its contents before I can access the files in it.I don't move it around much so that's fine, but today I installed Windows 7 Professional (first time installing Win7 on my PC, still experienced with the OS) & have had trouble taking ownership. It works just fine, but most of the files & folders still have a lock icon on them, & I'm unable to actually open/run any files whatsoever.

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Can't Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new Firefox profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.I've tried 72 tricks,includingEmco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup).Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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How To Change Passwords Stored In Internet Explorer 8

Jan 12, 2012

how do i changr pass word on internet explorer 8 save pass word.

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Can't Change Music File Details Even With Ownership

Feb 16, 2011

I can't seem to change some (but not all) music file details even when I have the ownership. I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I have done all the usual stuff. Right clicked on Properties, gone into Security, checked I have Full control. I have then gone into Advanced and changed the ownership to myself and still nothing. The only thing I think is strange is that there seems to be several entries in the Security tab on properties, and for that matter in the Advanced bit, of users/groups with similar titles all connected with me. For example 'steve (steve-PCsteve)', which is the one I usually use for ownership.

Also 'Administrator (steve-PCAdministrators)', which has ownership of a few files. Last is 'Users (steve-PCUsers)'. The is also 'Authenticated users', 'SYSTEM' and on one file I found 'WMPNetworkSvc'. All of these are usually listed on the Security tab and usually in the Advanced section. I have managed to change some music files to my ownership and change the details but not all. I have all my music on an external hard drive and on my C drive. Don't want to loose such a briliant collection now do I.

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Disc Drive Won't Allow To Change Ownership Or Permission

May 28, 2012

Ever since I've had my computer there has been an extra drive on it. it was called microsoft (Protected). It has absolutely nothing on it, and it has no use. I have been trying to delete it to no avail, so I renamed it to annoying drive.

Whenever I try to access it it gives me an access denied message. It has no owner, or even permissions, and when I try to change it to me, or the admin, it gives me the same message. I went to the list of things on the computer, and I can't even find it. I then attempted using lock hunter to find out what was blocking me from changing the file. Also to no avail. It says that there is nothing protecting it.

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Not Able To Change Ownership On External Sata Drive?

Feb 16, 2012

I've googled and tried many methods to fix this over the last two hours but nothing so far as worked.I have an old hard drive with data on it from my old Windows XP Professional computer attached to a usb port on a converter. Win 7 claims it cannot display the owner, if I try to take permission it says permission denied. If I take down the UAC the hard drive no longer appears in My Computer.I have tried to go in as the administrator account specifically it keeps giving me access denied. I tried using the administrator account in normal mode and using the command line 'take owner' command and it says access denied.I tried going into administrator safe mode, but again the external hard drive won't show up.Shortly I am planning on reformatting the current C drive and putting on Windows Xp Pro 32 bit, Win 7 and Ubuntu. Should I just wait till do that and hope it will miraculously identify it if I take control of it with Xp Pro? I'm really hoping this isn't going to indicate problems sharing files between the two operating systems on the same hard drive.

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Cannot Change Ownership Of Folder: Media Is Write Protected?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a seagate 1 terabyte external hard drive and I made an image of my old hard drive which contained windows XP Professional.I've since migrated to Windows 7 and am now trying to access the data in the my documents folder in the "imaged" drive which is embedded in in the external hard drive. I am trying to access the data in the administrators folder, but cannot: ACCESS DENIED.I tried to change ownership within windows 7.... Cannot: MEDIA IS WRITE PROTECTED.How can I access these files? I can access all the other files that are on the "image" which is on the external hard drive.

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Windows Security - Can't Change Settings

Nov 2, 2011

The laptop is an Acer Aspire 5732Z, the specs are:
CPU - T4400
RAM - 3.00 GB
OS - Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, no SP1 yet
the hard drive is about 250gb, with most of that space free, and just 1 visible partition.

It has 2 problems
1) It takes a long time to boot up, it used to be excessively slow in windows but removing Norton 360 seems to have solved that part. I can time it if needed.
2) A lot of the programs on the system are blocked by windows security, causing the orange "These files can't be opened" error message to pop up.

These include gfxUI.exe (the UI for the onboard graphics), the installer for Crap Cleaner, the installer for Service Pack 1, the add new user window, and a load of other files I don't have a list of. There's only 1 account on the system, and it's an admin account. I've tried to use the run as admin option where possible.

Here's what I've done so far:
- Reinstalled intel graphics drivers, no effect
- Ran a startup repair, after an hour it hadn't loaded.
- Uninstalled norton 360, system speed improved by several hundred times, otherwise no effect, and bootup time still seems as long.
- Gone into windows firewall and reset all settings to default, no effect.
- Tried to change the settings in internet security, set everything low except for my computer, which is locked, no effect
- Gone into internet security and clicked set all zones to default, no effect

I tried to install SP1 (after failing several times before due to the system being too slow to install it), security blocked it, then apparently deleted the installer. I tried to make a new user account, to copy the registry settings for the security to overwrite the faulty settings on the main account, the new user account window was blocked by security.

In a cmd window run as admin, used command
secedit /configure /cfg %windir%infdefltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose
gave a progress report, completed, no effect.

I backed up important data, tried to reinstall windows from scratch, the installer doesn't load, after clicking install now it just starts loading and doesn't stop. At this point, I thought it must be a hardware issue, so I tried to run some diagnostics from a bootable CD. It wouldn't read the CD.

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How To Change Security Settings

Dec 21, 2011

how can i change my security sittings coz its sopping me from installing any exe file and its not showing any thing when i dubble click on an exe file Exadobe setup file) its like hidding exe file and block it from working ASAP coz i need to install the Adobe to start working on my progect

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How To Find Or Change Wireless Security Key

Apr 13, 2012

How to find or change your wireless security key

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How To Find Or Change Wireless Security Key

Jun 11, 2012

I dont remember the security key on my NETGEAR (N150 wireless router WNR1000), how can I reset that, I done reset the router and it's not working...

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How To Find Or Change Your Wireless Security Key

Oct 1, 2012

How to find or change your wireless security key

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Change Security Setting On Multiple Files To Everyone?

Apr 20, 2012

In the public folder I have a Pictures Sub folder with 100's of locked files. How to un lock the files for everyone?Example of the path C:UsersPublicPublic PicturesCamera*.jpgWant to change all files, folder is open to everyone.

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Change Security Code From Internet Connection?

Oct 25, 2012

Change security code from internet connection?

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Cannot Change Settings Of The Group Policy - Security Options?

Oct 19, 2012

I was trying to disable the 'Network Access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication' since it was enabled which meant I couldn't save passwords. When I right clicked it and opened properties, the options of enabled and disabled were grayed out. Also, there is a padlock on the icon of the Security Settings tab and so does its subtabs. I am on an administrator account but it still doesn't allow me to change the settings.

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Cannot Log Into Windows 7 With Passwords

Apr 9, 2012

I have been running my Windows 7 Ultimate x64 system for over a year now with no problem. When I tried starting my system today I had this strange problem. I have 2 Admin accounts and one Std. user account set up. I usually use one of the Admin accounts I will call Admin-1. When I entered my password this morning to log in I get an "Invalid Password" message so I try all the normal things - is caps on, scroll, etc. I am sure I am typing it in correctly so I try logging in with the backup Admin account - Admin-2. I also get an Invalid Password error even though I KNOW I am putting in the correct PW. Finally I go in with the Std User account which does NOT have ANY password on it (luckily). Once in I go to User Management in the Control Panel and I get prompted for an Admin account and PW. I use Admin-1 account and the password which WORKS. I reset the PW on Admin-2 to a new password but when I try to switch users to the Admin-2 account I still get Invalid Password. Next I remove the password for the Admin-2 account then I am able to switch over to that account. I try changing the password on Admin-1 but when I try logging in I still get Invalid Password.

I do not want to remove the password on my primary Admin-1 account due to the warning message I get when doing so to the effect that I will lose all saved passwords and other goodies.One other thing worth mentioning is that when the PC was last on my virus scanner found and 'treated' a slew or trojan/viruses in my temp Web directory. It looked like everything was honkey dory when I logged off. I also did another scan from the Admin-2 account this morning and nothing was found.

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Extracting Windows 7 Passwords?

Dec 22, 2011

i forgot my windows 7 password and never created a recovery disk didnt know u had to well until it was to late and my hint isnt helping me what was the point of hints when they dont remind u anyway how can i get into windows to reset or system restore without a recovery disk?

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Install .EXE Files / Change Security Feature Preventing Install?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a few small .exe files that I received by e-mail. When I click on them to install the program I get a message saying Windows is preventing running the file for security reasons. I know the file is free of viruses and want to install it. I am told there is a setting somewhere to turn this security feature "off"--I am the only user of my PC and want this annoyance turned off.

I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit on a stand-alone PC with a hardwired Internet connection (no router).

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Windows 7 Has Stopped Remembering IE Passwords

Oct 25, 2011

Windows is remembering my passwords for the most part, however I had one place that I had entered the incorrect password and now it (Windows) will not remember that password. What do I need to do to get it to remember the password again?

Dell XPS 17
Windows 7 Home Premium
IE 9

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Windows 7 Removing Passwords And Profiles?

May 19, 2012

i have been using a pc with win 7 for a while, but its going to be used by people. its not my pc and i probably dont have an admin account, but a user account.i have set some passwords with autofill at some websites, with chrome, IE, firefox and opera. i have no idea which websites i visited, but i want to erase
all passwords. also if possible i want to erase the personalized settings such as profiles and such, so preferably i want to remove all traces that i have been working on that pc.

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Remove Passwords And Reinstall Windows

Nov 1, 2011

I have bough an second hand dell latitude e5510 from a tourist to my country.The dell security manager have blocked the system.I asked him for the password he told me that it was of his son.

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Find Where Windows 7 Stores Passwords

Jan 21, 2012

my parents have a secured wifi network, i have used the WPS feature on my winows 7 computer to access it, now all i want is to find where my computer store the password and credentils when t connected via WPS, so i can access the network on my Imac

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Find Passwords In Regedit In Windows 7?

Jul 7, 2012

i am trying to restore or replace an admin password in win7

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Windows 7 Lost Ownership Of PC?

Aug 13, 2012

I have lost of the ability to recreate a admin id it takes one already there to create it but I have lost ownership to my whole there a way to create a account/user admin scene haven't any backups from this year.

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Windows 7 Folder Ownership?

Sep 12, 2010

I supplied a friend a new PC with Windows 7 installed. I also supplied Acronis True Image Home 2010 for backup purposes. I wanted to test the backups so I took an image of the system (using Acronis) and saved it to my USB hard drive. I plugged it into my Windows 7 PC which I also run Acronis True Image 2010. I mounted the image which was successful. I want to access the "users" folder. So I tried taking ownership of the folder but it displays "you only have permission to view the current owner on..." I want to be able to access the users documents, photos etc to make sure I can recover files in case of a system crash

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Windows 7 - How To Get Internet Sites To Remember Passwords

Jul 4, 2012

I am trying to get internet sites to remember passwords. Cannot find it in in options ...

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Multiple Windows 7 User Profiles With Different Passwords

Feb 4, 2012

I want to have separate profiles setup in Win 7 64 where by: Shows one login/user when the system locks and depending upon the password provided. system opens the appropriate, linked profile. Have searched forums, Google, etc...and have come up with nothing. If this is a piece of software or a Windows 7 I'll do whatever is required. Think about this if you're a programmer!!! I travel frequently and sometimes need the ball and chain to reboot the system or do something on the local machine but I don't need her snooping (things aren't so great at home). I already use LogMeIn and it works great but I believe in Belt and Suspenders. With something like this, you could give someone "your password" and not have to worry because it is a FRONT account.

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