External Drive Slows Performance

Feb 24, 2012

The past few months, something strange is going on with my external USB 2.0 1TB hard drive which I use for weekly backup. Various activities cause the drive to wake up, which slows Windows 7 (Ultimate 64-bit) down for a few seconds until the drive is fully spun up. Actions include emptying the recycle bin, downloading files in Firefox, and occasionally clicking links in Chrome. I've even turned off recycle bin for that drive, but no difference. There are no references to that drive in the Windows environmental variables or browser configuration. With system/hidden files visible, I see no files on the drive which indicate a temp cache or virtual memory file. C: is the only drive being used for virtual memory. I've got 8GB of system memory and 1GB of video memory, plus plenty of hard drive space. I've been supporting/using Windows for many years, but this has me baffled.

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External USB HDD No Longer Performance Optimized?

Dec 11, 2011

all of a sudden my external HDD (USB) is no longer performance optimized.usually the properties window of the device has a tab "policies" where you can choose between "quick removal" and "better performance".after recent system changes (BIOS update, windows updates, formatting the external HDD) i observed very poor performance.i then noticed the following: 1) the device no longer shows up in systray / notification area for safe removal 2) the properties dialog no longer has the policies tab!so it looks like the operating system has permanently activated the "quick removal" (write caching disabled) now and won't allow me to change it to "better performance" (write caching enabled, systray icon for safe removal).but why?and how to change it back?some additional notes notes:a) windows 7 is still showing proper behaviour for other removalbe devices (e.g. USB thumbs driver). it seems to be specific to my external HDD.b) the external HDD is formatted with NTFS.c) this is a dual boot system (Windows 7 x64, win xp x86). my external HDD doesn't show those symptoms when booting into windows xp. so i can rule out the bios update as root cause. it seems to be specific to Windows 7.

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DVD Drive Slows Down Computer?

Apr 21, 2012

whenever i insert a dvd in my dvd drive or bd drive ( i have 2 drives) firstly it works very slow..if i open the disc it's gonna be loading some time me to see the files..and it slows down the computer..it's the same thing with both drives and all discs..and the drives are not old

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Having Poor Performance On ExFAT Formatted External USB HardDisk

Sep 18, 2012

Recently I have formatted my Usb External Harddisk with exFAT, as I heard of the benefits of it over FAT32. Its an IMATION Drive with 320gb storage. Device Properties: TOSHIBA MK3252GSX USB Device, The problem is that it takes forever to copy files from the drive as compared to when the format was FAT32. Currently, Im trying to backup all my files on my PC and I've been trying to copy out 60gb of Data that I started 10+ hours ago. The wierd thing is the progress bar moves a fraction and then stops for about 5mins before continuing the another fraction.

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3TB Drive Slows Down On Windows 7 Boot?

Feb 24, 2012

My PC has the following:


Originally I planned to set the two 3TB drives up for RAID1 but when I ran into some problems I decided to instead set one of the 3TB drives as the location for Windows backup (drive "A" for use, drive "B" for backup). However, when I set drive B up for Windows backup whenever Windows 7 boots it takes about 60 seconds longer (it hangs on the "Starting Windows" screen). Both drives are recognized and I'm able to freely transfer data between them, and the problem disappears when I run the clean diskpart command on drive B.Does Windows 7 backup have problems with 3TB drives? I'm still having problems setting up RAID1 either through my motherboard or Windows 7 for these drives (Windows 7 doesn't give me the option to mirror) so at the moment I'm not sure what to do.

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Computer No Longer Recognizes The External Drive After Removing External Hard Drive

Oct 23, 2011

.I didn't wait for the computer to tell me it was ok to remove the drive in the usb port. Now my computer no longer recognizes the external drive After removing my external hard drive (without the ok) my computer no longer recognizes the external hard drive. What do I do.

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Best Hard Drive For Performance Upgrade?

Aug 25, 2011

My PC's Windows Experience index rating is currently at 5.9 due to my HDD. It's a Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 500GB. Which HDD should I look at to get more performance out of the rig? All the other fields are in the 7.0 to 7.6 range.

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Comparing Hard Drive Performance?

Feb 7, 2012

Is there a site, much like the video card comparisons, that lets you compare two specific hard drives, in terms of performance?

For example, if I wanted to find out which drive offered better performance, a Seagate 7200.12 1 TB drive, or a 500 GB Western Digital Green drive.

I have a pile of older hard drives like this and I'd love to be able to rank them in terms of performance, to figure out what to keep and what to sell.

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Different Effect Of Partition On Drive Performance?

Jan 15, 2013

I just had a strange experience I don't know how to interpret. I got a used laptop that was distressed and would not boot. I pulled the 500GB SATA II drive and ran some tests on it, and was dismayed to find transfer rates of under 20MB/s. I ran CHKDSK on it, which produced no errors and did not change the performance. The drive passed all SMART and self-tests.So I put the drive back in its machine and began to try to repair the boot. That led to trying to do a factory recovery, but that also failed. Finally I decided to install Windows 7 afresh from a DVD, and as part of that I deleted the two existing installation partitions and let Windows create new ones. That went very smoothly, and after all the dust settled I ran some performance tests on the drive again. Now the drive was clocking somewhere in the 70MB/s range!

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Mar 2, 2010

I just re-replaced my Segate ST31000340AS with a new Segate ST32000641AS (64m / 600mb) double the old drive. Did a clean install the 5.9 number did not change. Anyone knows why?

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How To Restore Performance Of A Secondary Ssd Drive Inside Windows

Oct 12, 2012

I have an SSD drive mounted as a secondary master on my motherboard that has lost performance. I did have some things on the drive that I ended up deleting because load times were painfully long. I did not format the drive using the format options in Windows as I know this further degrades performance for SSDs, but there is nothing on the drive at all right now.

My question is, is there a way to secure erase the drive while still inside Windows? All the info I've found regarding secure erasing a drive has to to with having to boot the computer with some disc (insert title), unplugging the sata cable to the drive and plugging it back in, running said program, and erasing the drive. I understand this if the drive is the Primary Master and Windows is to be installed on the drive, but this is not the case for me.

Is there a way to do this inside Windows since its a secondary drive, meaning Windows is on a completely different drive, or is there a program or something for SSDs where you can restore performance inside Windows.

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Recording Videos To Separate Hard Drive - Increase Performance?

Feb 24, 2012

I would like to know, if creating another partition, dedicated to media, would increase performance, and screen capture speed, like a separate hard disk would. I don't think it would because its still running on the same sata cable, meaning the transfer speed cant be dispersed, but I figured id ask to be sure. If I would get even a slight boost from this than I will defrag, and shrink my partition and add another for media.

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Slow USB Transfer Rate - Write Caching / Best Performance For Flash Drive Enabled

Apr 8, 2012

My problem is slow usb transfer rate - at first it start off real good (70-80 mb/s then within 10 sec it drops down to 3 and even 1 mb/s). 1.5 mb file gets into my flash drive in 10 min or so. Now I've formatted flash drives, no change. Write-caching enabled, "best performance" for flash drives enabled... Tried on a Lap-Top - transfer rate is not so high, but stable all the time - 15-12 mb/s. Remote Differential Compression disabled. Transfer rate within the hard drives in my computer is OK (I got 2). I don't know if it's the Windows 7 problem or the motherboard problem or hard drives config problem.

Here is my info:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
HDD's: Samsung 500bg and ST 320 bg, both 16 mb 7200
mobo - GA-770T-D3L, v.1.
RAM - 8gb
Phenom IIx6

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External Hard Drive - Drive Letter Changed - Unable To Change Back?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a USB external hard drive that I keep all my documents etc on (had it for years)I upgraded from Vista Home to & Home Premium then had to upgrade recently to Professional to run my Sage. Through all these upgrades my ext. drive ran fine. Occasionally the drvie letter would change if I had something else plugged into the USB, this was always easily corected in disk management by changing the drive path.The connection on the case packed up so I had to get the drive put into a new case, now when I plug it in the drive is assigned G instead of F, I tried to change the drive letter allocation in Disk Management but it won't let me as the program still thinks I have a second ext. hard drive which is labelled F. I suspect this has happened because when the usb connection broke the drive was disconnected suddenly instead of a proper eject.How do I get Disk Management to remove the inactive drive - i can't find any obvious way - eject, delete etc are all missing when I click on tools or tasks.

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Low Disk Space, Can Transfer Data On D Drive To An External Hard Drive

Nov 13, 2012

Low disk space, Can transfer data on D drive to an external hard drive

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Save File On External Drive Not The Same As Internal Drive

Feb 19, 2012

Why do files moved to an external drive not behave the same as those same files in an internal drive? I noticed that if I do anything to a file that is in an external drive, that file can not be saved under the same name (read only). In order to do so one must save it internally and then copy or move it to the external drive.So I did just that--I copied a file from taken from an external drive, saved it in the internal one and then copied it back to the external one. Now if I r-click the propeerties of these 2 same files and then go to the 'Security' tab a difference is immediately apparent: The internal one has -1- System & -2 My-computername (user-PCuser and -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) with all 3 accounts allowing all (full control, read, write, etc..). While the external drive has in Properties; -1- System -2- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) and -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) with this final 3d one (and different one) with no Allow for "full control, or modify or write. So how does one have all its files in this external drive behave and be equal to all the same files in the internal drive?Since -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) in the external drive is that which is differnt from the internal drive I was wondering if it is OK to delete this Permission or 'attribute' or whatever it is called and create instead one equal to the one in the internal drive -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators)? ANd of course doing so in one go and not file after file after file individually?

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Save File On External Drive Not The Same As Internal Drive

Feb 19, 2012

Why do files moved to an external drive not behave the same as those same files in an internal drive? I noticed that if I do anything to a file that is in an external drive, that file can not be saved under the same name (read only). In order to do so one must save it internally and then copy or move it to the external drive. So I did just that--I copied a file from taken from an external drive, saved it in the internal one and then copied it back to the external one. Now if I r-click the propeerties of these 2 same files and then go to the 'Security' tab a difference is immediately apparent: The internal one has -1- System & -2 My-computername (user-PCuser and -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) with all 3 accounts allowing all (full control, read, write, etc..). While the external drive has in Properties; -1- System -2- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) and -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) with this final 3d one (and different one) with no Allow for "full control, or modify or write. So how does one have all its files in this external drive behave and be equal to all the same files in the internal drive? Since -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) in the external drive is that which is differnt from the internal drive I was wondering if it is OK to delete this Permission or 'attribute' or whatever it is called and create instead one equal to the one in the internal drive -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators)? ANd of course doing so in one go and not file after file after file, individually, would be ideal.

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External Sata Drive Will Not Keep Assigned Drive Letter?

Jul 16, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Pro. Have a external dual dock connected to a estata port. One of the drives assigned letter K often comes up as E and I have to change as application is looking for K. Another disk in this dock works fine. No problems. why this might be happening or anyway to prevent? Seems like when I go to disk management and assign K it should stay that way.

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Virtualizing A Raw Host Drive As External Drive Threw Another Com

Apr 4, 2011

i got a new processor, the o.c software and teh bios filed to set on auto, so i had to do it manually..over and over and over and over again. around 8 am i started to tweak the setting on the o.c software and in my slep deprived state i did something very stupid..i set the o.c software to load the last setting on startup.afterward i hit a setting the crashed the computer, so now i can't boot it, cuase the o.c software is loading those com crashing setting on startup. so i when to use a back up harddrive which was empty, so i am now using teh computer with a fresh hdd. the other hardrive is as it was when i screwed up royal.all ihave to do is load internal harddrive on my external hdd dock, in a virtualized environment which i looked for help threw google, which lead me to virtual box..which was 3 hours of wasted time, then i ran another search which lead me here eventaully, which referred me VMware, so i went to VMware only to find a god awful amount of crap i don't need and getting support from them was a joke, put in a ticket and await..wait..wait..wait, two hours later , i come back here. i had no idea what api from VMware to go and get most of it seems like its meant for servers, and im not running a server.i have a hdd thats good, in a external dock, i can load its internal working threw my computer, but i need it virtaulized in order to uncheck that box in the o.c software so it doesn't load on startup, thats it >.<

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Cant Find External Hard Drive In Disk Drive

Jun 25, 2011

I can see my external hard drive in device manager, but not in my comp

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How To Backup FROM External Drive TO Main Drive

Jan 5, 2012

Windows backup is set up to not allow backups onto the C drive (or whatever drive windows is installed on), which generally makes sense. But I have a C drive with a lot of empty space, and an external hard drive that I need to back up. So... is there any way to get around the default behavior so I can back up FROM the external drive TO the C drive?

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Back Up On External Drive Or Internal Drive

Jun 9, 2012

I don't have Windows 7 yet, but I'm just about to install it, but I figure it may be safe to do a back up first. I'm about to do an upgrade from Vista 64-bit to Windows 7 64-bit. I did find these recommendations:"An image backup of your hard drive offers an easy, dependable way to do just that, since it restores everything on the hard drive: Windows, applications, data, and even the Master Boot Record. To create one, you'll need an external hard drive, and an image backup program.

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External Drive - Pc Only Sees The One 500gb Drive

Dec 15, 2009

I have an external western digital HD which is 2x 500gb sata drives that mount to 1tb, I assume there bridged to make the 1 TB possible my question is that ive decided to put these in my pc case(couldnt do it before) as media drives etc, I put both in, but my pc only sees the one 500gb drive is there anything I can do for me to see both.

EDIT also ive just noticved I can actualy see the non working drive in BIOS.

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Cannot Backup D: Drive Or External Drive F:

Jul 1, 2012

cannot backup d: drive or external drive f: both come up with the same message have tried chkdsk c: /f and chkdsk /x a no goer

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PC Slows When Using Anything That Uses A Lot Of Bandwidth?

Nov 29, 2011

the screen will get very dim at the windows icon where it pulses against a black background..could this indicate I need a bigger power supply? (I read that somewhere recently, hehe)When I use my iphone, xbox, or any torrent program, my computer slows down and my mouse stutters for lack of a better term. It waits a few seconds before jumping to where ever it was that I moved my mouse. This is stopping me from using the computer when I watch netflix or anything else where data is being transfered. I'm not sure what Hijack This found, but here's the log it provides and if there's anything else I need to post, just let me know where to go and I'll post it here ASAP.

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Clock Slows Down About 20 Min Per Day?

Jul 20, 2010

The clock slows down about 20 min per day. It's fine before I upgraded to Windows 7 (along with BIOS update).

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Windows 7 Raw External Drive?

Nov 20, 2011

i`ve saved alot of my files i had on my previous os (xp pro) on my expansion external drive. now i`m running on windows 7 i can not access the drive as it says it needs formatting. i`ve looked in disk manager and it is showing RAW. i really need these files and they are they only back up i have. i wouldv`e thought it would have been a simple install but it`s proving very different. my expansion drive is a seagat 1TB.

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External Drive Worked Once Only?

Oct 20, 2012

i have a toshoba satellite with windows 7 home version I have a couple of old 2.5 hard drives from an old IBM thinkpad that I want to get the pictures from. I bought a SATA/IDE USB cable and plugged it in after a while it loaded and i could see the drive in "my computer", and I could access all the pictures, which was great. (unfortunately I didn't copy across the pictures..). I then tried the second drive, that one hung during the loading process. however since then my laptop just doesn't see either of the drives when I plug them in. Just for clarity have only tried them one at a time and I they both power up.

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Can't Disconnect External Drive

Feb 18, 2012

Why is it that so many Western Digital products suck at what they do? Every time I tried using a storage device by WD it's been acting up. One time a drive wasn't even being detected by a computer (or other computers I've tried it on) and now this new 1 TB external drive is not wanting to disconnect safely from my laptop. I did a ton of searching online and apparently, despite it not actually saving anything it's still running processes as if the person who made it assumed you don't ever want to disconnect it from your computer (which is stupid for the fact one shuts off his computer eventually at one poine) and instead want to constantly back up weekly. I made one backup and that's all I want to do at the moment. I also want to shut off my computer, but if I do that while I still get the error message "can't disconnect external drive since it's still in use", wouldn't shutting the computer down then be equivalent to unplugging the drive before it's "safe" to remove? I literally waited a full day to get my 350 GB info on this drive, and I don't want it to get corrupted through unplugging or even shutting down the computer when the drive is "still in use".By the way, it says it's "in use" but I am NOT seeing it download or backup anything (because I already finished this hours ago). Could it be that it's saving something that I'm not aware of? Or is it simply "connected" to my computer and that is one of WD's definitions of "currently in use"? If the latter is true, I guess logging off/shutting down won't do anything then, but I'd still like to be sure.

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500 Gb HD 2 TB External Drive Says Not Enough Space

Nov 20, 2012

1. I have a 500 gb HD C and using a empty 2 TB external Drive, it gets to a point (different each time) stops and says nt enough space.

2. This stopping of backking up is annoying in itself. So I hit to restart back up and instead of it continuing whare it left of from the other BU it begins a whole new Bakup. This Time I have 2003 zipped files while the last 2 times I had like 316 on one and 988 on another.

Is this just win 7 and its back ups? I have 2 other programs I can use Nero back up and Mameo, should I reformat disk and try one o them?

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External Drive Problem

Apr 18, 2009

I need help with external drive! I don't why ,but it shuts itself down every time I wake computer from sleep or hibernation! Disk is Maxtor ,model STM305004N1AAA-RK ,it is in Spire Gigapod II external box ,connected via IEEE 1394! In properties it is shown as Prolific PL3507 Combo Device!

There was no such problem in Windows 7 builds 7000 and 7057 ,but it started since I've made upgrade to 7068 and now to 7077. And there is also problem when I switch from Windows 7 to XP PC don't see it! I have to shut it off and on again every time!

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